Yan Funing almost fell asleep waiting in bed before Fu Ciyi came back.

"You're taking such a long time tonight."

Fu Ciyi lowered his eyes and whispered: "Well, I washed it for a while longer."

She yawned and got into bed: "Then I'll go to sleep first."

The man glanced at the bed frame where the sheets had not yet been hung. Was she so arrogant that she stopped telling him that he needed to hang the sheets?

Just like the previous days, he took out the sheets from the box and hung them up.

It’s impossible not to hang up!

He pressed his forehead before going to bed.

Early the next morning, Fu Ciyi ordered Li Xinheng to go into the city.

"Go to the Lu family and tell Lu Wenfeng that the two killers are here."

Li Xinheng responded: "Sir, I will leave early and come back early."

"If you encounter Fu Minghe, stay away."

"I understand, sir, don't worry."

After saying that, Li Xinheng returned to his home, hitched up his carriage and headed into the city.

The carriage was very fast, and it took more than an hour to go back and forth. In addition, it took more than an hour to enter Lu's house and notify Lu Wenfeng.

When Li Xinheng came back to resume his life, the car pulled by Teng Yun was followed by two Lu family carriages.

The first one got off, Lu Wenfeng, and the next one got off six Lu family nurses.

Including the two coachmen from the Lu family, the number of people was quite large.

Fu Beimo and Meng Li were alert when they saw this.

Fu Ciyi waved his hand and told them to leave.

Lu Wenfeng quickly walked a few steps into the Fu family courtyard: "Brother Ci Yi, where are the two killers?"

Fu Ciyi raised his hand and led the person to the woodshed.

In the woodshed, Zhang Tiezhang and Tong were tied together back to back, with their heads hanging down and their eyes closed.

They were brought back to this farmyard last night and had full stomachs.

Although they were tied up and slept in the woodshed that night, it was the most sound sleep they had ever had after escaping to Qingshan Town.

Up to this moment I was still sleeping soundly.

"You bastard, you're still sleeping!" Lu Wenfeng came up angrily and kicked him when he got in, "Where's my fifty taels of silver?"

Zhang Tiezhangtong woke up one after another with pain in his body.

As soon as I woke up, my head started to feel confused.

"How can the young master and the man named Lu be together in peace?" Zhang Tie was puzzled.

Zhang Tong didn't understand either: "Lu, you're the one who asked us to knock Mr. Fu on the head. The way you are acting now, aren't you treating us brothers like monkeys?"

Lu Wenfeng said: "I did ask you to knock him on the head before, but now he and I are close friends." He squatted down and raised his chin, "Where is my fifty taels of silver?"

Seeing the Hu family guarding the courtyard at the door of the woodshed, Zhang Tiezhang became silent.

Fu Ciyi said: "They were hiding in the mountains and were found by us yesterday. They were very hungry. As for your fifty taels of silver, according to them, they have already spent it."

"Did you spend it all?" Lu Wenfeng stood up and kicked Zhang Tiezhang Tong, "That's the money I got with great difficulty!"

Fu Ciyi said softly: "I promised to help you find the money, but they have already spent it. In that case, you can take these two people back."

Lu Wenfeng pondered and said: "These two people cannot be sent to official positions. Once they are sent to official positions, Fu Minghe will know that you and I have become good friends."

Fu Ciyi did not express his position on the term "friend".

Zhang Tiezhangtong was relieved when he heard that he would not be sent to the official position.

Lu Wenfeng added: "It is feasible to let them be my personal bodyguards. When Fu Minghe asks, I will say that they know they have knocked the wrong person and are willing to sell themselves as slaves."

Hearing about being sold into slavery...

Zhang Tie hurriedly looked at Fu Ciyi and asked, "Master, didn't I agree yesterday that I, Zhang Tie, would work for you from now on?"

Zhang Tong also spoke: "Girl, you saved my life. I haven't repaid you for such a great kindness. Besides, the man named Lu is not only stingy, but also has a bad head. I don't want to go with him."

Being told that he was not smart in front of his face, Lu Wenfeng glared angrily: "Damn it, are you impatient with life?"

Immediately ordered the nursing home to drag the person out and beat him up. Zhang Tong asked back: "If you were smart, how could we have knocked the wrong person?"

Thinking that the person who really wanted to knock was right in front of him, his hands were tied and he couldn't move, so he had to purse his lips and point at Fu Ciyi: "Second Master Fu has good character and will not harm our lives. This is called character. People are precious. Ah, you should get along with good people.”

He had to say more kind words to save Mr. Fu from having to settle accounts with them one day when he was unhappy.

Lu Wenfeng pointed at the tip of his nose: "I agree with the last words."

He has been studying hard these days and has made great progress. Even his grandfather looks good on him.

It can be seen that the kind of people you associate with will affect your life path.

He waved his hand and ordered the nurse to come in: "Take these two people to the car."

When Zhang Tiezhangtong was being twisted out of the woodshed, Yan Funing happened to be out of the west wing.

"Girl!" the two strong men called in unison.

Zhang Tong struggled and shouted: "We can't be the girl's people now. When we return the fifty taels of silver, please ask the girl to take us in!"

"How do you pay back fifty taels of silver?" Yan Funing asked casually.

"For someone surnamed Lu, no, to be a guard for Mr. Lu, I'll deduct it from my monthly salary." Zhang Tong said.

Zhang Tie argued: "Girl, I also want to stay."

If they had to choose someone to follow, they would be willing to follow the pretty girl in front of them!

But things went counterproductive, and now they can only follow the man named Lu.

The people surnamed Lu are too stingy. They want to earn fifty taels of silver, but they don’t know that it’s the Year of the Monkey and the Moon of the Horse.

Yan Funing didn't answer and only waved goodbye to them.

Not long after, Zhang Tiezhangtong was pushed into the carriage.

Lu Wenfeng did not go back immediately, but walked to the village road with Fu Ciyi.

Taking advantage of this gap, Yan Funing went to the Lu family's carriage.

The car door was open. Zhang Tiezhangtong saw her coming and called out: "Girl."

Yan Funing and the Lu family nurse said, "Brothers, I would like to have a few words with Zhang Tiezhangtong, is that okay?"

Several nurses looked at each other, then nodded in agreement and got out of the carriage.

They stood not far from the carriage, but kept staring at the car.

Knowing that they were vigilant, Yan Funing cursed, she was not trying to kidnap people.

Then with Caiyu's help, she got on the car without entering the carriage. She whispered at the door: "I'm asking you for a small favor. I wonder if you can agree?"

Seeing that she didn't go to the car, the Lu Family Nursing Home stopped watching.

Zhang Tiezhang and Tong said in unison: "Girl, please tell me!"

"When you return to the county seat, you must listen to Mr. Lu." Yan Funing said these words louder, and the tone of the following words suddenly dropped, "I want you to help me pay attention to the news about the Fu family and the Yan family."

Zhang Tong asked: "Girl, what kind of news is this?"

Yan Funing lowered her voice: "Every aspect is required."

"Okay!" Zhang Tong responded simply.

Zhang Tie nodded and agreed: "Don't worry, girl, she is kind-hearted. We are willing to follow her and help her with things!"

As for what was said before, being used as an ox or a horse for Mr. Fu was purely a matter of survival instinct.

On the village road, Fu Ciyi and Lu Wenfeng were walking slowly.

"Brother Ci Yi, I have always had a question. I don't know whether I should ask it."

Fu Ciyi said calmly: "Then don't ask."

Lu Wenfeng still asked: "She broke off the engagement first, why don't you divorce her to save face?"

Thanks for your monthly votes: tanpeggy2 (2 photos), Sun Moon Stars, Yeon du!


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