Chapter 422 Strategy? Blackmail?

Zhu Gui couldn't help but sigh: "Sir, not only are you unparalleled in intelligence, but your means of making money are so admirable."

"If you can become the chief minister of my Ming Dynasty cabinet, I am afraid that our Ming Dynasty will enter a prosperous era without worries about money and food, which has never been seen in ancient times."

Although it was his first time attending the class, Zhu Gui was already impressed by Lin Che's astonishing talent and learning.

In his opinion, if Lin Che was in charge of major political affairs.

Even if the current prime ministers and the six ministers combined, I am afraid that none of them can do as well as my husband alone.

Lin Che didn't know that Zhu Gui was telling the truth, and thought that the cheap student was flattering him.

Not only did he chuckle: "Prime Minister, Chief Assistant? Not interested! I just want to live leisurely now."

"As for the means of making money, where are they? If you really want to make a fortune by assisting the suppression order, you only need to allow those gentry sons to bring their attendants."

"By then, both horses and armor can be sold several times."

Although Zhu Gui had heard Zhu Xi say before that Lin Che didn't care about life, death, or wealth.

But when he actually heard these words, he was still shocked.

Realize that there are people in this world who don’t care about power and even life and death.

Zhu Gui looked at Lin Che with admiration and said, "Sir, there are countless arrogant and talented people in the world who brag about themselves all day long."

"I think that if we can only let him take charge of the government, the Ming Dynasty will be able to enter the prosperous era of three generations of rule in an instant."

"But they don't even have one ten thousandth of the ability of the gentleman, but they dare to say such shameless words. It's really ridiculous."

Lin Che had heard Zhu Ming say similar words many times.

So he didn't think much about it, just smiled lightly and said: "Everyone has different ideas."

"Some people like money, some people like to pursue power, and some people want to restore the ancient times. These are all normal thoughts."

"As for whether they can do it or not, it's a matter of ability. As long as they do it with their heart, it has nothing to do with being ridiculous."

In Lin Che's opinion, there is no point in living without bragging.

In particular, he now wants to return to the future world, but cannot, which makes him depressed.

If you don't follow a few cheap apprentices and boast about everything.

Then he would probably be bored to death.

However, when these words fell on Zhu Gui's ears, he admired his husband's broad kindness even more.

He actually thinks that those who talk too much have good intentions in wanting to do things.

Zhu Gui originally wanted to ask Lin Che why she wanted to die instead of becoming an official.

But he suddenly thought of Zhu Ping's advice, asking about this might arouse his husband's suspicion.

He could only cough and change the subject: "Sir, the armor problem has been solved, but what about the horses?"

"Nowadays, most of the horse breeding land in my Ming Dynasty has been turned into farmland, and only Jiubian still produces war horses."

"But Jiubian still needs to prepare horses for its own cavalry. I'm afraid there won't be any spare horses to sell to the court."

Originally, if the helmets and breastplates were sold according to what Lin Che said, ordinary horses could support the gentry's children to march for a long time, and even participate in the task of charging into battle.

But after Lin Che proposed to use trap plate armor to cut the leeks of the gentry's children, and gather a heavy cavalry force by the way.

The imperial court must provide them with war horses that can truly carry heavy loads.

After all, an ordinary horse cannot carry a knight in full plate armor and charge towards the enemy.

“There are so many places to raise horses.”

Faced with Zhu Gui's worries, Lin Che couldn't help but smile and said: "Take my good son Gao Li from the Ming Dynasty as an example. Their Jeju Island is a good horse farm."

"As long as we transport a few thousand fine horses up there, it will only take two or three years to form a cavalry force of ten thousand people."

"As for the lack of horses in Kubien, it would be a better solution. Just buy them directly from Beiyuan." Due to Jeju Island's good geographical location, it is extremely easy to raise good horses on the island.

And because it is isolated from the world, there is no need to worry about good horses interbreeding with foreign wild horses.

Therefore, the longer they are raised, the purer the bloodlines of these good horses will be.

The better the quality of the horse.

As for the horse breeding land on the nine sides of the Ming Dynasty.

Lin Che didn't even bother to mention it.

Because these places that produced good horses were gradually abandoned after the Ming God of War became an overseas student.

So much so that the Ming Dynasty could have been self-sufficient in war horses.

In the middle and late stages, the court had to spend money to buy it from the Mongols.

And after the Jiubian army received the war horses issued by the imperial court.

They will definitely ride good horses to chase the Mongolian tribes that they have been targeting for a long time.

This situation of buying a Mongolian war horse and then buying a Mongolian one can be described as extremely darkly humorous.

However, Zhu Gui did not know the situation of the later generations of the Ming Dynasty.

He had never heard of Jeju Island, so he just asked in surprise: "Sir, Beiyuan and Ming Dynasty are sworn enemies. How could they sell war horses to us?"

Lin Che smiled faintly and did not answer Zhu Gui's question directly.

Instead, he asked: "You should know that Mongolia in the Northern Yuan Dynasty has gradually divided, and the two tribes of Chenwara and Tatar have been initially divided, right?"

Zhu Gui didn't know why Lin Che suddenly mentioned this matter.

However, as a descendant of the Ming royal family, he naturally knew who the leader of the enemy was.

He quickly responded: "Sir, I heard that the Beiyuan Dynasty split because of the struggle for power and profit. Everyone thought they were Mongolian orthodox."

"I also know that today Oara and Tatar are very discordant and even hostile to each other."

Carrying Zhu Gui, he spoke about Bei Yuan's situation in a somewhat showy tone.

Lin Che rubbed his head encouragingly: "Since you know, the two of them are not getting along now."

"Then we can conduct a strategic blackmail based on the conflicts between them."

Although Zhu Gui had heard many new words that he had never heard of from Lin Che's mouth.

But strategy and blackmail, these two phrases go together.

For a moment, he really couldn't figure out what it meant.

He could only ask Lin Che for advice: "Sir, please forgive my student's stupidity, and please explain in detail what strategic blackmail means."

Lin Che, who had just planned to take a rest after dinner, let out a long yawn.

Then he said: "Strategic blackmail is very simple. It is to scare the Tatars and say that Zhamen will unite with Wa to destroy him."

"Then tell Wala that we will unite with the Tatars to destroy them."

"If you want to follow the Ming Dynasty and beat people without getting beaten, you can do it, but you have to sell us good war horses."

"Otherwise, we will hit anyone who sells less or has poor quality."

As soon as these words came out, Zhu Gui's brain was a little down.

Zhu Yuanzhang and others in the secret room were also stunned by Lin Che's strategic blackmail strategy.

(End of this chapter)

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