Chapter 402 Conquer the Dan people

The middle-aged captain is called Li Hu.

He once held a senior position in the Duwei Mansion, but he provoked Zhu Xiang during an operation, and Mao Xiang found out about it and demoted him.

So I have always hated Zhu Xi.

He has been secretly waiting for an opportunity to retaliate. This time, he finally got the opportunity to accompany Qin King Zhu Ping on matters.

Li Hu tried his best to ruin Zhu Ping's job.

I want to use this to make His Majesty disappointed with King Qin, so as to achieve the purpose of revenge.

It's a pity that Zhu Ping, who has always been reckless in doing things in the past.

Now he has somehow changed his temper and actually vetoed his proposal to use cannons to wake up the people.

Li Hu greeted him with disappointment and went to convey Zhu Ping's order to other people on the ship.

Bi did not know that the people on the boat were furling the sails a little louder.

The villagers had been attacked by water bandits in the dark night before.

So sentries on duty were arranged.

Just when Zhu Ping was about to go back to his cockpit to rest.

A sharp cry suddenly sounded from the group of laughing ships.

This was followed by a burst of noisy shouting.

Then all the ships were lit with little bits of fire.

For a while. The originally quiet sandbank became as noisy as a wet market.

Zhu Ping was still blaming himself for disturbing Dan Min's rest.

Suddenly, he was surprised to find that several small boats were approaching the treasure ship he was riding on.

He originally thought that these boats were carrying Dan people who came to communicate with them.

As a result, by the light of the torch on the treasure ship.

Zhu Xi vaguely saw that the approaching ships were filled with firewood.

Then, he was stunned for several minutes before exclaiming with a complicated expression, "Is this a fire ship?"

Li Hu, who had just gone to deliver the order, had just emerged from the cabin.

To their surprise, they discovered that all the villagers were awakened.

And after Zhu Jingshi shouted the word "fire ship".

Only then did Li Hu notice the boat that was trying to get closer and the pungent smell of oil blowing in the wind.

This was an unintentional surprise for Li Hu, who was determined to destroy Zhu Ping and conquer the Dan people.

He was immediately overjoyed and shouted: "The enemy is attacking, hurry up with the artillery... ugh!"

Li Hu hadn't finished giving the order to load the artillery.

He was kicked to the ground by Zhu Xi.

Staring at Li Hu, who still had a weird smile on his face.

Zhu Ming didn't seem to remember him at all.

Zhu Ping pointed at his nose and cursed fiercely: "These people just misunderstood our purpose."

"Just speak to them clearly before they light the fireship."

"But you don't care about anything and want to bombard them with cannons. Do you want to force them to rebel?"

If time were not urgent, Zhu Fang would have had to ask someone to take Li Hu into prison.

Let's check carefully and find out what the intentions of this bastard are after he repeatedly wants to shoot at the people.

However, the biggest official on the ship now is except him, His Highness the King of Qin.

Li Hu is the only one left with thousands of households in the Duwei Mansion.

But Zhu Xi had little prestige in the Duwei Mansion.

This trip brought out few confidants from Prince Qin's Mansion.

You have to rely on this guy to direct the other captains of the captain's mansion to do things.

So he could only swallow his anger and shouted to Li Hu again: "Why are you still lying on the ground? Do you want me to help you stand up and apologize to you?"

"His Royal Highness the King of Qin is joking. How dare you have such treacherous thoughts." Li Hu was afraid that Zhu Ping would be angry and cut him with a knife.

He immediately turned from crawling to kneeling, kowtowed to him repeatedly and begged for mercy.

Zhu Feng didn't talk nonsense to him, he just snorted and said: "Since you still recognize me as the prince."

"Immediately go to the captain's mansion and the ship's tax department to select some people who are proficient in water properties.

Speaking of this, Zhu Xi suddenly paused.

Then he said coldly: "After selecting the people, let them all listen to my king's orders."

After Li Hu was kicked by Zhu Ping, he also realized that his bad methods were a bit too rough.

It has aroused the vigilance of King Qin Zhu Ping.

At this time, he didn't dare to play any tricks at will. He could only follow Zhu Xi's arrangements to select sailors who were proficient in water properties.

After a while, several frightened shirtless sailors came to the empty deck, driven away by Li Hu's curses.

The situation was urgent, and Zhu Ping had no polite words.

He looked directly at the shirtless sailors and asked, "How far can you swim in this river?"

I don’t know what Li Hu said to these people.

Several shirtless sailors were just shaking, but no one dared to answer the question.

Zhu Xi could only focus on an older sailor with a bronze complexion.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, the man had no choice but to talk to his neck and replied: "His Royal Highness, King Qin, we used to be guardsmen and have never been in the water a few times."

When Zhu Xi heard this, he couldn't help but show a look of disappointment in his eyes.

You gave Li Hu a hard look.

But just when Li Hu was about to explain, a young sailor looked at the bronze sailor in surprise: "Uncle, why are you telling lies?"

"I remember, when you used to catch turtles for the guard, you could go back and forth in this river without taking a breath."

When the bronzed sailor heard this, he couldn't help but cover his face with his hands.

He knelt down to Zhu Xi and said: "His Royal Highness, King Qin, I didn't mean to lie to you. It's just that I have always believed in Buddhism and don't want to cause killings. Those people are also miserable people. Please show your kindness and forgive me..."

"Wait a minute!"

When Zhu Xi heard the bronze sailor's words, his anger almost burst out of his chest.

He gritted his teeth and looked at the pale-faced Li Hu, and asked every word: "When did I say that I was going to kill those gangsters?"

Li Hu knelt down again and explained weakly: "Your Highness, King Qin, I really didn't say this. It's just their own wild imagination."

Unfortunately, the surprise in the eyes of several sailors made Li Hu's explanation extremely ridiculous.

Apart from anger, all that was left in Zhu Xi's heart was happiness.

Fortunately, while listening to Lin Che's lecture, I learned to think more about everything.

So he was extra cautious.

Li Hu was not asked to send sailors directly to deal with the people on the ship.

Instead, he asked people to come to him and personally tell him what to do.

Otherwise, wait until these sailors are forced by Li Hu.

If all the people on these fire ships were killed, no one would be spared.

By then, unless he invites Lin Che, there will be no possibility of subduing the Dan people.

Zhu Xi didn't waste another word with Li Hu, who looked ashen.

Thinking of the astonished sailors, he explained: "Don't worry, I just want you to drag those people off the fire ship, and I have no intention of killing them."

Several sailors looked at each other, but no one answered.

Instead, his eyes fell on Li Hu intentionally or unintentionally.

Zhu Xi knew that in this situation, no matter how important this guy's role was.

It's impossible to tolerate him anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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