The Emperor of the Human Race, a Versatile Mage

Chapter 129: Business genius, who else can I do?

Chapter 129: Business genius, who else can I do?

The ammunition capacity of a single shot.

Same specifications, but bullets made of blue-purple thunder magic stone.

Hua Zhanhong took out a thunderstone bullet from the box, loaded it into the gun chamber, and aimed it at the target in front of him.

There was a very slight sound, and a dark purple thunder trace pulled out a faint trace in the air.

In the distance, a hole has been punched through the rock ball, which is big enough for an adult's palm to barely fit in.

A five-meter-thick steel rock was shot through?

This is much more penetrating than the fire unicorn that made a huge crater with one shot!

"This one seems to be more powerful."

"Because it is more concentrated, the damage area is much smaller."

“I’m afraid the requirements for users will be relatively high.”

Hua Zhanhong only tried one shot this time, and then asked: "How much does this Thor cost?"

"It's a bit more expensive, 800 million. The price of bullets is the same. As the Thunder Mine is being developed, thunder stone and flint resources should be relatively abundant, so I only took out these two for the time being, guarding a rich mine, and I don't have to worry too much about bullets in the future. s expenses."

After listening to Jiang Zhao's answer, everyone realized that he had calculated it.

Indeed, with such a large mineral vein, they don't have to worry too much about bullets, which means they can buy these two types, and they can buy more.

Jiang Hesheng, the head of the Central Military Department who had been watching and listening, spoke at this time, "I noticed that the specifications of the magic stone bullets seem to be the same, so what about using light magic stones? Can they also be made into magic stone bullets?"

"The light system can also be used, but the magic array on the firearms and magic equipment will also need to be changed and redesigned. Theoretically, it is completely feasible."

Jiang Hechang added: "The firearms and magic tools you made like this are cheap, but have you considered making them into traditional versions that can be incorporated into the spiritual world of the mage?"

Jiang Zhao smiled.

He has naturally considered this.

"Of course. Firearms and magic tools are modular, just like this..."

Jiang Zhao said, dismantling a gun, dividing the parts into two parts and placing them, then pointed at one of the piles and said: "Here are the parts, which are the key, including the core magic converter, magic compression barrel, etc. .”

"The other side is a cheap shell. Any blacksmith can reprocess it and turn it into a version that can be taken into the spiritual world. However, I don't recommend this because it is only a consumable for mid-level mages. Processing them all will increase the cost by half, and it will not be of much help to actual use. I don’t think it’s worth it just for portability.”

Jiang Zhao doesn't think it's worth spending so much money just for a portable attribute.

Because this is not a personal magic tool, it is distributed to a large number of military mages.

"Then why not make a more advanced version? A version that can also be used by high-level mages and super-level mages."

Jiang Hesheng pointed at the core magic converter in the firearm magic tool and said, "Look, add another one here. Your Shanyin Yan is good at energy storage magic tools. Your cheapest energy storage magic tool seems to sell for 2000 million, right? Add one more Here, if we let the mage charge it, wouldn’t we even save magic stone bullets?”

Jiang Hesheng's idea is very simple.

Add the cheapest magic bottle to the firearm and let the mage store the magic power himself, thus saving money on bullets.

"First of all, the cost of doing this is too high. This is only a magic tool used by mid-level mages, but the price is as high as 3000 million. Moreover, it is fine if the user has the thunder or fire element, but what if he doesn't? Then he still has to go It's not as simple as using magic stone bullets to find a thunder and fire mage to help charge it."

Jiang Zhao was reasoning with a Master Weishou.

"Secondly, the number of people armed in this way is too small. It is better to arm more military mages in some small places, just like the previous Bo incident."

Bo city.

Jiang Zhao took Bo City as an example, because everyone present must be aware of the Bo City disaster that happened not long ago.

"If the military mages in Bo City can have a few firearms and magic tools in their hands and some bullet reserves, how many casualties can be reduced in the subsequent bloody alert?" "And only when the price drops, can it be popularized to more people. The more people there are, the more military mages in more places, especially small local stations, can use it, and after using it, their combat effectiveness will increase immediately."

The impact on the entire military mage garrison system is huge.

There are fewer people than before, and they have stronger combat effectiveness, so many places will not be so stretched and have insufficient manpower.

"For energy storage magic equipment, we can leave the interface open and let users install it by themselves. However, if the military department wants to purchase it, I still recommend using the current version."

Jiang Hesheng's serious face had a smile on his face, "Indeed, your suggestion is better, but light-based firearms and magic equipment should also be developed. There is an undead empire in our country, and our Central Military Department needs one that can deal with it." The magic tool of the undead.”

"no problem."

There are a lot of undead in the ancient capital. As for developing light-based firearms, it's a piece of cake.

"In addition, although there are many mid-level mages, high-level and super-level firearms and magic equipment can also be considered. High-level mages and super-level mages are also in demand."

"The difficulty is not that great. Refining magic stone is very difficult. The magic power density for civilian use does not need to be too high. However, we have tried our best to make the magic stone bullets for firearms and magic equipment smaller, but we still can't make it. To the expected peanut size, it is limited by technology and can only achieve the current size."

Did you originally plan to make it the size of a peanut?

"If it is a high-end firearm and magic tool, how big should the magic stone bullet be? So big?"

Jiang Zhao gestured at the size of the orange with his hand.

"If it's a super-level firearm and magic tool, how big should the magic stone bullet be? So big?"

This time it's the size of a washbasin.

"And I have just said that the technology of magic stone bullets is much higher than that of firearms and magic tools. For high-level and super-level firearms and magic tools, I am afraid that you can only use energy storage bottles to accumulate magic power."

A general smiled and said: "Then you should quickly come up with a super-level energy storage bottle. I have been thinking about it for a long time."

Some people started shouting, "Yeah, when will we make a super-level energy storage bottle?"

"We've been waiting for a long time."

I believe you, the business of energy storage bottles has not been open for long.

"Please wait for the super-level energy storage bottles. It won't be so soon. Let's go back to the topic just now. We need to make high-level and super-level firearms and magic equipment into single-use types. We are still researching this. One time we came to promote Fire Qilin and Thor’s two magical firearms..."

Jiang Zhao changed the topic back.

It's done, it's done, don't rush it.

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Jiang Shaoxu watched Jiang Zhao chatting while surrounded by his elders, and then after the game ended, everyone went to target shooting and tried the so-called magic weapon before she went over and patted Jiang Zhao on the shoulder.

"Well done, junior brother, you are very talented in business."

"of course!"

Jiang Zhao did not deny this and readily admitted it.

In about a year, he was worth hundreds of billions.

Who else could he be but a business genius?
When Jiang Zhao was feeling proud, he suddenly felt a somewhat cold gaze.

Looking over, I found that the person next to Jiang Hesheng's head was looking at him with a judgmental gaze.

He suddenly felt a little guilty and didn't know why.

Maybe, this is the pressure of the boss.

(End of this chapter)

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