Chapter 297 Is this young man also a rich man?

In the end, Su Lin sent Jiang Zhuo away.

Although he had some speculations in his mind, these speculations were not enough for him to keep Jiang Zhuo by his side.

This guy is a time bomb. Who knows if he will come over and take off other women's clothes out of nowhere.

It would be okay if it was a beautiful woman, but if it was an aunt...that scene, tsk tsk, Su Lin couldn't even imagine.

However, he still asked Jiang Zhuo to contact him as soon as possible if anything happened.

Originally, he thought Jiang Zhuo was hysterical when he came here to find a woman, but now it seems that that's not entirely the case. It seems that there is something hidden inside.

Jiang Zhuo readily agreed.

He always felt that Su Lin seemed to have an aura about him that made him want to trust him.

Saying goodbye to Jiang Zhuo, who was elated because he "found" his girlfriend, Su Lin and others got in the car and drove off.

Before leaving, David, a silly boy, asked Su Lin: "What is a goddess?"

"It's like the wizards and prophets you have over there!"

The person who said this was He Yue. He pushed David angrily and pushed him into the car.

The car set off and drove towards Hejiacun.

Although Yuanling Town, where Hejia Village is located, is in the westernmost part of Ning'an County, because Ning'an County is originally a small county, its jurisdiction is not very large.

So after driving for about forty or fifty minutes, we arrived at the place.

Guizhou Province is mountainous, and Yuanling Town is a small town built on a river road.

It is said to be a Sichuan Road, but in fact the landform here is not the same as that of Baigong Village.

Baigong Village is also in the Sichuan Road, but the skylight can be directly seen on both sides, which is a standard Gangfeng passage.

But Yuanling Town was different. After its river channel spread out for hundreds of meters, it turned an abrupt corner.

So it looks like Yuanling Town is surrounded by three.

The terrain surrounded by mountains on three sides is also very particular in Feng Shui and is called embracing mountains.

However, Yuanling Town is located in the river road after all, so it is just like it, but it does not embrace the power of mountains.

After the car drove into Yuanling Town, it stopped.

In front of an old two-story building, He Shengjun, the mayor of Yuanling Town, came up to him with a frown on his face, and held his rough hands tightly with He Zhiran's.

"Mr. He, I'm looking forward to the stars and the moon, so I've been looking forward to you. Come in quickly, come in quickly! Drink tea, drink tea!"

With that said, he was about to lead He Zhiran inside.

This was not just mentioned in the car.

Originally, given his temperament, he wanted to directly acknowledge his ancestors and go to Hejia Village.

But after Liang Hong'an, the head of Hejia Village, learned that He Zhiran had returned from Yingjiang and was worth a lot of money, he quickly reported it to the mayor.

The idea is quite simple.

Due to its geographical location, their small town's economic development is particularly backward, and it only needs scenery but not scenic spots, and it only needs scenic spots but not scenic spots.

Cuifeng tea, the only specialty product, overlaps with Cuifeng tea production and planting base in Fanjing Mountain, so it cannot be scaled.

Others have nothing to offer at all.

So when the mayor He Shengjun heard that a big boss had come to Hejia Village, he couldn't sit still, so he naturally tried every means to get involved.

He Zhiran naturally understood what he was thinking.

As for him, he actually has the intention of investing. After all, this is his hometown and the place where he will be buried after his death. He is also very happy to be able to make a contribution.

However, there is no way to agree to this matter for the time being, and he must wait for his investigation before making a decision.

"Mayor He, I won't drink any more tea. I will consider the investment. When I come back this time, I also want to make some contribution to my hometown."

He Zhiran, an old Jianghu, naturally knows what to say.

These words didn't promise anything, nor did they explicitly refuse. In short, they just delayed.

Of course, He Shengjun also understood what He Zhiran was thinking, and said enthusiastically: "I understand, I understand, but Mr. He has come all the way here, and this is Mr. He's hometown. If I don't express my friendship as a landlord, it can't be justified, right? .”

After that, without waiting for He Zhiran to speak, he added: "Don't worry, Mr. He, that boy Liang Hongan will be here in a moment. In short, Mr. He will not be delayed."

As he spoke, he kept his eyes on David, but he was muttering in his heart, wondering why He Zhiran brought a ghost?

Maybe it was his assistant or subordinate or something.

Speaking of this, He Zhiran couldn't refuse, so he set his sights on Su Lin.

Su Lin pondered for a moment and nodded slightly. He doesn't care, the main thing is what he means.

This subtle movement did not escape He Shengjun's vicious eyes.

For a moment, he became suspicious, wondering why He Zhiran wanted to ask Su Lin what this young man meant.

Could it be that this young man is also a rich man?

He was confused in his heart, but he naturally didn't show it on the outside. He immediately welcomed a few people into the small building.

After entering the small building, Su Lin realized that this two-story small building with an old appearance was actually the office building of Yuanling Town.

This is also broken enough.

In the past two years, the country has vigorously developed rural areas. It has built a number of village headquarters, town governments and the like. I don’t know why Yuanling Town failed to catch this train.

Several people went up to the second floor and entered a room at the end.

After entering, I discovered that it was a restaurant.

On the table in the middle, there were already dishes full of food and a few bottles of wine.

Su Lin suddenly realized that what He Shengjun said about drinking tea turned out to mean eating.

It's only eleven o'clock in the morning, so it's not even lunch time.

However, hospitality is hard to refuse, and besides, it was not in a hotel, and according to He Shengjun, this meal was paid for out of his own pocket, not counting entertainment expenses.

Everyone really couldn't resist such enthusiasm, so they had no choice but to sit down.

"Mr. He, with this drink, on behalf of the people of Yuanling Town, I welcome you back to your hometown!"

As soon as He Shengjun came up, he took out his gesture, took out a wine glass half the size of a palm, and drank it all in one gulp.

He Zhiran had no choice but to have a drink with him.

"For this second cup, on behalf of the people of Yuanling Town, I welcome Mr. He to invest."

After that, another cup.

He Zhiran lost one drink again.

"This third cup, I am representing myself, and I would like to toast Mr. He."

After saying that, he drank it all in one gulp.

He Zhiran said politely: "Where is it!"

But since the person has already drank, he has no choice but to drink again.

Fortunately, he can drink well, otherwise he would have to drink three glasses of wine.

Su Lin looked a little funny.

He has long heard that the people of your province are very hospitable, especially the Miao compatriots. It would be impossible if you don't drink wine when meeting.

Now it seems that the rumors do have some truth.

He Shengjun is probably not from the Miao ethnic group, but being in this Miao ethnic gathering place, he actually has a bit of the pride of the Miao brothers.

He Shengjun seemed to have made preparations in advance today and even found two people to accompany him.

One is a red-faced middle-aged man named Yang Zhengtong, who is said to be the deputy mayor of Yuanling Town.

The other one is Yuan Liang, a young man who was introduced as the director of the town investment promotion office who just took office.

This was the first time Su Lin knew that the town-level units in Longguo also had investment promotion offices!

Yuan Liang and Yang Zhengtong waited for the mayor He Shengjun to finish the toast, and then they took turns to persuade them to drink.

He Zhiran is a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, so he is naturally familiar with wine. A light drink is enough, but drinking too much is really not good.

So in the end, I simply asked He Yue to stop drinking.

The people on He Yue Road naturally had no problem drinking. They immediately blocked the people from left to right, and in two or three times they raised the atmosphere at the dinner table.

In the end, even David was fed several drinks, which were so spicy that he stuck out his tongue.

Of course, Su Lin was not exempt from the vulgarity, but he only drank three glasses and then said he would drink no more.

We were eating and drinking, and a man came in at the door. He was wearing a starched blue jacket and a pair of cotton shoes with a thousand-layer sole. He was about fifty years old, with a face full of ravages. As soon as he entered the door, he confessed:

"Mayor He, I'm late, I'm late!"

He Zhiran whispered in Su Lin's ear: "He is the village chief of Hejia Village, Liang Hong'an."

Su Lin nodded lightly, but his eyes fell on Liang Hongan's face.

(End of this chapter)

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