Chapter 277 Mage, I... don't understand! !
The heavy coffin lid was slowly pushed open by He Yue and David.

Because the only light source in the tomb was the dim lantern in Miao Xiaocui's hand, and she was standing far away, even though the coffin lid was opened, she still couldn't see clearly what was inside.

Although David and He Yue stood relatively close, they both lowered their heads and did not dare to look inside.

When the coffin lid was pushed halfway, Su Lin shouted stop.

They just wanted to see what was inside the coffin, not to rob the tomb.

So there is no need to push all the coffin lids open.

Hearing Su Lin's order, He Yue and David hurriedly retreated.

It made Su Lin a little strange.

He Yue could understand, but David, this kid, had always been stupid and bold, so why did he become timid now?

However, what he didn't know was that He Yue had already instilled a lot of knowledge about Dragon Kingdom zombies into David and took him to watch several classic zombie movies.

So it caused a psychological shadow on this stupid kid, because he was afraid that there were zombies inside.

Su Lin looked at Miao Xiaocui again.

Miao Xiaocui turned pale and took a step forward, but stopped again, which perfectly explained her conflicting mood.

Seeing that several people were afraid to come forward, Su Lin had no choice but to take out his mobile phone, turn on the flashlight function, walk to the coffin, and look inside.

The next second, from an angle that no one could see, his face showed a hint of joy.

Just as he had guessed, there was no intact corpse in the coffin. Instead, there were just a pile of white bones that had been decaying for an unknown amount of time. Even the skull had collapsed inward.

In fact, originally human bones were not easy to decay and could be preserved for a long time.

It's just that this tomb is located above the hole where the jade girl holds the pearl, and the cathode power is converted into Yuan Yin Qi, so the bones decay relatively quickly.

But that's not the point. The point is... just inside the skull, a pure black bead the size of a thumb is lying there quietly.

Yuan Yin Pearl!
Su Lin couldn't suppress the joy in his heart.

However, he knew that this was not the time to be happy. Miao Xiaocui didn't know that there was Yuanyin Pearl in the coffin. If she knew, he would definitely not let him check it out first.

Su Lin stretched out his hand slightly, and the Yuan Yin Pearl slipped into his sleeve.

After the treasure was obtained and there was nothing strange in the coffin, Su Lin took a step back slightly and said calmly:
"I won!"

Miao Xiaocui was stunned for a moment, then her expression changed drastically, and she rushed over with a lantern to take a look inside.

The next moment, a heartbreaking cry shook the entire tomb hall:

At this moment, there is no vicious feng shui master here, no executioner who kills without blinking an eye.

There is just a mother who wants her daughter to live at any cost, that’s all!

Su Lin sighed.

It is said that hateful people must have pitiable qualities, and Miao Xiaocui is the best interpretation of this sentence.

From beginning to end, this poor woman only thought about how to resurrect her daughter. For this, she was willing to pay any price and do anything that would be outrageous to both humans and gods.

"Let's go, let her be alone for a while!"

Su Lin called to He Yue and David who couldn't help but peek into the coffin, then turned around and left the tomb.

When he came outside, he found that Li Jianzhong had already burst into tears and kept muttering: "I knew it a long time ago, I knew it a long time ago!!"

It seems that he heard his wife's cry in the tomb.

"What should we do now?"

He Yue scratched his forehead and asked a little helplessly.

Su Lin understood what he meant. He Yue meant to ask him whether he should call the police or not.

Miao Xiaocui herself admitted that she had killed so many people. If she were to be let go, it would be difficult to give an explanation to those innocent people.

"Just wait for now." Su Lin said calmly.

But what he is more curious about now is that Miao Xiaocui obviously fed so much blood food to Xiao Mang, and the big hole that was covered with a tarpaulin should be the feeding channel.

Logically speaking, there should be a large number of bones in the tomb.

But there wasn't even a single bone inside. Could it be that Xiao Mang had swallowed them all?
Su Lin was a little puzzled, so he asked Xiao Mang, who was wandering around in surprise in the Fuyin Ring.

Although Xiao Mang, like Xiao Wu, cannot speak yet, he can communicate simply with Su Lin through the Fuyin Ring. After asking, I found out that his guess was correct. Those human bones were really eaten by Xiao Mang, saying they were a great supplement.

Su Lin sighed.

This account cannot be settled.

Logically speaking, Xiao Mang should be the murderer.

But the problem is, no matter how much it practices and how smart it is, it is still just an animal with simple thinking and limited brains.

In its thinking, there is no difference between humans, pigs, cattle and sheep, they are all just food.

So from this point of view, I can't blame it.

"From now on, no cannibalism is allowed without my order."

Su Lin solemnly gave the first instruction to Xiao Mang, and Xiao Mang readily agreed.

The reason why he was happy was because he found that he was more comfortable in the Fuyin Ring than in the tomb.

But with its simple snake head, it obviously couldn't figure out why Sulin's order was "No one can eat people without his order."

Instead of "Thou shalt not eat man!"

He probably couldn't figure out the difference between the two.

Miao Xiaocui's crying gradually stopped, but no one came out yet.

Su Lin then asked Xiao Mang about the incident in which he saved people.

The response I received was a confused one: When did I save someone? I'm just foraging.


This is probably called expressing wrong feelings.

It was probably because Xiao Mang was very hungry after being injured, and then happened to meet that group of deserters and ate them all.

Su Lin estimated that Xiao Mang must have swallowed up a few villagers at that time, but they were all counted as deserters.

At that time, there was war and chaos, and poor people like Baigong Village needed gods, and only gods could give them spiritual comfort and support.

Xiao Mang came into being and was considered a god.

Since he is a god, eating some of the sins of a few villagers is not called a sin, but a sacrifice.

After clarifying his thoughts, Su Lin also sighed.

In fact, there are many such examples in the myths, legends and folklore of the Dragon Kingdom.

The common people need God as a haven for their souls, and those in power also need God to maintain their rule.

In this context, many gods, some and some not, were created.

So you ask us if there is a god in the Dragon Kingdom?

The answer is yes!

However, it is not clear whether these gods are gods or what kind of gods they are.

There are countless examples of Xiao Mang being forcibly dubbed the Great God Bai Gong.

While thinking about it, Miao Xiaocui also climbed up from the tomb.

She took off her plain, patched coat, put her daughter's body inside, and held it carefully.

It was like holding some rare treasure.

Su Lin sighed.

Miao Xiaocui's heart has died, and what is walking here now is probably just a soulless body.

Li Jianzhong got up from the ground and wanted to support Miao Xiaocui.

But Miao Xiaocui didn't even pay attention to him, and walked straight over, then knelt down in front of Su Lin with a thud.

"Mage, I... don't understand!!"

She spoke in a hoarse voice, word by word!
(End of this chapter)

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