Chapter 184
"Madden, I think your attitude today is too arrogant. You must know that Cao's net worth is ranked high in the world.

We are seeking wealth, not anger.And now the people from the north are always watching,

Obviously, Cao Cao has said that there will be talks about cooperation. With your attitude, do you plan to have a fight with him next to us?
You don’t really think we’ve got him, do you? "

As an inviter who had a good relationship with Cao Zhihua, Qi Dezun was so angry at John Madden's behavior that he swore at him mercilessly.

John Keswick was also sitting on the side with a frown on his face. Looking at John Madden who was angrily shouted at by Qi Dezun, he sat there with an indifferent expression. The anger in his heart was suddenly ignited and he said:
"Madden, I don't know where you come from so much arrogance. Do you know how much effort this island has put in to balance Hong Kong Island with other countries in the north and the west?
Or who do you think we are facing today?
Are they the minions you have been in contact with before?
What you are dealing with today is the richest man in Hong Kong. With his cash flow, he can easily buy your Huide Feng.

How do you get the right to be arrogant to others? "

In fact, fair-skinned people have a long-standing and arrogant attitude toward people of other skin colors, and they have always been like this.

It’s just that John Madden is still immersed in the glorious years when the sun never sets, and he can’t find his position quickly.

Now seeing John with Qi Dezun and Yihe, they all reprimanded themselves. Although their expressions were troubled, they were worried and began to reflect in their hearts.

Shiyok Shihuaiya of Swire Matheson usually walks closer to John Madden. Seeing Madden's current expression, I know that he is aware of the problem.

So Shiyok Shihuaiya opened his mouth to make a rescue and said:

"It seems that Mr. Madden has realized the problem.

Mr. John, Mr. Qi Dezun, please calm down,
Now that it has happened, let's discuss how to deal with it next. "

Qi Dezun sighed and said feebly:
"Cao has a very good relationship with HSBC and Citibank.

Zhihua Group's corporate accounts are opened in these two banks.

And I may definitely tell you that Cao’s liquidity is in the billions, and it is still increasing at a rate of over [-] million every day.
So it may not be possible to engage in a pure business war with him.
This is what I understand, please continue. "

Shiyok Shihuaiya said thoughtfully:

"Mr. Qi Dezun, it seems that Cao's industrial machine was purchased through you, right?"

Qi Dezun nodded and said:
"Yes, it was indeed purchased through me and the Hong Kong government.

Now in Cao's industrial park, people arranged by the Hong Kong government are randomly inspected every month to check the status of the motherboard. "

Shiyok Shihuaiya said in pain:

"In other words, there is nothing we can do about this?"

Qi Dezun said:
"Well, Cao purchased the industrial mother machine to produce clothing production lines and expand his industrial park. Now his industrial park is expanding rapidly, and the output is increasing every day."

John Madden took over the topic and said:

"What about 14k?"

Qi Dezun was very angry with John Madden now. If it weren't for this stupid pig, how could the situation be like this, so he said as if he was a fool:
"Cao Ke has 500 gun licenses issued by the Hong Kong government.

His security company has 500 soldiers who participated in the Northern War.
Are you sure you want to start a hot war on Hong Kong Island? "

When John Madden heard Qi Dezun's words, he trembled all over. Rich people are most afraid of someone breaking the rules and causing chaos.

Although Bai Pi is rich and powerful, if someone really dares to break the rules and is criticized,
That would be the end of being despised by everyone. If Cao Zhihua is cruel and treats others the same way, no one will have anything to say, and then he will really fight to the death.

John Madden decisively kept his mouth shut and pretended to be dead, and stopped talking.

Shiyok Shihuaiya asked thoughtfully:

"Mr. Qi Dezun, you mean we can only put pressure on the Hong Kong government, right?"

Qi Dezun sighed, shook his head and said:
“The Hong Kong governor is not a fool, how could he suppress Cao because of our pressure.

Do you know how much Cao has invested in Hong Kong Island now?

Now the attention of the world's tallest building alone has attracted the attention of media all over the world.

Once the Hong Kong government comes to suppress Cao, if Cao releases the news, it will cause an uproar in global public opinion.
Let the whole world think that there is a problem with our business environment on Hong Kong Island.
By then all high-rise buildings in Hong Kong Island will have to peel off their skins.

No one will cooperate with you in such a deadly game.

And even if the Hong Kong government comes forward to suppress it, with Cao’s current world reputation and assets,

Some countries welcome their investment in the past.

We still get nothing and only lose out. "

Shiyue Shihuaiya thought for a while, nodded and said:
"Mr. Qi Dezun is right. Cao is now the richest man in Hong Kong Island and has such a high reputation in the world.

The Hong Kong government cannot afford the consequences of suppressing him for no reason.
And don’t forget that there is also the north,
Cao is Chinese, so he really has no choice. He doesn't have any psychological pressure to seek refuge in the past, just like Mr. Huo.

Therefore, it is inappropriate for us to seek pressure from the Hong Kong government, which will cause serious damage to our foundation. "

After thinking for a long time, John Madden came up with a vicious plan and said:

"I have a way that will definitely make Cao unable to eat and walk around in circles."

Shiyoke Shihuaiya asked curiously:

"Tell me."

"Goods A, since Cao doesn't give us production authorization, we will produce Goods A on Hong Kong Island.

Hong Kong Island is our base camp. We produce products here and sell them to Southeast Asia, South America, Africa, and even to countries with weak patent laws, and we can still make money. "

Shiyue Shihuaiya nodded and said:
"It's a good idea. Cao's products are not high-tech. We can easily copy them after we buy some.

And on Hong Kong Island, no one can do anything to us, so I think it’s feasible. "

After listening to this, John Keswick added:
"It is indeed feasible. We can even make high-end imitations, which will make the profit higher.

When we make money through A goods, we can continue to follow the building materials industry chain business.
Since Cao was able to develop his company to such a big size in just two years, there is no doubt about his ability and vision.
There must be something here that we haven't seen through yet.

Anyway, we are going to offend him this time, and we are not afraid of offending him more deeply. What do you think? "

"I think it's fine."

"Me too, let's do it this way." "I don't think the problem is big, Mr. Qi Dezun, I'll leave the production line issues to you."

All the white-skinned people think this method is good, and everyone’s intentions have been finalized.
The specific details will naturally be handled by the following people.

Only Qi Dezun's eyes flickered, thinking that Hong Kong Island is just that big.

A-grade goods may damage Cao Zhihua's business and reduce profits, but it is absolutely impossible to beat Cao Zhihua to death with a stick and he will not be able to turn over.
There is no need to offend Cao to death. After all, everything should be kept in check so that we can meet again in the future.

Therefore, when Qi Dezun was about to go back, he planned to tell Shen Bi about this, and asked Shen Bi to convey the news, which could be regarded as a gesture of goodwill to Cao Cao.

Based on my understanding of Cao, Cao will definitely not be able to blame me when the time comes.
After thinking about it clearly, Qi Dezun said goodbye to everyone with a cheerful smile.

Cao Zhihua took the car back to the office with an ugly expression, and immediately asked Du Xinru to notify Li Shengnan and the directors of the investment consulting department Fang Yanyu, Cao Xiaoyu, and Zhang Guohua to come to the office for a meeting.

After a while, after everyone arrived, Cao Zhihua began to say:
"I just met with the top managers of four major foreign banks.
I originally wanted to have a good discussion with them about cooperation.

As a result, I gave them a bad face and dared to threaten me.

Minister Fang, next I need you to lead all the employees in the investment consulting department to find out for me the operating conditions of the four major foreign banks and Hang Lung International.
Especially their business entities and the flaws and loopholes in their development.

I need a very detailed analysis report,

Once our Zhihua Group absolutely goes to war with them,
I need to know where to start. "

Fang Yanyu didn't say much and answered directly:

"Okay, Chairman, we must complete the task."

Cao Zhihua nodded and said to Xiaoyu:

"Xiaoyu, this action of the Investment Department is very important. Office expenses will be dealt with on a special basis. I will not set an upper limit. The Finance Department must fully support their investigation work."

Xiaoyu has always supported her elder brother unconditionally. She nodded quickly and said:

"Okay, Chairman, the Finance Department will follow your instructions and fully support the Investment Department."

Fang Yanyu heard Cao Zhihua say that there is no upper limit on the fee, and the company fully supports it.
I was very excited. After coming to Zhihua Company for so long and waiting for so long, it was finally my turn to show off my talents.

Seeing Cao Zhihua arranging work so impulsively, Li Shengnan asked worriedly:
"Director Cao, is the matter irreversible?

We must know that if we start a war with the four major foreign banks at the same time, our chances of winning are slim. "

Although Cao Zhihua was very angry, he did not lose his mind. After thinking about it, he said:
"They just want to take our property by force.

Although they occupy favorable geographical location and good people,
But the timing is with me,

Nowadays, the capitalist countries are divided among themselves. The beautiful country advocates a free trade policy, while the Great Eagle country advocates a colonial economic policy.

This is the two countries competing for the leadership of the capitalist countries, and they are almost crazy behind the scenes.
Therefore, even if we go to war with the four major foreign banks, the Hong Kong government will not dare to end easily.

Because we are supported by the Hong Kong government, going to war with the four major foreign companies can only be regarded as an internal struggle among capitalists.
Who wins and who loses has little impact on Big Eagle Country.

Of course, I don’t want to start a war with the four major foreign banks at once.
But as our old Chinese saying goes, know yourself and your enemy and you will be victorious in every battle.

Therefore, we must first have a thorough understanding of our opponent’s situation.

It's okay if you don't take action. It's nothing more than a waste of human and financial resources.

But if the situation forces us to take action, then we need to know enough about our opponents,
Being able to launch targeted attacks and launch the most advantageous attacks in the fastest time allows us to win. "

After listening to Cao Zhihua's words, Li Shengnan felt relieved, but he was afraid that Cao Zhihua's anger would affect his sanity and blindly challenge the four major foreign companies. In this case, the result would definitely not be good.

Now that I hear Cao Zhihua's clear explanation, I feel relieved knowing that Cao Zhihua is very rational in arranging his work.

After working together for such a long time, as Cao Zhihua's decisions were successful time and time again, the company developed faster and faster, and Li Shengnan already had blind confidence in any decision made by Cao Zhihua.

After feeling relieved, Li Shengnan said:
"Okay, Director Cao, now that you have taken everything into consideration, I feel relieved.

With the current strength and influence of our Zhihua Group, if it is just business competition,
If you deal with a foreign company alone, there should be no pressure. "

Cao Zhihua agreed with this point of view. After taking a sip of tea, he nodded and said:
"I never thought about completely defeating them. Once any foreign company fails, there will definitely be high-level officials from the Hong Kong government who will make peace.

So this time my goal is very clear, Hang Lung Group, this time I want it to be unable to survive on Hong Kong Island,

As for Wheelock & Co., I want it to completely forget this time. It depends on whether John Madden dares to go crazy for me in the future. "

Li Shengnan, Xiaoyu, and Du Xinru looked at Cao Zhihua with their mouths agape and cursed, which completely subverted everyone's understanding of Cao Zhihua.

However, when his boss was angry, as a subordinate, he must take action to vent his anger on his boss, so Li Shengnan said:
"I remember Wheelock seemed to be scaling back its investments in the rest of the world this year,

Prepare to invest heavily in Hong Kong Island, especially in real estate.
We should be able to figure something out here. "

When Cao Zhihua heard Li Shengnan's words, his eyes lit up. He was playing real estate on Hong Kong Island. Have you asked me?
So he said to Fang Yanyu:
"Minister Fang, take note of this, investigate carefully, and study a targeted attack plan."

Fang Yanyu replied very excitedly:
"Chairman, please rest assured that the task will be completed."

Cao Zhihua was satisfied with this work attitude. After nodding, he said to Zhang Guohua:

"Mr. Zhang, I fell out with the four major foreign banks today.

I am worried that they will jump over the wall and use underworld methods, so recently, the safety of me and my family members has been left to you to ensure that our safety is foolproof. "

Zhang Guohua now had strong soldiers and horses, and his aura became more and more powerful. After standing up and saluting, he replied decisively:

"Chairman, please rest assured that the security company will complete the task and ensure that there will be no accidents to the Chairman and your family."

"Okay, I'll rest assured that I'll leave the safety to you."

After Cao Zhihua finished speaking, he took out a cigar from his desk drawer, cut it, lit it, took a puff, and said:
"If the tiger doesn't show off its power, it will treat me as a sick cat. The old man said, OK, just punch away to avoid hundreds of punches.

This time, I also let this group of people from Hong Kong see what would happen if they angered me, Cao Zhihua, and adjourned the meeting. "

When everyone heard that Cao Zhihua was completely angry this time, they did not dare to take it lightly, especially Fang Yanyu. After leaving the office door, she immediately returned to the office to make preparations.

(End of this chapter)

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