Chapter 136 The order of the pet beast is delivered
After discussing the cooperation matters, Ms. Tong Mingzhu did not stay longer. She left a business manager to take charge of the follow-up, and then disappeared into the sky in the airship.

In the next few days, this middle-aged elite man, who was as dull and polite as the airship butler, worked around and quickly arranged everything arranged by Ms. Tong Mingzhu.

Looking at his various operations, I once again marveled at the generosity of the Wing Shipping Company.

It was just a cooperation that was still in the experimental stage. I thought it would be generous enough to be reimbursed in full, but I didn't expect that they actually established a short-distance freight branch directly on Fenglin Road.

In order to get the company into formal operation as soon as possible and equipped with basic freight functions, Tong Mingzhu even bought a nearby vacant land that Russell had previously been unable to acquire, and built a runway and warehouse on it.

Next to this small cargo base, Feiyi Shipping Company has reserved a large area of ​​open space. The meaning is clear:
If Russell can really solve the big problem of materials for Flying Wing Shipping Company, then this place can be upgraded again.

It must be said that this kind of incentive method that does not follow routines and directly bombards people with wealth is extremely effective.

You know, in a world where wild creatures are far more powerful than humans themselves, the transportation industry is not like the current world where it only needs to pursue speed.

Exploring suitable routes based on the distribution of wild pet beasts, equipping transporters with protective devices, and even hiring accompanying escorts are all a huge expense.

Moreover, the distribution of pet beasts is not eternal. Considering the sporadic nature of beast tides, if you want to maintain a stable route, sometimes you need to go through many fierce battles that are no less than pioneering battles.

Therefore, being able to have a cross-city shipping hub can also greatly promote the development of a region.

At present, Senluo City only has one passenger airport in the central area of ​​the city, and two cargo terminals with air routes close to surrounding cities.

If Feiyi Shipping Company can really build a sizable branch here, even if it is only a transportation station that is purely freight and cannot carry people, Maplewood Road can become another popular core area in Senluo City.

Now the better areas around Fenglin Road and most of the original functional buildings have been bought by Russell. If this area develops, he can directly make money from the increase in fixed product prices.

Not to mention that once it becomes popular, it will also produce cluster effects among related companies and consumers and other benefits.

In order to quickly secure such a big financial backer and partner, the priority of cultivating Flying Wing Shipping Company's orders even overshadowed Russell's eagerness to clear the first gym.


In such an efficient manner, the two pet beast cubs and corresponding equipment needed by the Flying Wing Shipping Company were delivered to the Chongwu House.

Since it was only an experimental breeding, the number of this batch of pet beasts was not too large, only about forty or fifty of each kind.

After completing the handover work, Russell left them all in vacant positions in the breeding farm.

Looking at a group of pet beast cubs looking out ignorantly in a high-end breeding box, Russell flipped through the detailed information about them.

Iron silkworm, as its name suggests, is a kind of pet silkworm known for the toughness of its silk.

They have serrated mouthparts that ordinary silkworm beasts do not have, and their bite ability is relatively strong, so they can eat some hard plants and avoid the bottom competition of herbivorous beasts, so their bloodline level is also slightly higher.

What matches the biting force of the mouthparts is the strength of their silkworms.

The cocoon spun by this pet animal is hard and heavy, and looks like an iron ball when held in the hand, hence the name Iron Chrysalis.

Only they can bite through such a strong cocoon with their serrated mouthparts of iron tree leaves and successfully transform into iron-winged moths with equally hard wings.

It has to be said that this type of steel does not have the characteristics of being too hard and easy to break, but its hardness and flexibility are very good, and it is produced from silver-level pets and can be mass-produced. It is indeed difficult to find materials.With so many factors to be met, it is not easy to find a replacement, let alone a high-level replacement.

However, the current dilemma of worm silk materials in the shipping industry lies precisely in this.

The essential reason why the iron silkworm spins out high-strength silk is to cast a stronger cocoon to ensure its smooth evolution.

According to the wonderful balance of nature, the strength of their cocoons will always be slightly lower than their own bite strength to avoid being trapped by too strong cocoons.

Due to the influence of this survival instinct, the body of the iron silkworm will reject the cultivation of silkworms that directly strengthen it.

Flying Wing Shipping Company has previously hired many experts from the breeding department to prepare many breeding materials that can increase the concentration of mucus substances in pet animals.

However, these expensive cultivation materials are either refused to be eaten by iron silkworms, or even if they are eaten, they have no effect.

After realizing this problem, Feiyi Shipping Company also changed its thinking and tried to cultivate the biting ability of iron chrysalis silkworms.

However, the mouths of silkworm pets are just that big, and it is also difficult to breed them in the same way as dogs and large-fronted beetle pets.

The branch of iron silkworms that eat iron trees is also a special race that has evolved over countless years.

Feiyi Shipping Company has spent more than ten years working on this and invested countless funds, but the improvement in silk quality has been minimal.

In the face of successive failures, they have only used some more extreme methods, such as directly injecting substances that can increase the strength of silkworm silkworms into the body of iron chrysalis silkworms.

This method worked for a short time, but unfortunately the cost was quite high. The silk produced by that batch of iron chrysalis silkworms was not enough for one airship repair, and there was also a high proportion of dead cocoons during cocooning.

This means that the forcibly cultivated iron pupa silkworms will most likely not be able to successfully emerge from the cocoon, making it difficult to breed.

If there is no direct second-generation breeding output, and each generation is cultivated by injection, combined with the huge dosage required for an airship, the cost will be sky-high.

In the end, this loss-making business was completely stopped.

The problems faced by weaver worms are actually basically the same as those of iron chrysalis silkworms.

Although their shells made of mucus are an important means of protection, they cannot change in size as their bodies grow.

Moreover, shells made of biological materials such as mucus, branches, and the fur and scales of other organisms are more or less likely to deteriorate and become moldy.

When the shell is too small or deteriorates, the weaver worm will bite a gap in the shell with its mouth. After escaping, it will use mucus to re-create a new shell.

Therefore, the slime of the weaver worm does not develop into a super adhesive property.

But this goes against the need for aerospace vehicles that "one bonding needs to be as stable as possible for many years."

If they are forced to cultivate the sticky mucus, the shell will not fall off, they will be suffocated in the shell during the growth process, or the shell will become moldy and become infected and die.

(End of this chapter)

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