Hong Kong Island Comic Master

Chapter 180 Fan Fiction

Chapter 180 Fan Fiction
"Pass the ball, pass the ball!"

"Don't shoot...ah, good shot!"


On the green field not far away, students were sweating their youth.

They cheered, causing Li Wanyue to look up under the shade of a tree. When the boys saw that Li Wanyue's attention had been caught, they kicked the ball even harder.

Whether it is football or basketball, there is a legend circulating that when a person suddenly becomes alone on the court, stops passing the ball, and constantly shows off his skills, it means that his sweetheart has arrived off the court.

However, looking at the current situation on the court, almost everyone is playing very uniquely. It can only be said that the charm of Li Wanyue and Lan Jieying is so great that these boys who have not yet left puberty are being manipulated to death. .

However, what they don't know is that beauties don't like watching football at all, they only like to watch handsome guys play!
As for Li Wanyue, she doesn't even have any interest in handsome guys playing ball. After all, after entering the entertainment industry, handsome guys appear in endless streams. She can't even look at them, so why bother to watch these raw melons and eggs!
She looked up because they were so noisy that she was reading!

"Xiaoyue, Jieying, here you go!"

Chen Weixian took two bottles of water and handed them to the two of them.

"Thank you!" Lan Jieying smiled and took the water.

"It's so annoying. Being a star is so troublesome. I can't even drink soda!"

Looking at the tasteless mineral water, Li Wanyue's face became bulging.

Since you enjoy the scenery in front of the stage, you have to bear the price behind it.

Although Li Wanyue and Li Wannian are twins, unlike Li Wannian who doesn't gain weight no matter how he eats, she has a physique where he can get fat even if he drinks cold water.

In addition, she is the lead singer and the focus of the stage. Maintaining her figure is the most important, so Amy supervises her diet the most strictly.

Li Wanyue once felt that sooner or later, she would starve to death on stage.

It's so torturous!
"How about... I put some tea leaves for you?"

"I don't want it, it's so bitter! I want something sweet!"

Li Wanyue pouted her little mouth and couldn't help but want to act coquettishly.

"Keep your voice down, there are people watching over there!"

At Lan Jieying's reminder, Li Wanyue looked around and found that the group of classmates playing football were looking at her from time to time.

“It’s so annoying, I’m being watched everywhere!”

Due to quitting sugar, Li Wanyue's temper was much more irritable than usual.

"Aren't you used to it yet? Ignore them and read your comics!"

Lan Jieying was a little dumbfounded by Li Wanyue's bad temper.

Hearing the comics, Chen Weixian suddenly asked curiously: "Xiaoyue, are you reading comics too? What comics are you reading?"

"Boys Over Flowers, my brother's new comic!"

Li Wanyue lit up the comic and showed it to Chen Weixian.

"It turns out to be this comic! However, I heard from my colleagues in the editorial department that he is still just the original script writer of this comic, and the main writer is He Zhiwen!"

"So what, this comic is very interesting anyway!"

Ever since Li Wanyue read "Hong Kong Island Love Story", she has become a die-hard fan of shoujo comics and likes to read this type of shoujo comics.

It's a pity that the current development of girls' comics in Hong Kong is not as good as that of boys' comics!

There are all kinds of great gods in shounen comics, but in shoujo comics, there are very few great ones. The most popular comics are only those created by Li Wannian when he took the time to draw them.

There is no way, there is really no rival. "Two-dimensional Girls' Magazine" has a higher status among girls' comics than shonen comics. It is simply a dimensionality reduction blow.

After hearing Li Wanyue's words, Chen Weixian scratched his head, sat aside and said nothing.

He couldn't read girls' comics at all. Thinking of this, he stopped talking. Instead, he sat aside, took out a newspaper, and read it carefully.

"Huh? It's weird, you are actually reading a newspaper instead of a comic?" Seeing such a scene, Li Wanyue felt like she was seeing a fake Chen Weixian.

"I've finished reading the latest comics. I'm bored, so I just read this newspaper! Hehehehe!"

"What are you laughing at? What kind of newspaper is this?"

"This, "Two-dimensional Information Station"!"

Li Wannian's plan has now really come true.

Since the release of "Two-dimensional Information Station", the sales volume of the newspaper has rapidly increased to more than [-], making it one of the most popular newspapers in Hong Kong Island.

Of course, because it is a weekly newspaper, its impact is not as big as that of several daily newspapers, and the price is only two yuan.

But the corresponding cost is also very low. In any case, this is undoubtedly another cash cow for Two-dimensional magazine.

In addition, because its audience is mainly comic fans, it is not well-known among ordinary people.

Li Wanyue was too busy with work and studying, so it was only half a year after its release that she heard about it for the first time.

"What are you talking about?"

“There’s everything from comics consultation reports, comics artist gossip, and fan fiction!”

“What is fan fiction?”

With that said, Li Wanyue snatched the newspaper from Chen Weixian's hand. Chen Weixian wanted to stop it, but had to give up due to the pressure from Li Wanyue.

Li Wanyue looked around and saw that the title of the novel Chen Weixian was reading was "The God of Death: I am the Captain of the Fifth Division".

Although the content is only one chapter, it has a total of [-] words. It tells the story of a modern Hong Kong boy who traveled to Soul Society and became the captain of the fifth division after Aizen defected, and also found Lu Kia. , Mao Zhihua, and Song Luanju are three confidants.

"What are these?"

Looking at the content of this novel, Li Wanyue's head was full of black lines. She felt that this novel was really... YY!

"This is called fan fiction. Your brother proposed it and gave us a lot of knowledge. Many editors at our magazine have submitted articles!"

"Your editorial agency has submitted articles. Wait, this novel was written by you, right?"

Li Wanyue suddenly realized something, glanced at the author of the novel, whose name was "Shang Xianyue", and then cast a scrutinizing look at Chen Weixian.

"Uh, that's right, I did write this, and I earned a small commission!"

Seeing that he couldn't hide it, Chen Weixian could only admit it while scratching his head in embarrassment.

"Okay, Weixian, you can write novels now!"

In this era, it is very difficult to write a novel and serialize it in a newspaper. It is not like the popularity of online articles in later generations, where you can write it with a computer connected to the Internet!

Therefore, in the minds of people in this era, those who can write are high-level intellectuals.

"Where is it? It's just a trick!"

Chen Weixian quickly waved his hand and said modestly.

Others don't know, he doesn't know?

A novel that requires no writing skills and no thought is just like junk food. It is fast food and not worth being proud of at all!

"Don't be modest! Writer Chen! However, there is something I don't understand!"


"Are you the same as the protagonist and want to find three girlfriends?"

Hearing this, Chen Weixian immediately felt that his whole back was soaked, and quickly explained: "Xiaoyue, it's not what you think! I followed your brother's words... Oops!"

Before he could finish speaking, Li Wanyue flew up and kicked Chen Weixian in the calf.

(End of this chapter)

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