Why do mom and dad fight every day?

This is a problem that has been bothering zero recently. Sometimes he can't even sleep well because his mother's voice sounds like he is being bullied.

The crying sound is very obvious.

But... every time it wanted to rush into the room, it would be blocked by the closed door.

The strangest thing is that every day, Zero sees his mother walking out of the room with a glowing face, while his father's face seems to be much paler.

As expected, I still don’t understand human things.

"Zero, are you hungry?"

Kim Taeyeon arranged her clothes and walked out of the bedroom, squatted down and waved to her pet dog.

In her heart, zero is also part of the family.

"Woof." The puppy circled around its mother and smelled it a few times. For some reason, it felt as if it smelled the scent of its father. The two were entangled with each other and it was difficult to distinguish each other.

"Oh, don't worry, zero, mommy will prepare breakfast for you right now."

Kim Taeyeon still feels a little guilty about her pet dog. After all, she only had Zero as a companion before, but now that she has a boyfriend, she has neglected the puppy.

Even when Lin Yan took Zero out for a walk, he often went there.


Zero's eyes were still looking towards the bedroom. Why didn't his father come out? The sun would be basking him in a while.

After Kim Taeyeon finished feeding her pet dog, she sat on the sofa and began to think about ordering takeout. She hoped that Lin Yan could have a steaming breakfast as soon as he got up.

Unfortunately, women are not capable enough to do it with their own hands.

"No, I also want to learn cooking." Captain Xiaogui secretly made up his mind. He didn't study before because there was no need, but now the situation is different.

We have a family now.

Kim Taeyeon used her hand speed, which she had honed over many years of playing games, to quickly scroll through the web pages on her phone, searching for foods that would be more nutritious for men.

Lin Yan has indeed been having a hard time these days. As the beneficiary, women must feel sorry for their boyfriends' health.

The two of us still have a long life in the future, so we still need to take good care of it.

Kim Taeyeon bit her finger and looked at the content that popped up on the search page. She frowned and thought, "Xiaoyan is still young now, so she shouldn't need these."

She recalled the child's behavior from the first time to last night...

The younger brother is the younger brother.


At this moment, Captain Kid drooled when he thought of Lin Yan's smooth waist. Otherwise, fitness was indeed useful. The former otaku cartoonist would never have behaved like this.

Everything is the best arrangement of fate.

Kim Jong Kook: Did I change my name to Destiny?

Kim Taeyeon skipped past some of the advertisements that popped up in front of her about prolonging the effect of aging and replenishing energy and strengthening virility, and swiped directly downwards. She just wanted to know what ingredients would be better for men at this stage.

Food supplements are still necessary.

No matter how sharp the knife is, it needs to be sharpened more often, otherwise it will rust sooner or later. Women should prepare for a rainy day now.

"Sea cucumbers, prawns, leeks..." Kim Taeyeon read while bringing up the page of notes and jotting them down carefully. She had never been so serious when taking classes at the company.

Although I also study for myself, the feeling is not that obvious.

Boyfriends are different, their feedback is swift and direct.

Kim Taeyeon understands this deeply.

For Girls' Generation's captain, problems that can be solved with money are no problem. After the woman selected some ingredients, she immediately placed her order.

Even if it is not of much use, it is not a loss if it is eaten in the stomach.

"Sister Taeyeon, what are you looking at?"

While Kim Taeyeon was still checking the information carefully, Lin Yan had already gotten up. "Oh, it's nothing. I ordered takeout so you won't have to work too hard." Kim Taeyeon raised her little face and smiled at her boyfriend.

"Taeyeon sister is better."

Lin Yan sighed and rubbed his waist while talking.

He seems to be a little too indulgent lately.

The twenty-three-year-old man has never been afraid of charging. Anyway, energy is like grass in the ground. It will grow back after a sleep, and it will never be used up.

He just, just looks maybe a little paler than before.

The way of heaven is to make up for the excess of losses and make up for the deficiencies. There will always be a price for the one who pays.

However, there is a saying in the world that if you die under the peonies, you will become a ghost, so it is understandable that Lin Yan can't control himself when facing his lovely girlfriend.

Alas, maybe I still need to be more disciplined.

It doesn't matter how much you mess around when you're young, but you'll have to pay it back when you get older.

Lin Yan secretly made a decision in his heart, that is, he would go to Kim Jong Kook and continue to receive high-intensity training, mainly to strengthen his self-discipline.

Well... if, what if, if one day he wants to avoid paying public food, he can still use fitness as an excuse.

After doing leg exercises with that thing, let alone having sex, it was difficult to sit down and go to the toilet, and I simply didn’t want to move a step.

Kim Taeyeon:?

"By the way, are you going to the studio today?" The woman looked at the estimated delivery time of the takeout on her phone and asked.

"I won't go. I'll just let them handle the rest. I'll just be responsible for the creation."

Lin Yan was really in a hurry when he started to prepare.

He feels that he is almost becoming a businessman rather than a content creator, but after this period of adjustment, the man has also grown.

After the framework of the studio is set up, let the employees do the work, and you only need to concentrate on preparing new works.

These are all things Huang Meiying taught herself.

In the entertainment industry, there are many artists who use studios to operate their own IP. When Seohyun first left S.M, he set up his own studio and worked for a period of time before joining other companies.

"Oh, that's good." Kim Taeyeon didn't say much. It would be nice if Lin Yan could make his own decisions about his career.

"By the way, my aunt also said that if the focus of her activities shifts back to South Korea in the future, then she will sign in to my studio."

Lin Yan hugged his petite girlfriend, thought for a while and said.

Huang Meiying currently only has an American company, which is completely blank in South Korea. Many of the resources here are still obtained through the contacts accumulated during Girls' Generation.

However, it is still very inconvenient not to have a local team to handle things.

Kim Taeyeon couldn't help but feel a little moved: "Pani really said that?"

"Why did I lie to you?"

"Xiaoyan, what if I also go to your studio?"

Captain Kid is indeed a little moved. If she can be in the same company as her boyfriend, her life will definitely be more comfortable.

You are in charge of your own affairs, and you don’t have to look at other people’s faces at all.

However, S.M's treatment of Kim Taeyeon is actually quite good. Although there will always be some dissatisfaction in one way or another, the conditions for the contract renewal are indeed very generous.

One Kim Taeyeon and one Lin Yoona, both are the company's key contract renewal targets.

As for everyone else…

"Of course you're welcome, sister Taeyeon, do you really think so?" Lin Yan threw the question back unchanged.

“Think long term, think long term.”

The ingredients and breakfast ordered by Kim Taeyeon were delivered shortly. Lin Yan looked at the things in front of him:

"These...are all for me?" (End of Chapter)

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