Chapter 304: Turning against guests.


Lin Yan lay on the bed and sighed quietly.

Kim Taeyeon and Cui Xiuying could chat for a while, but the boy had to digest it by himself. After all, he couldn't tell his aunt or other sisters about the intimate matters between the lovers.


However, Lin Yan didn't really have any ideas on how to make Kim Taeyeon happy.

He felt that his brain, which had been busy with work recently, was starting to become dull.

Lin Yan even dug out the comics he had drawn before and read the contents to see if he could find any inspiration. Many things about emotions are interoperable.

"What were I thinking when I drew Mamiko?" However, the boy was still getting more and more confused as he looked at it, and there was no reference at all.

After falling in love, I found that reality was completely different from what I imagined.

Sweeter, but also more twisty.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of this that the love in various literary and artistic works is more attractive, because it is difficult to find it in reality, or even impossible to find it at all.

Having said that, if Lin Yan had to choose one person between Mamiko and Kim Taeyeon...

Then he would still choose Kim Taeyeon.

In Lin Yan's heart, Kim Taeyeon has long been the number one heroine.

What's more, that sister can also speak Japanese. Anyway, she can know everything from tama to flax.

"Oh, the troubles of happiness..."

When you have a living girlfriend, you will naturally have to bear all the good and bad things. Kim Taeyeon is not like Mamiko in the comics, where all the joys, sorrows and joys are controlled by herself.

Lin Yan turned over a few more times on the bed, unable to fall asleep, so he simply got up and continued painting.

The approximate creative content is: after the male protagonist and the female protagonist, who is a big star, lived together for a period of time, the two people changed from hating each other at the beginning to occasionally having some small tacit understanding, but everything is getting better. At that time, they suddenly had some misunderstandings...

Comics come from reality, so Lin Yan was full of inspiration at this time.

Of course, if Kim Taeyeon saw it, she would definitely explode again. What is a misunderstanding? It was clearly you who sneaked into my room without consent!

Lin Yan: I have aligned the heroine’s ambition with Sister Sunny, so there is nothing else to be afraid of.

However, in order to enhance the recognition, the boy also specially designed the heroine's signature to look like a butterfly, so that the characteristics of Kim Taeyeon are more obvious.

Sister Taeyeon, although I have increased my ambition and height, you are the only heroine.

A certain sheep: Xiba!

I believe you are the one who has a ghost.

When Lin Yan is in a creative state, he often doesn't notice the time, and it's often dawn before he knows it. This is something that often happened in the past at Sakura.

However, Kim Taeyeon didn't know.

Captain Kid didn't sleep well that night. After being enlightened by Cui Xiuying, she was also thinking about whether her anger was a bit of a fuss.

"It's just that he's not right..."

Kim Taeyeon thought for a long time, and finally felt that Lin Yan's approach of sneaking into her room was wrong.

The woman even thought that even if the two people completed in-depth communication and achieved the dual unity of soul and body, they would still sleep in separate rooms.

Well, anyway, they just sleep together three to five or seven days a week, or play for three to five or seven hours and then go back to their separate rooms, that's fine.

Lin Yan: Why do I feel pain in my back for no reason?

Kim Taeyeon had already thought about it. As long as the child apologized to herself when he got up tomorrow morning, she would get off the donkey and forgive Lin Yan.

Husband and wife quarrel, quarrel at the head of the bed and make peace at the end of the bed.

"Xiaoyan, what's wrong with you?"

As a result, when she got up the next day, what Kim Taeyeon saw was Lin Yan standing in the kitchen with two big dark circles under her eyes, drinking coffee.

She remembered that the child didn't like drinking coffee.

Lin Yan couldn't help it. The creative inspiration came to him. He didn't pay attention to the time and accidentally stayed up all night. He would definitely not be able to bear it if he didn't drink something. He had to go out for a meeting during the day.

A forced smile appeared on the corner of the boy's mouth: "Sister Taeyeon, I'm fine." Lin Yan's mind was in a state of confusion and he didn't think much at all.

However, this expression and state were different in Kim Taeyeon's eyes. The kid captain thought that his little boyfriend didn't get a good rest because of his attitude.

Women feel distressed.

Those things I bought, including stockings and underwear, were not just for you to wear in the end. Why did I have to sneak into the room...

"Did you have a good rest last night?" Kim Taeyeon asked in a low voice.

"Sister Taeyeon, I'm going back first to wash up. I have to go out later."

Lin Yan's head was so numb that he didn't hear what the sister in front of him said. He waved his hand and went back to the room.

Kim Taeyeon opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say.

Isn't this child angry?

It shouldn't be.

Kim Taeyeon hesitated for a moment, but immediately chased after her: "Xiaoyan, what are you going out for?"

"I have a contract to sign today, and I also have to discuss the comic manuscript with someone." Lin Yan felt that he should take a cold shower, so that he would be more awake.

When he was at Sakura, he was just a simple creator. He only needed to draw well and didn't have to worry about any unnecessary things.

It's different now.

Lin Yan still has to take on his own responsibilities and start a family. The two words are usually connected together, especially since his girlfriend is a famous national star.

"You didn't have a good rest last night. Are you in such a hurry about work?"

Kim Taeyeon's tone unknowingly contained a hint of complaint. Men just don't know how to take care of their own bodies.

Lin Yan brushed his teeth and said vaguely: "Sister Taeyeon, don't worry, you will remember to have breakfast later."

Captain Kid looked at his boyfriend's hurried figure, and for a moment he couldn't figure out whether Lin Yan did it on purpose or if he was just really busy.

The person who should be angry is himself, but now it seems like this child is angry?

"Oh well."

Kim Taeyeon responded.

She wanted to see what Lin Yan was going to do.

Zero lay obediently at his mother's feet. The puppy still remembered how angry his mother was yesterday.

Lin Yan didn't forget to take a look at this sister before going out, trying to make sure whether Kim Taeyeon was still angry, but found nothing.

Forget it, let’s wait and find another opportunity later.


Kim Taeyeon looked at the closed door, changed her posture and curled up on the sofa.

The woman smacked her mouth, and now she felt uncomfortable without the 1.8-meter-large doll in her arms.

Alas, it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

"Zero, tell me, did mom go a little too far yesterday?"

Kim Taeyeon leaned over and picked up her pet dog, put it in her arms, stroked it gently and said.

"Woof." Zero called out softly. I don't know if he understood it or not. Anyway, his attitude was very upright.

"Forget it, Xiaoyan and I will have a good chat when we come back in the evening."

Kim Taeyeon murmured.

At worst, I would just put on my stockings and show it to the child.

(End of this chapter)

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