Chapter 284 My love!

"I'm stupid, really."

Alone in the room, Finn, who couldn't sleep late at night, was lying on the bed in despair and talking to himself. He looked at the snowflakes gradually falling outside the window and sighed almost every word.

"I just know that there are many idle people and powerful people in the inner city, which may ruin my good deeds. I don't know that there are also people in the outer city."

"I came to the contact point at noon, made a cup of coffee with a kettle, and asked Grad to kill Boris with me. He is a very obedient retard. He listened to my words and he agreed."

"I led people to ambush and fight. Boris was lying down and someone came to save him. I shouted, "Grade!" "There was no response. When I looked up, I saw that he was knocked unconscious on the spot. Our Grad was gone."

"I also tried to fight, but I couldn't beat him. I was anxious and ordered someone to help me. Until half a minute, several people came to the ruins and saw a big shoe of his hanging on the broken wall. Everyone said, it's over, afraid He was crippled."

"Go in again; sure enough, he is lying on the rotten bricks, and all the features on his face are swollen. Unfortunately, he is still holding the sledgehammer tightly in his hand..."

Then he burst into tears and his voice broke into sobs.

It's not that he's crying for the stupid pig who betrayed him in the end, but...

If the mysterious person didn't take action that night.

If he did not choose to eradicate the root cause, but chose to leave after injuring Boris.

If he had been calmer in the back, he wouldn't have gotten into a fight with Grad for no reason and even risked his life.

If everything was normal, I should have overcome the last obstacle, entered the city lord's palace, and become the sole master of Sunshine City without any dispute!

What's the result now? After killing his closest ally, he could only lie weakly on the bed to recover, wondering when he could strike hard!

This feeling of only missing one step but not being able to take it is frustrating. It's like flipping through dozens of pages and finally finding a side dish that suits your appetite, but the progress bar inexplicably returns to zero when the network speed reaches 99.9%.


When people are bored, they tend to think randomly, and when they think randomly, they are prone to mental problems. Even Finn, who is used to being calm, took several deep breaths to calm down the depression in his heart.

Turning over, he no longer looked at the snowflakes that he was tired of seeing in the north, and began to make calculations in his mind.

Hey, let the adjutant find the God of Choice tomorrow. He must give me the fourth generation of rejuvenation, no matter how much it costs!
Drowsiness came over him, and he closed his eyes in a daze, but when he was about to fall asleep, he suddenly heard footsteps outside the door.

The habit he had developed over many years in the army made him wake up immediately and looked at the door warily, but after hearing clearly, he relaxed a little again.

"My lord, please report something urgently."

Because it was indeed the adjutant who appeared outside the door. He knocked gently on the door and said the above words word for word.

Any report against Finn within the mercenary group has strict opening remarks, and different wordings represent different degrees of urgency.

But this uses two emphasis words...

Although Finn is weak, it is only compared to his weakness in his heyday. It is still very easy for him to kill an ordinary person now.

So he got out of bed in silence, and sat on the edge of the bed wearing the leather armor that he didn't take off at all. He first checked at least three weapons he carried with him before clearing his throat.

"come in."

The adjutant walked quickly, closed the door, stopped three steps away from him, leaned forward slightly and whispered.

"Sir, Christine, the Minister of Taxation of the Federation of Commerce, would like to see you."

As a cunning villain who is clearly into calculations but likes to pretend to be a tough guy, with a strong desire for control and who loves to be the mastermind behind the scenes, Finn has placed informants in all the forces in the inner city.

Those small forces that can be manipulated at will are easier to handle. They are either second-in-command, think tanks, or even the entire organization is his black and white gloves, responsible for making different behaviors in various situations and controlling the situation inside and outside the city. .

Among the big forces with names, the Adventurer Association is the leader of the Truffle Family, Grad, and the Mountain People Hammer Mercenary Group is Johnson, one of the four captains.

Even in the Holy Light Church, which is extremely difficult to penetrate, he bribed a few greedy believers to establish good relations with some priests. The more frequent exchanges he made, the more information he could get out.

As for the Commercial Federation, the largest force on the surface, there are naturally some, from the various businessmen in Sola's direct line to the handlers responsible for carrying out violence. These beasts who are either chasing fame or profit are the best to control.

But no matter which one of them, they basically choose to help themselves driven by profit only after letting their subordinates come into contact with them. After all, on the surface, I am a fool who is played by Andrew, and he is by no means a suitable master.

Only a few of them had the courage to seek them out on their own initiative, because they were already at the end of their rope and were in desperate need of seeking medical treatment. As long as they could survive, they would seek help from anyone.

But besides them, there was another person who contacted him for other reasons.

But it happened that he felt that among the major forces, apart from the church's gang of magicians, it was the most difficult to penetrate.

"Kristen, she's here, what is her purpose?"

The adjutant bowed slightly.

"She only said that there is something big that must be told to you personally, but she didn't elaborate on what it was."

If it were in the past, Finn would have let Christine in without hesitation. Although she was of a higher level than him, this place was the core of the mountain mercenaries. If she really dared to make a mistake, he would be able to keep her. Completely solidify the last brick to reach the top of Sunshine City.

but now……

Anyway, that mysterious person is...ahhhhh! ! !

But Kristine is currently his most important partner. Can he win Sunshine City or will he still rely on the other party's help?

What should I do if I act cowardly and others feel that I have no value in uniting, or they simply think that my ally is delicious?
Finn rubbed his slightly swollen temples and temporarily came up with a solution to both problems.

"Where is she now, in the first-level reception room?"


"No... you go make her a cup of coffee, call a few more brothers who are strong and loyal, and we'll meet her in the lobby!"


The adjutant was stunned for a moment after hearing this, but he did not dare to question the leader's order. He saluted again and left quickly.

So twenty minutes later, the neatly dressed leader of the Mountain People Mercenary Alliance, the leader of the Mountain People's Storm Mercenaries, the Knight of Merit in the Deep Forest, the winner of the Forest Medal, the honorary baron, the man who broke the beast's tooth, Finn Candlelight, appeared. In the Covenant Hall of the Mountain Folk Mercenary Arena, I received a little-known female centaur cordially and friendly. When this timid and frightened country girl walked with four hooves, she got into the double door that was already more than two meters wide, but could only barely let her squeeze in, and scanned the crowd timidly, all the mercenaries They all raised their heads with disdainful eyes and said something in their hearts.

——Damn, this bitch is so big! ?
Even under the boss's orders, they were prepared to treat others arrogantly throughout the whole process and suppress Christine with overwhelming confidence and domineering.

But when they saw a monster-like creature crawling in, making the huge space look like a giant's toilet by itself, they couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

Only Fein could sit on the table without changing his expression, slowly raised his eyelids, and said something lightly.

"It's not polite for Minister Christine to visit late at night..."

As expected by Finn, Kristen, whose armor was still dripping with snow, opened her eyes wide and froze for a moment. This was obvious surprise.

It's like saying...ah, didn't it mean that Finn was already lying on the bed weakly due to injuries?
Why is it that now he seems to be fine, leading a large group of people to entertain him? Is it really scary?

Ha, she is indeed a vulgar woman with a heart rougher than her hands. She was able to deceive him with just a little trick.

The purpose of bluffing was achieved, and Finn, who deliberately kept the opponent up for nearly half an hour, showed a leisurely attitude of waiting for work.

As a quasi-noble, he was magnanimous and did not pursue the commoner's impoliteness. Instead, he motioned to the platform composed of several shelves opposite the long table.

"Forget it, it's just a joke, sit down."

The so-called "sitting" of the centaur is nothing more than two forms.

The first one is like Christine's temptation before... At least when she felt that she was seducing Ji Ming, she knelt down with her four horse legs diagonally, letting her heavy body completely rest on the ground.

This is the most comfortable sitting position for centaurs, but because it takes a certain amount of time to stand up again, it is somewhat "dangerous" and has been given more meaning.

For example, in some relatively conservative centaur tribes, when a female centaur assumes such a sitting posture towards a male, "Tomorrow Night" will appear a little too uncharacteristic...

As for the other one, a bracket is added under the horse's belly to reduce the fatigue of the four legs supporting such a huge body, allowing the centaurs to perform other behaviors more comfortably.

As mentioned before, the kneeling posture is a bit too ambiguous, so when going out, centaurs usually adopt the second sitting posture.

Kristen glanced at the bracket and seemed to make sure there was nothing wrong before taking four hooves.

"Lord Leader, I have something very important to report to you, so things like time can be ignored, right?"

As she spoke, a small envelope appeared in her broad hand, and she slid it along the table before formally sitting down.


Finn immediately raised his spirits and prepared to use all his strength to receive the blow, completely perfecting this delaying strategy.

But when he raised his finger, he realized that there was no extra force exerted on the envelope at all.

It might even be said that the intensity is not enough! Inexplicably, the pink envelope began to slow down before it slid in front of him, and was about to stop.

This... which show is this little cow and horse acting in?
Both the mercenaries serving as foils and Finn himself were stunned for a moment, so they were all focused on the envelope. They didn't realize until the next second that Christine seemed to have thrown out more than just the envelope.

Four legs mean stability, and the horse body means speed. Centaurs are natural mounted archers, and...

The envelope that slid out with her left hand was just a bait. Her real purpose was to take advantage of the situation and throw her right arm back to accumulate strength, and throw Ma Shan who appeared there with all her strength!

The next moment, Finn, who was about to touch the envelope, felt a huge force coming from his chest, and his body inevitably began to retreat.

His head naturally raised, and he saw Christine across the long table, whose muscles were bulging, and her strong right arm was still shaking after the throw.

It was only then that I was surprised to find that, despite the fact that the sneak attack was successful, there was no scheming pride in this centaur's eyes. Instead, they were filled with a murderous intent that could be described as hysterical.

But in the corner of his eyes, there were still a few tears of grievance.

Fenn's observation ended here, because his body had hit the wall, and under the impact, Ma Shan and he broke through to the next door, next door, and then the next room.

With all his internal organs shattered, he collapsed among the pieces of broken furniture and spat out a mouthful of blood.

But before he knew whether to be grateful that he was not dead for the time being, or to be angry that the other party had shamelessly attacked him, he found that his abdomen seemed to be getting hotter and hotter.

As a centaur girl, Christine has many favorites, such as those for sprinting, those for slashing, and those for...

The expensive consumable that comes with a miniature magic circle gradually turns red. This is the endless high temperature and heat that is gathering momentum.

Fein's eyes widened and he roared while spraying blood.

"Holy shit, what's going on!?"

Then he was completely turned into ashes amidst the deafening roar and reverberation of fragments, and died in an inexplicable explosion along with the great cause of domination that he had planned for a long time.

And Christine, who threw this literal throw of heaven and earth, slowly exhaled a thick white breath like a steam chariot made of steel in the oncoming warm blow.

She is not a time traveler, and she cannot transform overnight from a reckless woman who only knows how to use force to a peerless traitor who can play with brain cells from all births.

Therefore, she doesn't know what the strategy is, and she can't tell what's true or false. She has one and only one purpose for coming here!
Since in Finn's eyes, Christine's obedience is the last stumbling block to his dominance of Sunshine City, the same is true for her.

——So as long as I try my best to kill Finn, can I become the undisputed new king of Sunshine City?

Now that I have power, money and strength at the same time, can I let the God of Choice take the exam again...

No, his attitude no longer matters!

From today on, what I like must be caught in my hands, everything depends on my will, because...

Christine blinked out all the tears in her eyes and let them drift away in the wind, and once again held a long spear in her outstretched hand.

She spoke the words that had been suppressed in her heart and had been rehearsed for countless years in the aristocratic tone of voice.

"I am an orphan from the Pearl Family of the Deep Forest Kingdom. Finn is dead. You are willing to be loyal to me!"

 I just realized that it’s one million words long. Starting from this chapter, the third volume is coming to an end. Before the pioneers poison the world, let Sunshine City burn down.

(End of this chapter)

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