Damn it, this boss really has no normal skills.

Chapter 255 On that day, the player set foot on the ground

Chapter 255: That day, the player set foot on the ground

As the front line of combat among players, the Great Khan naturally has his own enchanted weapons.

The large carved bow in his hand has a rare and effective enchantment. After being fired, it can form a small magic circle around it to improve the penetration of friendly arrows.

Although the price is that every arrow it fires has intense sound and light effects like a child's toy, sometimes this is not a good thing.

Therefore, in the next second, more than a dozen arrows followed Ming Dy and enveloped the place, completely kicking the few lucky ones who had escaped death back to the gate of hell.

As a medium-sized predator that lives in the forest all year round, the magic wolf is at home in this ruins, jumping and running, constantly looking for those mercenaries who have survived to finish up the damage.

As for the fish that slipped through the net accidentally, it didn't matter. After all, after the wolf cavalry, there was the armored tauren who came with heavy steps, like copper walls and iron walls overwhelming the sea.

They were already huge in size and put on heavy armor, and the players instilled the tactical concept of "wall charge".

Whether it is buildings or defenses, whether mercenaries or servants, everything in front of them will be pushed down by the brute force of the giant shields in their hands, and then trampled over mercilessly.

But although the battle formation is good, the advancement speed on complex terrain is inevitably too slow.

Seeing that there were still a few mercenaries trying to escape quietly under the cover of chaos, the melee players who had been sharpening their skills for a long time took action.

With the crackle of gunfire, they joined the battlefield with a variety of weapons, trying to gain their own "war merits."

"Damn it, they want to kill us all, brothers, let's fight them!"

However, the mercenary who shouted such bold words has already collapsed on the ground like mud. What kind of effective defense can others organize?

Any mercenary who tried to raise his sword was shot to death, and the counterattack team that was finally organized was blown away on the spot.

[Gun Blade], [Hero], [Legend] and other guilds each sent out a group of top soldiers, and before they had time to intervene, they easily strangled all the resistance.

Of course, if there is a killing, the captured materials must still be protected. Even in the burnt ruins, you can still find some scraps of scrap metal, right?

Therefore, they constantly scattered people along the way to serve as human flesh signs, so that the Niutou old guys who were so excited that their mouths and noses were whitening should be restrained, so as not to trample all the late-night snacks.

And even if they kill, they will kill them selectively. Those who kneel on the ground and bang their heads without saying a word can often survive as long as their luck is not too bad.

"Put your pants up or I'll get stabbed!"

After shouting down a young mercenary's hesitant and outrageous behavior, the spearman was so frightened that he almost shut down the broadcast on the spot.

He shook off the blood on the tip of the gun and was about to say a few words of comfort when he heard his senior brother say urgently.

"Quick, quick, quick, second junior brother, look at that guy over there, he must be a high official!"

As a gangster organization that is essentially a gangster with serious internal exploitation, it is very easy to judge the status of a mercenary from his appearance.

The fat one must be an official, because only the strong ones can grab more wealth.

Andrew and others are exceptions, because the reason why the small mercenary group is small is because their leadership only has an extremely short-sighted vision.

The one with a smiling face must be an official, because only the fierce ones can steal more wealth.

Fenn and others are exceptions. Being sent here to be a mercenary leader after a military background is almost equivalent to exile, so there will naturally be resentment.

Those who don't wear armor are not necessarily officers, but those who wear fancy clothes definitely are.

...well, no exceptions.

The one not far away who was moving his body, shaking off his fat, staggering and twisting in the opposite direction, happened to satisfy all three of the above judgments, so...

Wait, sir?

The spearman then realized that he didn't seem to see anyone on the public screen sending a signal to capture Sheldon and other mercenary leaders.

No, not just the leader, but all the mercenaries who have been identified as the "Mountain Hammer" series seem to have not appeared!

Is it possible...

Therefore, amid suspicion, the players did not hack the fat man to death, but tied him up and threw him into the dust.

"Sir, please don't kill me! I am the leader of the Mountain People's Thunder Mercenary Group. I have never done anything bad. I will say anything!"

Without even needing the Great Memory Restoration Technique, this leader, as agile and slender as the name of the group, told the players everything they wanted to know and didn't want to know.

Moreover, the subjective initiative of his confession is too strong. Players need to use force and verbal threats to help him change the direction of his words before returning to the point.

"Wait a minute, you said Andrew only left the camp with some of the Hammer mercenaries?"

It was a matter of life and death. The cautious fat man thought for a moment before replying.

"Yes, I remember seeing Sheldon in the afternoon, it's absolutely true!"

So the Lancer shook his head at Fan Taozhu, Fan Taozhu shook his head at Howard, and all the players began to shake their heads.

——It’s over. The core group of enemies ran away early. Life or death in this mission is uncertain.

Someone is regretting it.

"Is there a hidden time limit? I know that soldiers are too fast to delay!"

Someone is sighing.

"We agreed that we could rescue him, but how can we explain it to Dahuang now?"

In the midst of regret and indignation, Fatty finally realized what he was doing.

"What do you mean? Where are the Hammer people? Could it be that they knew we were in trouble and quietly left us and ran away!"

The most annoying thing for a lost person is these bastards. They would walk over and punch him with a raised hand, knocking out three of his teeth.

"Otherwise? Fool!"

Andrew used the prestige of "Deputy Leader of the Mountain People Mercenary Alliance", the credibility of "Director of Andrew Hospital", and the value of "Rock Dragon Treasure" to coax and deceive, leading dozens of mercenary groups, large and small, who did not know the truth. into the dungeon.

Even though most of them had died in the chaos, there were still hundreds of survivors, including many high-ranking officials.

After hearing the truth of the matter, all the prisoners were excited for a while, and directed their anger and insults at the treacherous Andrew.

Completely forgetting that it was actually the underground coalition brought by the pioneers that reduced them to this miserable state.

But the enemy of my enemy is my friend, even if they were enemies until just now.

So before escorting them to the mine for labor reform, Canglang led people to systematically question them and summarized a lot of useful information.

"This group of mercenaries comes from a city called 'Sunshine City'. You can find them as long as you leave the underground plain and turn right, heading west."

"If they plan to escape to avoid fighting, the most suitable and safest destination will be there!"

There is a direction to continue the mission, but the sudden appearance of city targets still makes it difficult for players. As the largest or even the only "city" in the Hessian Territory, Sunshine City has towering city walls and at least two organizations that can compete with mercenaries.

Although today's players have a lot of firepower, it would be too arrogant for just a few thousand people to attack such a strong city.

I remember that when Li Yunlong bombarded Ping'an County, he directly mobilized 10,000 troops, indirectly affected friendly forces in many places, and turned the entire northwestern Shanxi into a pot of porridge before barely achieving the strategic goal.


[What should we do? Could it be that we take the risk and send people in to carry out sneak attacks and assassinations? 】

[Although it is possible, it is still a bit difficult to assassinate thousands of people at one time]

[Damn it, anyway, there are still ten days before the test ends. How about we prepare for a war and use more heavy artillery to attack and take it down! 】

Seeing the crazy and brutal strategies of the players on the public screen, Ji Ming couldn't help but complain.

"Why don't you say..."

[If you ask me, let’s just go straight to Katyusha with our technology tree and let them see the power of Stalin’s organ! 】


Actually, it’s okay, I’d be considered a conservative if I didn’t fast forward directly to Wrath of the Soviets.

However, the players did not become demoralized after encountering such a blow, but instead became more and more excited, which meant that they had developed a certain degree of resilience after being repeatedly beaten against their own stumbling block.

Even if the public beta of the game lowers the control and inducement for them in the future, they should be able to embark on the road of order and good salvation on their own.

In this case, this arrow on the string should be shot with enough force...in the head!

So at the next moment, another red notification was refreshed in the lower right corner of all players.

[Tip: Because the players eliminated all resistance in just half an hour after the start of the war, the scouts sent by the Mountain People's Hammer did not understand the situation here]

[So its large forces are still stationed near the ground. Please go as quickly as possible before they react and launch a devastating blow to them! 】

After sending this message, Ji Ming marked on the map the location where the mercenaries were stationed that he had inquired about before and asked Sylvia to confirm for the second time. He also thoughtfully provided multiple easy routes to get there.

"I knew there must be a second step of the mission. The thieves and mercenaries have no fighting ability at all. If we leave it there, they will start to fight. What's there to fight for?"

"Great, I haven't even had a chance to try out my new gun yet."

"It's a classic flexible difficulty. This Diao Mao planner knows how to carry water!"

After the habitual insult planning, the players suddenly discovered a very major problem.


The closed beta was in a ruined dungeon, which was crude and barbaric. Strictly speaking, there was nothing to play in.

The closed beta was in a dreamy underground plain, with many magical elements suddenly added, and the game's playability and interactive objects are constantly being upgraded and added.

Players who like to speculate attribute all this to the fact that the game officials are actually working hard to overcome various production difficulties. Many things are being carefully produced and will only be launched slowly, including the krypton gold system that has never been seen.

The ground, or the "sky" it represents, is a major project that they are working hard to tackle, but have not been able to get any ideas or solutions.

So after the closed beta was already "underground", they still bit the bullet and built an outrageous underground plain to serve as a map for the closed beta, continuing to circumvent the production of the sky.

But now...

"Fuck you, can you see the sky today?"

"Could it be a little easter egg that allows you to experience the gameplay on the ground in advance?"

but no matter.

"Brothers, rush to the duck and fight your way out of the ground!"

After the mercenary camp was a long gentle slope. Players clamored to go up and soon saw the exit to the ground.

It might be a fact, or it might just be a psychological effect. Breathing the cold winter wind, they felt that the air here was particularly fresh.

It's a pity that when they look up at the sky and want to see the bright moon and stars that the game officially uses as Easter eggs...

"Planning, let's take a look at it!"

There was nothing there, just a moon hidden behind thick dark clouds. If it wasn't quite white, you wouldn't even know it was the moon!

Ji Ming: What are you looking at me for? Yang Yue did this.

Yang Yue: It’s unjust. This was done by the 25th generation savior. He insisted on proving that the traditionalists were far stronger than the reformers, but the result...

"I used the body of a god to perform a bridge crossing the sky and the earth. I wanted to incorporate my influence into the atmosphere and ocean current circulation system. As a result, my divine power went crazy and turned into dark clouds in the sky. Is there such a cruel job?"

When Ji Ming finished listening to Yang Yue's story about the savior, the players who had been chattering did not dare to waste any more time.

They reorganized into pieces and surrounded the Mountain Man Iron Hammer's station from multiple directions.

Although under Andrew's leadership, Mountain Man Hammer's professionalism is definitely far superior to that of other peers, at least it will not fall behind at critical moments.

But mercenaries are mercenaries. No matter how much they are trained, these guys with dirty backgrounds will not have the fighting qualities and pride of soldiers.

So when Andrew kept sending spies to obtain underground intelligence, he thought he had everything under control.

In fact, these spies were intercepted by Sylvia on the way, and all they brought back were false news stuffed under hypnosis.

Moreover, the mercenaries who were kept in the dark were happily celebrating their victory this morning. How could the mountain man Hammer, who was also a thief, be any better?

Even though the people in charge are still human beings, when the members of the self-suppression team couldn't help but pick up the cups, the security level of the station began to decline unstoppably.

The helpless Bars could only find Andrew with a cold face, hoping that the leader would come forward to give a lecture and shock these veterans.

Unexpectedly, Andrew, who was already living in the dream weaved by others, didn't care at all. He felt that he had a chance to win and just pinched his goatee.

"Haha, actually I was being overly cautious by letting everyone stay here instead of going back to the city to celebrate. Just let everyone have some fun. Nothing will happen."

Even the moody leader said so, and Bals could only leave the camp in silence and keep a meticulous vigil alone.

It's not that he is really so dedicated, it's just...

Suddenly, a long and shrill roar belonging to the devil wolf interrupted his late-night thinking.

Logically speaking, this is nothing. The most numerous people in the dark forest are wolves. They like to howl to declare their sovereignty when they have nothing to do.

However, after this wolf howl, there were sounds one after another from all directions, and continuous firelight like dots of stars after the torch was lit.


(End of this chapter)

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