Damn it, this boss really has no normal skills.

Chapter 233 You have become very disloyal, unfilial, kind, unjust, polite, unwise, and untrustworthy

Chapter 233 You have become very disloyal, unfilial, kind, unjust, polite, unwise, and untrustworthy.

After glancing at Eleanor, Ji Ming looked away.

"It should be said that you came too late. Isn't arriving early the etiquette that a noble should have?"

Unexpectedly, Eleanor smiled proudly, pulled up the blazing sun necklace hanging around her neck and shook it.

"I can't help it. I'm a church priest. I have to deal with many problems every day..."

"Don't try to ridicule me. Being sarcastic is not what a noble should be... well, just pretend I didn't say it."


But before they even exchanged a few words, the music played by the band in the corner suddenly changed, from soothing to celebratory and cheerful.

The guests were frightened and confused for a moment before they understood the meaning and began to look for a suitable place to watch the ceremony.

And when the song ended, surrounded by several tax handlers, the host of this banquet, Sola, finally made his debut.

Although the old man's reputation is as bad as a cesspool, his upper body in this dress is still quite straight and he can be called well-dressed.

And today, he was holding a young female companion with a sweet smile. She had blond hair, blue eyes, and cream skin, and she looked quite eye-catching.

Amid the polite applause of the guests, he let go of his companion's hand and held down the small podium in front of the red curtain.

Just when Ji Ming was wondering whether his opening remarks would be "Let us open the skylight and speak clearly" or "It's too late, Gentiles".

A warm smile appeared on Sola's face, and he bowed deeply to everyone.

"Welcome all distinguished guests to join us, welcome!"

Then he used the sound amplification crystal to start his speech as the host of the banquet.

I can only say that he is worthy of being the richest man in Sunshine City, and the old thief Sola's clichés are beautiful.

"It's great. I saw a lot of familiar faces. Thank you gods for blessing us so that we can still meet again!"

"We have united sincerely and weathered Sunshine City's most critical moment together. This is a victory that belongs to each of us!"

Listen to what he said? Even if it's a scene, it's too corny!

Ji Ming resisted the desire to pick his toes and continued to listen, but until Sora opened his arms and praised loudly.

"Celebrate, friends, let us celebrate a better tomorrow for Sunshine City!"

He didn't even hear the turning point in his imagination or the hidden meaning behind the sugar-coated bullets.

Instead, he watched Sora leave the podium with satisfaction after enjoying everyone's applause, which was much more real.

"Ah, it's gone now? Fortunately, I still secretly carried the staff..."

Eleanor couldn't help but muttered, but there were actually many guests who felt that Sola had bad intentions in holding this banquet.

If you look around, you can see many people with wonderful expressions of doubt or confusion on their faces.

... Could it be that the actual purpose of this banquet is just like what is written on the invitation letter, to invite all relatives and friends to have a chat as the end of the year is approaching?

But no matter how suspicious they were, the band had started playing again, and all the tin cans from the tax department had left the hall.

The subtle raw atmosphere was buried lightly, and the previous enjoyment was restored.

But Ji Ming frowned and decided to see what the weird luck would say.

So he closed his eyes and repeated a few words in his mind several times.

Tonight was uneventful...

Tonight's banquet was uneventful...

I am safe and sound tonight...

But except for the last one, the first two could not convince themselves to believe it anyway.

Helpless, he could only whisper.

"I don't think things will be that simple. We must be more vigilant tonight."

However, as soon as he said these words, Ji Ming regretted it.

Let a mobile turret be on alert... What if she empties her magic power whenever she encounters a suspicious person?

"Well, you have a point!"

But Eleanor had already nodded solemnly, and when she was about to say something more, her expression froze.

"Uh... By the way, has Ji Mingshen chosen you to eat?"

"I came here hungry. Now I finally have some free time. I have to go and replenish my energy. Do you want to come with me?"

I have to say that the old thief Sola found a good cook tonight, and the buffet on the long table in the lounge was delicious.

So Ji Ming had just taken advantage of the battle-free card buff brought by the giant beast's visit, and had simply tasted it.

Although he also wanted to fight another round, his stomach, which was still undergoing intense digestion, obviously refused to agree.

"Okay, I'll see you later."

After bidding farewell to Eleanor, Ji Ming originally planned to find a quiet place and wait until the end of the banquet to have a late-night snack and leave.

But tonight he seemed to have really become a check-in point. No matter whether the relationship was good or bad, unfamiliar or familiar, everyone wanted to come over and chat with him.

And even though people left, Sora didn't.

He chatted with the representatives of the other two families, then walked directly to Ji Ming with the girl on his arm.

"Sir Chosen God, I am truly honored that you are willing to accept the invitation. You are one of my most important guests tonight."

“Excellent banquet, made my wine glass twirl, thanks.”

"Oh, you have such a sense of humor."

At this point, Sora exclaimed in exaggeration and patted the hand of the girl next to him.

"Oops, I almost forgot to introduce you, this is the granddaughter of Old Danse, her name is Martina..."

As he said this, he winked at Ji Ming and showed an understanding smile.


What do you know?

Ji Ming thought for a moment in confusion before finally recalling from the dust.

This girl seemed to be one of the several layers of powdered sugar that Sora sprinkled on him when he hit him with sugar-coated bombs!

It's a pity that Ji Ming, who had just moved to the inner city at that time and was still in a bit of trouble, was not knocked unconscious by such temptation, let alone him now?

And as an experienced social person, it is a basic skill to use words and deeds to judge the character and depth of others.

and so……

Old fox, why does your powdered sugar look wrong? It has an inexplicable fishy and mutton smell?

Are you sure this is the beautiful granddaughter of some old guy who is only sixteen years old and has just entered the social world, longing for a pure relationship?

Why do I think this is the 16th concubine who is extremely skilled and specially used as a strategic weapon?

Wait, if this layer of powdered sugar is added, then the other conditions...

Fortunately, I was sober at the time and was thinking about how to conduct the closed beta test.

Otherwise, if I really took advantage of this sugar-coated bullet, I’m afraid it wouldn’t be...

I am afraid that I have awakened the wisdom of my ancestors long ago, transformed into a natural disaster in advance, and brought the animals from the dungeon to Sunshine City to open a map.

——Tsk, I don’t want to suffer.

But Ji Ming didn't want to suffer, but others wanted to suffer from him.

After he repeatedly emphasized that he was devoted to the Tao and would spend his whole life practicing the teachings of the Holy Light, and after he had escaped the opponent's capture many times in a row.

"So that's it. I'm afraid that only with this kind of mentality can we win the favor of Mr. Shengguang."

Sora, who couldn't stand it anymore, signaled, and Martina, whose eyes were on fire, stopped her hand angrily. “Master Chosen, this dinner is for everyone to celebrate. In fact, you can relax a little.”

"Okay, there are still many guests waiting for me to take care of. We will see you later."

Watching Sora pretending to leave easily, and Martina who couldn't help but look back and ogle.

Ji Ming shrugged slightly and felt his back which was already covered in cold sweat.

...It was so dangerous, my clean cabbage was almost eaten by a pig!

Having already met all the important people who came to the banquet, Ji Ming thought that the next step would be easier.

But as time went by and after three drinks, the atmosphere of the entire banquet became more and more ambiguous.

Not everyone can drink as well as he does. There are more and more guests with red faces and thick necks, and their breathing is gradually quickening.

It's inevitable to make a gaffe after drinking, or take off your usual mask and become paranoid, excited, and real.

Although no one dared to talk nonsense in front of Ji Ming, his hearing was amazing, but he caught a lot of frowning things.

"Actually, the violent creature incident may not be a bad thing. I took the opportunity to acquire a lot of land in the outer city at a low price. Now I can make a fortune!"

"If you ask me, this incident is over too early. When the people from the outer city are completely desperate, we can still make more money!"

"Hehehehe, how did that taste last time? Sir, actually I have better ones here, now it's up to you... eh! Okay, okay!"

And as the music gradually becomes soothing and confusing, another function of the banquet is gradually revealed.

Even though Ji Ming was just sitting here, twenty-one women and five men had already come to chat with him.

And all of them said that they were drunk and hoped that the chosen one would send them home.

Ji Ming could still speak softly at the beginning, politely rejecting these animals dominated by primitive desires.

But as the other party's persistence gradually became longer, he lost patience.

Until a man was so limping that when he saw him, he was so excited that he twisted around like a zombie after seeing flesh.

"Sorry, I drank too much, you go find someone else."

He said a cold word and left quickly.

Seeing this scene, the man's expression became even more distorted, and he squeezed out a sentence as thin as a gnat through his teeth with a sad face.

"Doctor, I accidentally fell down and wanted to ask if you have any medicine..."

But Ji Ming had already walked a long way, and he didn't stop until he came to the corner of a corridor.

He was mentally prepared for the many births in Sunshine City, but what he just felt was too crazy.


Massive examples!

If you kill everyone in the banquet hall, you may be innocent, but if you kill every other person, there will definitely be mistakes!

My friend, you have become very unfaithful, unfilial, kind, unjust, polite, unwise, and unbelieving...

No, no, calm down, this is not something worth getting excited about.

He originally planned to open the window and let the cold wind blow away his overheated heart, but he accidentally saw a familiar figure.

That was Martina who was jumping towards him before, but now she was not holding Sola, but another man.

Ji Ming thought for a moment and recalled his identity.

That seemed to be a captain of the Mountain People's Storm Mercenary Group, one of the cronies of Alliance Leader Finn.

So, these two came together in...

The night is getting darker, the evening wind is getting colder, and even the dark clouds seem to have faded a bit.

The moon finally penetrated the thick clouds and shed its light, covering the hills in the garden.

The leaves trembled and rustled, causing the branches of the two branches to sway.

Fortunately, there are still some bright spots in the whirling shadows of the trees, adding a bit of wildness to the lush grassland.

This beautiful scenery is extremely pleasant, but Ji Ming's complexion is getting worse and worse.

He leaned against the wall and closed his eyes for a long time before sighing.


"What a shame!"

At this time, the night wind was blowing outside the house again. He felt noisy and disturbed his ears and turned around to leave.

I was walking down the corridor with my eyes down, but when I passed a corner, I suddenly heard the sound of high heels.

Looking up, I saw that it was Eleanor walking over in a hurry.

"Ji Ming Shenxuan, why are you here... By the way, you are a doctor, come and help me!"

Dragging him to a deserted corner, Eleanor looked around nervously and opened the door beside her.

There should be a utility room behind the door. Sitting slumped in the mess was a bald old man, smelling of alcohol, with his tongue hanging out, and a smile that never faded away.

"what's up?"

"This old man insists on sending me home and keeps pestering me. I can't help it! Just..."

Eleanor, who was still very excited, suddenly stopped and whispered.

"Tricked him here and then hit him hard on the head, like this."

As she spoke, she raised her waist slightly and stretched her hands behind her neck...

Then he took the opportunity to take out the staff from the ring and waved it hard in the air!

Sorry, what kind of Adele behavior are you doing?

Why I can already imagine what happened at that time.

"Wait a minute, I'll do a full set of tests."

Ji Ming first used the resurrection card to check whether he was dead or alive, then used the panel to check the status, and finally used the Saint's Cut to take an X-ray.

"Fortunately, it just cracked your skull and you fainted. You won't die."

In fact, Ji Ming knew this man. We had chatted with him for a while before. He was a merchant selling grain in the outer city. At least his financial resources were not as good as those of the goblin Renault.

Also, the higher you climb, the more shameful you become. If this was really a powerful guy, he wouldn't do such dishonorable things in public...

——At least cover your face, or find an inaccessible place.

"So you don't have to be afraid. Even if he wakes up later, he won't be able to do anything to you. He can only swallow his anger and pretend that nothing happened."

"Damn it, I've just eaten the eighth plate of cake. This is so unlucky!"

After kicking the dead pig twice to vent her anger, Eleanor pulled the hem of her skirt to catch her breath.

"The banquet is not fun at all, Ji Ming. I'm going back to the church to sleep. Do you want to come with me?"


Oh no, why is your tone so slow? Why do you feel so normal?

"Sister, I know it's my fault that my charm value is too high, but you really can't..."

Looking at the horrified Ji Ming, Eleanor finally reacted.

"Wait, I didn't mean that! I made a slip of the tongue! I am... I am..."

In the sudden silence, Ji Ming looked at Eleanor, whose face was flushed, as red as the guests.

"Priest Eleanor, can you tell me what you are thinking about right now?"

(End of this chapter)

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