Damn it, this boss really has no normal skills.

Chapter 209 Internet articles cannot exist without auctions, just like

Chapter 209 Internet articles cannot exist without auctions, just like...

The performance props are processed and the last piece of the brand story puzzle is obtained. Next, all you need to do is find a suitable stage to make your debut.

Incidents of violent creatures are getting worse and worse, and naturally it is not only people from outside the city who are scared to flee Sunshine City.

In recent times, several businesses in the commercial street have chosen to move out.

The world was in chaos, and no one was willing to take over these stores, so they all became idle.

So Ji Ming chose one of the relatively secluded shops and placed Edgar's body here.

Friends who are familiar with forgery crime scenes know that the simplest and most direct setting and the most vigorous destruction can often achieve the best results.

So after taking out all kinds of alchemy utensils found in the ring and decorating the interior and exterior of the store, Ji Ming started destroying the store directly.

The intense beating with the shovel, the vigorous chopping with the axe, and very detailed, the medicinal liquid that I spilled because I was anxious when using the Fourth Generation of Rejuvenation...

This part of his own was naturally familiar with the simulation, but it was troublesome when it was Edgar's turn to "attack".

It wasn't because Ji Ming didn't know how the alchemist lunatic should fight, but when he opened the moldy wooden box, he found that eight out of ten bottles of the opponent's medicine had no swabs, and the remaining two bottles had various rough descriptions.

"Brother Tou, what are you talking about?"

When splashed on the ground, some potions exuded a foul smell, some were fragrant, and some simply bubbled like cola...

Perhaps this is the current situation of most pharmacists. Even they themselves don’t know what the potion they brew is.

Thinking of this, Ji Ming realized later.

——No wonder Edgar would pour potion on Abomination when he has nothing to do. This is obviously a human experiment to determine the effect of the product!

The sky always lights up very late in winter, so when he finished all this, the surroundings were still in cold silence.

Ji Ming tore the black robe on his body and poured some acid on it. He took out an alchemical grenade that increased the quantity without increasing the price.

As the saying goes, if a wise man thinks a lot, he will make a mistake.

Although I have absolute confidence in the layout of the scene, it is still necessary to destroy the evidence as much as possible.

Taking a deep breath, he pulled off the tab and threw it directly into the shop.


As earth and rocks flew everywhere, half of the second-floor building in front of them was blown down, completely turning into a pitiful ruins of a battlefield, with many traces undetectable.

He took out a stick of incense wood from Edgar's small paper box and used the ignition technique to burn it as a road incense.

"Leave the beaker to me, you will only teach the child bad things..."

Sunshine City has been really tense recently. Before the curls of green smoke rose into the sky, the surroundings became noisy again.

The first people to come here were naturally the people from the Federation of Commerce. Looking at Cooper's slightly panicked face, Ji Ming knew that he was safe.

Carrying the bulging suitcase, he stood up from the ruins pretending to be tired and touched the blood on his face.

"Cooper, I may have caught the person behind the violent creature incident!"

In order to engrave the story in everyone's heart at one go, Ji Ming drank a lot of water in advance today.

The tax handler will say it once when he comes for support, and the Holy Light Knight will say it again when he hears the news and comes over.

The Orc Guards can tell it once when they try to explore, and they can tell it again when they meet the mercenary self-suppression team halfway.

So when he stood on the podium of the Church of the Holy Light, as a saint chosen by God, and shared with everyone in the audience his glorious deeds of fighting the mad alchemist Edgar for 300 rounds last night, the story had already become A word that no one can doubt is true.

In a daze, Ji Ming felt as if he had returned to the outer city, when he was still a little quack doctor.

In order to protect the turnover in recent days, Zeng told his fabricated story of failure and cried from the city gate to the clinic.

Lies continue to lie, just like today.

Ha, who would have thought that in just over a month, both the situation in Sunshine City and his own social status would undergo such earth-shaking changes?

However, a story that is too perfect is often also a point of doubt.

Before the good guys could rummage and bite the bullet, Ji Ming deliberately left a hole for himself.

Therefore, while flipping through the files sent from the Holy See, Bishop Tenis was the first to raise a question.

"No, according to the records of several Holy Light Knights who have fought against Edgar, his main combat power is the abominable trolls that follow him."

"There has never been any report that he has the ability to create and control violent creatures. How could he be the mastermind behind everything?"

But before Ji Ming could speak, someone immediately explained to him.

"That means Edgar is not the real mastermind behind the scenes, he is just a man who wants to fish in troubled waters."

"Yes, how can he do such high-frequency violent biological incidents by himself? There must be an entire organization behind it!"

"Perhaps even he himself was forced into the inner city. After all, the powerful hatred he carried with him is gone. He is probably dead!"

"Master Chosen of God is still too kind, and he ignored such an important point."

Look, I knew no one cared where Edgar's legacy was.

Moreover, under the guidance of Ruoyou Ruowu in Ji Ming's story, the attention of the vast majority of the audience was also diverted to the right path.

So not long after he arrived in the church's lounge, someone knocked on the door.

Ji Ming went through all the possible people in his mind, and when he opened the door, he found Cooper again.

Although this giant blood descendant has climbed to a higher position within the handler, he is still somewhat reserved when talking to him.

After awkwardly exchanging greetings and greetings, he slowly and stumblingly brought the topic to business.

"Dr. Ji Ming, I heard that when Edgar was fighting, you wore an armor that could defend against strange attacks. Can you let me take a look?"

Ji Ming would definitely not rest in rags, he had already changed into clean casual clothes.

Hearing this, he did not hesitate and took out the Talisman Armor from a box.


As a combatant who always fights on the front line, Cooper could see the extraordinary qualities of these two pieces of armor at a glance.

Although they look very miserable, with their surfaces covered with traces of damage and cracks, their overall integrity has not been damaged.

In other words, even if you wear it in battle now, it can still be used as a qualified armor. How tough and powerful is this?

After fighting against all kinds of violent creatures for so long, people have developed their own detection and inspection methods.

There is a black ring on each of their hands, which can significantly reduce the temperature as a reminder when something strange occurs nearby.

As for the reason why this alchemical creation can have such an effect, it is because it itself is considered a strange thing.

This kind of weak black insect will become cold when it detects the same kind. The creator took advantage of this characteristic and was very smart.

After briefly introducing the function of the black ring to Ji Ming, Cooper thoughtfully took an extra one and put it in his hand. “Doctor, can I try the effect of this Talisman Armor?”



He took off his own black ring and touched it carefully on the surface of the armor.

I thought it would break or even explode, but in the next moment, the entire ring quietly turned into ashes.

——Ya'eryou, died without even making a cry.

"Is the effect so good!?"

The knuckles holding the talisman's armor turned slightly white, and Cooper wished he could roll up his armor and run away now.

But Dr. Ji Ming on the side didn't seem to find anything, and still said piously that this was a gift from the Holy Light God and it was very precious.

Hey, it seems that I can’t get it or buy it.

Sighing in his heart, he finally gave up his plan to politely ask for a price, expressed his thanks again and left the lounge.

However, his departure was just the beginning, because as soon as Cooper left, someone from the Adventurers Association came to see him.

"Doctor Ji Ming, I heard that you were injured. This is Master Mi Yang's wish..."

So the Antelope family, the Truffle family, the Sharpclaw family, the mountain man Kuangfeng, and more miscellaneous small forces will explore and report again...

Even Andrew, the byd, shamelessly sent someone to deliver gifts.

"Dean Andrew said that he had some misunderstandings with you. At that time, he was indeed rude and offensive. These are an apology. Please think about it again."

When you think about your mother, should you give her a small knife or a big knife in the future?

Just in time, it also reminded me to go to your basement to restock the goods later!

Of course, visiting patients is just a pretense. No matter how long the foreplay with the visitor is and how bright the smile is, the visitor cannot be separated in the end.

"Is this the magical Talisman Armor? I heard that it can resist strange invasions, is it true?"

And after showing Ji Ming dazzling experimental methods, even their breathing was messed up, and they all looked sincere.

"Is it such a good thing? I wonder if you can part with it. I will definitely come up with a price that satisfies you!"

But since this is a pure seller's market, Ji Ming, who has all the selling rights in his hands, can sit still.

Since you all think that my Talisman Armor is awesome, both the outer armor and the inner lining are unique to Sunshine City and the existence of various armor makers.

Well, you should come up with a suitable price first!

In fact, everyone was quite gentle at the beginning. It was business, and harmony made money.

But after the two rival messengers of the Sharp Claw family and the mountain man Stormy Wind accidentally met, the nature of this auction-like bidding changed.

Invisibly, it seems that whoever can take the Talisman Armor from Ji Ming's hands has absolute financial resources and strength, and is now the top spot in Sunshine City!

So conventional methods didn't work, so some people began to have relationships with Ji Ming and play the emotional card.

"You may not know that Stone from the Iron Rope Team and I are old friends. We had a life-long friendship back then!"

Ji Ming immediately contacted Stone, but in the end he got an angry sentence from the other party: "Friend? He owes me ten silver coins and has not paid back!"

Others tried to start moral abductions based on Ji Ming's persona of "orderly goodness" and "merciful miracle doctor".

"Hey, if we could have had such an armor during our last operation, how could my poor brother have died?"

It's a pity that the purpose of character existence is to deceive people. How could Ji Ming be deceived by such poor acting skills?

Besides, even if he is kind-hearted, it is only for the poor. To these villains, he only has a sickle to cut leeks.

Some people even tried to sell themselves out from the perspective of Ji Ming being the "Chosen Saint".

"It turns out to be the handiwork of the Holy Light God. He is indeed the holy religion from the royal capital... I wonder if your religion will allow me to convert?"

It's a pity that Ji Ming has a special status now and has the church as his backer.

As long as the other party couldn't use force to lift the table, Ji Ming would be invincible on the battlefield of verbal exchanges.

So after all kinds of polite refusals, shaking heads, and talking about him, everyone left in despair.

It was not until noon that even the envoy of the mountain mercenary leader Finn left the scene with regret, when a noise suddenly broke out outside the quiet Holy Light Church.

I don’t know if he really trusts Ji Ming’s social skills, or if he is unwilling to get involved in such a complicated matter.

No matter how many people entered the lounge, the people from the Holy Light Church did not take part in it at all except to suppress the situation and maintain law and order.

But now, before Ji Ming had time to stand up, he saw Bishop Tenis walking in with a serious face.

"Sir Chosen God, people from the Commercial Federation are here, be careful!"

Oops, it's finally here. I thought they could really sit still since they didn't move all morning.

Probably hoping to win over Ji Ming, the Federation of Commerce sent the largest delegation.

Moreover, the first person to enter the lounge was not the messenger, but a group of men and women wearing exquisite dresses.

"Master Chosen, we are the waiters at the Golden Restaurant. Master Sola has reserved a table of the highest quality lunch for you, and please enjoy it."

If Ji Ming was really a nouveau riche living in Sunshine City, he would have been confused by the dazzling feast.

But as a modern Chinese, what hasn't he seen at least in terms of food?

It’s nothing more than different ways of cooking fat and protein.

However, if you don't eat, you won't get anything. Ji Ming simply cleared six or seventy-eight dishes before giving up.

Seeing that he had almost finished eating, several middle-aged men in smart clothes, Shi Shiran, walked in.

The handler is a knife, but it is only a knife. As a business organization, in fact, these people in front of them are their real backbone and people in power.

Perhaps they wanted to take advantage of Ji Ming's full meal and drink to make him sleepy, so they launched a vigorous offensive as soon as they met.

It’s even so fast that it only takes four words!

"Ten thousand gold coins."

Hey, if you tell me this, I won’t feel sleepy anymore!

Although this number does not exceed the sum of all previous bids, it can definitely top the list.

Ji Ming asked the young boss to do a rough calculation using the market price and found that if the deal was completed, Old Sola could surpass Dean An and become the top brother in one fell swoop!

Hey, it’s easy to talk about anything once the money is in place. Ji Ming laughed and finished the remaining half of the lunch with the three of them.

It wasn't until nearly an hour later that the guests and hosts were enjoying themselves, the waiters began to leave the table, and no one came to visit again.

It seems that this is the final bid in this small auction, and it is still a local man’s pocket...

(End of this chapter)

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