Damn it, this boss really has no normal skills.

Chapter 163 The bandit’s family has no food left over.

Chapter 163 The bandit’s family has no food left over.

As a modern time traveler with strong adaptability, Ji Ming has long accepted the tragic reality that he cannot learn serious knowledge through hard study and can easily learn crooked ways.


Aren’t the angels of justice on the per capita order side?
Why does Sylvia have such a skill that sounds very white and has a classic effect?
And her suggestion skills are really powerful. The camp sentry on the wooden wall seemed to suddenly become blind.

Until the temporary team came to the gate of the camp without hesitation, not even a single glance was cast.

Sylvia, who was walking in the front, stretched out her hand and pushed gently, and the door that had been broken by the bolt slowly opened with a heavy friction sound.

This time the noise was quite large, and it finally alerted the bandits in the village, causing them to turn their heads one after another.

However, the curious eyes only stayed for a moment, and then they all moved away as if nothing had happened and continued the work at hand.

"In order to better protect mortals and fight against evil, our angel family is very good at psychic spells."

Guessing her companion's doubts, Sylvia turned around to explain.

"According to research, if you use [Suggestion] to reduce your sense of presence to the lowest level, you can move more easily and prevent innocent people from seeing things they shouldn't."

For example, the scar-faced old man now didn't "hear" Sylvia talking at all, and was waving his hands in front of passers-by in surprise.

Ji Ming had a bit of doubt on his face.

Although the explanation is very reasonable, I still think it is strange...

But business matters still mattered, so he didn't dwell on these trivial matters anymore, but took a picture of the old uncle.

"Stop playing around. If you want to survive, take us to the warehouse!"

If it were a bandit's den in the past, the location of a treasure house must have been carefully chosen, and one would have wished it had been hidden deep underground with an iron door sealed tightly.

But after the temporary relocation, they had no time to protect themselves, so they just built a few stone houses on the ground and sent heavy troops to guard them.

Although these guys are definitely more vigilant than the fish monsters on the wall, the hypnosis faced by Sylvia is all in vain.

"Take it, you can take it!"

From the weapons warehouse to the treasure house, Ji Ming didn't even miss the small vaults of the mountain bosses.

"Wait a minute, sir, why are the food warehouses along the way untouched?"

"Taking away the weapons can reduce their combat effectiveness, taking away the property can punish their evil and cunning, but taking away all the food..."

Facing Chloe's question, Ji Ming pointed at the bandits around him.

"They don't have the forces behind them to provide temporary supplies. If hundreds of hungry humans gather together, I can't even imagine what kind of horrible things will happen!"

A certain bad wolf king with a weird nature who eats his demon wolves in public:?
It can only be said that the bandits are indeed extremely rich. By the time the group finished visiting the last warehouse, Sylvia's magic pocket was already filled with mountains of various supplies.

However, Ji Ming is not interested in money. What he values ​​​​mainly is weapons and equipment.

I asked the little boss to do an intelligent inventory and found that last night's plus today's, although there were many inferior products, were enough to arm more than [-] people.

"So rich!"

Half of the equipment requirements for internal testing were easily met, and Ji Ming was very satisfied as he knocked on the gold bars.

Then I thought about it, just by wiping out a group of bandits and robbers, I could get this kind of income.

Then if you kill a bunch of horse thieves or pirates...

"Tell me if there are any other dens of thieves around here!"

The scar-faced old man stood there like a slave, just shaking his head.

"Sir, all the surrounding nests are here!"

But he scratched his head and thought for a while, and suddenly remembered.

"By the way, there has been a wolf disaster in the wilderness recently, and some grassland horse bandits have fled to the south."

Ji Ming immediately remembered the "hyena" mentioned by those sturdy men.

"How strong are they?"

"I have never met one, but I heard from the leader that there are many carnivorous orcs who can ride horses, and they are very powerful in combat!"

powerful?It's good to be strong. How can you have a big treasure chest if you're not strong?
Ji Ming asked immediately.

"Then where is their nest?"

The old uncle's expression dropped and he shook his head again.

"They look down on us bumpkins from the mountains and don't talk about many things at all."

"Although I left my contact information, I just left the letter on the designated stone to make an appointment and wait for the exchange of materials."

Be cautious!

"Do you know where the designated trading location is?"

"I know, I know! Although the leader didn't tell me, Jenny did!"

...Why are you talking about nonsense again?

Ji Ming didn't know much about the wilderness, but someone in the team knew.

Chloe tilted her head.

"If it's a hyena man, he should be a professional prairie horse thief. There will be no shortage of treasures in the nest!"

Great, then one knows the location and the other understands the situation.

Coupled with the fact that Sylvia has strong combat power and can use various magics to control the field and loot...

"I'll leave the matter of the prairie robbers to you three. If you can catch their tails, catch them. If you can't catch them, don't force them."

The scar-faced old man was stunned for a moment, then immediately knelt on the ground and began to kowtow.

"Thank you for your life, my lord, thank you for your life!"

In fact, even without this follow-up, Ji Ming would definitely not let him go even if he didn't kill him.

So after returning to the dungeon, he was thrown directly into the mine and became a slave number [0004].

"Brother 01, why are both 02 and 03 sleeping?"

"Shh, stop talking and get to work."

"oh oh……"

"By the way, Brother 01, why were you arrested?"

"...Uncle, my name is Zog, I am a mercenary...I didn't know what happened and I was caught!"

"Oh, me too, no wonder I always think you are kind-hearted!"

Isolated from the world, isolated and helpless, just a few birdmen can't make any waves even if they break through the sky.

So Ji Ming took a quick look and came to the cave next door.

The reunion with laughter and tears has ended, and everyone in the iron rope team is talking in low voices.

Seeing Ji Ming pushing open the door and entering, everyone felt a little embarrassed and embarrassed.

"Dr. Ji, Morton has told us everything about the situation here."

In the end, it was Stone, the captain, who spoke first.

"To be honest, we don't really trust this place, but since you guarantee it, we are willing to try to trust it."

This is the fundamental reason why Ji Ming is willing to take the Iron Chain Team to the underground city.
——Nothing to hide, saying what you have to say is always more reliable than falsehood and deception.

"Don't worry, as long as everyone can conscientiously complete the task of master, this place will be a more suitable home for everyone than Sunshine City."

"As for what the specific mission of Lord Dominator is..."

With that said, Ji Ming placed the work content he had written in advance in front of everyone.

They went up to take a look with some trepidation, but when they raised their heads, their expressions were equally astonished.

Not because it's too much, not because it's difficult, but...

"That's it?"

Morton, Charlie, and Bailey were tasked with setting up a blacksmith shop and beginning systematic forging and repair of iron tools.

Stone, Anna and Old Bol were tasked with serving as instructors for the pioneers, responsible for teaching the crossbow and warrior professions respectively.

And according to the description on the paper, you need vacations and vacations, you need wages and wages, and if you do well, you can get bonuses.

Not to mention the stable income, this job is much easier than being an adventurer!

"Just like when I first met you, put down your worries and guard and leave the problem to the professionals."

"What's more, we can even do the same thing as living and dead, human flesh and white bones, so why do we need to deceive you?"

Everyone nodded thoughtfully, and finally Anna asked. "Actually, I've always wanted to ask, does Adele know this place?"

Ji Ming shook his head.

"For the safety and confidentiality of the dungeon, at least at this stage, theoretically only entry is allowed but no exit is allowed."

"Just hide the things here from her for now. She will know about it later."

"...that's all it takes."

Seeing that no one had any doubts, Ji Ming placed a large bag of weapons on the table.

"The Trail Blazers will arrive in six days, and they must be on duty on time. Everyone, please be ready!"

Originally thinking that the problem could be solved in half an hour, but in order to make another trip to the bandits' den to make money, Ji Ming delayed his return to the clinic until noon.

So when he opened his eyes, the first thing he heard was a rapid knock on the door.

After checking his clothes, he adjusted his expression in the mirror.

But just as she opened the door and before she had time to speak, she heard something.

"Doctor, have you fainted from crying?"

"What? I didn't rush..."



Ji Ming slowly covered his face.

"Yes, I fainted from crying."

And when he walked downstairs and came to the lobby, he realized that he didn't know whether he had fainted from crying, but the patient waiting here had fainted from pain.

"Quick, quick, Adele, let's prepare for the operation!"

Facts have proved that catching fish was a good time, and the two of them were busy working on the crematorium until the afternoon.

"Damn it, I didn't fish!"

After sending away the last patient, Ji Ming leaned weakly on the sofa.

I was busy working day and night, but finally I had some time to rest.

But as soon as his eyes closed, he felt a dark wind coming and couldn't help but shiver.

When I opened my eyes, I found that the old lady was standing in front of her clinic.

"Oh, I was dreaming..."

However, just as he was about to continue resting, he was hit on the head with a stick.

Blois paused his cane, his words filled with sullenness.

"I told you that I would take you to the Holy Light Church this afternoon, right? Why didn't you come!"

I copied it, but I was busy and forgot!

"Sorry, Ms. Blois, I've been busy with work recently, and I definitely didn't mean to let the pigeons go!"

Ji Ming hurried back to the second floor. After drinking a bottle of spirit-gathering liquid to regain his energy, he changed into decent clothes.

As a doctor who can make medicines, he naturally carries his own products with him wherever he goes.

So this time he packed three more bottles in the wooden box, preparing to give them as gifts to the mysterious bishop.

When he returned to the lobby, Blois looked him up and down for a moment, and finally snorted coldly.

"Oh, he looks pretty human."

It was impossible for an old man to reach the church on foot, so the two rented a carriage.

Ji Ming didn't have time to look at the old lady's clothes until now, and found that she looked completely different today.

The shabby black robe was replaced by a somewhat outdated mage robe, and the ugly crutch was turned into a cane inlaid with gems.

——Considering that this staff is relatively long, it may also function as a staff.

As for the most eye-catching thing about her body, that terrible face full of wrinkles and scars, with one eye missing, was covered by a very wide hat.

In other words...

She went from a ghostly old lady in a horror movie to a scary old witch who looked weird.

As he was thinking this, Blois glanced at him.

"I suddenly feel that you are thinking of something very rude."



Quietly looking away, Ji Ming fell into thinking.

Holy light, a word that is inescapable in almost every Western fantasy theme, has finally appeared in this world?
A long time ago, the Holy Light Church was synonymous with justice and a typical noble family.

But after the audience got tired of this setting, the Holy Light Church was forced to become a vicious force that no one could escape.

And when the audience got tired of this setting, the Holy Light Church had to contribute its own saints, priests and female knights...

Whoops, strayed.

In short, knowing that there is a god in this world and that he is a high-dimensional existence, Ji Ming really does not want to have anything to do with the church in this world.

What if the prayer ceremony in this world is to directly communicate with the gods, and then the gods of other people happen to be at work, and fortunately, the dead are just dealing with this area of ​​affairs. One accidentally smells the strange smell on his body, and takes a curious look. His eyesight It’s great to see your own roots.


Weird planet, abnormal gods, are they real?is fake?Lost in confusion...

He had to find the little boss to confirm again.

[Don’t worry, you have the triple protection of me (the will of the world), the fate of all things, and the laws of heaven. You will never spread any mental pollution! 】

[——Unless the other party actively seeks death with malicious intent]

Ji Ming didn't like to argue, but he asked immediately.

"What if the God of Holy Light is the God of Death in a parallel world?"


[According to my understanding, the Holy Light God is a very responsible existence and will not cause any weird things]

After a brief silence.

[If it doesn’t work, I’ll carry it for you! 】

"Good good!"

What Ji Ming wanted was Yang Yue's words. He breathed a sigh of relief and began to ask the old lady about the Holy Light Church.

"The Church of Holy Light is actually one of the oldest churches on the Pancontinent."

Perhaps it was because of talking about past events that even an awkward old lady like Blois would become nagging.

Ji Ming listened silently while refining the key information.

...The Church of the Holy Light is the state religion of the Northern Kingdom of Glow. The Holy Land is located on a high mountain outside the Glow City.

...Although he has no rights or positions, he has taken action many times to save people from danger when the current situation was chaotic. He is an existence on the side of order.

...Although there are many dogmas, there are few restrictions for believers, and they reject bloody sacrifices and oppose aggressive wars.

...Have made friends with the Absolute Church, the main god of the elves 500 years ago. After the fall of the Holy Tree Kingdom, they took great risks to accept some elven refugees.

and many more.

He was keenly aware of the hidden message behind the last one.

If combined with the relevant inferences about Ms. Blois...

No wonder they can have such in-depth cooperation with the Holy Light Church. Is the root cause here?

Since the reputation of this church is so good, surely the Holy Light God will not cause trouble!


Repeating this sentence in his heart, Ji Ming held his breath and sensed it carefully.

Very good, no foreboding.

(End of this chapter)

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