Damn it, this boss really has no normal skills.

Chapter 136 Division of forces in the inner city

Chapter 136 Division of forces in the inner city

After a busy night of spawning monsters, patrolling, and arranging specific matters for opening a new version in the evening, Ji Ming returned to the second floor of the clinic.

Rubbing his suddenly swollen temples, he slowly and weakly fell onto the bed.

"Uh-huh, I don't want to be irritated, I've been working overtime for a month..."

While I was lying on the quilt groaning, a new message came from the system.

[Fetion received: 100 million yuan]

[Savior, tomorrow is the weekend, it is not easy to transfer large amounts of money, so I will send you the bonus in advance today]

"It's the other way around, I love working!"

He jumped up with strength from his waist, took two mouthfuls of the spirit-gathering liquid, and became fierce again.

Picking up two shovels, one long and one short, he tiptoed down the stairs, passed over many traps and traps, and came to the window that was tightly covered by a curtain.

No need to ask, a gentle voice sounded from the bottom of my heart.

[Lord God, except for two thieves who tried to attack the spot but were scared away by me, there was nothing unusual tonight]


[This is the telepathy ability that I have mastered as a druid, and I use this to conduct inter-species conversations]

[So, you can hear my voice? 】

[Strictly speaking, as a god, I can only hear what you want to say to me, and I can’t hear anything that is too complicated]

【That's it】

On the contrary, if he could hear everything, wouldn't Grayson have been driven crazy by the complicated knowledge he inadvertently revealed?
[Okay, this is convenient]

Opening the curtains, there was already some light in the dark cloudy sky.

It was a peaceful night, and my worries seemed unnecessary.

However, what the underground city needs today is stability, and now is far from the time to show it to the world.

Since my uncle didn't start the war on the first day, there might be room for maneuver. It's time to go to the Adventurers Association.

Because of better public security, the inner city not only goes to bed later, but also wakes up much earlier than the outer city.

As I stood at the door and stretched, I could see several bread delivery boys walking into the shop next door, and then leaving in a hurry with bulging baskets on their backs.

"Get up early, doctor."

The werewolf baker next door had just finished loading the last basket of goods and said hello when he saw him.

Ji Ming thought that I was so unlucky that I couldn't sleep, but he still had a smile on his face that was reserved for business hours.

"Didn't I just come to the inner city? If I want to make a living, I have to work hard."

"Yes, that's the truth!"

After wiping the flour off his hands, the werewolf turned around and brought out a small bag of croissants.

"It's nothing valuable, doctor, take it and eat it."

No matter when and where you are, there is nothing wrong with having a good relationship with your doctor.

Ji Ming also knew what he meant so he was not polite and just replied.

"Thank you."

Just as he was about to pay attention to the current situation of his adventurer brother, he heard the sound of rolling wheels coming from the intersection.

It was the carriage used to purchase goods from the Renault Tavern diagonally across the street. The heavy curtain was lifted, and a certain green-skinned profiteer jumped out with a snap.

"Hey, everyone is here."

Renault's lips almost reached his ears.

"Wolf, you're not doing it right. How can you eat croissants without milk?"

He rummaged around in the car and came over with two bottles of milk.

With a piece of brain stuffed into Ji Ming's hand, Renault pointed to the guys who were moving wooden boxes down from the carriage.

"Did you see it? Whiskey, a new batch of whiskey from our winery has arrived. It is definitely a powerful new product!"

Then he waved his hand rather boldly.

"Tonight we are having a free-flowing drinking party in the tavern, and there are discounts for everyone. Remember to come, everyone."

As he spoke, he lowered his voice and showed an understanding smile.

"By the way, I'm afraid you won't come, so I specially found the dancers from Rosemary Lane. That dance... Tsk, come all! Come all!"

"Hey hey hey!"

Wolf immediately showed his true nature as a wolf and put on the same smile.

"Since the boss of Renault has said so, then I must go and support him."

Ji Ming:......

Why are you all looking at me?
"Uh, come on... come on, I'll probably have a drink and then go."

"Okay, everything is fine! Unfortunately, I have a lot of things to do today and I have other things to be busy with. Let's see you in the evening!"

The little green skin said goodbye and walked towards his tavern.

"Then doctor, I will go back and continue working. I have a big order at noon."

Seeing that Wolf had left, Ji Ming returned to the clinic carrying bread and milk.

Picking up the bottle and shaking it, he suddenly realized a problem.

"The milk in this world should be raw..."

Thinking of this, he quickly started a pot and lit a fire in the kitchen, poured the milk in and started cooking.

Just after it was heated and put back into the bottle, Adele also appeared in front of the door.

"We are lucky today and have a stomach-warming breakfast."

"Where did you come from?"

"I have a bigger face, so someone else gave it to me." After finishing the croissant with hot milk, Ji Ming cleared the counter.

"Adele, I have other things to deal with. Please help me look at the store. If anyone comes, let him wait."

Adele is not a three-year-old child, so she naturally agreed.

The Commercial Street is located in the south of the inner city, and the Adventurers Association is located in the northwest of the inner city. The distance between the two is not close.

Since Ji Ming was going to do something on this trip, setting off early would help solve the problem earlier.

[Keep an eye on it, if the problem is big, just call Sylvia to come out and kill! 】


After putting on his coat and neatly draping all his equipment, he picked up a small exquisite box and left the clinic quickly.

Because I had done my homework in advance, this journey was not difficult.

Soon, he came to one of the largest landmark buildings in the city, the bridge across the river.

I don’t know whether the Holy Light God really appeared, or the clouds in this area are relatively thin. The white church looks radiant in the morning light.

When passing by the square in front of the gate, you can still vaguely hear the sound of ethereal bells and believers praying from inside.

A group of priests won’t suddenly show up and take me in as a heretic to be refined... and purified...

Ji Ming was also afraid of causing trouble, so he walked very fast.

Even so, he was stopped when he was about to leave the square.

"Dr. Ji, why are you here?"

Sound familiar?
He looked back and saw a middle-aged man with silver hair who looked like...


"Doctor, it's been a long time since I last saw you!"

The swordsman carried his two swords on his back as usual, with a smile on his scarred face.

"I heard that you recently moved to the inner city?"

If the Iron Chain Team and Ji Ming have the best relationship among adventurers, then there is no problem that Dusk’s Wolf Team ranks second.

Oh, except for Honest Hawke, who has bid farewell to his career as an adventurer and is immersed in the happiness of a centurion instructor and cannot extricate himself.

Since he was an acquaintance, Ji Ming stopped and started talking to him with good intentions.

"Yes, it just happened in the past two days. Mainly because I have a knowledgeable friend, so I moved a little faster."

"That's fine. Speaking of which, you are really lucky. I just learned the news from a friend."

He looked around and took a step closer.

"There was also a violent biological incident in the old clinic area. There seemed to be a Cyclops!"

"Although it has been banned and supervised by the people who deal with it, it is said that dozens of unlucky people died without a trace."

Ji Ming sighed, haven't the big shots found a way to eradicate this matter?

Today's Outer City is a bit like a tokusatsu drama, and it's the kind with a very poor screenwriter.

Violent creatures suddenly appear and kill people everywhere. When the crisis breaks out, people from all walks of life rush to put out the fire.

Yes, the matter has been solved, but a large number of people have been affected, and after all, it is only treating the symptoms but not the root cause.

If this continues, sooner or later the fire will reach the inner city. Where can I move to and retreat to the dungeon?
Seeing that Ji Ming was silent, Dusk had a misunderstanding and quickly opened his mouth to reassure him.

"Doctor, I know you are kind, but there is no need for you to worry like this."

He pointed in the direction of the city center.

"It's useless for us to think about it. This matter still has to be solved by other big shots."

"Yes, it is so."

Ji Ming nodded and asked instead.

"By the way, Dusk, why are you here?"

"Because I am a believer in the Holy Light God, today is a day of prayer."

With that said, Dusk pulled out the necklace from under his clothes and displayed the accessories on it in front of Ji Ming.

It was a very artistic sun, with a round body and exaggerated light design.

In order to show the light and heat of the sun, the surface is even plated with gold, and the base is designed in the shape of flowing clouds.

——This is the symbol of the Holy Light God: the sea of ​​clouds and the blazing sun.

Seeing the old silver wolf carefully hiding the necklace, Ji Ming felt a little bit dumbfounded.

So this guy who looks like a hardcore demon hunter is really a devout believer in the Holy Light?

Patting his solid chest, Dusk bowed slightly to the church before speaking again.

"I haven't asked yet, what are you going to do so early in the morning?"

Of course Ji Ming didn't say it clearly, he just mentioned it vaguely.

"I have something to do at the Adventurers Association and want to find a friend."

"Just in time, I'm going to take on a mission too, let's go together."

It is definitely better to have an acquaintance to lead the way than to be a headless fly on your own, so Ji Ming naturally agreed happily.

The two also chatted a lot along the way. Under Ji Ming's insinuation, Dusk told a lot about the inner city.

For example, in addition to serving adventurers, the Adventurer Association is also a large job introduction center. There are many handicraft workshops nearby, and laborers from both inside and outside the city come here to find work.

Therefore, the western part of the inner city is considered the industrial area of ​​Sunshine City, and the Adventurer Association has the greatest influence in this area.

Needless to say, the commercial street where Ji Ming is located is mainly commercial, and it belongs to the sphere of influence of the Business Federation.

As for the northern part of the inner city, it is considered a residential area of ​​Sunshine City because there are several gentle creeks passing through it.

(End of this chapter)

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