Damn it, this boss really has no normal skills.

Chapter 114: The most frustrating episode for players

Chapter 114 The most frustrating episode for players

Kobolds are a race of demi-humans who like to live in caves.

They are short, ugly, cunning, difficult to communicate with, and have a very bad reputation in the civilized world.

Although they are named "Kobolds", their appearance has nothing to do with dogs.

If anything, they are covered in scales and have two horns on their heads. Their facial features are a bit like lizards.

In fact, kobolds do have thin dragon blood, and will regard obeying a real dragon as the honor of the tribe.

Therefore, when Ji Ming discovered the kobold cave, the first thing he thought of was Bloomfield.

Unexpectedly, Bloomfield stuck his head out and glanced at him with disdain.

"Only a weak and stupid five-color dragon would seek out such a disgusting thing as its vassal!"

Feeling that he was not aggressive enough, he added another sentence.

"As a human being, would you want a mouse as your subordinate?"

Ji Ming: Uh...

"Haha, you're right, farewell."

Since it was impossible to recruit people, the kobolds were naturally included in the scope of his crusade.


While the players are still busy eating fish and learning martial arts in the dog village, the vigilant kobolds have given full play to their racial advantages.

Borrowing the terrain, creating traps, and setting up the battlefield a few days in advance, just waiting for the pioneers to get inside.

So when the players started the Eastern Expedition with the mentality of spring outing, the nightmare began.

From the Dog Village to the Iron Mine Cave, there are traps that are difficult to guard against, and kobolds that may pop out from anywhere.

Players who were accustomed to using their intelligence to crush raging goblins and slimes had never faced such an enemy before, and were caught off guard.

When it comes to military formations, there are terrains and traps that can easily mess up the players' formations.

In terms of personal combat power, they still have terrain and traps, which are enough to form a local advantage for dozens or even dozens of players to siege one player after severely damaging them.

Currently, the most powerful player among the players is the seventh-level spearman Buwei. He has successfully converted into a warrior and has more than [-] points of vitality and as many as three skills.

However, after being hit four times by heavy boulders, he was still defeated by the kobold's series of traps.

Gunblade and the Heroes of Justice were defeated one after another, and the remaining players were just big cats and kittens.

Potholes, nail boards, rolling logs, stones...

When I went out, there were seventy or eighty players. When I came back, ten of them didn't save, and all of them failed. The rest were all squatting in the resurrection pool.

It can only be said that fortunately, they are players rather than real adventurers. They can choose to restart at any time and die without leaving any remains.

Otherwise, you can load the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties simulator tonight, and experience the ultimate equality that transcends gender, race and even class in the pot of old friends.

But even so, the players who had suffered such a blow still sat around in the small square of the Dog Village, staring at each other.

I was frustrated on the Internet during the day, and again in the dungeon at night, and my morale fell to the bottom for a while.

According to tradition, at this time, Fu Le, who was used to being a leader, had to stand up and say a few words.

But today, his face was ashen and he couldn't say a word.

In the afternoon, he called Mr. Zhang and after receiving a somewhat vague reply, he contacted Mr. Li, who was in charge of the human resources department.

Mr. Li, who is tall and round, spoke boldly as usual.
"Hey, old man, this is nothing to worry about. Just go to the people over there and ask for details."

But when he went to find the person in charge of Fluctuation Culture, the other person refused to talk to him on the excuse that "my boss is Mr. Li, and I have nothing to comment on."

"But I'm just..."


And when he found Mr. Li again, the other party's drunken rhetoric changed.

"Oh, that's it. It's all a trivial matter. I'm discussing business outside. Let's talk about it later."

Everyone is polite, polite, and even smiles when talking.

But there is no doubt that he is a ball being kicked around.

After working hard in Longfa for more than twenty years, he only stayed in the nursing home for less than half a month, and no one was willing to sell face to him anymore.

When he thought of this, Fu Le felt ashamed.

I originally wanted to show off, but if I hadn't had the habit of doing things first and bragging later, I would have turned into a clown.

But in the oppressive silence, a whirring voice suddenly sounded.

"Well, let me give you a few words."

At the critical moment, Qiangzi stood up and slapped his butt.

"Family, a lot of things happened today. I was yelling at others online and fighting in the game. It's not easy."

"But, this is actually nothing. I just want to analyze it for you."

He used to be very arrogant in the camera, but today he looks very shy and keeps fiddling with his pot head.

"The first thing is online."

"Those Lei Ge and Walnut are just complete idiots. There's nothing we can do about it. They come here with malicious intentions just to make you angry. If you're really anxious, you'll get tricked."

"Then in the game."

"On the first day... I want to apologize to everyone first. It was my fault that the Goblin frenzy broke out, but for such a thing to happen, it is actually our players' own death."

"And the day before yesterday, when we were playing against Holy Tree Lake, that Thunder Slime looked awesome, but in fact, it was us players who wanted to die, so we had to launch a big attack."

"Including today. I just read it online. There is a lot of information about kobolds. With a little research, you can know what tricks they have."

"Our game is quite realistic. There must be references. How come everyone can rush forward in such a hurry without any preparation?"

"So I feel that everyone deserved this loss. In fact, they should have taken it long ago!"


"that's right!"

Before he finished speaking, the newly resurrected Zhao Jun also came over. "Last time, several friends were killed by lightning. In fact, if we are prepared, we can avoid it."

"But this time, logically speaking, I should have discussed with Uncle Hua and the others yesterday to come up with a suitable plan, but we still didn't, and everyone dropped one level again."

"I'm really, really sorry everyone."

In the Lancer's sincere apology, the players also regained their ability to think.

This is a game. From Goblin to Slime, it is actually a process of gradually increasing difficulty.

In this case, it will definitely be more difficult to defeat the kobolds. Isn't it natural to win or lose?

So why are you emo'ing here?
"I just lost in the game, what's there to be disappointed about?"

"Hey, I can only say that this time it reminded me that you can survive if you lose in the game, but you still have to be careful in reality."

"I will buy a helmet tomorrow. I will never bet against a dump truck again when I ride a motorcycle."

Firebolt also jumped out and raised his fist.

"Brothers and sisters, we can't waste any more time, we have to unite to get this game back!"

"that is!"

With a response, the players became completely excited.

"We can resurrect them if we die, but we can't. At worst, we just press the punch. There is no reason to lose!"

"You have to let the kobold know what nightmare entanglement is, and you have to let it fly!"

"And those two online anchors are so crazy that they need to be educated!"


In the midst of the public outrage, a calm, unfamiliar voice suddenly intervened.

The players looked up and saw that it was a man wearing a white robe with gold trim.There are also red patterns on the hood.

——The Staff of Reincarnation·Kimiin.

After appearing once on the first day, the so-called four guardians almost never appeared again.

I thought it would be difficult to see the Abominable Angels yesterday, but I didn't expect that one of them would show up under such circumstances.

In fact, Ji Ming wanted to come here to inspire the players, but who knew that the players had already healed themselves before he opened his mouth.

I had no choice but to come out and show my face quickly.

"To reward you for your sudden awakening, my lord has given you a gift."

Following his announcement, a prompt popped up in the lower right corner of everyone's vision.

There was just a tinkling sound, and an extra bottle of Rejuvenation Generation came out of the backpack.

"I finally figured it out. These four guardians are the GM's accounts."

"Not only will the difficulty be adjusted dynamically, but when the difficulty is too high, will things be sent out for rebalancing?"

"He really made me cry to death. This bottle is not cheap. The game official is really very user-friendly."

Ahem, this can be considered as disposing of this batch of inferior old medicines that cannot be sold...

"Okay, now that your body and mind have been healed, let's go and carry out your mission."

Ignoring the players' comments, Ji Ming opened a portal.

"My lord is looking forward to your future results, don't let him down."

He waved his hand and disappeared into the air.

Seeing that he was gone, the atmosphere among the players became relaxed again.

Zhao Jun took a breath and spoke again.

"Everyone, we can't solve the problem on the Internet, so don't worry about it."

"But things in the game are fine. Let's adjust our state and think about ways to deal with the kobolds."

"We will go online again tomorrow night and conduct targeted training. The day after tomorrow, we will directly capture the kobold cave!"

"Uncle Hua, what do you think?"

Hearing the spearman calling him, Fu Le, who had been silent for a long time, also stood up.

"I think so."

There was a fierceness in his brows, and he gritted his teeth as if he was pointing something.

"We are all decent people who cannot be bullied in vain. We must find a way to solve this matter!"

So the players in the square dispersed one after another. Those who needed to replenish their levels, those who needed to increase their points, and those who needed to increase their points went about their business.

But there are still a few people who stayed. You look at me and I look at you.


"Actually, I think it's the online stuff that makes me more upset."

"Indeed, I can't swallow this breath either."

"Then I would like to ask you what can you do?"


Among the crowd, a player wearing glasses stood up.

"I may have been embarrassed when I first beat the kobold, but in reality, I was actually a reporter for a tabloid."

"Originally, Jin Pen Washing his hands didn't want to take action, but the matter has come to this, and we can't let everyone down anymore."

As he spoke, he clenched his fist.

"A third-rate self-media with a fourth-rate water heater puts it on the Internet and forces Lailai to make trouble for himself."

"How much foundation do they have? Are they strong enough? Can they withstand my digging!"

 Book friends are still too arrogant. They actually think that being banned from entering the game is punishment. Doesn't this make him fly?

(End of this chapter)

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