The saint I possess is full of garbage

Chapter 228 Complete Madness, Saint Truth

In the thick mist of the illusion world, the white-haired fox moved forward at high speed, like a bright bolt of lightning shooting to the ground.

[Would it be better if you really decided to resign and rectify the workplace environment of the Savior?

Because of 'Sheila's Mysterious Experiment', our deposit has reached 7200+'Orbs of Knowledge'!

Even if we go by the effects of the [Unparalleled] new version of [To the Peak], the current savings are enough for us to go without food or drink for the rest of our lives." Miss Saint gradually cried.

She is now like an immature female college student who has just finished enjoying the sweetness at KTV. She can no longer go back to the days when her basic salary was 10 "knowledge pearls" a month.

Facts have proved that in any world and in any era, the inevitable result of social development is a phenomenon called 'flow is king'.

Not to mention the 2 'Orbs of Knowledge' waiting for them to take away, even the gains from 'Sheila's Mysterious Experiment' are mostly based on 'The Sword God is behind her, so the contents of the experiment must be stolen' .

And [Ascending to the Ultimate] has become a 'gold-swallowing beast'. Li Xuan's 'strongest magic seal' is already lv14, but the 'knowledge orb' required to directly upgrade from 1-star legendary level to 2-star legendary level is enough. Up to 5000 pieces!

However, as the third level of [Flawless], [Ascending to the Peak] directly raises the realm, which is a 'perfect advancement' without any sequelae, and is even more reasonable than a normal breakthrough.

Therefore, when it comes to "speeding through life" with [Reaching the Top], Li Xuan and Miss Saint are equivalent to 'immature female college students who just finished eating the sweets at KTV' and cannot go back.

Therefore, it is impossible for them to give up the convenience brought by the identity of 'Sword God'.

"If you give more, it's okay to feel a little wronged." Miss Saint said with a smile.

Li Xuan rolled his eyes, of course, mainly because he received the kindness of most people after he was willing to enter the fantasy world. This world is not that bad.

"It's not that easy to leave. Federer's 'that incident' can even give him a 'new spell'. The worst case scenario is that even 'my origin' is related to this incident.

The 'Light Church' can't hold him down, and he might become the world boss one day. It will be difficult for you and me to be alone by then. After all, because of 'that incident', he has already regarded me as a thorn in his side."

[I really hope that the end of 'Sheila's Mysterious Experiment' was a dream. Except for wanting to pee, everything in the dream is false. Our enemies are not that high-level." Miss Saint said with emotion.

"No matter how high his imagination and talent are, he can't be 'possessed.'" Li Xuan breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

'Possession' solves the deadlock. Even if Lysa's body really dies here, the main body will be fine. Of course, the price is not small. Li Xuan will lose this body with [Nine Tails of a Fox], and Sooner or later, Federer and the world will find out something.

Lysa cannot die unless absolutely necessary.

[Indeed, no matter how scary his plan was, he would never have imagined that you were a man wearing women’s clothing.] Christine clicked her tongue twice.

Li Xuan's face suddenly darkened, and the 'Sword God Illusion World' was reflected in Lysa's bright pupils.

The scene in the fantasy world turned out to be the 'entire magician world'. This is the world's fantasy of a 'savior'.

This is a bizarre time and space. The whole world is like a vast scroll, depicting countless colorful scenery and customs, slowly unfolding before the eyes of the magician who enters the illusion world.

Every time Li Xuan takes a step, it seems that countless mountains, rivers, countries, cities, people and creatures come into view, and a lot of information is gathered towards him!

Such an illusory world is almost like a dream in the extremely dense fog, everywhere in the world of stepping magicians.

[So beautiful] Miss Saint murmured.

Suddenly, she became alert: [Is this letting us see the beauty of the world so that we can work harder and dedicate ourselves? It was so bad that he almost became the real savior! How despicable these people are.]

As for the rules of the fantasy world, they are exactly the same as the conjectures they deliberately guided through public opinion.

① Single player action, ② The richest mist of the illusion world, ③ You can use the 'life-saving trump card', but it has been modified by [Tian Tiao] to 'cannot be used'.

"Federer, Seven Sins Cult, let me see your methods."

Suddenly, the white-haired fox killed a cultist in the illusion world with a sword. Before the blood was splashed, the saintly lady's skin [Blood Jasmine] took away all the loot.

This turned out to be just a 5-star warlock!

[Wow, these people are really crazy! Even the 'warlocks' were forced to come in. Just because of the environment in the fantasy world, how many people would die? ! ] Kristine was shocked.

This is a 1-star legendary 'exclusive fantasy world'! There will be many low-level products, but there will also be many high-level products. A warlock in this realm will die if he encounters them!

【Is it just to gain the numerical advantage in 'Super Large Fantasy'? 】

Once the 'super-large fantasy' takes shape, 'realistic logic' will emerge.

Even the Saint's original 'concert' was supposed to be filled with 'fans', but if a large number of 'reality magicians' came in, they would all be 'spots' and become far more than 'fans'. This 'concert' Just finish playing.

Of course, this is almost impossible, but the 'realistic logic' of each 'super-large fantasy' is different. As long as you catch the opportunity of suitable 'realistic logic', you can kill the Sword God!

The Seven Sins Cult is really going crazy at all costs right now!

Li Xuan's face was stern: "As long as we find the 'super large fantasy', catch it honestly, and have 'realistic logic' in it, the danger will naturally be reduced a lot, but it seems that they are really going crazy to kill me."

Once the Sword God dies, haze envelopes the city of Noxes, and the power of the Seven Sins will become even more intense!

At the same time, the Seven Witches also have a greater chance of taking it back. This is why the Seven Sins Cult went crazy.

The situation is so bad that even if there are more 'low-level cultists' here, it will not affect the 'density' of 'high-level cultists'. The magicians still dare not come in to help the Sword God!

The numerical advantage is too obvious. The 'Sword God Fantasy World' cannot be pushed purely by combat power like the 'Witch Fantasy World'. Bad guys can kill bloody people if they are unhappy, but good guys are hard to beat and will be affected by various trivial matters, rules, and even morality. limit.

Once too much time has passed and the cultists who have entered the illusion world have taken their positions, Li Xuan will be in the most difficult situation!

For example, before the fantasy world began, the magicians unanimously believed that 'the Sword God was slandered', like the 'Final Judgment', was an inevitable 'super-large fantasy'. Once a large number of cultists poured in, triggering 'public outrage', Li Xuan was beaten to death by a group of angry people without a chance to explain!

"But fortunately, I still have a hand."

At this moment, the white-haired fox's pupils reflected a variety of colors.

[Princess of Illusion] - In the Biblical magic world, this magic seal does not occupy the magic seal slot; the magician can see the existence and concentration of 'fantasy' within a certain range in the 'phantom world', and make decisions about 'good and evil' distinguish.

This super magical seal that was transformed from the [Princess of the Magic Realm] is now blooming with brilliant brilliance.

'Fantasy' is in another dimension. No matter how dense the 'Fog of Illusion World' is, his eyes can still see the 'Fantasy' in the distance.

Where many fantasies gather, that's where the 'super-large fantasy' is!

Li Xuan can even see whether this 'super-large fantasy' is more of a 'benevolent fantasy' or more of a 'malicious fantasy'.

At this time, his previous "resignation plan" operation once again played a great role. He gained the sympathy of a large number of magicians, and there will be more "super-large illusions" with "goodwill outweighing malice"!

"I'm strong, stronger than anyone else. I just need to solve the 'super-large fantasy' of 'malice is greater than kindness' first. No matter how many of you there are, it's useless!"

No matter how crazy the cultists go, there is a limit to the number of people, and the environment also limits them. As long as the malice is not far greater than the good intentions in the initial situation, Li Xuan has nothing to fear!

"As long as it's fast enough, as long as it's faster!"

Run through the fantasy world as fast as possible, and clear the "super large fantasy" where "malice is greater than good" before the cultists gather together!


【I'm coming! 】

At this moment, Christine returned to her body, and the moment she returned to her body, the experience value she shared with Li Xuan began to explode. In the state of reverse summoning, Li Xuan's improvement can be obtained by "possession" as long as Christine has it, whether it is level or magic seal.

The Saint of Light has now broken through to the legendary level!

When a magician breaks through the legendary level, there is an explosion of knowledge. This is the moment when a magician can easily obtain the 'truth' in his life.

And Li Xuan has only one request for Christine, which is to obtain the designated 'truth'.

But 'truth' is hard to find. It only exists in a flash of inspiration. It is simply unimaginable to specify a certain kind of 'truth'.

Pursuing and formulating the 'truth' when breaking through to the legendary level is simply the most wasteful thing in the world. Once you make a mistake, the opportunity will disappear completely.

But Li Xuan and Christine didn't care.

What they lack is not opportunity, but time.

If there were no such things as the 'Magical War', the 'Saint's Illusion', and the 'Witch's Illusion', the two of them could have lived forever until they were invincible. Being 'possessed' meant they had this kind of confidence.

But there was no time.

Just like now.

The reason why Li Xuan did not let the Saint and the Sword Girl break through was because he could counterattack in a targeted manner at this moment!

"What if Sword Lady gets the designated 'truth'?" Miss Saint is so impatient, this situation is so uncomfortable, she would rather Sword Lady come first, or even accept her designated success.

She was as anxious as a person waiting on the bed at the Rainbow Bridge, tossing and turning, but suddenly, she calmed down again.

"A close friend said that my second talent [Light Chaser] is also a decapitation."

[Light Chaser] - When you are willing, your presence will attract the arrival of all nearby light and the goodwill of unowned light. This effect is related to the strength of your magic power.

"The light embraces me, and I will embrace the light."

Even without Li Xuan, she is still a super genius! [Light Chaser] is even more of a decapitation talent under 'Death'!

Knowledge filled the room, and the pure white saint was wrapped in light.

I don’t know how much time passed, but a ray of light fell and fell into Christine’s eyebrows, and everything suddenly became clear.


At this point, lv6's [Light Shuttle] transformation!

[Truth·Light Chaser (lv12)

Restrictions: There must be light around

Effect: The magician can maintain the 'maximum speed' of his 'Light Magic Seal' without being disturbed. If disturbed, the speed will be greatly reduced and will last until the magic power is exhausted or actively cancelled. The cooling time is 1 minute】

When Li Xuan got this seal, he was completely shocked.

The 'top speed' of one's own 'Light Technique Seal'!

The speed of the 'attack seal' is often many times higher than the magician himself, because to hit the enemy, speed must be the key, and the speed of the 'light spell' is the fastest among all factions' seals one!

And he owns the lv11 [Jiyi Amaterasu Sword]!

The disadvantage is that it can only be fastest in the 'non-combat' state, but this is exactly what he wants!

【Light chases me, I chase light】

Talent [Light Chaser], Magic Seal [Light Chaser]?

Li Xuan couldn't help but scratch the white-haired fox's head: "Shouldn't this be called 'running in both directions'?"

Could it be that she could only move forward in one direction and chase in circles? Did she invent the 'perpetual motion machine'? Is she really a genius?

[The more you want to pursue something, the less likely you are to pursue it. You, a scumbag, won’t understand.] Miss Saint’s voice is too cold.


Li Xuan stimulates the estrogen in the white-haired fox's body. The [menstrual period] is coming soon, but he still can't understand women.

But at this moment, the white-haired fox turned into a blazing white light and shuttled through the illusion world at high speed!

With [Princess of Fantasy] here, there is no need to slow down due to the environment in the fantasy world. And with his strength, except for 'super large fantasy', there is basically no other environment that can trap him!

In a short period of time, Li Xuan ran all over the fantasy world, killing all enemies along the way with his sword flashing for his life!

"right here."

Finally, the figure of the white-haired fox stopped in front of a 'super large fantasy'. This time he approached it and wanted to speed through this 'super large fantasy' where the 'Sword God was framed' was similar to what the outside world had experienced not long ago.

But suddenly, a figure was reflected in Lysa's pupils.

A middle-aged priest in black stood on the edge of the 'Super Large Fantasy' and appeared in front of the white-haired fox.

"Bitch, you don't think we won't make any preparations, do you?" The black-clothed priest smiled ferociously.

Li Xuan's face was expressionless. Sure enough, he could guess that it would take time for the cultists to position themselves, so what would the Seven Sins Cult and the City Lord Hall do?

the same!

The legendary magician moves at high speed and positions himself as a "super large fantasy" to block or even kill the sword god!

"You should be a 5-star legendary magician, Cardinal Lucas of the Pride Cult." The white-haired fox said coldly.

Before Li Xuan entered the fantasy world, he naturally received the goodwill of the 'Light Church', which organized and gave him the public information on most of the legendary magicians in Noxes City.

A 5-star legendary magician appears here, which means——

"Not to kill you bitch!" Cardinal Lucas said coldly.

In order to kill Lysa, they did not hesitate to kill themselves!

Legend-level cultivation is extremely difficult, and countless efforts have been put into each realm. With this one attack, decades or even hundreds of years of cultivation may be gone!

Crazy, the Seven Sins Cult is really crazy!

"But you're the only one here."

The white-haired fox drew his sword, [Truth·Light Chaser] is not meaningless. Even if the opponent is not lucky enough to appear here, even if the opponent has special 'illusion props' to stand, the absolute number is limited, otherwise the absolute number here is absolutely It won't be one legendary, but a group of them!

"I can win even if I kill you."

"There is just a newly promoted legendary. What do you think the legendary is?" Lucas roared, and endless dark ripples appeared in the space. A huge Nether Dragon, with purple-black flames burning all over its body, ferociously shouted at the white-haired fox. Bursts of roars.

The fierce wind shook the fox's white hair, and Lysa's right hand turned over the [Magician Sequence].

Comprehensive combat strength sequence (Noxes City):

① Nether Dragon King-Lucas, 1-star legendary level

②Sword Master-Li Xuan, 1-star legendary level

③Sword God-Lysa, 1-star legendary level

"It seems the problem is 'truth'."

"in addition."

"It seems that the Seven Sins Cult is still not willing to let go." (End of Chapter)

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