Chapter 317 The Death of Cao Ren
  However, The Rock is far from over!
  Guo Jia, Xun You and others looked at the huge rocks being thrown from outside the city, and rushed forward one after another to pull Cao Cao off the city wall.

Cao Cao was about to struggle away.

Guo Jia roared: "Your Majesty, calm down!"

"Where there is life, there is hope!"

"General Xiahou died tragically, and we are all very sad."

"But in today's situation, if we stay here, everyone will die together!"

"Are you really willing to completely give up the foundation you have worked so hard for so many years without any scruples?"

Cao Cao calmed down a little.

Guo Jia hurriedly signaled to everyone to carry Cao Cao down the city wall.

Cao Cao looked firmly at Xia Houyuan and the direction where the boulder fell.

There, Xia Houyuan fell to the ground and had already turned into a pool of bloody mud.

Cao Cao howled loudly.

Over the years, he has lost the people closest to him one after another.

Xun Yu refused to follow him and died in Xudu.

Cao Hong died in Tongguan.

Now, Xia Houyuan also died tragically under a thunderbolt car.

These are the people who followed him to conquer the world!

But now, the world is gone.

These people also left me one by one!

Guo Jia, Xun You and others were crying while carrying Cao Cao down the city wall.

Who would have thought that just a Jingzhou legion from Wu State could have such strength!
  Guo Jia and others carried Cao Cao to the north gate of the city.

Guo Jia also asked people to summon more than [-] other cavalry who had not yet joined the battlefield.

Holding the hands of Xun You and Xiahou Dun, Guo Jiaqiang suppressed his cough and said in a trembling voice: "Keep the green hills here, so you don't have to worry about running out of firewood."

"In this situation, it is impossible to retreat from the enemy by defending the city."

"You and your Majesty are constantly retreating."

"I'm coming to the queen."

"Even if I die, I will eat a piece of Jingzhou Legion's flesh."

"If the Jingzhou army pursues and fights fiercely, you should retreat to Liangzhou, abandon the city, and learn the migration strategy of the Huns."

"Our cavalry is the main force. Although the Jingzhou Army also has cavalry and its strength is extraordinary, their main force is infantry archers and they cannot keep up with us."

"We must make full use of our cavalry advantage to protect Liangzhou."

"Don't fight hard."

Xun You's face turned pale.

Xiahou Dun's voice was trembling as he asked, "Live a nomadic life?"

Guo Jia nodded heavily and said sadly: "As long as we are still alive, there is always hope."

"How many hardships have you and the king experienced? You still persist until now."

"Bite your teeth and persevere."

"There will always be an opportunity."

Xiahou Dun said hurriedly: "Then you also come with me!"

Guo Jia shook his head, glanced at the shaky Cao Cao who was surrounded by the crowd in the distance and mounted his horse. He forced a smile and said: "Someone has to be here to take charge."

"Otherwise, if we retreat together, the enemy will quickly capture the city wall and catch up."

"The morale of the army has been completely lost. Once pursued by the Jingzhou Army, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Even a mutiny is possible."

"The king suffered a heavy blow this time and has lost his mind."

"You need to stand up now."

After saying that, he patted Xun You on the shoulder, turned around and ran towards the south gate of the city.

Cao Cao, who was in the distance, also saw Guo Jia's movements, turned around, and was about to call out to Guo Jia.

However, his voice was stuck in his throat and he couldn't make a sound.

He could only shed tears again and murmured: "Fong Xiao! Feng Xiao! Feng Xiao."

Xun You and Xiahou Dun looked at each other and nodded in unison.

The two of them got on their horses one after another, calling for the army to follow and evacuate Zitong.

Outside the southern part of Zitong City.

At the rear of the Jingzhou Army, Xu Shu, Zhuge Liang, Lu Xun, and Pang Tong were riding on war horses.

Jia Xu and Sima Hui stood on the chariot.

The few people were surrounded by Gao Shun's trapped camp.

Now Gao Shun's trapped camp has already been adapted from the original heavy armor soldiers into heavy cavalry.

Seeing Cao Ren leading the archers out of the city, but retreating step by step, Pang Tong looked at Xu Shu and said, "Commander, I haven't seen any enemy cavalry! The enemy gave up the cavalry and left the city, and chose the archers to attack. This is very strange." "

Lu Xun then said: "Use your strengths and avoid weaknesses? Use your weaknesses to counter our strengths. The archers and infantry will attack our front and attract our attention. In fact, their main force is likely to rush out from the gates on both sides and attack our left and right wings. Or simply the rear, coming towards us."

"After all, to shoot a man first, shoot a horse, and to capture a thief, capture the king first."

"Our main force is so powerful that the enemy is completely helpless."

"Then we have no choice but to take risks."

"Besides, we don't have the troops to rush to the gates on both sides."

Zhuge Liang said: "The enemy's archers and infantry can no longer suppress the decline. I think that since the enemy adopts a strategy of exploiting their strengths and avoiding their weaknesses, we should simply use their tactics."

"The cavalry on both sides took advantage of the enemy's current decadence and charged directly towards them."

"At the same time, shield soldiers are used as cover on both sides, and spearmen, three-bow bed crossbowmen, Zhuge Company crossbowmen, and archers are hidden behind."

"If the enemy uses the main cavalry to attack from both sides, it will be enough for the spearmen, three-bow bed crossbowmen and Zhuge company crossbowmen to deal with it."

"If the enemy uses the main cavalry to attack the rear." Looking at Xu Shu, Zhuge Liang said: "Now let the trapped camp block the outermost perimeter."

"The main force of the enemy's cavalry rushes in. Let the trapped camp charge and kill, block its energy, slow down its attack speed, and then attack with eight thousand horse-killing swordsmen."

"The horse-cutting sword was created by King Wu to deal with cavalry, and the enemy has never seen it before."

"Facing the demoralized cavalry, we can initially test the effectiveness."

Xu Shu looked at Jia Xu and Sima Hui on the chariot and said, "What do Jia Gong and Sima Gong say?"

Jia Xu put his hands in his sleeves, as if asleep, and did not respond.

Sima Hui smiled and said: "You can give it a try. Although Brother Xun, Kong Ming and Shi Yuan are young, they all have good observations. I think it is the enemy's shortcomings."

Xu Shu nodded and immediately gave orders to the flag bearers beside him.

Immediately, Gao Shun and the trapped camp quickly dispersed into two teams, each team of [-] people, separated at the outermost edge of the rear.

The eight thousand horse-killing swordsmen who were originally in front of the trapped camp quickly retreated, surrounding Xu Shu, Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, Lu Xun, Jia Xu and Sima Hui, forming a huge Bagua formation.

In front of the horse-killing swordsmen, the archers moved quickly.

The shield soldiers split to the outermost edges on both sides.

Lancers are a close second.

The three-bow bed crossbowmen were behind the spearmen.

Zhuge's company of crossbowmen was behind the three-bow bed crossbowmen.

The archer is in the middle.

The cavalry on the left and right saw the flags waving in the rear. As Zhang He, Gao Lan, Lu Bu and Ma Chao took the lead, [-] cavalry rushed across the suspension bridge like a tide and went straight to the archers led by Cao Ren.

Cao Ren's infantry archers were frightened by the three-bow crossbowmen and kept retreating.

At this time, they saw Zhang He, Gao Lan, Lu Bu and Ma Chao leading the cavalry to charge towards them, and they immediately fled back in a panic.

Cao Ren killed several people again. Seeing that he was still unable to withstand the defeat, he prepared to withdraw into the city.

He raised his head and glanced at the city wall, only to see that Cao Cao, Xun You and others were no longer on the wall, only Guo Jia!
  Guo Jia coughed violently while overlooking the Jingzhou Legion outside the city.

He also didn't understand the reason why the Jingzhou Legion suddenly changed their formation.

To be exact, he had no idea what the purpose of the unique weapons held by the Jingzhou Legion was!

However, his eyes fell on his own archers who were retreating under the city.

At this time, there was no way for them to retreat into the city.

The enemy cavalry has come up to cover them up.

The city gate could not be closed due to the congestion of archers and infantry.

Once they really retreated, the enemy cavalry followed suit.

Moreover, once the infantry archers retreated, the enemy troops would attack the city wall with thunderbolt chariots even more brazenly.

The power of the Thunderbolt Car is too overbearing.

We have no power to resist.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia couldn't bear to look at the archers outside the city who were constantly charging with the Jingzhou Legion cavalry, and called the ordering soldiers to beat the drums.

These people who are left behind must die!

They can only use their deaths to chew off a piece of flesh from the Jingzhou Army and buy time for Cao Cao and others to retreat.

Moreover, it was also a warning to the Jingzhou Legion.

If you want to capture Liang Kingdom, you must pay the price with blood!
  Cao Ren was expecting Guo Jia on the city wall to issue an order to withdraw his troops.

The next moment, what made his breathing stop was that the sound of war drums sounded from the city wall!
  The rapid sound of war drums is like a life-threatening talisman, urging every soldier to sacrifice his life and fight in blood.

Cao Ren looked at the Jingzhou Legion cavalry who were constantly charging outside. He raised his head and looked at the heavy rain pouring down above his head.

Is this God crying for himself?

Today is the day when I, Cao Ren, will die?
  Cao Ren let out a long sigh.

After a while, he lowered his head, roared, and killed the soldiers in front of him with his long sword. He rushed to the outermost perimeter, rushed towards the cavalry who came up to kill him, and roared angrily: "Kill!"

The archers who were retreating step by step saw that Cao Ren was leading the army, and the rear was blocked again, unable to retreat into the city. The sound of war drums sounded more and more closely on the city wall.

Knowing that they would definitely die today, they roared in despair one by one and rushed towards the Jingzhou Legion cavalry.

Archers continued to fall under the charge of cavalry.

Archers and infantry continued to charge forward.

The infantry archers who had been retreating crazily to the rear, pushing and shoving, saw their comrades in front charging towards the enemy cavalry, falling down one after another, and being attacked by others, all with scarlet eyes.


There is no going back.

You can only rush forward.

Even if you die, you can't die so cowardly.

Angry roars and hoarse screams instantly filled the sky above Zitong, complementing the thunder.

Groups of archers fell down one after another.

Group after group of archers rushed forward.

Bodies piled up quickly.

The blood mixed with the pouring rain, and the blood flowed into rivers.

Guo Jia stood on the city wall, overlooking the scene, with no expression on his face.

All he could see was raindrops streaming down his face.

Cao Ren killed four cavalrymen in a row.

His armor had been penetrated in dozens of places, and no one was intact.

Standing tremblingly in the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, Cao Ren raised his sword and watched Lu Bu galloping over on his horse, with a sad smile on his face.

With his left hand, he pulled out a spear from the corpse at his feet, inserted it into the mountain of corpses behind him, and leaned on the spear with his back.

Seeing Lu Bu raising his halberd and charging towards him quickly, Cao Ren raised his sword in both hands and roared angrily: "Kill!!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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