When taking stock of Ming Taizong at the beginning, Lao Zhu was stunned!

Chapter 109 It seems that I can’t show mercy anymore!

Chapter 109 It seems that I can’t show mercy anymore!

Tang Dynasty, the third year of Zhenguan.

Li Shimin also had to admit that there was indeed a lot of truth in this passage.

If everyone in the world can act in accordance with the law, then politics will inevitably be clear, people will live and work in peace and contentment, and government affairs will be handled more perfectly.

Keen greed will inevitably make this impossible.

The reason why the Tang Dynasty fell into chaos has a lot to do with the destruction of laws. But in the final analysis, it is still people's greed, but what method should people use?

As a dynasty that undoubtedly values ​​literature very much, they have a good understanding of political history, people's livelihood management, and astronomical biographies, and have also studied the views of various schools in history.

Many people already knew Liu Yuxi's words.

Those who agree naturally believe that heaven only gave birth to all things, and then governance ultimately depends on man himself.

Those who disagree think that the effectiveness of the law is far from decisive and can only deal with some common trivial matters.

For most special things, it is still difficult to determine. Although its actual effect is widespread, there is no high upper limit.

Before today's miracle, it was rare for anyone to win an argument.

However, by releasing this passage through this miracle, doesn’t it mean that it agrees with this view?

Those who did not obey the law were speechless.

After all, this miracle is still correct so far. By saying such words, is it possible to imply to them that the law is the main thing? Is it really correct?
[Easter Egg [-]: The Tang Dynasty was the biggest turning point in the political system in Chinese history... This is why the Tang Dynasty was greater than Rome, and it was far greater than all other great countries in the world in the past. 】

[But speaking of China alone, there was the Tang Dynasty after the Han Dynasty, but after the Tang Dynasty, there was no dynasty or period as lively and worthy of our admiration and admiration as the Han and Tang Dynasties. That is also worthy of our vigilance and attention. (Min. Qian Mu)]

[Although the Han and Tang dynasties also had border troubles, their courage was great after all, and the people had the self-confidence not to become slaves of foreigners. Perhaps they never thought that when they took foreign things, they were as if they were captives. They were driven freely and never Mind. (People·Lu Xun)]
Tang Dynasty, Zhenguan period.

Although Li Shimin was also shocked by these remarks, he was proud that his Tang Dynasty was unparalleled in the eyes of future generations.

But what he cares more about is the word "people". What period is this?
Which emperor in future generations would use such a name as the title of his country?

He was vaguely uneasy, and besides, although the first person named Qian Mu was describing the Tang Dynasty and various countries, the last sentence seemed to have a meaning.

Even if we ignore him for the moment, the second paragraph seems to be more worthy of attention,
Could it be that the Central Plains of later generations collapsed under the attack of foreign races?

The officials in Zhenguan fell silent. They were proud of the achievements of the Tang Dynasty, but they were also sad about it.

Why are there no dynasties in later generations that can surpass or rival the Tang Dynasty?

Are they really too good to be surpassed?

Obviously impossible.

Coupled with the aliens in the last sentence of the miracle, this made them feel extremely ridiculous.

Will China really fall into such a disadvantage in the future? ——
The early years of the Han Dynasty.

Although he was also one of the praised ones, Liu Bang was not very happy.

At this moment, his heart was filled with all kinds of sorrows. He remembered the situation in the Song Dynasty, which was also occupied by many foreign races and signed many treaties that were humiliating and humiliating the country.

But even so, isn’t it a bad situation?

As for being ruled by a foreign race?

Wasn’t it the previous Yuan Dynasty?This is beyond our reach, so how tragic will the Central Plains of China be in the future?
Furthermore, where did the alien races of later generations come from?
Ming Dynasty, Hongwu 13th year.

To say that other emperors had various moods.

Then the most humiliating and unwilling one among them is probably Zhu Yuanzhang.

He recognized the greatness of the Han and Tang Dynasties, but as the founder of the Ming Dynasty, he unified the world, restored the orthodoxy of the Han people, and restored the status of the Han people in the Central Plains. He also made the people of the world rich and bridged the division between the north and the south.

In addition, the fourth son Zhu Di also did well after he ascended the throne, but such a Ming Dynasty was actually evaluated by miracles as inferior to the Han and Tang Dynasties?

What exactly is wrong with his Ming Dynasty?

But he was an emperor after all, and he quickly calmed himself down and began to think carefully about whether there were problems with some of his policies and systems. After all, what the miracle said must have its truth, and he was not someone who could not tolerate others pointing out his mistakes.

Prince Zhu Gaochi did not think about it from this perspective. Instead, he paid more attention to the last sentence of the second paragraph.

"Could it be that the empire that I, the Ming Dynasty, have worked so hard to build, and the future creation of it, have been stolen by aliens?"

After being interrupted by Zhu Gaochi, Zhu Yuanzhang stopped reflecting on the potential problems of the Ming Dynasty and began to think about the various situations of the foreign races in the north. He couldn't help but feel angry again.

When he expelled the Tartars and established the Ming Dynasty, he did not exterminate them all. First, he did not like that kind of place. However, after learning about the miracle, he only wanted to expand his territory and never thought of completely annihilating the tribe.

Unexpectedly, those foreigners are still eyeing the Central Plains and want to steal the Central Plains orthodoxy?

It seems that I can't show mercy anymore!

If these people cannot be killed, the borders of the Central Plains will be unstable in future generations.
Qing Dynasty, 28th year of Kangxi.

Kangxi's face was equally ugly and angry.

The territory of the Qing Dynasty was not small, and its industrial technology was not bad. The population of the Qing Dynasty was many times larger than that of the Han and Tang Dynasties, but it was actually not as good as that of the Han and Tang Dynasties?

What is this nonsense!

Moreover, the second paragraph instantly struck a chord with him. Could this alien be accusing him of the Qing Dynasty?
But think about it again, the name in front of it is obviously not his dynasty, and the foreign race should not be his Qing Dynasty.

Could it be the alien race from later generations?

But are there any hidden dangers at the border in Qing Dynasty?

Where are the aliens in the miracle?
[The easter egg quotation easter egg has finished playing, and this issue of the story of the world will end here. 】

[The next story session will be broadcast in ten days. You can guess which Taizong will appear next time. 】

[Ten days later, we will see each other. 】
Tang Dynasty, Wude period.

After all, Li Yuan still didn't want another human tragedy to happen in the future, let alone bet on the future of Datang.

Regarding the issue of heir, many plans emerged in his mind, and all of them were biased towards Li Shimin.

Among the many ministers in the court, many of them leaned towards King Qin when occupying their seats.

Li Jiancheng, Li Yuanji and others also looked ugly.

Although they had seen everything in the miracle, they had already expected it, but it had just ended, and there were only a few people who were willing to stay in their hands.

Then I'm afraid I won't have many opportunities in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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