Xueba’s medical black technology system

Chapter 229: Raw data that cannot be offended.

Chapter 229: Raw data that cannot be offended.

When he saw this result, Lu Shengping's eyes suddenly widened.

How good a paper is, on the one hand, depends on whether the paper’s research ideas and methods are relatively innovative, or whether it offers some unique insights.

Of course, these are bonus points for the paper.

But the value of a paper still depends on the final result of the paper.

No matter how ordinary the research methods are and how old-fashioned the ideas are, as long as the final result is a breakthrough in this field.

Then this is definitely a valuable article.

In Lu Shengping's view, this paper falls into the second category, with ordinary research methods and no innovation in ideas.

But are these important? They are not important at all.

What matters is the result.

The other party used the Pin1 target to completely eliminate tumors in 70% of mice.

Such a result is definitely a breakthrough in the field of pancreatic cancer.

Even if Lu Shengping was thinking with his buttocks, he could imagine how much of a sensation this paper would cause in the field of pancreatic cancer if it was published.

It is estimated that the target Pin1 will soon become a research hotspot.

After reading the entire paper carefully, Lu Shengping couldn't help but clicked his tongue.

To be honest, he never thought that Pin1, an isomerase that seems to have nothing to do with cancer, would be the target of pancreatic cancer, the king of cancers.

But when I think about it carefully, I find it quite reasonable.

Because the characteristic of pancreatic cancer is that it can easily develop resistance to common chemotherapy drugs through a highly desmoplastic and immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment.

By inhibiting Pin1, this microenvironment that is conducive to tumors can be destroyed.

This also greatly inspired Lu Shengping, who was already somewhat exhausted of inspiration.

His previous research had been focused on the tumor cells of pancreatic cancer.

But this paper provided him with a lot of inspiration.

Now all kinds of novel ideas are constantly pouring out of his mind, and Lu Shengping has even begun to be a little bit eager to try out his ideas.

I will first follow this research method and repeat the experiment to see if there are any other values ​​worth exploring.

Then do some other experiments based on your own ideas.

Lu Shengping had already begun to silently plan his next plan in his heart.

But before that, Lu Shengping still had to reply to the Cell editor by email and give his review opinions.

In the middle of writing the review comments, Lu Shengping suddenly paused. He pulled the paper to the top, ready to see which research result of a talented team was this.

Being able to dig out such a novel target point from thousands of targets is definitely not something that an ordinary team can do.

However, when Lu Shengping saw the author of the paper, Lu Shengping let out a cry of surprise.

Lu Liang.

This is a Chinese.

However, this name seems familiar. Have you seen it somewhere?
Lu Shengping thought carefully, then he seemed to think of something, opened the database, and started searching on the database.

As Lu Shengping entered Lu Liang's name into the search bar, documents were quickly retrieved.

Among them are several documents that Lu was extremely familiar with.

No wonder it looks so familiar.Lu Shengping looked astonished.

Then maybe you can write your review comments more effectively. After all, this kind of thing is easy to do.

After completing his review comments, Lu Shengping sent the review comments to the editor of Cell.

Femi looked at the computer screen with a tangled and hesitant look on his face.

As an editor of Cell, Fermi most of the time judges whether a paper is worthy of acceptance, largely based on the opinions of reviewers.

But he encountered a troublesome problem today, which originated from a paper submission he recently received, which was a study on pancreatic cancer.

For this study, three reviewers have also given corresponding review comments.

Two of the reviewers' opinions were approved, and one of the reviewers even praised the paper.

However, one reviewer was not sure yet. He asked to see the original data of the experiment in the paper, or the experimental manuscript.

This is where Fermi really gets into trouble!
Asking to see raw data or manuscripts seems like a trivial act, no big deal.

But in fact, this behavior is almost equivalent to questioning!

This is extremely offensive behavior.

Because generally speaking, when a journal receives submissions, it will be acquiesced that all the data in the article is true and valid. This is a kind of trust for all scientific researchers.

This is why academic fraud is an intolerable behavior in academia, because this behavior destroys this trust and causes inconvenience to other scientific researchers.

This is why most journal editors will not easily ask authors for the raw data of experiments.

Because this kind of behavior is almost equivalent to questioning the data in the paper and thinking that the other party is suspected of fraud!
If it were some other ordinary scholars, it wouldn't be a big problem to ask for the original data. After all, they were Cells anyway, so it wouldn't be a big problem to offend them.

But the problem is that the author of this paper is not an ordinary scholar.

Fermi checked and found that this person named Lu Liang was not the first to submit to journals like their Cell. This person had published papers in Science and Nature.

This is not something ordinary scholars can do.

Moreover, this paper is not a parallel import. This paper is a breakthrough in the field of pancreatic cancer.

Fermi estimated that the reason why this person named Lu Liang submitted his manuscript to their Cell journal was not at all because of the status of their Cell journal, but purely because he wanted to publish one article in CNS.

This means that people don’t care whether their Cell journal will accept it or not.

Cell didn't accept it, so they turned around and submitted it to the other two major journals.

The most important thing is that Fermi knows very well that if nothing unexpected happens, this kind of person will definitely be a great person in the future.

If I am offended now, no one will submit articles to their Cell in the future.

What was lost was their Cell journal.

This makes Fermi have the nerve to ask others for the raw data of the experiment!
Fermi couldn't help but sigh. Although their Cell journal has always been regarded as the three top journals in academia along with Science and Nature.

However, in recent years, the quality of Cell journals has begun to decline.

On the contrary, Science and Nature have been thriving.

Even voices in the academic community have begun to appear, saying that Cell is no longer worthy of being as famous as Science and Nature.

Thinking of this, Fermi had already made a decision in his mind. After finally submitting such a breakthrough research article to their Cell, he would not give it away so easily.

Moreover, two reviewers have now given their opinions on acceptance, and the decision of whether to accept the article is already in his hands.

Fermi no longer hesitated, he chose to skip the No. 3 reviewer’s comments and accepted the paper.

(End of this chapter)

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