Doomsday: I can draw unlimited card bonuses

Chapter 254 Where did he get a dragon?

Chapter 254 Where did he get a dragon?

The rules of the clan!

Card activates!

As Lin Qun declared his goal, the card's skill effect was triggered in seconds. In an instant, the multi-legged civilized life within a radius of [-] meters with Lin Qun as the center immediately lost their will to fight!

The command was full of fighting spirit and wanted to harvest the life of this son of human civilization, while the lower-level soldiers received orders to keep their weapons ready to fire at any time, but at this moment...

Those multi-legged civilized beings immediately fell into a temporary daze.

Even the multi-legged civilization commander in the [-]-meter-class multi-legged civilization warship that had just given the order suddenly fell into a certain sluggishness at this moment.

That's because its thoughts at this moment and its thoughts at the previous moment have undergone huge changes.

One second ago, its mind was full of war factors and it wanted to kill that human being. But at this moment, it suddenly became anti-war and tired of war.

The will to attack disappeared instantly.

This kind of anti-war and war-weary thought is like a rule deeply imprinted in the depths of their consciousness. Once it rises, it will be as irresistible as a flood bursting its banks, immediately washing away all their thoughts and will, and banning the original thinking. with ideas.

The commander of the multi-legged civilization Yuuchi fleet also immediately had a series of very philosophical thoughts: Why am I fighting? Why am I fighting? Shouldn't I fight? What is the meaning of war? Can obtaining these contribution points, technologies and abilities really make our civilization more advanced? What exactly is advanced? What is the growth of civilization?

It seemed to suddenly become an anti-war scientist. All kinds of things that it would never think about or even think about rose up in the depths of its mind and quickly occupied the high ground of its reason. The most important thing is that these questions, The more it thinks about it, the less it can come up with an answer, the more meaningless it feels the war becomes, and the more negative it becomes in its will to fight...

However, its order a second ago has been rapidly transmitted to the entire multi-legged civilization's inner fleet along with computer information transmission.

But at this moment, very few people reacted. Most of the multi-legged civilized beings had almost the same thoughts as this commander. They fell into deep philosophical thinking. They were at a loss and completely lost their will to attack. They even Very resistant to war.

The members of the multi-legged civilization fleet located at the back were outside the effect of the Rules of the Family card and were not affected. However, at this time, they were completely unaware of what happened.

The effect of the Yu-Gi-Oh card happens in an instant, and it happens unconsciously. There are no sound and light effects that directly affect his will!

In the first second, even Lin Qun didn't know whether his card was effective.

But at this time, he had no retreat.

Behind him, the Lucheng Command Center and the Jinling Command Center have made comprehensive combat arrangements, preparing to take this opportunity to counterattack the abundant civilizations in Green Province. On the front centered on Lin Qun, there are even a large number of soldiers in motion. Lin Qun Move forward indomitably, no matter whether the rules of the clan are successful or not, you cannot retreat, you can only move forward!

Therefore, Lin Qun continued to speed up and rushed towards the multi-legged civilization fleet, and he quickly judged from the strange lack of firing in the array in front of the multi-legged civilization fleet that his card had indeed played its role silently. The effect he wanted.


The effect of family rules is astonishing.

The fleets of the Multipod Civilization formed a strangling formation, which was relatively dense. Therefore, at this moment, more than two-thirds of the members of the Uuchi fleet were affected, and they all lost their will to attack in an instant without delay. This proves that the rules of the clan take effect immediately. .

The main array of Yuuchi's fleet, which previously faced the greatest threat to Lin Qun, would no longer fire on him!

These multi-legged civilized life forms are not very powerful individually, and there is a serious lack of individual strong men. This results in the fact that no multi-legged civilized life form within the [-]-meter range can withstand the influence of the clan's rules at this moment.

Because their levels are all below level [-]!

Of course, even the Bakatan people and even the Prophet civilization will be defeated here. Who in the basic fleet can have all the members at level [-]?

Level sixty-two, what level is that? In the prophet civilization, it is also the upper-middle level in the super warrior echelon, not to mention the fleet members of these multi-legged civilizations? You can only be affected unconsciously!

Even if there were, a few unaffected individuals scattered at multiple points would not be able to restore the stiffness of two-thirds of the fleet.

At this moment, the forest group is running at high speed. They have lost the will to attack. What that means is self-evident. It is equivalent to holding a weapon high in the hand but not knowing how to swing it, waiting helplessly for others to come. Kill them!

The most important thing is that all this happened so fast that no one knew what was going on before they were affected. No one but himself knew about Lin Qun's methods, and this influence reached directly into his consciousness. , the commander-in-chief of the multipod civilization fleet in space had no time to react or even realize what happened.

But up close, Lin Qun could accomplish so much in the thirty-two seconds he had.

For example, starting a massacre——

If such a multi-legged civilized space fleet can fire, it is an unimaginable terrorist threat. But if they cannot fire, they are nothing, just huge targets lying in the sky!

Lin Qun charged head-on into the fleet formation of the Multipod Civilization.

His speed is extremely fast. With the bonus of Mark's 50-nanometer armor, his propulsion speed in the air can exceed that of most aerospace equipment. When he throws the Clan's Rules Card in front, Lin Qun behind him has turned into a flash of light. rushed into their array.

Moreover, there was almost no reaction from the multi-legged civilization's forward warships.

No attacking, no moving.

None of the battleships in front opened fire, and they could only evade. There was also a small battleship whose people were still shouting, taking the initiative to talk to Lin Qun: "Human, we shouldn't start a war. Fighting has no meaning. You should stop. We should have peaceful negotiations..."

The remaining members of the multi-legged civilization fleet who were not affected by the rules of the clan were dumbfounded.

I thought that the order had been conveyed, why didn't the front fire?

And what about the peace talks?

According to the war plan and program just formulated by the supercomputer, they should fire in gradients and batches, welcome the human in, and then strangle him in the battle formation. At worst, they should be able to trap him and wait for them in space. The fleet's space-based weapons fell, and this human being was bound to die.


The fleet ahead did not fire.

Even the [-]-meter-class multi-legged civilized warship that gave the order did not fire.

The multi-legged civilized beings in the fleet behind looked at each other, and they were all confused at this time.

Their fleet has been fighting for a long time, but they have never seen such a scene. Many plans have been made. Their trusted teammates unexpectedly missed the opportunity to fire. Instead of firing, they watched the opponent come in!

By this time, it was too late to react.

Because Lin Qun... is close at hand.

This position is no longer their best attack position. On the contrary, it is the best attack position for the forest group!

But at this moment, Lin Qun did not attack with Mark 50. Instead, he directly drew another card.

The Mark 50 nanometer battle armor has excellent performance. Wearing it makes you look like a superhuman superhero. However, it consumes a lot of energy and is not popular against such large battleships. At this time, another card will undoubtedly be more effective. …

That's the blue-eyed white dragon!

Directly summon the Blue Eyes White Dragon!

In fact, all this happened in an instant. Lin Qun threw out the first card in front of him, the rules of the clan, to define the battlefield, and then he rushed into the battle formation where the multi-legged civilizations were waiting like lightning. The rules of the clan behind them affected The multi-legged civilized life outside the range was just shocked and confused when Lin Qun's second card was already killed.

The nano-suit was taken back and disappeared in an instant.

Then, with a flash of light, the blue-eyed white dragon completed the summons in an instant!

At that moment, the elegant and perfect, powerful and huge giant monster appeared on the battlefield!


The roar of the dragon tears apart the battlefield skyline!

The blue-eyed white dragon was directly summoned from the card by Lin Qun!

When it spreads its wings, the shadow is enough to cover a warship with multiple civilizations!

The lives in those multi-legged civilized warships all looked at this scene in horror!

This was the first time Lin Qun used this card after he drew it, but with the card as a medium, the moment Blue Eyes White Dragon appeared, he absolutely obeyed and obeyed Lin Qun.

This is the summon of Lin Qun.

It will carry out all orders given to it by Lin Qun unconditionally and without compromise!

There is a certain difference between this kind of direct card summon and the mythical creature summoned by Lin Qun with his silver horn. And this blue-eyed white dragon is not only huge in size, but also has amazing attributes, with a strength of [-] and a constitution of [-] points. These attributes are all above the forest group!

Moreover, when it was called out, it directly extended its huge dragon wings, covering the sky and the sun, allowing the forest group to ride directly above it, and at the same time, it rushed forward at high speed, and the space was washed away by a shocking wind. It looked like An extremely huge and ferocious evil beast crashed into the fleet of the multi-legged civilization.

On the front, many small and medium-sized multi-legged civilized warships were instantly hit by its huge wings, flew out, and collided with each other, forming huge fireballs in an instant. Moreover, its dragon claws stretched out and grabbed Hold onto those flying multi-legged civilization fighter planes, and with the help of terrifying power and huge size, directly tear them apart with sharp dragon claws!

From the front, under Lin Qun's control command, it was flapping its wings and pounced on the largest multi-legged civilized irregular [-]-meter-class warship in the sky.

At this moment, the blue-eyed white dragon's bloody mouth opened wide, and a dazzling white ball of light brewed from it, then exploded, and then suddenly spurted out, turning into a ray of light and hitting the irregular warship of the multi-legged civilization.

This is the signature attack method of the Blue Eyes White Dragon!

Exploding blast bomb!

In the Yu-Gi-Oh card system, this is actually an independent magic card that needs to be activated with the Blue-Eyes White Dragon monster card. But at this moment, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon materializes, which means that it is the main body and does not need to be activated. That magic card can be released directly to deliver a terrifying blow.

In fact, Lin Qun did not expect this.

He originally planned to control the blue-eyed white dragon to hit the multi-legged civilized battleship. He could activate the giant form and cooperate with the blue-eyed white dragon to destroy it. However, he did not expect that the blue-eyed white dragon, who had received his attack order, flew directly over and was a " Dragon's Breath"!

Bring a skill!

He was very surprised!

Moreover, the power of this blow was also extremely terrifying. White light erupted from the bloody mouth of the blue-eyed white dragon, destroying everything and directly piercing this multi-legged civilized warship from the front!

The multi-legged civilization irregular [-]-meter-class battleship was penetrated from the front. The battleship's hull burst out with fire, followed by blazing white light, and exploded in the dazzling flash!

The huge battleship, without taking a few breaths, followed in the footsteps of the battleship in front of it. It was shattered into pieces, throwing away a huge amount of matter, and fell from the sky at high speed!

That scene was heroic and magnificent!

But everyone who saw this scene was extremely shocked!

The Green Province Resistance Army knew that Lin Qun, a legendary master from the Magic City, was going to fight against the fleet of the Multi-legged Civilization. They not only sent ground troops, but also monitored the movements on the battlefield. They fought repeatedly against the Multi-legged Civilization After repeated defeats, he was well aware of the power of the multi-legged civilization, and was afraid that Lin Qun would also be strangled by the multi-legged civilization fleet.

Even the commander of the Green Province Resistance Army thought this was an opportunity and saw Lin Qun’s amazing record of killing the Red Shadow Man, but he still felt that a single-target confrontation was the same thing. , it is another matter for one person to fight against a foreign civilization fleet.

But everything happened before my eyes.

They were deeply shocked.

Including the general leader of the human resistance force in Green Province, the resistance organizations monitoring the battlefield in many places in Green Province were shocked.

"Am I reading that right? He can just fight an army by himself...he, he...did he transform into a dragon?!"

"Two huge warships from a multi-legged civilization were destroyed in this way. Oh my God, our Green Province and Federation's air force was completely wiped out before and only one was able to be taken down!"

"What kind of combat power is this? What kind of combat power is this? No wonder the alien civilization wants to kill him even in public broadcasts! No wonder..."

"I just want to know how he transformed his dragon?"

"This Lin Qun, how many tricks does he have? Is this really what talent can do?"

At the same time, the Lucheng Command Center was also shocked.

But they were already used to it.

Mr. Lin has repeatedly performed miracles, what does this mean?

On the battlefield, they had all seen Lin Qun summon cartoon creatures!

Li Zheng said excitedly: "The opportunity has come. This fleet of the Duozu Civilization is the first of the two main fleets of the Duozu Civilization in the Green Province. Mr. Lin disabled half of its fleet here. Our plan to counter the encirclement and kill the multi-legged civilization will achieve critical progress!"

The person in charge of Lin Qun's support group couldn't help but said: "I'm just saying that if Mr. Lin dares to kill him, he must have a way. We can't think of this method, and Duozu Civilization can't think of it! They can only make shit, but it's weird. Why didn't the multi-legged civilization fleet attack just now? They missed the best time to attack!"

Lin Qun's clan rules were to use secrecy. Even they didn't know why the multi-legged civilization's Yunei fleet didn't attack, and they thought the commanders of the multi-legged civilization fleet were collectively crazy!

Take the initiative to seek death and let the forest group get close to their fleet.

The person in charge of this support group was right. At this moment, not only the human side was shocked, but also the multi-legged civilization was dumbfounded.

How did this human being transform such a giant creature?

And so suddenly?

At the scene, Lin Qun was already going crazy.

Riding a blue-eyed white dragon, he felt like he was in a deserted place in the fleet, rushing left and right, killing indiscriminately.

The influence of clan rules is still there. Most of this multi-legged civilized fleet will not fire, and will not fight back when being killed indiscriminately. They will only run away. They do not fight back. It is difficult for those behind to find an angle to fight back, and they cannot cooperate at all. Get up, how to fight?

There were even people in the multi-legged civilization fleet that were affected by the rules of the clan who tirelessly shouted to Lin Qun, telling him that fighting and killing were not the solution to the problem, that his actions were meaningless, and that he should stop immediately.

Lin Qun laughed when he heard this.

The effect of this family's rules card is really amazing. It is simply incredible that such words can be said from the mouth of a multi-legged civilized life that participated in the war of civilizations and slaughtered human beings crazily!

Under the pursuit of Lin Qun, the Duozu Civilization Yunei fleet was completely defeated. It could no longer maintain its formation and quickly retreated!

After more than ten seconds, as the [-]-meter-class irregular battleship was sunk and destroyed by Lin Qun, a large number of Uuchi fleets and multi-foot civilized air forces were swept away, and the commander of the fleet in space finally discovered something. Clues of the problem.

The soldiers whose Yunei fleet was close to Lin Qun seemed to have completely lost their will to resist. They didn't fire a single shot. Facing Lin Qun's attack, they only knew how to dodge and couldn't even fight back!

He also became very strange and peace-loving...

Therefore, when they faced the impact of the target of the son of human civilization and saw them being killed indiscriminately, they did not even have the urge to fight back. They were trying their best to evade and just ran away without firing a single shot.

In a few dozen seconds, Lin Qun had already charged on a dragon, creating a line of fire in mid-air. Behind him, many civilized warships and aircraft were flying and falling like raindrops!

In less than half a minute, the sky was filled with a sea of ​​fire!

In space, on the bridge of the first fleet flagship of Duozu Civilization, its commander-in-chief showed a look of panic in his eyes: "What method did this son of human civilization use? He influenced our soldiers. This How could a son of civilization have so many means?!

"Quickly, think of a way immediately to eliminate the influence of this human being, issue an order, and have the Uuchi fleet retreat fully to distance itself from this human being. As it is now, this is not to surround and kill him, but to contribute to this human being! "

In fact, the commander of the Multipod Civilization made a wrong judgment. Their fleet did not lose the will to resist, but lost the will to attack. Facing the attack of the forest group and the threat of death, they knew how to evade, but they never thought of attacking. The desire to attack Lin Qun was gone in his bones, so where could he launch any counterattack?

That's why there was this weird scene on the battlefield.

Lin Qun rode a blue-eyed white dragon and charged left and right, the sky was full of fire. The multi-legged and civilized Yuuchi fleet was shattered by the impact of one man and one dragon. There were explosions and flames everywhere, but they retreated and did not dare to fire a single shot.

Only the multi-legged civilized beings in the rear who were not affected by the Clan's Rules card opened fire. However, with the two main battleships destroyed and the situation in chaos, what they wanted to do at this time was of no avail.

In space, the commander of the multi-legged civilization's space fleet could not accept this fact.

Their plans completely collapsed.

Their Yuuchi fleet has completely lost its combat effectiveness and cannot meet the standards they expected. It cannot trap Lin Qun. Even if they prepare space-based weapons in space, it will be useless and they cannot launch them at all, because there is no harassment and attack by the Yuuchi fleet. Trapped and killed, it is impossible for their space-based weapons to hit!

At this moment, in the sky over the battlefield in Green Province, Lin Qun was already "killing like crazy"!

Contribution point +1...

Contribution point +1...

Contribution points are rising slowly, experience points are rising rapidly, Lin Qun rides the majestic blue-eyed white dragon, looking around, the dragon roars in the sky, killing at high speed, the multi-legged civilization fleet is in pieces, the time of the rules of the clan is over , they reacted, but it was too late!

The huge multi-legged civilization's inner fleet almost completely collapsed without even firing a decent shot. The commander of the multi-legged civilization at the top had no choice but to issue an emergency retreat order.

As a result, the remaining multi-legged civilized spaceships, airships and fighter jets could only flee in panic under the orders of the commander-in-chief, trying their best to escape as far away from this human being as possible. What they saw was a strange defeat. Countless fears arose in my heart towards that son of humanity who was marching forward unstoppably across the battlefield!

The situation on the battlefield is over, and all they can do at this moment is to run for their lives, run for their lives, and stay as far away from that human as possible.

When they came, they were aggressive and confident, thinking that they could take over the forest group, but now, only fear and panic were left. They didn't even know what was happening. They were defeated and could only flee in despair. Is there anything more terrifying than this?

Especially in the eyes of the ordinary life warriors of the multi-legged civilization at the bottom, this human being is already as terrifying as a devil.

The fleet of the multipod civilization that moved into space had no way to deal with the forest group at this time and could only watch helplessly. They did not find a way to eliminate the influence of the forest group, but they soon discovered that there was no way to eliminate the influence of the forest group. That was necessary, because as time went by, the impact was automatically lifted, and many survivors of the Yuuchi fleet quickly reported the anomaly just now.

But at this time, even if the influence is gone, it is useless. The Duozu Civilization Yunei fleet has been killed and has lost its combat effectiveness. At this time, there is only one way to retreat!

However, Lin Qun refused to give up. He rode on a blue-eyed white dragon to pursue them, attacked and killed them in the air, and chased the entire Uuchi fleet of the multi-legged civilization by himself!

The scene is huge and shocking.



(End of this chapter)

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