Doomsday: I can draw unlimited card bonuses

Chapter 141 Who will kill me? !

Chapter 141 Who will kill me? !

On the battlefield, the situation changed suddenly.

Under the joint bombardment of seven Bakatan cyber warriors, Lin Qun's armored giant could only hold on for a moment before its huge body collapsed.

These Bakatan cyber warriors are mobile weapons arsenals. The micro-missiles they carry are all high-explosive incendiary bombs. They are small in size but powerful. They can break through at fixed points. Even the body of the armored giant cannot bear it. They bombard from seven directions. In an instant, His chest was blown through, and his arms and thighs were forcibly broken off!
But he wasn't originally planning to rely on this armored giant to break through.

The armored giant's ability has already been demonstrated.

Since these Bakatan cyber warriors were tailor-made by the Bakatan people, relying on the methods they have already demonstrated will definitely be useless, as they can all be exploited at the drop of a hat.

But Lin Qun's trump cards don't stop there.

Every large-scale draw of cards is a terrifying improvement for him.

His level may not be high enough, and his basic attributes may not be as good as those of the powerful Bakatans, but he has many methods and they are endless. Others only have one ability, but he can pull out a bunch of them!

His real weapon is a cartoon crocodile!
The Cartoon Crocodile took advantage of the cover of the Armored Titan's body to take off. With the height provided by the Armored Titan, it was enough to reach a Bakatan Cyber ​​Warrior.

At this moment of the surprise attack, their reactions were extremely fast, and what controlled their behavior seemed to be some kind of computer. This allowed them to react quickly and coordinate closely, so that the eight people could move as one.

At this moment, the Bakatan cyber warrior in front even wanted to shoot down the cartoon crocodile, and dense bullets flew out like raindrops, but a terrifying scene appeared. The cartoon crocodile directly opened its bloody mouth, and its huge mouth was like a black hole. All the flying bullets were swallowed up, and the few that hit its body were shot into its frame just like the bullets from the Bakatan before.

Its body was pushed backwards by the force of the impact, but this distance was enough. The ax in its hand suddenly slashed forward. The Bakatan cyber warrior's alloy body that could withstand bullets was chopped down easily. Open a hole and metal fragments fly everywhere!

The cartoon crocodile let out a strange scream, and used this fulcrum to pull its body back violently. Then, it lowered its huge mouth and took a mouthful...

A horrible scene ensued.

The Bakatan cyber warrior's iron head and the neck below were bitten off directly!

The fractures were jagged, just like the sharp teeth of wild beasts.

But with the steel body of this Bakatan cyber warrior, how could any beast bite off a large piece of it in one bite?

But what shocked Lin Qun more was the mouth of this cartoon crocodile - does its mouth lead to Two-dimensionality?

However, this moment is not the time to think wildly, because this Bakatan cyber warrior is not dead. It even raised its hands at this moment, one of its arms was transformed into an energy cannon, and the other became an extremely sharp steel blade. , directly trying to strangle Lin Qun on the cartoon crocodile!

But it was already too late. The moment the cartoon crocodile bit down, Lin Qun had thrown out the weapon in his hand like lightning.

That's... a vibranium spear!
It penetrated directly through the hole torn by the cartoon crocodile. With a shrill sharp sound, it penetrated the body of this Bakatan cyber warrior directly from top to bottom. As he pulled, the vibranium spear With a whimpering sound and a heartbreaking sound of metal cracking, this steel monster was of course torn to pieces by Lin Qun!
The body was torn apart and slumped to the ground beneath his feet!

But Lin Qun did not stop. With a vibranium spear in one hand, a vibranium shield in the other, and the shoulder cannon on his shoulder, he fired wildly and rushed directly towards the second nearest Bakatan Cyber ​​Warrior!

The feeling of riding on a cartoon crocodile is very strange, like riding on a thread, but very light - at this moment, this cartoon crocodile is stepping on the body of the Bakatan cyber warrior that has just been torn apart in mid-air. Taking advantage of his strength, he helped Lin Qun directly attack the second Bakatan cyber warrior.

A series of plasma shoulder cannon shells flew away quickly, all blocked by the energy shield raised by the Bakatan cyber warriors. But when the cartoon crocodile arrived, opened its bloody mouth, and took a cruel bite, the energy shield directly let it go. Make a big bite.

Lin Qun followed the same pattern and made great progress, directly killing the second Bakatan cyber warrior!

At the same time, he suddenly turned around and threw out a fire talisman. In an instant, a terrifying explosion filled the sky.

The entire street was enveloped in a sea of ​​boiling fire, covering the bodies of Lin Qun and the remaining Bakatan cyber warriors.

Below, Jiang Qi and other troops rushing to the rescue all ducked down to evade. When they looked up again, they saw Lin Qun coming out of the sea of ​​​​fire with a line of fire. There was also a vibranium spear carrying a pierced person. Bakatan cyber warriors.

He flew past and landed firmly on the ruins on one side.

Lin Qun picked up the Bakatan cyber warriors and looked at the battlefield. "You want to kill me? Come on, come on! Who can kill me?!"

The cartoon crocodile has landed and is following closely behind. It emerges from the sea of ​​​​fire as it devours flames. Its weapon also has a Bakatan "nested" in it. It drags it out and places it at the feet of the forest group. , have a great meal.

At the same time, it stretched out its short hands and "pulled out" the bullets from its body one by one.

Looking back, four of the eight Bakatan cyber warriors had been killed in an instant.

They were all retreating. Their scarlet electronic eyes reflected the forest group standing tall, and they seemed to have a sense of fear.

The two Bakatan transport planes continued to increase their altitude, and the Bakatan pilots inside were all terrified.

This human is too scary!

Behind, Jiang Qi and others watched with excitement.Eight terrifying specially modified Bakatans surrounded and killed them, but they could not defeat even one of them. But in the blink of an eye, Lin Qun killed four in a row, looking down at the battlefield, and the remaining Bakatans were so frightened that no one dared to step forward. step!
Even if he didn't do it himself, Jiang Qi and others were excited to see it.

What's even more surprising is that the weird crocodile at Lin Qun's feet looks like a cartoon character.

what is this?
Where did Lin Qun get it?

Why did you obey Lin Qun's orders?
Why is it so scary and can eat anything?

The same shock actually echoed in the hearts of the remaining four remote control operators of Bakatan Cyber ​​Warriors.

They all thought they had a chance of victory just now. All of this human's means had been blocked by them. They were just waiting to force out this human's transformation method and cooperate with Bakalie and Mordu's cannon to completely strangle him. However, they did not expect that he would not I don’t know where I came up with such a weird thing...

Their existing technology is unable to analyze it, and this thing seems to be a two-dimensional creature.

What's even more terrifying is that the attacks it just made, including ignoring the armor of the Bakatan cyber warriors and devouring energy shields, seemed to be some kind of dimensionality reduction method at the moment it bit down, lowering the hit target to two. If it has three dimensions, it can destroy everything and eat everything. Energy items and powerful alloy armor in the three-dimensional world are all the same things that it can swallow.

The more they analyzed it, the more horrified they became. They didn't know how humans could possess such a terrifying weapon, and yet it seemed to be a living creature with self-awareness.

Deep in the distant middle city, Bakarie looked at this scene and the preliminary analysis results generated instantly, and couldn't help but said: "Awesome, how many tricks does this human being have hidden? Is he a human being?"

There was also shock and admiration in its tone.

But its movements didn't pause at all. It turned around, strode backwards, and walked towards its shuttle. At the same time, it said to Ba Kajing: "Get ready to activate the fort. The people in the parliament are useless. It's our turn to take action.

"We must kill him here today, otherwise, there will be endless troubles."


At this moment, the cartoon crocodile was at the feet of Lin Qun, munching on the Bakatan cyber warrior.

Lin Qun's eyes were cold.

The cartoon crocodile is his method of breaking the formation. This is a real dimensionality reduction attack, and it is also a method he has never shown clearly before. No matter how prepared the Bakatans are, they can break it with one force!
And this is indeed the case. The terrifying ability of the cartoon crocodile directly cooperates with the Lin Qun Jedi to fight back and kill across the battlefield!
Without the fate of the heavyweight, how could Lin Qun initiate the transformation into Superman?
However, in the eyes of others, the cartoon crocodile shocked the battlefield of massacre, but Lin Qun knew that the cartoon crocodile also seemed to be injured.

The lines of its body were repeatedly shot through. Although it can be smoothed out, the damage is real. However, the damage definition of this cartoon monster is different from that of a normal three-dimensional creature. For example, its appearance does not appear to have changed at this moment, but in fact The body is somewhat insubstantial.

It feels like the color has faded, but others can't see it clearly. Only Lin Qun, the only person who has seen cartoon crocodiles many times, can see it.

Moreover, it no longer gives the forest group a single feedback of hunger, but: rest... rest...

Lin Qun was silent for a moment, then waved his hand to summon the cartoon crocodile back to the card.

At this moment, the remaining four Bakatan cyber warriors were retreating, and Lin Qun also raised his head at this moment.

In his headset, a message came from Gu Pan.

"Mr. Lin, the latest news just confirmed is that Bakalie has set off from Zhongcheng District, and the cannon prepared by the Bakatan people in Zhongcheng District has also begun to activate. What kind of weapon that cannon is, we have no information to determine yet. But their target should always be you. Be careful——"

Bakalie... is he here?

That is the first place in the Magic City overall ranking.

The Bakatan civilization is the strongest on the battlefield in the Demon City.

The combined contribution points of Bakazhan, Enusheng and Bakayun are not as many as this person's.

It is said that it is also one of the top commanders of Bakatan in this battle of Magic City.

If I could kill this person...

A dangerous light flashed in Lin Qun's pupils.

At this moment, the Superman Transformation Card was pulled out of his Universe Bag and held tightly in his hand.



(End of this chapter)

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