Doomsday: I can draw unlimited card bonuses

Chapter 108 Their two giant sailing ships all turned around!

Chapter 108 Their two giant sailing ships all turned around! (Please subscribe!)
The firelight was shining brightly on Chu Youwei's pupils.

What happened before her eyes made her stunned.

She didn't expect that the symbols Lin Qun drew could really turn into fireballs. The surprise was like cartoon characters suddenly running out of the cartoon world and becoming real.

How could the talisman he drew become real?

Unfortunately, at this time, Lin Qun no longer had time to explain anything to Chu Youwei.

The battlefield that Lin Qun broke into was inaccessible to Chu Youwei. She knew very well that if she rushed in with Lin Qun, she would be shot to death, so she retreated quickly, preparing to find a place to hide.

She completely understood what Lin Qun meant, and her cooperation was very simple: if Lin Qun died, she would rush out and snatch Lin Qun back as before and run away.

I don't know why, but when she realized this, Chu Youwei felt a little weird.

But on the battlefield, Lin Qun was riding a cloud of fire to kill him!
He threw out more than 20 fire talismans in an instant, and that was all he drew.

More than 20 fire talismans, that is, more than 20 fireballs, were thrown out at once, regardless of each other, directly forming a fire cloud in mid-air. The forest group of armored giants falling from a high place seemed to be stepping on fire. The clouds were falling, crashing to the ground at their feet!
The Bakatan people below him were all thrown away by the explosion of the fireball. The huge Bakatan harpoon didn't even have a chance to be launched. The entire device was blown to pieces. The fork was kicked out by Lin Qun. He exposed several Bakatans who had no time to escape!
A sea of ​​fire and explosions.

Blood spattered, and Lin Qun was like the god of war coming into the world, stepping directly into an open space in the center of the Bakatan phalanx that besieged him. The Bakatan people suffered countless casualties.
Lin Qun's eyes moved.

The surrounding Bakatans were shot in the head one after another.

A Bakatan telekinesis master roared and rose up from among the Bakatan warriors. He had a terrifying aura, at least level [-] or above. Unfortunately, Lin Qun only glanced at it, and its head exploded. In Bakatan's horrified eyes, a corpse lay on the ground.

Are you kidding me? Now Lin Qun's physical constitution is 86, and his headshot female skill is 170. Targets with physical constitution and below are all unable to resist his gaze!
Before the Bakatan people in western Zhejiang could stabilize their position, Lin Qun stepped on the ground violently, his body exploded like a cannonball, and jumped to the next position. On the way, he also grabbed an airship and threw it out. It hit an abandoned building on one side, directly smashing one of Bakatan's firepower points inside.

All the Bakatans around were frightened.

Lin Qun is like a killing god. Not only is he extremely powerful, he is also very flexible. With one jump, he can jump 90 meters. If he jumps twice in a row, it will be 180 meters. If he steps on that building and jumps three times in a row, it will be 270 meters!
He alone, forcibly messed up the rear of Bakatan in this direction, and the formation was in chaos!

Lin Qun is also very smart. It is difficult for him to defeat four hands with two fists. He is surrounded by Bakatan troops. He must be in a state of high-speed movement. Otherwise, when the Bakatan people gather together and form a tight encirclement, he will run away even if he wants to. No more.

Under the random fire, no matter how hard he resisted, he would be beaten to death.

This is inevitable.

Therefore, Lin Qun never lingered. He quickly took off as soon as he landed, with an uncertain direction. Although his target was the two giant Bakatan sailing ships and Baka Yun among them, his intention was as if he was running towards the survivors. Went to the base.

Swing between two directions.

This is Lin Qun pretending.

Moreover, random leaps in uncertain directions can also prevent the Bakatans from forming a siege situation on him, and can fully utilize the flexibility of his skill set!
The Armored Giant combined with Mario's jumping skills is a moving engineering hammer that can resist and hit, and I can still walk!
The Bakatan people in this direction were exhausted by him, and they were in two giant Bakatan sailing ships.

The Bakatans were also surprised.

"He is stronger than before, even stronger than when he appeared for the second time. What is this growth rate?"

"His direction keeps changing. It seems like he is coming towards us, but also like he is going to the survivor base. Is he going to the survivor base to join other humans?"

"Haha, it would be stupid for him to come to us. No matter how powerful he is individually, it doesn't matter. We have such powerful firepower here, it only takes a little time to kill him. Instead, go and join up with those human bastards. Maybe it can keep him jumping around for a while."

At this time, Bakayun in front suddenly spoke. It was also staring at the terrifying human giant in the picture who was doing extremely odd jobs and jumping continuously against the laws of physics. Its eyes were cold: "No, he is just coming for us. He is looking for death, so tell everyone behind him to move away and prepare the missile launch array. Wait for him to come over and intercept him directly."

The people below were very surprised, but they did not dare to have any doubts about Bakayun's judgment. They immediately adjusted their formation according to Bakayun's instructions and prepared to intercept and kill this powerful human being.

Bakayun's eyes were solemn: I thought you were smart, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid that you came to your door yourself. Very good... So what if you become stronger every few hours?Strength is not determined by size...

In its eyes, this human being is dead.

However, it is not prepared to take action personally. The fact that it has survived to this day is not only powerful, but also cautious beyond ordinary people. Although it feels that this human being is a stupid charge that will defeat the enemy, it is actually worried that Lin Qun may have other descendants. After all, it has not figured out what went wrong or weird last time. It is still wary of the forest group, so it needs to fire a round of naval guns first.

If you have a backhand, you can force it out directly; if you don't have a backhand, you can fire a volley and you'll be half disabled even if you don't die!

At that time, it can handle this human being at will.

Last time, I let him run away from me. This was a great shame and humiliation. Today, I want him to come back!

The two giant Bakatan sailing ships turned slowly, and their gun muzzles were already protruding, pointing directly at the Lin group rushing towards them in an arc!

Lin Qun also noticed this.

There was no way around it. After all, the battlefield was so big and his goal was obvious.


His own body had no problem withstanding the cannons, but if a salvo of large-caliber naval guns was fired... On the frontal battlefield, the battle was still going on. Although Lin Qun was stirring up the wind and rain in the rear, causing quite a battle, but that was not the same as Compared to the battlefield at the survivor base, it was just a small fight. A large number of Bakatans advanced to encircle and suppress them, firing intensively and frantically suppressing the human front.

In the past few minutes, the Bakatan people have pressed forward 200 meters. The human military has suffered heavy casualties. Some reserve survivors have already moved forward in advance. The sky is blazing and the war is roaring.

As for Li Jie and the others, they didn't even know that Lin Qun had appeared and was fighting behind Bakatan, and they were still nervously waiting for the moment when they would join the battle.

——How can soldiers on the battlefield know the overall situation?
In the underground command center, Lin Qun was making great progress, which surprised and delighted Fu Kaiyi.

"He seems to have become stronger. His target is Bakatan's two giant sailing ships! Does he want to take Bakayun?"

Lin Qun looked more ferocious than a day ago. A day ago, the machine gun could still damage his body, but now, he could charge with the machine gun.

This is definitely a step further.

Many people in the underground command center were also very excited. In the past, they had only seen Barkatans slaughtering tens of thousands of humans single-handedly. This was the first time they had seen a human being able to do this - one person killed Barkatans. He was so angry that he lost his temper!
"This... his strength may have surpassed Qi Zhichuan!"

"Who said we humans don't have masters?"

"Sure enough, it's him. Mr. Lin is still alive! He is No. 1 in the East District!"

But Fu Kaiyi is still a little worried: "Have you contacted him? He may be able to kill two giant sailing ships, but Bakayun is on top. Doesn't he know that Bakayun is inside?"

Although Lin Qun appeared very powerful, there was still a huge gap between the strength of Baka Yun that they knew.

It was an existence that had experienced a civilized war, and its level was ridiculously high.

But unfortunately, the news coming back is not optimistic.

"We still can't contact him. He doesn't carry any electronic devices. It seems that Mr. Lin can't wear electronic devices in his form..."

"Our drones can't fly out at all. The Bakatans' main firepower is still concentrated on our side, and they are actively interfering with our signals and blocking all our external information. Division Commander, just half a minute ago , we have lost contact with the Army Commander-in-Chief of the Survivor Base of the Military Hospital!"

"Division Commander, the two giant Barkatan sailing ships have turned! They aimed their guns at Mr. Lin!"


Fu Kaiyi's eyes were heavy.

Sure enough, on the screen, the two giant Bakatan sailing ships had changed direction, with cannon muzzles lining up, blocking the direction of Lin Qun's advance!

These two giant sailing ships were skimming from behind and had not been approaching or firing. At this time, they could strangle the Lin group with all their strength.

And this is also where the Bakatans give the greatest "importance" to human beings on this battlefield.

Fu Kaiyi knew that he could no longer stop it.

At this moment, Lin Qun was trapped in a crowd of thousands of troops, and there were only two roads in front of him.

Either move forward and sink the two giant sailing ships.

Or be trapped in a siege and be surrounded and killed by the Bakatans.

The survivor base of the Sixth Prison, which was also surrounded by the Bakatan Army, was unable to provide him with any support.

Judging from the current situation and judging rationally, Lin Qun's death in battle is almost inevitable.

In terms of individual strength, no one is Bakayun's opponent.

In the battle at the Xinxing Plaza Survivor Base, it killed Qi Zhichuan like an ant was crushed to death.

Although Fu Kaiyi was not present in person, he knew the mockery Bakayun made towards humans that day.

"Is this the number one among you humans in the region? He can't even hurt me, let alone make me shed a drop of blood. How can a low-level civilization like you have the face to resist and survive?"

Bakayun's arrogant words made many people furious, but no one could do anything about it. It was very cautious and never appeared at the front of large-scale battlefields. In one-on-one and small-scale battlefields, it was invincible. of strength.

Human beings are at a disadvantage, which is deeply helpless.

Could it be that... the scene of Qi Zhichuan's death is really going to happen again?
However, Fu Kaiyi also had some vague expectations and hopes in his heart.

What if...what if that Lin Qun had any backup plan that could turn the tide?
If he can succeed... no... if he can succeed, if the two giant sailing ships are sunk and Bakayun dies in battle, today's siege of the city can even be a decisive comeback, from a certain defeat to a great victory!
However, is such a situation possible?

(End of this chapter)

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