People are in love, Qingmei is actually a star observer

Chapter 223: The 5000 points spent are not a loss at all!

Chapter 223 These 5000 points were well spent!
When she heard the word "swivel chair", Yu Man shook her head. Although she knew there were swivel chairs for office furniture, it was obviously not what she was talking about now.

The prince was completely relieved when he saw Yu Man's reaction. It seems that China in this world really does not have the program "The Voice".

As a result, Wang Zihuan told Yu Man in detail about the special swivel chairs and competition modes of "The Voice" that he knew about, and the director's sister was stunned for a moment.

You must know that China's "The Voice" originated from Europe's "The Voice of the Netherlands". This program once attracted 18.2% of the total population of the Netherlands. This is an exaggerated proportion.

After being introduced by China's Blue Channel, it became an absolute hit when it was first broadcast. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a summer memory comparable to "05 Super Girl" and "Huanzhugege".

During the time when the first season of "The Voice" was aired, KTV sales across the country skyrocketed.And the songs re-sung by those "amateurs" in the show can be ranked in the top ten of the music chart every week.

From a more rigorous perspective, the average ratings of the first season of "The Voice" were 4.002, and the ratings on the night of the finals soared to 6.101.

Many people may not understand what this concept is. "The Legend of Zhen Huan", which was once popular across the country, premiered on two satellite TV channels, and its average ratings were only 2.820.

Although "The Voice" has later been exposed a lot of shady stories, the stunning effect brought by the first season is absolutely undeniable.

As a well-known director who has been immersed in variety shows for several years, Yu Man has also held some talent shows for trainees.

It's just that this purely capital-based star-making product was officially stopped, and she herself found it boring, so she created Lianzong.

But she definitely has a good eye for talent shows.

Therefore, when Yu Man listened to Wang Zihuan's story, he immediately understood the point of it.

In previous drafts, players were in a position of being selected and had no rights whatsoever when facing the judges.

But in this "The Voice" model, there are no judges, only mentors.

When multiple mentors turn around for a player, the initiative will be reversed, and the players have the right to choose the mentor they want.

This is like a newly graduated student going for an interview. If you are good enough, it is not the company that chooses you, but you that choose the company.

Therefore, in addition to the "graduates" showing their resumes, how many "companies" will turn around? This is the original highlight of the draft.

"The Voice" has more. When several "companies" are optimistic about a "graduate", each of the "companies" will show off their unique skills to brag about themselves and offer various benefits to compete for the "graduate".

Of course the most important thing is the blind selection.

Such a double-selection mechanism has not yet appeared in China.Even if it is as popular as "Singer", it is just the judges and the audience commenting on the artists.

This is definitely a hit show!

Yu Man was once again amazed by Wang Zihuan's talent. She even wondered whether this man's brain was different from that of the Blue Star people.

"But there is another problem. If auditions are held from all over the country now, it will take too long to compete all the way to the screen stage. And some corruption problems will inevitably arise in the process." Yu Man's vision is very vicious and he hits the nail on the head. pointed out the problem.

If this program wants to amaze everyone, the "amateurs" selected must have their own unique singing methods and voice recognition. The music program must ultimately return to the essence of the song, otherwise no matter how novel the design is, it will be nothing more than an embarrassment in the end. .

The instructor is embarrassed, and the audience is even more embarrassed.

So selecting people is the top priority.

But I don’t have to belittle myself to say that with Yuman’s “golden brand” here, there will definitely be many contestants who have some “wrong ideas”.

No matter how concerned Yu Man is, he will definitely not be able to take care of everyone across the country, so corruption in the auditions is inevitable.

As a saying goes, never use money to test human nature.

"It's true that auditions are not possible. It's inefficient and uncontrollable." The prince nodded.

Although all talent shows inevitably involve auditions in the end, this is not the case in the first season.

"Do you have any ideas?" Yu Man asked.

The prince was happy to see that Yu Man seemed to be interested in doing something, so he spent 5000 points in the system to buy all the planned content of the program "The Voice".

It's a bit expensive, but this kind of variety show can be filmed every year and you can make money every year.

After going through the information in his mind, he said: "First, we send people with professional recording equipment to universities, bars and other places across the country to find potential and famous people. Then we collect their voices Send it back to Shen Hai, pay a lot of money to hire a professional to listen blindly, and then make the final choice.”

"Of course, there must be a minimum standard here. If you don't meet it, you will definitely not be accepted. If you don't have enough people, just go out and look for it."

"At the same time, a bonus will be set up. Everyone who goes out to look for 'The Voice' will get the first bonus if the player they find is confirmed to be hired. If the player they find later enters the top 16, they will get the second bonus. A bonus will be given, and the next top 8, top 4, and champions will follow the same pattern."

Wang Zihuan added some of his own insights based on the original selection of "The Voice". Although this method still cannot eliminate the problem of bribery, it is definitely much better than the audition + online registration method.

Because there is a bonus mechanism, even if the out-of-town staff will charge money to recruit some average players, they will not push down poor but capable players just because of money.

And by separating "discovery" and "decision", normally as long as people are not stupid, they will not bribe too much money.

After all, spending hundreds of thousands means you have a chance to be heard. If your level is not good enough, you won’t even get a “ring” for the money.While listening, Yu Man unconsciously sat up straight and devoted all her attention.

With such a dense plan, she didn't believe that Wang Zihuan just had a sudden idea. It seemed that he had been preparing to get involved in variety shows for a long time.

So, how ambitious is this man? Does he want to dominate music, film, television, and variety shows?
Although ambitious men often don't care much about love, for Man, it is a fatal attraction.

She looked at Wang Zihuan with eyes full of admiration and a little bit intoxicated.

Of course, this is also because Wang Zihuan is not the kind of man who talks about "making contributions" all day long.

Instead, you can hide your talents in your heart, wait for the right time, and display your ambitions in the best possible way.

If Yu Man were to describe it in one sentence, it would be "A gentleman hides his weapons in his body and waits for the time to move."

This kind of man is like a huge treasure. The more you "dig down", the more surprises you will get.

It's not like Yu Man has never met such a man in so many years. They all hold high positions and have made great achievements.

The only difference with Wang Zihuan is that he is too young. He is too young to have such a "city" at his age.

In addition, there is another point that Yu Man cannot deny, that is, "handsome".

Oh, yes, and "ruffian".

Although she has long passed the age of pursuing "appearance", "useful things" with "exquisite appearance" are indeed more attractive.

Yu Man looked at Wang Zihuan like a hunter looking at his prey.

The prey, who was bowing his head in thought, didn't even notice the hunter's gaze. He was still checking for gaps in his recruitment plan.

"Rewards alone are not enough. I think a punishment mechanism should be added." Yu Man put aside his miscellaneous thoughts and returned his mind to the program.

"How to punish?" Wang Zihuan asked directly, not bothering to guess.

"If none of the recordings submitted by the person who went out are selected, there will be corresponding punishment." Yu Man said with a smile.

There are clear rewards and punishments, and there must be motivation but also pressure, so that people who go out can not be passive and slow down at work, and can exert their full strength.

Wang Zihuan raised his thumb and said, "Sister Man is worthy of being a capital. She has already understood the employees' hearts."

"What are you talking about? I'll hit you." Yu Man raised his hand to scare him.

"Sister Man, don't do it. It's my lifelong dream to become a capital." Wang Zihuan dodged back and flattered her.

Yu Man glanced at him, "I must complete the plan for "The Voice" today, otherwise you won't be able to leave here."

She wasn't kidding when she said this. There was no further delay. We already had such a concrete plan, so why not do it yet?

Wang Zihuan opened his mouth, wanting to say that he would have something else to do later, but thinking of the "Singer" spot, he could only nod helplessly.

"Sister Man, I'm too lazy to type. Can you find someone to record it?"

"Small question." Yu Man pressed the phone on his desk and gave his assistant Huihui a chance to have some sweets on the spot.

After finishing this matter, she picked up her mobile phone and asked: "Are you going to participate in "Singer", or is Pei Qianyi going to participate? I will contact you now."

Wang Zihuan was a little embarrassed when he heard this, and hesitantly said: "Well, I'll let Li Wanxin go, okay?"

Yu Man was stunned for a moment, wondering if he heard wrongly, "Li Wanxin?"

Wang Zihuan nodded vigorously. Li Wanxin's level and status were not enough to be a mentor on "The Voice", so joining "Singer" was her best solution.

"You know she has not had any other masterpieces over the years except for the song "Summer Wind". This is very difficult to meet the threshold of "Singer", and I don't think Kebaolin would agree." Yu Man said helplessly, she I never thought that Wang Zihuan would give up such a precious spot to Li Wanxin.

Wang Zihuan knew that Yu Man would react like this. This matter was indeed a bit difficult to handle, but he thought about the weight.

"Sister Man, I can promise that if you sign Pei Qianyi as the mentor of "The Voice" at the price of a second-tier star, I will help her return to the real front-line, even as a singer, before the filming of "The Voice" starts. back."

Sister Qianyi, don't blame me. I can only wrong you first. When I get back, I will use my body to compensate you. Okay, Prince Huan thought shamelessly.

He continued: "I will also let Liu Xiwan participate as a zero-pay contestant and ensure that every song she sings is an unreleased original."

The moment he came up with the idea of ​​"The Voice", Wang Zihuan had already arranged the places for everyone under his banner.

As the chief planner of "The Voice", I have to get the commission, I also have to occupy the mentor's spot, I have to place my people among the contestants, and at the same time, I have to get a spot in "Singer".

Justifiably get all the benefits.

What other business can be more profitable than this?
These 5000 points are well spent!
(End of this chapter)

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