I just messed around, how could I become the number one in the world?

Chapter 274 BDD is angry, is this snake girl too pretentious?

Chapter 274 BDD is angry, is this snake girl too pretentious?

Both LZ and EDG's BP are over!

The lineups of LZ and EDG are as follows:

LZ: Top laner Rambo, jungle digger, mid laner Clockwork, ADC Xayah, and auxiliary gems.

EDG: Top laner Crocodile, jungle jungler Barrel, mid laner Snake Girl, ADC cannon, and assist Karma.

In the face of this life and death situation, Gu Chen still had no use for the enchantress.

The Enchantress that netizens in the LPL and LCK regions have been waiting for for a long time has not yet been used.

Gu Chen doesn't need a witch!

This made many LCK netizens break their guard and mock SKT's original draft. They even felt that Gu Chen was not a witch.

LPL netizens are a little regretful.

Many netizens also felt that SKT's draft pick was too retarded at first, and Gu Chen seemed to be really incapable of being a witch.

There was only a small group of Gu Chen's loyal fans who were very happy at first, but in the end, all of them were a little disappointed.

These loyal fans are completely different from other netizens.

They know that Gu Chen's assassins are very good. These loyal fans often watch Gu Chen's live broadcasts. They feel that what Gu Chen is best at is the mid-lane assassin!

[Damn, the Cat God Assassin is so good at playing, Enchantress must be a unique skill among unique skills, otherwise why would SKT ban Enchantress five times? I think Cat God Enchantress is really a great move, but he just doesn’t choose it. 】

[Why doesn’t Cat God use Enchantress? This Enchantress is okay with the lineup. At least it has no problem suppressing the clockwork in the lane. The snake girl is not so easy to suppress the clockwork. 】

[I don’t know, I feel like the Cat God should use Enchantress in the life and death game. Cat God doesn’t seem to like playing Enchantress very much. Enchantress is his underwear hero, and he doesn’t even like to play Enchantress in ranked]

[Alas, I haven’t seen the Cat God’s enchantress yet. I only knew that his enchantress must be very powerful, but I couldn’t see any of them, which was a bit disappointing. 】

[It’s okay, the Cat God definitely wants to win this game more than us. There must be a reason why he uses Snake Girl. I heard the Cat God said that he wants the champion skin of Enchantress. I guess it’s not easy to win this game with Enchantress. There are Gems and Kasumi on the opposite side, so Enchantress is not easy to play. 】

Many Cat God fans were watching the game nervously.

They really want to see the cat god be able to play the best assassin in the competition!

But the cat god still chose the snake girl.

In last year's World Championship, the Cat God's Snake Girl even single-handedly killed Faker's Ryze when playing against SKT. Although they lost the game, netizens all know that the Cat God's Snake Girl was really good at playing. abnormal!

[Come on EDG! 】

[We must win, this life and death game! 】

[Playing LZ is also the most difficult. I don’t know if EDG can beat it. LZ is obviously stronger than C9 and AHQ. 】

[It’s hard to say, I’m so nervous, I don’t know if EDG can win. 】

[If you lose, you go home. You must not lose this game, at least there must be a chance to play in the playoffs! If you win this hand, you can play a playoff with C9! EDG charge me! 】

The game is on!

Wuhan Sports Center is packed with people, and all the spectators are cheering for EDG!

LPL vs. LCK! Another battle of the century! !

LZ's strength is that it is the leader in this group, and it is also the runner-up in the LCK. It has been back and forth with SKT. This game is EDG's biggest challenge.

If EDG played better in the first round of the group stage, it would be easy to qualify. Unlike this game, which has become a life and death situation and must be won!

Cuzz said: "With this one, I can clear the jungle in the first three levels, and then I can go to the bottom lane and top lane to find opportunities. With this one, I can also target the opposite middle lane. I can easily catch every position."

Cuzz looked at bdd and said: "You won't be beaten by the cat god's mid laner this time, right?"

BDD smiled when he heard what his teammates said about him, "Don't you think I'm better than Jensen? I haven't played against the cat god yet. Even faker in the middle will have a hard time killing me alone. I can't beat faker, but I can do it in the middle." With the development of the mid lane, who can keep suppressing me in the mid lane except faker? Besides, even if I really play against SKT, I may not be suppressed by faker."

Khan said: "BDD is very powerful. This cat god may not be able to beat BDD in the lane. We have a great chance of winning this one. If they want to win, they can only rely on the upper and jungle advantage in the early stage, or the bottom lane advantage. , if there is no advantage in the front, we will definitely win in the mid-term team fight."

Khan felt that their lineup was chosen very well.

Moreover, there is no pressure for LZ to lose in this game. They can completely play with ease! Just fight EDG! !

They are not afraid of the title of former world champion, they are playing EDG!

Therefore, no matter what, LZ will not let this game go, they will win the group stage with a beautiful 6-0!

LZ's coach was in the background and saw the lineup selected by EDG and said: "EDG's lineup selection is very abstract. They are a team that likes to play four guarantees of one and four guarantees of two. They chose Xiaopao and Karl in the bottom lane. Ma, the lane is very strong, but the top laner chose Crocodile again, so should the jungler focus on the top lane or the bottom lane?"

"If EDG wants to target the bottom lane, then what's the point of choosing Crocodile in the top lane? Crocodile is a hero that has no advantage and will be useless in the later stage. It's difficult to suppress Rambo just by relying on Crocodile in lane."

The excavator is also a very strong jungler and cooperates well with his teammates.

The key to this one lies in the jungle and mid lane on both sides!

Which side's jungler has the better ability to find opportunities, which side has the right to line up in the middle, and which side has the right to line up in the middle is the most important. This depends on the laning ability of the mid laners of both sides.

If the mid laner is strong, the jungler will feel comfortable playing, and it will even affect the rhythm of the opponent's jungler.

The key to this one is the jungler. And the most critical thing about this one is the mid laners of both sides!

Clockwork's laning matchup with Snake Girl is stronger, because Clockwork's hands are long, while Snake Girl's hands are short. Snake Girl's ultimate move, Clockwork can turn around and hide, but for Clockwork's ultimate move, Snake Girl must flash. You can avoid it unless the clockwork's own operation is too abstract.

Xiye said: "This one depends on Brother Chen's laning situation in the middle. Cat God is comfortable in laning, so he can protect the factory director in the jungle. Wine Barrel can't beat the excavator in 1V1 in the jungle."

957 also said: "Look at the Cat God. The Snake Girl in the Cat God is very important for the laning. Is the Snake Girl really easy to beat? I feel it is better to use the Enchantress."

Xiye said from the side: "Clockwork is a lane tyrant. You can only use Syndra and Enchantress to defeat Clockwork. The other mid laners are not easy to beat, and Snake Girl is also difficult to beat. Lucian is easy to beat Clockwork, but he was banned. ."

In this version, there are only a few heroes who can fight in the lane. Even Xiye can't figure out why the cat god uses Snake Girl instead of Enchantress.

If you use the snake girl, she will be suppressed by the clockwork.

As long as her hands are, Snake Girl's hands are too short.

The summoner skills of Snake Girl's belt are flash and healing, while the summoner skills of the clockwork belt are flash and teleport.

The clockwork is to consume Snake Girl all the time in the lane, and then quickly TP out and still have lane rights, so that your own jungler can invade the jungle, or go to other lanes.

On the other hand, Snake Girl is not easy to control in the lane, so the wine barrel will be uncomfortable in the jungle.

Gu Chen said: "In this game, we will focus on defense in the early stage. You can focus on the top lane and capture the top lane. Let the Holy Spear brother develop first, and have good vision in the bottom lane to prevent being caught."

Gu Chen has already started the command mode. The bottom lane is Xiaopao and Karma. Kalma has the E skill to speed up, and the Xiaopao has W to run away. As long as you are careful in the lane, you will not be caught so easily.

Gu Chen is under pressure in the middle this time.

He knew that BDD's laning strength was very strong, but the hero he chose was not easy to play.

But this is only how outsiders see it. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for snake girls to keep wind.

But Gu Chen’s snake girl is different!

Gu Chen's snake girl has already played quite well! Clockwork is also one of Gu Chen's best heroes!

Facing BDD's clockwork, Gu Chen could choose five heroes to fight: Enchantress, Galio, Lucian, Rock Bird, and Ryze.

Enchantress and Rock Bird both have ultimate moves, and the other two heroes were banned. In front of Ryze and Snake, Gu Chen chose Snake!

Because Snake Girl has stronger laning suppression power!

Facing BDD, Gu Chen was equally confident that he could suppress his opponent!

Gu Chen rolled up his sleeves and became obviously serious.

He didn't try his best when playing C9 and AHQ.

But this one is different.

LZ is very strong and anything can happen in BO1, so Gu Chen has to use all his strength!

He got completely serious! !

This year's Gu Chen's laning level has been greatly improved, and he is no longer comparable to last year's. Gu Chen's expression changed. He tightened his grip on the mouse, sat upright, and was completely focused. Even the frequency of his mouse clicks became higher!

This is Gu Chen who is trying his best!

This is his full strength! !

Except for a few ace heroes with big moves, this one is Gu Chen’s full strength!

Even EDG's teammates don't know what Gu Chen's true 100% strength is like!

The camera also cut to the cat god at this time.

Miller said: "The Cat God has rolled up his sleeves, and his expression is different. The Cat God feels very serious now. This game is also a very crucial game for EDG!!"

The doll said: "The cat god rarely shows such an expression."

Netizens in the live broadcast room and on site also started discussing it.

[I feel like the Cat God is really serious. 】

[The expression of the cat god, I love it. 】

[I feel like the Cat God is really serious about playing this game. He didn’t do this when playing C9 and AHQ! 】

The troop line has arrived!

At the first level of laning, Snake Girl learned the E skill!

bdd's clockwork wants to come up and QQ the snake girl!

As a result, Gu Chen's Snake Girl used her position to twist away Chongqing's Q skill, and then hit Chongqing with an E skill!

If Clockwork's Q skill is not placed accurately, it will be easily empty. The opponent can use movement to avoid Clockwork's Q skill!

Soon, the perspective cut to the middle.

The key to this guide depends on the alignment situation of the three lanes!

There will be fierce fighting on every road!

Snake Girl and Clockwork have reached level two at the same time, and both sides' last hits are 50-50!

Seeing this, BDD's clockwork directly consumed the snake girl with QW!

As a result, Gu Chen's snake girl also got winded up at the same time!

This is where Snake Girl is great in laning. As long as Snake Girl's Q skill is hit, Snake Girl can increase her movement speed, and if she uses E skill again, the damage will explode!

So to hit Snake Girl, you must move to avoid Snake Girl's Q skill, and at the same time use skills to hit Snake Girl!

When Gu Chen's Snake Girl uses the Q skill, the Q skill is at Clockwork's feet!

BDD's position couldn't be twisted at all, and QW, which was also a clockwork, was also hit! !

After the Snake Girl's Q skill was hit, she immediately ran towards Clockwork's face!

The snake girl began to fight with Clockwork for damage! !

E Clockwork! !

Wind up again! !

Also E clockwork! ! !

In the process of E, Snake Girl will also add flat A!

Moreover, Gu Chen would walk to the edge of the minion and then fight Clockwork A, so that the minion would not attack the Fire Snake Girl at the same time!

In the first wave of fighting, Clockwork was completely beaten back! !

After he was hit by Snake Girl's Q skill, he could no longer beat Snake Girl in a duel!

BDD felt sweaty.

This snake girl’s laning is so awesome! !

He completely lost the first wave of blood transfusions!

Is this the snake girl of the Cat God? It's not that he can't line up now, he has to play more seriously, slowly upgrade to level three, and then take medicine.

Clockwork's blood volume was over half, and Snake Girl's blood volume had dropped by a quarter. Both sides' mid laners were taking drugs.

Obviously, the snake girl has not been replaced by Clockwork!

Just for this fight, many spectators were cheering!

The audience knows that BDD has a strong laning, and they are also worried that the cat god will be suppressed.

As a result, the cat god came up and exchanged blood for the second level, which was an advantage!

【Cat God! 】

【Awesome, awesome! 】

[Damn it, the cat god is really beating me hard! ! 】

[Is this the mid laner of the Cat God? It’s so cool! 】

BDD's clockwork just wants to slow down, so upgrade it to level three first.

But Gu Chen's snake girl didn't give Clockwork a chance at all!

After Snake Girl's Q skill was improved, she walked towards Clockwork again!

And when Clockwork raised his hand to finish the attack, Snake Girl used her Q skill, and her Q hit Clockwork again! ! !

After Q reached Chongqing, the snake girl accelerated and rushed to Chongqing's face again! !

And BDD's clockwork is also immediately consumed by QW.

As a result, Gu Chen's Snake Girl had already retreated and pulled away. She only took damage from the edge of W and was slowed down a bit.

In terms of blood exchange, Snake Girl still has the advantage!

Gu Chen said: "This BDD is quite good at laning, but someone else wouldn't be able to laning at this time."

BDD frowned. He thought Gu Chen's snake girl was too pretentious, right?

Are you not afraid of death by pretending to be like this in the lane?

When he reaches level three, it will be much easier to fight!

The excavator also requires level three arrests. It is difficult to catch Gu Chen at level two.

So at this time, the excavator is still brushing the jungle, and both junglers are brushing each other.

BDD decided to take medicine to return to the state first, and then he can operate it when his level rises!

He still has TP. If he exchanges blood like this, he must have earned it! !

"No matter how powerful the snake girl is, can she still prevent me from eating tower soldiers?" BDD said, it doesn't matter if he is suppressed again, his last hit will not be much less, and he can still develop under the tower with peace of mind!

It is impossible for Snake Girl to defeat Clockwork in the lane, BDD has this confidence!

Besides, he still has TP. Even if his health is very low, he can still go home and TP out.

There is no TP for snake girls! !

He has one more TP, which gives him an advantage no matter how he lines up!

He can quickly replenish equipment and then return to lane, so that he can support the jungle faster! !

When BDD feels like he can develop slowly.

Gu Chen's snake girl crossed the military line again! !

This time, we directly crossed the troop line and did not let Clockwork take troops! !

If Clockwork moves and dares to move forward to take troops, the Snake Girl will know how to send Clockwork! !

BDD's clockwork can only retreat backwards! !

At this time, the line of soldiers was slowly advancing. Snake Girl was not in a hurry to push the line in, but used this method to suppress the clockwork!

BDD felt a little stressed and a little angry.

This snake girl is too pretentious! !

Are you really not afraid of being caught by the jungler at level 3?

(End of this chapter)

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