I just messed around, how could I become the number one in the world?

Chapter 264: Destroy the opponent as a team! The EDG chapter is here!

Chapter 264: Destroy the opponent as a team! EDG is back!

The game is on!

Countless netizens watching the game, including the commentators, were a little nervous.

This game is about EDG's life and death battle!

EDG can't lose!

If you want to qualify, you must win!

And this is also the first game after the return of the cat god. Many netizens watched the game nervously.

Guan Zeyuan said: "The lineup of this AHQ is still very good. There is a stable team with big trees, and Verus can also start a team. Kalma's selection is great, and the excavator can also lead the rhythm and launch the team." Tiao also has a big move. If this move is really delayed until the later stage, EDG will be really difficult to fight, and team battles will not be so easy to perform. We must limit the development of AHQ."

If this lineup waits until the later stages and Verus and Clockwork are developed, it won't be that easy to fight.

Clockwork has a shield, Karma also has a shield, and the big tree is another piece of flesh.

In this way, Rambo's ultimate move will not be as powerful.

In the later stages, it may become a situation.

That is, the prince joins the team, Galio uses his ultimate move, and Rambo keeps up with the damage, but the damage is not enough!

Because there are Karma and Clockwork on the opposite side.

If EDG's lineup rushes in and fails to produce results, it will be counterattacked by the opponent.

Therefore, this lineup EDG must take the initiative to attack and take the initiative to take advantage.

If it is a balance of power or a disadvantage, this hand will be lost directly.

This depends on EDG's ability to actively lead the rhythm.

But the problem now is that EDG and AHQ's bottom lane lineup is 50-50 open, while the middle lane is 4-6 open.

So the key to this one is the middle and jungle!

If Gu Chen's mid lane is suppressed, EDG will have to rely on the factory director to set the pace.

After getting online, Gu Chen was not polite and pushed the line directly!

Galio's line pushing speed is actually not slow, he has a passive charge attack, and his Q skill can handle the line of soldiers.

It's just that Galio's hands are too short and it's very easy to be suppressed in the early stage.

And Gu Chen's solution is to quickly push the line of troops!

Push the troops in early and return to the city to resupply equipment.

With the three waves of soldiers ahead, Galio used his health to gain lane control!

After Gu Chen completed the three waves of soldiers, his last hit was 19 knives.

In other words, Gu Chen did not miss any of the three waves of soldiers!

It's just that Galio is already out of health, and the clockwork is full of blood and empty of blue.

Galio pushed his troops under the clockwork tower and returned directly to the city. After returning to the city, he replenished his status and immediately came out with TP!

At this time, Clockwork can only follow him back to the city. When Clockwork returns to the city, he has to replenish his equipment and then TP it out.

This version of Sprint has been nerfed, so the major mid laners generally no longer carry Sprint, and more use TP to supplement the line.

When you go back online, it will be completely different!

Galio's level has increased, and it's hard to suppress Galio!

And it’s easier for Galio to last-hit!

Generally speaking, Clockwork's CS will suppress Galio. It is normal to suppress 10 CS in ten minutes.

But Gu Chen's Galio didn't have much of a last-ditch hit, and he even had to counterattack Clockwork's last-ditch hit!

This laning ability

Ximen was playing like clockwork, and he felt a little pressure when facing the lane in the middle.

He opened the TAB and took a look. How come Galio had more last hits than him?

How did Galio do so well while pushing the lane and doing last-ditch damage at the same time!

And Galio’s laning skills are too strong!

While pushing the line, you can still consume him.

After a few waves, Clockwork was already half full of blood.

Ximen was a little shocked. He had never seen Galio with such details!

Why is Cat God so strong in single laning?

How long has it been since you played? Are you still at this level in the middle lane?

This mountain was playing excavator, and I was trying to find an opportunity for Gu Chen, but I never found an opportunity.

This Galio is playing so well!

The only time the excavator came to the middle was to catch it, but it hasn't been caught yet.

Mountain said: "The cat god has such good awareness. He has no chance in the middle and can't catch me at all. Why do I feel like he knows where I am?"

Simon shook his head, "I don't know."

Playing Galio to play clockwork, Galio always has the line rights, it is completely different.

Galio has line rights, so he can enter the jungle, and then put his vision into the red side's jungle.

Unless the excavator does not clear the field, as long as the excavator clears the field, the position will be exposed.

Meiko will also move its field of view to the field area of ​​the excavator, so that the position of the excavator can be clearly seen.

Not only was it difficult for the excavator to catch Gu Chen, it was also difficult to catch EDG on any path.

On the other hand, if you look at the vision created by AHQ, EDG will clear it out immediately.

This results in EDG having a vision of AHQ, but AHQ does not have a vision of EDG's jungle area.

Although Gu Chen was in Germany some time ago, he still studied the team members carefully, especially the vision style, which Gu Chen remembered clearly.

After studying AHQ, it will be much easier to fight them!

Game time is 5 minutes.

Gu Chen’s Galio seizes the opportunity!

An E skill rushed into Clockwork's face! !

The clockwork was knocked away! !

Then Galio immediately activated W to charge up and taunt!

And at this time, the prince was right next to him!

The reason why Clockwork didn't dodge immediately was simple. Because the excavator was also nearby!

Ximen knew that if he relied on the excavator to take the initiative to catch Galio, he would not be able to catch him to death. The cat god's lane awareness was too good.

But if he gives a flaw in the middle first, then the cat god will definitely leak it!

As long as Galio comes up.

Just kill Galio!

What Ximen didn’t expect was that the factory director’s prince was also there! !

Galio W charges up to taunt Clockwork!

The factory director has arrived!

The second consecutive EQ of the prince is flying!

A flat A! !

The clockwork is down!

First blood!

The factory director took this head directly!

A burst of blood!

The excavator has already rushed up, and at this time, they can only run away in a flash.

Midfielder operation, EDG won a big victory! !

The factory director had this familiar feeling again. This feeling of partnering with Gu Chen in the middle was unmatched by anyone.

Every time Gu Chen called him to come to the middle, as long as he came every time Gu Chen called him, they would never lose in the middle and jungle battles!

Whether it was a game or ranking, he and Gu Chen never made a mistake in their mid-field cooperation!

Except for the midfielder who played SKT in the training match that year, they have never played. Compared to the midfielder in this world, the factory director feels that no one is better than them!

If there is one, it will only be faker+bengi back then.

But now the factory director feels that he will be confident if they let them play faker+bengi again!

If it weren't for Galio's advantage in replacing blood in the middle of this wave, it would be hard to say whether the remaining blood would actually lead to a 2V2 fight.

The result of the fight was entirely due to Gu Chen's good laning performance in the middle.

Guan Zeyuan shouted: "Gario rushed forward! Mingkai is here! EQ 2nd company!! A flat A, beautiful! Get the first blood! The excavator also flashed and ran away, this wave of fighting was so beautiful! !”

I remember also shouting: "The cat god and Ming Kai are cooperating so well this time!!"

Guan Zeyuan was a little shocked, "Why is Cat God's mid lane matchup so good? Galio hit the clockwork, but the clockwork was knocked down to less than half health first! The details of the lane matchup of the Cat God are so good, it's EDG again. The familiar rhythm and the mid-field coordination they are most familiar with!"

Netizens in the live broadcast room got excited when they saw the first blood in the middle.

[Fuck, first blood! 】

【Cat God! ! ! 】

【777777777777! 】

The barrages in the live broadcast room are all 77777.

The audience at the scene were all shouting! Everyone is cheering!

A burst of blood! !

After taking the first blood, Gu Chen said: "We have an advantage now. You can go to capture the top lane, and then I will support you at any time. Raise our Rambo first, or you can capture the bottom lane. Four guarantees, two! Raise the little ones." Dogs can do it too, it depends on you, I will support you at any time, there is no way the clockwork on the other side can hold me down."

Gu Chen was confident that if he killed Clockwork once, even if he only got one assist, Clockwork would never be able to suppress him again!

Mingkai said: "Okay."

Mingkai went to clear the jungle, and then returned to the city to replenish equipment. After replenishing his equipment, Mingkai went directly to the road!

Just look for an opportunity on the road and kill the big tree once!

The big trees in the early stage are not that meaty, and there is no way the big trees can beat Rambo.

Rambo's damage is already high, unless the big tree's equipment is improved, so that the big tree can withstand the pressure in the lane.

Now the tree's health is only half!

And the factory director has already made a big move this time!

If you have a big move, you can go up and catch a wave! !

AHQ's top laner ziv said: "Can you come on the road? I feel like they are going to overtake me."

Assistant Albis said: "Come on, come on, I will go straight to the road this time."

AHQ's jungler mountain said: "I'm also rushing to the top."

Ximen said: "I'll clear the line, and then I'll go on the road too. They don't dare to cross you. If they cross you, they'll explode!"

On EDG's side, Gu Chen also shouted: "Meiko comes to the top, come directly to the top! Their support may also come to the top. This wave, whether their support comes or not, we can operate. Puppy, can you go alone in the bottom lane? ?”

UZI said: "As long as their jungler is not in the bottom lane, I will have no problem taking the lane alone in the bottom lane. You can go to the top lane."

UZI began to develop alone in the bottom lane.

Gu Chen just realized what AHQ would do in this wave...

If AHQ realizes that the other side may come to capture the top lane, then AHQ will definitely have everyone gather on the top lane!

What Gu Chen has to do is shake people off!

Catch the bright card!

Even if there are four people on the opposite side of the road, he can still fight!

What's more, Gu Chen is still fighting for the troops in the middle, he wants to go to the top first!

No matter what you say on the road, this wave must be fought!

Because Rambo also has a big move!

At the same time, Mingkai had already arrived on the road first! !

And Gu Chen's Galio directly pushed the lane in the middle! !

There was nothing that could be done about Ximen's clockwork. Looking at the army line in the middle, he could only deal with the army line first.

At this time, Gu Chen was already on his way up!

Ximen took one look at the middle line of troops and immediately decided to abandon the middle line of troops and go to the top to support!

But Galio comes faster!

this moment.

The factory director’s prince took the lead!

The second company of the prince's EQ directly flew away the big tree! !

The big tree's health was only half, but after EQ hit it twice, the big tree's health dropped instantly! !

The prince opens the door!

Rambo activates Q skill! !

At this time, the blind monk appeared under the tower! !

The blind monk touched the big tree with a W touch, and kicked the factory director away with his big backhand move!

Holy Gun Rambo opens directly! !

Rambo opened up and instantly roasted the big tree and blind monk! !

Then Karma arrived too!

Originally, the big tree was already dying, but Karma brought up the shield with an RE!

not dead! !

No one died! ! !

This all happened in an instant. When Mingkai climbed up, the blind monk and Karma appeared at the same time and protected the big tree immediately.

The blind monk's ultimate move kicked the prince away, but the effect of the prince's ultimate move was still there!

Galio's ultimate move! !

The hero appears!

Gu Chen is here! ! !

Galio's ultimate move lands!

The blind monk and the big tree were shot away at the same time!

At this time, Gu Chen's Galio landed! The tree fell instantly after landing! !

Rambo's E skill took the head of a big tree!

And Gu Chen's Galio, seize the opportunity!

A W flash! !

It was this W flash that directly stunned Blind Sin + Karma!

The prince's EQ second company has also been refreshed! !

The prince also rushed forward!

Brother Holy Gun's Rambo is hot and hot! !

The blood volume of Blind Monk and Karma dropped instantly! !

Blind Monk and Karma used all their skills to replace the prince

But in the end it was not replaced.

Holy Gun Brother's Rambo directly scored three kills!

Triple kill! !

Rambo has three heads in hand! Massive killing!

Simon’s clockwork has arrived too!

At this time, the prince's blood volume was not much.

If Clockwork hits the prince with all its skills, the prince may die!

Clockwork rushed up! ! I want to kill the prince instantly! !

Clockwork QW ultimate move, all in one go! !

But at this critical moment, Meiko's Lulu has arrived!

Lulu flashed her ultimate move and all her E skills to the prince! !

The prince survived! ! !

Gu Chen's Galio E hit Chongzhang's face. Clockwork didn't flash in the first place, but was immediately killed by the subsequent damage!

In this wave, Brother Holy Spear killed four people! !

Rambo took four heads! !


The group is destroyed! ! !

The word group destruction appeared on the big screen!

EDG destroyed AHQ!

As soon as the camera turned, UZI found an opportunity in the bottom lane and killed Verus alone! !

EDG6-0! ! !

In this wave, EDG's teamwork was at its best! !

Go up the road and climb the towers, and the towers you climb are AHQ towers!

AHQ clearly knew that there was a tower jump on the road, but they couldn't do anything!

It's because the four people from EDG played so abnormally together!

Meiko’s last operation even saved the factory director!

After this wave of fighting, Brother Holy Gun's Rambo is already invincible! !

Brother Holy Gun said: "Nice, awesome, four kills!!"

The factory director also shouted: "Awesome, awesome, the beating must be too powerful!"

Meiko shouted: "Nice, awesome!!"

Gu Chen smiled and said: "Just fight like this, you will win for sure!"

UZI also shouted in the bottom lane: "Brothers, I also killed alone!"

Guan Zeyuanhe's commentary was even more passionate.

The audience at the scene was so excited that they exploded!

【Fuck! Damn it! ! 】

【7777777777777! 】

[Guigui, is this EDG? 】

【This is EDG! ! Awesome, awesome! 】

[If we had fought like this earlier, EDG would have won long ago! 】

[EDG is too brave to fight! He just wants to hit the road and jump over the tower, but AHQ can't stop him! ! 】

【6-0! EDG is awesome! This one shouldn't be overturned by the yuan economy, right? 】

[EDG charge me! If you play this game steadily, you will definitely win! 】

[Holy shit, I feel like the old EDG is back! The cat god is back, then EDG is back! 】

(End of this chapter)

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