I just messed around, how could I become the number one in the world?

Chapter 160 The peak 5V5 team battle!Turn up the wind! ! !

Chapter 160 The peak 5V5 team battle!Turn up the wind! ! !
Game time is 24 minutes.

The third dragon refreshes!
Is this little dragon still an earth dragon?
If ANX gets this earth dragon, then ANX will only have two earth dragons! !
With two earth dragons, you can defeat the big dragon much faster!
Therefore, EDG cannot lose this little dragon. Once this little dragon is lost, the baron cannot be defended, and the game may be lost!
Do the five EDG guys want to release this little dragon?

Meiko said: "Do you want to fight or not?"

UZI said: "I have two and a half pieces of development now, and the damage is okay, but I can't hit Poppy, but I can still hit others."

The factory director said: "I can't kick people back, but I can protect the puppies."

Meiko said: "I can drive!"

A Guang didn't speak, silently waiting for Gu Chen's command.

Gu Chen glanced at TAB, still thinking.

While thinking deeply, Gu Chen was already leaning towards Xiaolong!
Regardless of whether to fight or not, just lean in first and then talk!

Originally, Gu Chen thought that he would play a group game after 35 minutes.
But there isn’t that much time in this set!
Two earth dragons, ANX already has an earth dragon in hand, this earth dragon cannot be let go!
Once released, ANX can go fight the Baron at any time!

In this way, no matter how exquisite Gu Chen's military line management and pulling are, it won't work!
ANX does not give operations time to pull!
Guan Zeyuan said: "This wave of EDG is not easy to pick up the team. The equipment of the policewoman and Clockwork have not yet been formed. ANX is too good at teamfighting in the mid-term!! But EDG still wants to pick up the team, and Tulong can't let it go. It’s opposite!”

I remember saying: "All five EDG people have passed!"

Gu Chen only thought for three seconds.

Gu Chen said: "If you don't want to fight in a group, let's try to grab it. Puppy, you and A Guang go to the middle! Meiko, pretend you want to go up and start a group! But don't really start a group. Pup and A Guang go to demolish the first tower in the middle!" Let him demolish one of his towers first! Mingkai, go grab it and try."

Gu Chen felt that no matter how he fought, it would be difficult to beat this wave.

But Xiaolong still can’t let go!
Try playing in a group?

Once the team loses, EDG will be destroyed by the team + lose the baron!
This game will be completely unbeatable!
Gu Chen said: "Meiko, you have to go in and give it a try. You may die this time. You have to go up and challenge Poppy. No matter what, you have to trick Poppy W out, and then the factory director can go in and grab the dragon. Ming Kai Be careful, I'll pick you up from behind."

There is no other way, we can only fight like this!
Aguang and UZI are already demolishing the first tower in the middle!

All five members of ANX beat Xiaolong!

There was no time to think, Meiko's bull head rushed forward!
A second WQ combo forced Poppy's W skill out!
Xiaolong has 1500 drops of blood!

Mingkai's blind monk rushed in! ! !
But it’s Poppy’s big move! !

Just take Ming Kai and Niu Tou away!

ANX took down Xiaolong!
But fortunately, Bobby hammered the two people away.
If Ming Kai and Meiko are killed, this wave of dragons will be difficult to defend.

But Xiaolong just had to grab it
Now that I haven't grabbed it, the situation is still unfavorable.

EDG demolished the first tower of ANX in the middle!
There is nothing we can do to break the first tower in the middle lane at this time.
EDG can only defend during this period, and being able to demolish a defensive tower is already very good.

Gu Chen said: "Aguang, you go to the bottom lane to develop, the puppy will be in the middle lane, I will go to the top lane, Baron's vision must be good, let's play slowly, this game is a bit stressful. But as long as it lasts until 30 minutes, 35 In a few minutes, we can fight! We have to drag the puppy with him in a three-piece suit!"

If you want to fight in a team, you must have UZI's three-piece suit. Without UZI's three-piece suit, you can't win a team fight!
The policewoman's two-piece suit is too weak, and the three-piece suit is only good enough to join the group.

And Gu Chen's clockwork has been developing, and now there is no three-piece suit.
This game lacked damage, so Gu Chen didn't add any defensive equipment. He had to use all his economy to produce output equipment!

Gu Chen started familiar operations again.

procrastination! !
Give UZI time! !

Guan Zeyuan and I remember were both very nervous.

Not good!

Something is wrong with this set!

EDG is at a disadvantage!
Although the economy is still ahead, how can Dalong defend it?
The next little dragon turned out to be an earth dragon again!

EDG is in danger! !
It will take time for the policewoman and Clockwork to get into a three-piece suit
We just finished beating Xiaolong in 24 minutes, and in 26 minutes, the five members of ANX did not cooperate with EDG!

In 26 minutes, ANX directly prepared the Baron vision!Squat in the grass first!

EDG doesn't have the vision of ANX, so they can only do the vision first!
As a result, ANX squatted directly in the grass and reached Meiko!
Meiko's bull head can only use its ultimate move and then run away
As a result, ANX saw that the bull's head was not big enough and started to rush the dragon directly! !
operations?Who operates with EDG?

ANX relies on team fights!Crazy group play!
Operation is impossible!
ANX directly forces the dragon to force the group, just to fight a wave of flow!

EDG had no choice but to go to Dalong Pit.

But ANX beats Baron very quickly! !
Meiko's bull head enters the scene!
EDG five people entered the field. They couldn't stop them!
I originally thought ANX was going to pull some strings.
As a result, the gems opened directly!
EDG saw it and could only retreat!

As a result, after the gem opened up, ANX slightly forced EDG's position, but it was still on Baron!

EDG rushed forward again, and Poppy used a big move to directly hammer away the factory director and Meiko!

EDG can only retreat again
The dragon is lost! ANX got the baron and everyone returned to the city!

Guan Zeyuanhe remembered feeling cold.

All the audience felt chilled.


ANX has a complete advantage now!
The barrage was criticizing EDG, and many people were disappointed.

Is EDG's 100% winning rate going to be broken?
Is this game going to be lost to ANX?
All EDG players returned to defense.

Game time was 29 minutes, ANX controlled Xiaolong again
ANX has three earth dragons in hand!

After getting the Baron BUFF, ANX was put under various pressures.

At 32 minutes, all of EDG's outer towers except the second tower in the bottom lane fell!
ANX's economy is one thousand ahead of EDG's economy!
A wave of dragons allowed ANX to recover 4000 economy!

This is the most disadvantaged game EDG has ever played.

In the mid-game, you can't defeat them at all because of the gem's ultimate move.

There is a Poppy on the opposite side of the team in the later stage. If Poppy is too big, it will be difficult to defeat!

EDG must pull!
Abu, Maokai, more nervous
But fortunately the game dragged on to 32 minutes.

The policewoman and clockwork equipment are up!

UZI's output is now full! !

But the equipment of ANX’s five people is not bad either!
At 32 minutes, ANX was once again ready to beat Baron!
Gu Chen's clockwork has already made a hat!
Clockwork damage is now exploded
This set lasted 32 minutes. Even if the disadvantage was huge, Gu Chen believed that this set could definitely be turned around!

The turning point lies in this big dragon! !

ANX still uses the same routine, and is still ready to beat the Baron!

Five EDG people rushed forward!
Guan Zeyuan shouted: "EDG can't lose this wave of Baron! If we lose again, the set may really be gone."

Even so, this wave of team battles will be difficult for EDG! !
ANX beats Baron too fast!
With Poppy here, EDG can't rush forward!

All LPL viewers, backstage commentary.
millions of domestic viewers.

My heart is hanging.

This group.
It may determine the outcome of this game! ! !
At this moment, Gu Chen's clockwork took the lead and rushed to the front!

EDG four people followed closely behind!
Guan Zeyuan yelled: "What is the Cat God going to do? He's charging too far forward this time, it's a bit dangerous! Bobby is going to enlarge his moves!! Be careful!!!!"

Poppy has already started to charge up his ultimate move! !

Five people from ANX are beating the baron!
The clockwork is already running! !

Poppy charges up her ultimate move and aims at Clockwork!
Because Clockwork poses a great threat to ANX’s formation!

Once it is winded up
Syndra backhanded a QE double combo, trying to stun the clockwork!
At the same time, the gem also came out and wanted to control the clockwork.

Poppy's ultimate move hit Clockwork!

Gu Chen's clockwork saw an opportunity! ! !
At the same time, Gem activated his ultimate move! !
However, it takes time for gems to activate the ultimate move.
Gu Chen's clockwork flashed and dodged Poppy's ultimate move!

Then Gu Chen made a big backhand! !

The clockwork ball reached the feet of the five people from ANX!

At that moment, the dragon's health was only 2000!

Countless people around the world are looking at this wave of team battles!

Aguang, Meiko, all in front!
This group must fight to the end! ! !
And the man whose ID is EDGclearlove.
Already rushed into the Dalong Pit! ! !

The flow of time seems to slow down!

The man with the ID name EDGUzi uses his best hero - Piltover Policewoman!
UZI holds the mouse in his hand and is extremely serious. He can click the mouse four times in one move!
UZI is behind the team, giving full output! ! !

In Gu Chen's ears, it seemed that he could hear countless people shouting EDG's name loudly.
In Gu Chen's eyes, there were only these five people from ANX!
This plate was suppressed by a whole plate
Being caught in the lane, being caught roaming, being at a disadvantage in the mid-term team fight, losing the Baron, ANX did not give time and opportunity to operate, the five ANX players suppressed EDG in various ways, and suppressed the five EDG players until they were breathless.

All disadvantages and all dissatisfaction will be poured out in this wave!

This set lasted 32 minutes, and there was no direct 5V5 battle!
Turn it up! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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