LOL: Brother Koi, stop showing off!

Chapter 190 God Loves the World

Chapter 190 God Loves the World
"Won! Congratulations WE!"

"3:0! WE sweeps Dragon Ball!"

"LPL advances to S7 finals!"

The three commentators in the LPL main studio almost shouted.

Not to mention the prostitute teacher and the doll, the always gentle Shenchao was also passionate and his voice was no less than theirs.

As a member of the LPL, after WE really secured a spot in the finals, the anger that had been pressing in our hearts poured out. We were excited, excited, and happy. These emotions are all real.

Especially when WE faced the LCK No. [-] seed with a sweeping record, they felt proud on their own turf.

How can LPL fans not be elated? !
Inside the high-energy viewing group.

"Guigui, the LCK number one seed is in trouble, just sweep it~!" Sika yelled, obviously being stimulated: "There is a saying for an elder brother to beat his younger brother. The second brother Xuanming is old enough, but Brother Jin is too Got it, everything is under control.”

"Daddy and the Rat King should be sad. We have a strict brother."

"Three consecutive beatings, why is my brother so cruel?"

"By the way, SKT has a younger brother!"

"Little Peanut has already been arrested once by Brother Jin in Msi."

"Ahahahaha~!" The bald man beside him let out an exaggerated laugh.

Then the Sichuan Opera changed its face and emphasized: "The master of Dragon Ball, this is Brother Jin!"

"I'm not joking this time, Brother Jin is really awesome in LPL!"

"Brothers, LPL is going to the Bird's Nest! We are going to the Bird's Nest!"

"SKT just wait, God will sort everything out in the Bird's Nest!"

"Hey, hey, Brother Sun, something seems wrong."

Sika snickered and said: "After one round of Dragon Ball, LCK will apologize to Samsung."

"After the whole season, it seems that only SSG and WE are fighting head-to-head. Seeing that WE are in such a terrible state today, especially Jin Ge, who is simply invincible, won't SKT also come up with a big one?"

The two chatted happily, opening their mouths and not tabooing anything.

In the real-time comments on the Luquan forum and the barrages in major live broadcast rooms, LPL fans sent out barrages as dense as raindrops.

WE's powerful performance of sweeping Longzhu and Li Jin's three consecutive super performances shocked millions of viewers.

There are absolutely very few viewers who can predict that WE will sweep LZ.

[Do you still need to watch Brother Koi’s game?Waking up is a big win! 】

[I’m stunned, how come WE is playing so well? Brother Jin is too strong! 】

[Kill Samsung first, then destroy Dragon Ball. Will destroying the barbecue stall be far behind? 】

[Woo woo woo, my proud belief, the eternally invincible Koi brother]

[Bringing Brother Jin back is the most correct thing the LPL has done this year. It would be unimaginable if Brother Jin in this state is still in the LCK. 】

[Not to mention in the LCK, as far as the situation in this year’s finals is concerned, WE does not have the Optimus Prime of Brother Jin, and Samsung will definitely not be able to pass the test.Then came the Bird's Nest LCK civil war, which was a pure shame!Brother Jin saved the LPL, there is no suspense! 】


At the Oriental Sports Center, the cheers of 2 people can only be described as deafening.

We have the best audience here.

LPL fans expressed their love with applause and cheers, and sent them to the five players and the entire WE team who fought hard on the field.

In three games, they defeated Longzhu, which had been strong all summer.

It also allowed the LPL to once again reach the S finals stage after suffering humiliation for several years!
Moreover, this Zhizhen Huazi team has never made a name for itself.

Can LPL only rely on Korean aid?
The black men received a loud slap in the face.

On the WE battle stage, after a short celebration, everyone lined up to the Longzhu player seats with smiles on their faces.

The disastrous defeat brought down the active Dragon Ball.

Do you remember those champion faces before the show started?

Brother Khan, who felt unable to exert any force, felt depressed. The adaptive helmet on his head weighed down heavily, making his face look decayed. He seemed to have aged several years, like an old e-sports man entering the twilight years of his career.

The only thing that made Brother Khan's eyes shine was when Li Jin came to him.

Khan raised his head, trying to remember every detail on Li Jin's face.

Khan also played in WEA in 2014.

In terms of seniority, Li Jin is considered his senior brother.

Later, they both played in the LCK, and their career experiences are somewhat similar.

But the fate was much worse.

If the impression of Li Jin was vague before, then after playing these three games today, the memory will be unforgettable.

Khan could swear that he would never forget the face in front of him in his lifetime.

LZ failed so miserably, all because of Li Jin.

However, the two did not communicate.

The same thing happened when Li Jin shook hands with Cuzz and BDD.

The two LCK geniuses couldn't bear the blow of being swept in the semifinals. They were dejected and sometimes sighed.

"elder brother!"


After shouting twice in succession, Pray and Gorilla came together after shaking hands with the dragon man in front.

Li Jin smiled gently and gave them a simple hug while shaking hands.

The director gave the shot at the right time.

It's just that the audience can't hear what they are talking about.

"Zhongren, I haven't seen you for a year, and you've made a lot of progress."

Hearing this, the Rat King immediately tilted his head and looked sideways at Li Jin, slightly accusing him.

"Brother, you must have said that on purpose."

"I was the champion last year, but this year's semifinals were so busy that there was no improvement."

Li Jin couldn't help laughing, smiled and said with relief:
"I thought you would become more Buddhist after winning the championship. I didn't expect that you could maintain this vitality and competitiveness this season and win the LCK Summer Championship in LZ. When I learned about this news in LPL, I was surprised. , I’m also happy for you.”

"So do we."

Gorilla breathed a sigh of relief, "Rui Xing and Jing Hao gave us a ride when we left Korea, and they mentioned something about my brother at that time."

"Everyone has been talking about your brilliant record in returning to LPL and playing AD."

He thought again: "If Jongin's universe breaks out, we should be able to play two more games today."

"It's a pity that the koi I forwarded will not favor LZ like ROX."

Although I really wanted to talk to them a few more words, the occasion was not right.

Li Jin patted their shoulders.

"Now only that guy Wanghu is left."

"Originally we were planning to sanction him together until the finals, but now"

Before Gorilla could finish speaking, Li Jin took a step towards the stage and took a step back.

"give it to me."

"I'll bring your regards."

After saying that, Li Jin caught up with Long Nan and others who were slowing down.

Dad looked at his back, and the Rat King each sighed.

Although losing to Big Brother is not a shame.

But who doesn’t want to win?
The scene they were looking forward to most was undoubtedly taking the initiative to shake hands with Li Jin, but now it's the other way around.

"Who will win, Wanghu or Brother Jin?"

"What do you think?"

Gorilla snorted, "Bang is definitely no match for Brother Jin, and Huni is not as good as Dong He. Wanghu's style of play is not suitable for the current version. He may not be able to compete in the game, and Blank will join the rotation."

"SKT's biggest advantage should be Faker."

"If Brother Jin's teammates perform normally, WE will have a greater chance of winning."

The Rat King nodded, clearly acknowledging Gorilla's words, but he couldn't help but complain, "You missed one of SKT's advantages."


"Supervisor of buckling horses."

The Rat King whispered, "He is more reliable than our Supervisor Jin."

The disadvantages in Dragon Ball BP are obvious to everyone, and the Golden Pig has an unshirkable responsibility.

Obsessed with the version of the summer split and sincerely disdainful of the correct version, this led to the current situation.

Just like Game3.

He simply used the semi-finals as a testing ground. If he uses this kind of proficiency to play against WE and face the top 1 players, what else can he do if he doesn't get ordered.

It's no wonder that the Rat King has resentment towards the Golden Pig, he is the real background.

Their whispers were not heard by anyone else.

The noise in the Oriental Sports Center is really too loud. You can't hear what each other is saying unless you talk close to each other.

WE everyone has come to the center of the stage.

With the intensity of the scene, there was wind and thunder, except for a golden rain.

Players from all over the world watching League of Legends are excited, and the atmosphere can convey a mood that is quite rare for League eSports fans.

Without passionate fans, even if there are fierce competitions, it will still feel like something is missing.

"Congratulations WE!"

"Congratulations again to them for advancing to the 2017 Finals!"

The Immortal Grip took the microphone and roared, and the scene was filled with drums, shouts, applause and the sound of support objects slapping.

Everyone in WE was filled with excitement and joy, and their minds were filled with wild thoughts. Some people bent down and others slowed down when they bowed in thanks.

Not only did the festive occasion go unnoticed, but it actually made fans smile.



Manager Bobby and the general manager Mr. Dahuang from the LPK official backstage clapped and applauded.

These two were like fish caught on the shore before, and WE's promotion is equivalent to putting them back into the water.


The nightmare of ten Koreans competing in the Bird's Nest is impossible to realize.

Regardless of the outcome of the finals, WE made it to the finals this time, and the face of LPL officials and even Chinese eSports was finally saved.

The two looked at Li Jin under the camera lens, each with deep appreciation and gratitude.

"Bobby, Li Jin should introduce LPL as soon as possible!"

"We lost several seasons as a result."

The person in charge is greedy.

Poppy clapped his hands and said in cooperation: "Who says it's not true? It has delayed a lot of peak period." "If he came back earlier, maybe we would have been champions long ago. There is no need to be chased and scolded by the audience like now."

"However, this time it's time to make amends."

"If it weren't for him, look at the competition situation of this S competition, tsk tsk."

Bobby smacked his lips, Dahuang already understood what he meant.

The person in charge pointed at the screen and said sincerely: "Li Jin is the only one who can be relied upon. He was still pointed at in the finals."

"This time, we are going to promote it on a grand scale and use all our publicity resources."

"LCK has Faker, and we have TheJin."

Bobby agreed deeply and couldn't help but look at the person in charge.

Before the semifinals, Dahuang didn't make his words so absolutely.

It seems that Li Jin's performance conquered him.

When the results of the game between RNG and SKT in the first half of the round did not come out, RNG was also the target of their promotion, especially Uzi.

Your sword was broken again, you couldn't seize the opportunity given.

Not only these two official executives, but also many people in the LPL industry breathed a sigh of relief.

They are also worried about the collapse of WE.

As a result, the anger of LPL players will inevitably affect the entire industry. Coupled with the emergence of many new games, a large number of people may escape the trap.

There are no unbroken eggs when the nest is overturned. At that time, many people's jobs were smashed in the blink of an eye.

If a big director wants to make a movie "E-Sports Captain" at this time, this group of people will definitely urge Li Jin to play the big Hero.

This performance in the semifinals saved the LPL.

Pure superhero!

The interviews in the semi-finals are much more grand than those in the quarter-finals. In addition to on-site interviews, there are also joint group interviews with multiple e-sports media.

Everyone from coaches to players will appear.

The interview on the stage was given to Aunt Yu Shuang. She asked about Xiye's thoughts on laning against BDD. Of course Xiye was very proud of winning the game. She bluntly said that there was no pressure and it was easier than laning against the local LPL mid laner.

BDD will probably be angry to death after hearing this.

Yu Shuang asked again about how Long Nan and 957 felt about playing the semifinals for the first time.

957: "I'm a little nervous, the pressure brought by Khan is quite high, but as the game progresses, I feel more relaxed."

Khan smiled knowingly and began to write the application form for the group.

Long Nan: "Well, I will be nervous at first, but the team chat keeps talking about the game content, so I don't have time to think about anything else."

Then it’s the turn of the short section.

"How did Duan achieve such tacit cooperation with Brother Jin?"

Xiao Duan told the truth, "I didn't do well at the beginning. Brother Jin asked me to practice more targeted exercises. Those exercises were very helpful. During the less important stages of the game, I will try my best to find the rhythm to adapt. Brother Jin will remind me at key points, On the contrary, I am more cooperative.”

He smiled cautiously and added: "I am very lucky this season to have a good teacher like Brother Jin."

The LPL audience nodded secretly.

Xiao Duan's progress is visible to the naked eye. This guy is really lucky.

Having a triple-crown godfather and S-level Fmvp-level Shi Yisuke sitting next to him as a teacher is like winning the lottery.

However, everyone is quite satisfied with Xiao Duan.

The first is that he has a good attitude and is willing to work hard, and the second is that he has lived up to the cultivation of his godfather.

This year’s Most Improved Award is in hand.

Yu Shuang came to Li Jin again, and the two said hello in front of the camera.

Aunt Yu Shuang is a good judge of people, and the smile on her face is even brighter now.

"Brother Jin, did you ever think about sweeping Longzhu before the game?"

Li Jin muttered:
"Everyone should be able to see from the BP that our lineup was planned in advance, because Longzhu's tactics have certain flaws and are not perfectly suitable for 7.18."

"They were able to rely on their strong personal strength to crush them all the way to the semifinals with nine consecutive victories."

"But facing us, their personal strength alone is obviously not enough."

"However, it's an unexpected surprise to be able to sweep."

Li Jin's statement couldn't be clearer, and the golden pig supervisor who saw through his underwear was directly listed.

WE selects people in seconds, which is a trick that kills the golden pig.

If Hongmi has such ruthless vision, everyone will doubt it.But when I thought of Li Jin's other identity, I was immediately relieved.


The glory of the Godfather shines in the sky of WE, and it is no wonder that brilliant tactical flowers bloom.

"Brother Jin, you have been amazing in three consecutive games. How did you do it?"

"It's not difficult, just do two things, keep output and stay alive." Li Jin's expression didn't change much, as if he was talking about an ordinary thing.

Yu Shuang joked towards the camera: "It's really not difficult, everyone has learned it."

Audiences who watched the live broadcast expressed that they were "a waste of time".

[What I want to refute is, isn’t this a contradiction?But Brother Jin was speechless for three consecutive scenes. 】

[Ning is the contradictory e-sports master? 】

[The literal meaning is understood in seconds, and a Muggle can practice it]

[JRS, you are so arrogant. How can I, a person with less than 100% win rate between human and machine, dare to study the Godfather’s techniques? 】

[The less explanation, the higher the skill.Koi accepts disciples, 200 each]

[Brothers, don’t do these vain things, repost a koi before ranking]


Yu Shuang asked the last question: "What are Brother Jin's expectations for the next finals?"

This time, Li Jin showed a more serious expression.

"Just one thing to look forward to."


"Champion!" Xiye, Long Nan, 957 and Xiao Duan shouted in unison beside them as if they had received a signal.

The sonorous and powerful voice conveys a force that makes the audience watching the live broadcast feel inspired.

Oriental Sports Center burst into huge cheers again!They are responding to the WE players.

This is the voice that LPL players want to hear most.

Everyone realizes that WE is ready.

The reactions of the more than 2 viewers at the scene, the reactions of fans in the comment areas of major forums and barrages, all were seen by WE management.

The team's influence has almost reached its peak, rising many levels compared to last year.

Almost all of this was brought about by Li Jin.

But what makes WE management feel a trace of distress in the endless sweetness is
As the final approaches.

The league's winter window transfers are not far away.

The league's top 1 player has no plans to renew his contract in advance.

At the point of the World Championship, they decided not to ask this question.

At the moment, we can only focus on the S game.

Therefore, the emotions of WE management are extremely complicated right now. One moment they are a couple in love, and the other moment they feel like they are about to break up.

There are too many three sons out there.

The Human Emperor was still complaining a few days ago that a bunch of 'voluptuous bitches' who have no martial ethics have been plotting against Li Jin for a long time.

Every LPL team counts.

There are even European and American teams looking forward to Li Jin to help the poor through technology and write an article "The Godfather of E-sports Voyages to the West".

In WE's opinion, is there anyone here who is a good person?

WE can't panic.

A certain top 1 player seems to have a bad habit and likes to jump teams every season.

At that time, Li Jin was criticized by Heizi for "repeatedly jumping horizontally", "bastard champion" and "e-sports Lu Bu".

But since he became a superhero in the LPL, public opinion has already changed.


What are the repeated horizontal jumps?
The one who rides the horse is called "God loves the world" and "God's grace is shared equally"!

After the simple interview on stage, WE experienced another wave of bombardment from e-sports media people.

Their problems are even more varied.

For example, a reporter from Hupu asked: "Why not bring out the Death Note in the semi-finals?"

Do you mean it's not necessary?
Just slap the Golden Pig in the face, save some face for the two younger brothers.

Li Jin said bluntly: "I didn't bring my notes with me, they were left at the WE base."

As soon as these words came out, the Luquan forum immediately exploded.

A large number of fans said that they would transform into thieves and invade the WE base tonight.

It’s an old topic that thieves rule the country.

A Weibo reporter also asked: "What do you think about others calling you the God of Luck, the lucky koi?"

That is just a fabrication of vanity.

Li Jin explained with a smile: "It's just fans playing tricks. Don't believe it. The competition mainly depends on strength."

But it was quickly revealed by professional fans.

When Li Jin was playing against Samsung, he did not forward Koi.

Result: Five fierce battles, extremely dangerous, and the Death Note was revealed.

When playing Dragon Ball, Koi was forwarded on the news.

Result: Easily swept, faster and faster, with a smile on your face the whole time.

Compare two by one.


Chen Jinnan, the chief rudder of the Tiandihui who was far away in the Qing Dynasty, took a breath of cold air: "How dare you burn a few incense sticks and say that you are not a god!"


Winning the semi-finals, Wuhua played against the Bird's Nest.

Public opinion from the outside world was overwhelming.

WE, who were immersed in joy, did not stay. They set off for Kyoto the next day.



(End of this chapter)

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