LOL: Brother Koi, stop showing off!

Chapter 178 No longer pity the opponent

Chapter 178 No longer pity the opponent
"WE got the first blood tower in this game!"

"The pig girl comes out of the grass behind the tower in the blue zone, and the mouse retreats invisibly. It doesn't matter if we can't catch anyone. We just need to play according to our rhythm."

"Eldest brother now has 76 last hits, and Brother Jin has 107 last hits!"

"In 1 minutes, the lane was suppressed 31 times! Senior Brother's laning ability is inferior to Brother Jin. Especially when Brother Jin got a hero like Policewoman, TSM's jungler couldn't effectively take care of it, and the pressure on the line was too great. "


The three LPL commentators were smiling and optimistic about the game situation.

"Is Senior Brother so cautious?"

Long Nan missed it again, feeling slightly surprised.

"Being behind so much last hit must be panicking. He doesn't dare to die, otherwise he won't be hurt later." Xiao Duan pinned the mouse on the head, "Elder brother estimates that he is 1000 yuan behind Brother Jin in the matchup."

Li Jin ate up the minions on the line. When Xiye said that Ryze was missing, he quickly told Long Nan not to go deep into the TSM jungle.

"Renjie, don't worry about Doublelift for now."

"This wave of threads has been pushed over to let the rats eat. We will take away the little dragons."

"it is good."

Long Nan responded, and then kept his eyes on TSM's blue zone.

The first little dragon is an earth dragon, which is very useful for WE's pushing tactics. If it weren't for the speed to win a tower, they would have found a way to move the dragon.

Xiye took advantage of the delay in Bilson's support to push the lane and grind the tower, forcing Ryze back to the middle.

Jace stopped at the river. Prince and Lulu, who came from the blue area, saw that the entrance to the river from the blue buff was blocked by a female police clamp, so they had no choice but to give up on Xiao Long.

957 and the Hauntzer on the opposite side each hold their hands and teleport.

Both top laners know that the bottom lane is the key, and whoever turns the T back lane first will break the law.

After holding it in for so long, Hauntzer felt depressed inside.

Holding the teleport can't help, and the bottom lane is at a disadvantage.

The prince's tactics were unclear and there was no way to catch him. He was at a hero disadvantage and could not beat Rambo. As a result, Svenskeren had no gains in the second half, so he was unable to gain anything from both ends.

This resulted in TSM not having a fulcrum to reveal when the WE tactical rhythm was in effect.

Li Jin was short of some money. After taking away Xiao Long, Long Nan learned the information and immediately beat half of the crab into the mouth of the policewoman.

In the middle, Xiye hit Bilson with two cannons and knocked Ryze home. Li Jin came over to help push the line and grabbed a few more soldiers.

12 minutes 35 seconds.

Attack speed boots + Doran sword + Infinity Blade.

Because the splitting bow no longer stacks with the policewoman's passive, no one is out. The incense burner made by Fengnu can provide attack speed + blood recovery, and it is more cost-effective when combined with the endless electric knife.

TSM guessed that WE was going to change lanes, and the duo directly switched to face WE.

A look at the rat gear.

The eldest brother only has the Storm Sword + Yellow Cross + Dolan Shield + reusable potion.

The most important thing is Lulu.

Biofrost was short on money. He only had the Forbidden Statue + Ether Essence. The synthesis fee of 650 yuan was not enough, and the incense burner was not available until at least 14 minutes.

But Feng Nu was assigned the first-blood tower economy, and Xiao Duan went out with the incense burner.

The combat power gap between this wave of duos has directly widened to a level that makes it difficult for the senior brothers to line up.

In the early 13s.

The junglers of both sides met by chance near the Upper Triangle Grass, and screams suddenly erupted from the scene in Wuhan.

The prince and the pig girl are not the protagonists.

The camera moved to the bottom of the tower on TSM. Caitlin stood in front of the tower. A headshot hit the rat who was doing the final hit. The E skill canceled the level A and then panned to hit the big brother. During the E process, the Q bar was read and hit again. Finally, Connect with A and hit the headshot triggered by E.

AEQA is smooth and accurate because of the 25% critical hit chance provided by Infinity Blade.

These two headshot bullets triggered critical hits continuously!

The senior brother is one level behind the female police officer, only 7 levels.


These two critical hits + headshots + endless effects + QE damage directly made the senior brother in the TSM player bench scream in surprise.

"My blood bar!"

"Why did TheJin hit me so much?"

Biofrost looked at the mouse that had lost most of its health and apologized slightly, "Sorry, I was looking at the middle lane and the shield was slow."

The senior brother didn't dwell on the shield and reacted:
"It's weird, hitting me twice was a critical hit."


"Come again!"

He screamed strangely, and the policewoman stepped forward and hit the tower twice, then hit him critically on the head.

"Does his policewoman have the same rage bar as the Barbarian King?"

The eldest brother complained, swung W towards the policewoman, and moved back to avoid Feng Nu's tornado.

At this time, Li Jin placed a clip on the tower, and Biofrost kept pinging Pig Girl's signal. The first tower on the road was unavailable.

Bilson made a "Fake Squid" sound in the middle, Ryze made a mistake, thinking that the clearing troops did not control the distance well, and was blasted head-on by Jess and then jumped in the face and hammered hard.

Bilson was sent home directly, and the tower in the middle was eaten by Jess!

Li Jin was delighted.

Xiye did a good job.

He and Xiao Duan worked hard on the top lane to push down TSM's first tower. Since Xiye broke the tower alone, the duo did not need to switch lanes and pushed directly towards TSM's second tower.

The pressure on North American cults suddenly increased.

957 kept an eye on the big bug's position in the bottom lane and kept calling and communicating.

"The prince is here!"

"Follow me!"

Xiye encountered the prince in the grass on F6. Youmeng + Serrated Dagger, facing the slag giant, the prince was a hammer.

Long Nan came from the red buff side, and Li Jin and Xiao Duan also went from the top road around the stone monster to the jungle area to support.

Svenskeren flashes away.

The pig girl flashed over the wall and threw her ultimate move at the prince!
Jace followed up with a flash, and after a wave of skills, he leveled A to compensate for the damage.

"In Pig Girl Q, the prince takes control again, and Svenskeren is severely disabled!"

"Biofrost is here, Lulu's ultimate move is on the prince, and there is also a healing spell!"

"The prince's health has been raised."

"Svenskeren backhand covers R, EQ escapes again!"

"The wind girl sets up a shield, and the policewoman takes aim with her big move!"

"Xiye fired a shot! Hit!! There are still 80 points of blood. The policewoman's big move is coming. Ryze uses R to block it, but it's too late!!"


Rita, Miller and Wang Duoduo all cheered loudly.

The prince was hit by the policewoman's big move to make up for his death, and got first blood!

WE cooperated extremely quickly in this wave of cooperation. Everyone who should be in place was put in place after Jess made the first move, without any delay.

"You shocked me!" Li Jin quickly praised, "This shot was accurate."

"It's just so so. Brother Jin's big move is still accurate!" Xi Yexin is fat and has a lot of flesh on his face. When he smiles and talks, his flesh is squeezed together, which makes him look quite happy in the camera.

Xiao Duan couldn't help laughing.

He said in his heart that the policewoman's ultimate move is inherently directional, and the laundry detergent knows how to flatter it.

"Brother, take me a sip of soup."

957 looked at the number 1 on his teammate's board, and he had three big zeros. He couldn't help but start an arson feast and burn a handful of the big bugs.

Li Jinqieping looked down the road and saw that his senior brother was still fighting in front of the second tower.

Immediately insert the jewelry eye on yourself on the back of the wall directly opposite TSM's red buff.

"Lulu is gone. Changyu, wait for us to get back on the line and get here before the big bug."

"This wave jumps over the tower to kill rats." "Okay!"

957 became energetic: "I will retreat to the tower immediately."

"I'll come too." Long Nan turned the pig's head.

Xiye pinned the signal to TSM's second tower in the middle: "I'll leave Ryze in the middle."

Although Jace's mana amount is less than 1/3 at the moment, he has a blue buff at his feet, plus he already has an advantage and a lead in the matchup, so there is no problem in holding Bilson down.

In order to save the prince, Ryze used his ultimate move.

Given the current situation, Big Brother and Biofrost should have paid 120 points of attention.

Maybe the senior brother wanted to make up for his growth and stayed in front of the tower for too long.

He finished the reusable potion, leveled it up again, and finally returned to half of his health.

WE's offensive rhythm came too fast.

Seeing that 957's TP bug had no chance to interrupt, TSM head coach Naidu wailed from the perspective of God.

The big-masked Rambo TPs behind the mouse, and the outcome on the road can be imagined.

Wait for Rambo to show up.

The big bug TP, who realized it later, went to the second tower to protect the senior brother, but WE ignored him at all.

957’s ultimate move is thrown to the mouse.

He had no choice but to hand over the flash of the senior brother who was blown up by the wind girl. When he landed, he stepped on the policewoman's clamp, pressed the barrier for a second, and took the opportunity to attack Talambo with a basic attack.

957 fired an electronic harpoon and an alarm sounded, and overheated to kill the rat with a basic attack.

After the big bug landed, Q moved towards Rambo, who was stuck by Lulu, and flashed 957.

Hauntzer flashes to follow up and bites with his ultimate move!

Xiao Duan pressed the healing spell + ultimate move, and the sudden increase in blood volume prevented the insect's feast from being killed, and 957 survived.

Li Jin ignored Big Chongzi and Lulu and knocked down the defense tower on the road with three shots.

Fengnu W slowed down Hauntzer. The top laner of Eagle Kingdom was too cumbersome. She turned around and stepped on Li Jinfang's clip. Caitlin raised her gun and chased A.

After the pig girl stuns the big bug, she suddenly attacks Lulu.

Biofrost, who was on guard, pressed Flash to save his life.

The big insect was killed by Li Jin in front of the ruins of the second tower.

Ryze chased after him and wanted to cooperate with the resurrected prince to retain people, but WE not only retreated safely, but also countered the prince's red buff, sweeping away the entire red zone.

The head ratio on the field came to 3:0.

The number of people is very small.

But viewers who understand the game know that TSM's base is already smoking.

"This is a very big wave of rhythm, and WE's tower pushing rhythm is going extremely smoothly."

Miller said: "The 7.18 version is like this. I feel like I can play in the lane, but when it comes to the operation period, some teams often collapse instantly."


"We must see the growth curve of this WE. From the spring split to the present, Brother Jin has injected rich game experience into this young team. Several young players in WE have studied very seriously and have made great progress."

Wang Duoduo clenched his fists: "Now that they are together, they have closely cooperated in 7.18, and the coordinated operation rhythm they have unleashed is outstanding among the entire World Championship team."

"It may not be reflected in the data, but if you study their games carefully, you will find a very strong purpose."

"For example, in this wave just now, when Xiye met the prince, all the people from WE came faster than the people from TSM. The policewoman arrived in the red zone, and the rats on the road were still finishing their attacks."

"After that, Brother Jin intervened, and WE arranged the follow-up tactics of Rambo TP to catch mice."

"It comes in waves."

"TSM seemed hurried and disorganized in its response, which shows that there is a difference in the command system between the two teams on the playing field. WE understands the policewoman's quick push tactics, but TSM just can't stop it."

Wang Duoduo analyzed a lot in one breath and made passionate speeches.

An unabashed appreciation for the content of the game shown by WE.

Miller on the side was even more so, saying excitedly: "This is the key to WE's success, and it is also the confidence for them to go far in the world championship."

"Brother Jin is really a treasure-level player. With a top coach controlling the field, the whole team's thinking will be clear and they can work hard in one direction."

Rita followed: "This is because AD laning is more energy-intensive. Otherwise, if Brother Jin frees up time, WE's early rhythm will definitely suffocate the opponent."

Wang Duoduo and Miller both laughed.

Rita's blow was harder this time, not so natural.

For 10 minutes, everyone is the god of war, and everyone is the world's strongest team. This is determined by the version.

The rhythm in the early stage can have a slight impact, but when encountering a more conservative team, some early commands cannot change the operational intensity of online players, and the impact they can have is very limited.

But this game is a source of material.

TSM took a three-way disadvantageous lineup and bet against WE. It was Kennedy riding a convertible with a lot of imagination.

Coach Naidu is telling all teams with a gradually suffocating game: Yes, don't do what we do.

Your AD players are confident that they can overwhelm TheJin in the bottom lane.

God and TSM made a big joke, and many commentators laughed.

After WE got the second earth dragon, the third dragon was still an earth dragon.

"The miracles have begun again!"

"When Brother Jin gets the policewoman to speed up the tempo, the three water, wind, and fire dragons automatically become invisible, and only the earth dragon appears, constantly providing siege buffs."

"Huh??? Brothers, can someone explain why Brother Jin's A minion didn't critically hit, but A hit the mouse and exploded!"

"Pure Divine Punishment!"

"Eldest brother, do you still dare to talk to the God of Luck?"

The barrage and comment areas were extremely lively.

Especially at 18 minutes and 48 seconds, the rat under the second tower was headshot by the policewoman's electric knife + followed by a critical hit that knocked out most of the blood, and another critical hit to force Lulu's ultimate move, almost killing him with three shots. Full blood rat.

This scene caused a wave of excitement in Wuhan, and the audience was excited to see it.

"50% critical hit (X), real 100% critical hit (√)"

"What's going on, Senior Brother? 100% critical hit?"

"I was laughing so hard, I was running away with my head in my arms! Hahaha!"

"Big brother: I will never pity my opponent again"

What’s even more funny is
The senior brother who almost died suddenly in front of the camera did not show a depressed look, but actually laughed because Lulu rescued her in time and did not die.

Looks very big-hearted.

But in the eyes of LPL viewers, it seems that the senior brother has submitted an application for joining the party.

Because when this guy was killed in the last wave, he also showed a smile, highlighting his good attitude.

Audiences really want to watch this kind of game for a while longer. The explosive scenes of the LPL brutally beating its opponents and the female police officer's critical attack gave everyone a sense of immersion.

such a pity.
Ever since the wave that pushed down the second tower at 3:0, TSM had lost all rhythm and was completely suppressed on the scene.

The foreshadowing laid by the three-way disadvantageous lineup requires them to spend a lot of time to develop.

But WE will not give time at all.

Coupled with the constant brushing of Tulong, TSM was paralyzed.

In 20 minutes, between Jess' Poke and the policewoman, TSM's mid-lane high ground and crystal were all destroyed.

The senior brother opened R and fired a wave at WE, but the equipment was a bit poor and he couldn't deal the explosive damage that the mouse had in mind.

The huge disadvantage in vision caused TSM to lose both the baron and the third earth dragon.

At 25 minutes and 38 seconds, WE broke TSM's three-way high ground.

The densely packed super soldiers make the North American cult unable to resist.

In less than half a minute, WE defeated TSM on the high ground and destroyed the Crystal Hub in one wave.



 The disasters that the war has brought to civilians are shocking. The clown who ignores the truth has an extremely ugly face. He is glad that he was born in a flower-growing family.

(End of this chapter)

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