My Chinese ancestors

Chapter 516 Same as Cao Cao

Chapter 516 Same as Cao Cao
There was a faint fire burning in the forest at the foot of the hill.

The swaying bonfire made a crackling sound, and when sparks rose into the air, there were footsteps coming and going around. Two feet away from where he was resting his horse and sharpening his knife, his figure quietly flipped through the book "My China" in his hand under the light of the fire.

There was a soft sound.

The pages of the book were turned between the fingers, and the dim yellow firelight shone on the broad maroon face, and a pair of silkworm eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

"Every time I read this book, I have different opinions, and the words of later generations are also quite thought-provoking."

Someone came over. Guan Yu looked away from the page and looked at the approaching figure, with a smile on his face.

"Are you all ready?"

"Second uncle, we are ready."

The wind blew in from outside, and the forest rustled. The person who came over was Zhang Fei's eldest son Zhang Bao, who had died young. He approached the fire and held his hands toward the bonfire to drive away some of the coldness.

This time, he was sent by his father to his second uncle Guan Yu to help him on the way. Zhang Bao was quite nervous about following the cavalry to attack the Japanese army in a roundabout way, and he was sensitive to the slightest disturbance.

The wind rushed into the forest, and his beard and beard were caressed on his chest. Guan Yu slapped his sword and rushed out on horseback. In a moment, one after another cavalry figures rushed out of the forest under the hills.

Zhang Bao turned around blankly and looked at Zhou Cang with some confusion. The latter smiled with big yellow teeth exposed, turned around and followed Guan Yu with the Qinglong Yanyue Sword.

The soldier packed up his things, raised his sword, and then Zhou Cang shouted again: "Mount!"

At the same time that Zhang Bao turned over, everyone around him got on the horse with a roar, and pressed down on the big knife in his hand. The laziness just now was swept away, and a smog of vitality appeared.

Here, Guan Yu took the reins from the guard. He stepped on the stirrup and got on the horse. Half of his green robe was spread out and he reached out to take the Qinglong knife.

"Let's go! Hurry up—"

The great man known as the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven was riding on his war horse with blazing eyes. He looked at the torrent running nearby, and what came to his mind were the all-powerful scenes of that year.

Arriving at the edge of the forest, the sky gradually turned dark and the morning light appeared in the east.

Zhou Cang nodded, slapped the Green Dragon Sword on the ground in his hand, turned around and shouted to the Tiger Cavalry soldiers in the forest: "Get ready!"

The morning light that had just appeared suddenly fell into the gloomy sky. While the sea surface stirred up waves, the wind howled on the island, and bursts of thunder rang out from the black clouds overhead.

"Let the boys prepare!"

Near several rolling hills, formation flags depicting "Yongle Tongbao" stretched past. Teams of elites stepped onto the slopes, and then rushed down the hills and ran westwards.

After hearing this, Guan Yu nodded with satisfaction and handed the scroll in his hand to his guard. He patted Zhang Bao on the shoulder in a comfortable mood, passed by Zhou Cang, and whispered beside his old brother with a smile: "Bijide can talk!"


"What do you understand when your father asks you to come with me?" Guan Yu closed the scroll and got up from the stone.

"Learn from your second uncle how to use troops!"

"It's raining, hurry up!"

After several days of sunshine, it finally rained heavily today.

The sound of horse hooves made a dull sound of thunder in the blue sky.

"...Using new weapons and looking around, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and I ended up making wedding clothes for Tokugawa Ieyasu... If there hadn't been the Incident at Honnoji Temple... that period of history might have been different."

The army passed from sight, and Oda Nobunaga exhaled. He urged his horse to reach the higher ground. The view ahead suddenly became clearer, with rolling hills and wilderness spread out in front of him.

When he raised his head, the sky was slightly gloomy, and raindrops fell, hitting his eyes. "Go out with the order, don't stop the march, but you can slow down the march!" Oda Nobunaga turned his head slightly and said to the three people beside him, Mori Ranmaru, Mori Rikimaru, and Moriboumaru.

Soon, the envoy carrying the order started running in the rain.

After two consecutive days of traveling from Ping'an to the capital, we rested in the afternoon yesterday. Even though many people were exhausted, they had no complaints. They were tricked by Guan Yu, thinking that the opponent was going to attack at night, but the opponent took the opportunity to run to the west. Go and support the Xia army over there.

This embarrassed Oda Nobunaga, and his strategic misjudgment may have put Takeda Shingen in the west into a crisis of being attacked from both sides.

Therefore, he had to choose this extreme marching method in order to reach the west as soon as possible. After all, the Xia soldiers and horses set off a night earlier than them, and there was no time for him to slack off.

At this time, it rained heavily again, making the march much more difficult.

Four generals in the army, including Shibata Katsuie, Takikawa Kazugoshi, Niwa Nagahide, and Akechi Mitsuhide, came on horseback in the heavy rain. They continued to march as usual despite the rain. When they came over, they discussed with Oda Nobunaga about entering the west of Owari. , may encounter the Xia army's incident.

Oda Nobunaga was guarded by these generals, and there were also people of minor surnames wandering on horseback nearby.

His eyes were full of water vapor in the wilderness.

"The main road is cut off, and the Xia people's envoys are everywhere. I don't know what's going on with Takeda Shingen. He is very powerful in using troops. It's a pity that the natives here are not the Yamato they used to be, no matter how hard they train!"

"The quality of the soldiers is indeed too poor!" Shibata Katsuie, as Oda Nobunaga's most powerful general, shared many concepts. It can almost be said that he was the first person under Oda Nobunaga.

He sighed: "Not only the quality of the soldiers, but also the lack of supplies on these islands, we are also latecomers. Compared with the Chinese people on the opposite side, we have no advantage at all. The only thing we have is the convenience of the sea. , It’s a pity that the Emperor of Xia Kingdom made preparations early, and with his vast land, materials, and population, he surpassed all of us in just three years.”

“This is the disadvantage of having so few people living with thalassemia.”

Oda Nobunaga stroked the mane of his war horse, and rainwater fell along the edge of his bamboo hat. In his eyes, along with his words, there was perseverance and ferocity.

"Shibata-kun, we used the population and materials of several islands to achieve such an achievement in a short period of time, but it took Emperor Xia several years to surpass us. Generally speaking, we are stronger than him. .”

This is another word to encourage morale. As a generational hero, Oda Nobunaga does not understand the current situation.

This place is not like Yamato back then, where various daimyo can support each other. Although there are several large islands here, although they are close to each other, they are still separated by the sea.

Not only was the ship going back and forth quite time-consuming, but another key factor was that they had no one who could mediate, such as the Emperor of Xia.

Even if there is someone like Emperor Omikado, he is just a puppet they pushed out.

Every big name who comes here is actually not very willing to succumb to others.

In the end, they could only find a suitable person to form an alliance and distribute them on various islands to resist the invasion of Xia Kingdom's troops.

The rain was getting heavier, and it was like there was a hole in the sky, and the rain kept pouring down.

Oda Nobunaga had a tired look on his face and his eyes were bloodshot. He had never closed his eyes since setting off from Heian Kyo. At this moment, he had actually reached his limit.

Fortunately, no news about the Takeda Army came back from the front. No news was the best news. Thinking of this, he felt a little more at ease.

After walking for a while, the road became muddy with pairs of footsteps and horse hooves trampling on it.

"Xia's army also fights continuously. As time goes by and the soldiers become tired, they will feel homesick. By that time, they will have no desire to fight!"

On the horseback, he said with a smile, covering up the fatigue on his body. For some reason, he couldn't help but want to look behind him. At this time, he suddenly burst into laughter.


Everyone saw Oda Nobunaga suddenly laughing, and everyone had doubts on their faces. The general named Takigawa Ichimasu looked over and said: "Oda-sama, why are you... laughing suddenly?"

(End of this chapter)

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