My Chinese ancestors

Chapter 476 The Day of Revelation

Chapter 476 The Day of Revelation

At five o'clock in the morning, as usual, the civil and military officials of Yanjing came out of their houses in carriages and gathered at Chaoyang Gate of the imperial city.

Today is the day when the emperor returns from Ding'an Province, and he has accumulated memorials for more than ten days. It is time to submit them, wait for the emperor's approval, and then send them to the local authorities.

As a new imperial court, it had achieved a unification that had not been achieved in hundreds of years. The entire Xia Kingdom showed a vigorous momentum from top to bottom.

Not long after, Jia Xu, Wang Lang, Di Renjie and others also came, and everyone hurriedly stepped forward to bow their hands in greeting. People will follow the trend. No matter how the court changes, this phenomenon will never be lacking. However, the civil and military leaders in the Xia Kingdom's court were It is rare to have no factions, so much so that even six years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, there has never been any factional dispute.

After a while, Zhuge Liang and a group of military generals came on horseback. There was no gap between the leading generals and the civil servants. Naturally, these civil and military ministers in the court would not attack each other. Even if there was a gap, they would be friendly when they met outside the imperial city. Nod and say hello casually.

It was just before the fifth watch, and when the green darkness in the east gradually melted away, and the fish belly turned white, the Chaoyang Gate was opened by the soldiers of the imperial city, and everyone entered the palace in a queue according to their status and official position.

Walking along the long palace road, after leaving Chaoyang Gate, there are Chengyun Gate on the left and right. The ministers are divided into civil and military officials.

Then comes the hanging arch gate, and finally reaches Chengyun Hall.

They lined up again in the square in front of the palace and waited for a while. The civil and military officials in the DPRK seemed to notice that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the palace today. At this time, the sky was already bright, and when the vision was swept around, all the guards in the palace could be seen. He was replaced as a soldier from the Tiger Guard Camp.

At this time, a young eunuch ran over from under the eaves of the Chengyun side hall, came to the side of the ministers, suppressed his breath, and said: "My lords, please come into the hall. Your Majesty will be here soon."

Today was slightly different from the past. Everyone suddenly felt a little mentally prepared and entered the Chengyun Hall one by one. Within a moment, they heard heavy footsteps coming from outside the hall.

Someone looked back and saw two rows of soldiers holding long halberds and wearing iron armor and helmets. As they walked, the armor leaves shook and the scabbards collided, making a "clang" sound. The skylight illuminated the leader's figure. Su Chen led the ceremony. Wei and Xu Chulong walked on the stone steps with heavy steps. He was wearing an imperial robe with dragon patterns on a black background, a crown on his head, and a long Xia King Sword on his waist. The stone steps on the other side of the square were moving step by step. Come up.

While the soldiers separated and followed Xu Chu to station outside the palace, Su Chen lifted up his robe and stepped into the palace door. He raised his hands and waved his hands and cuffs to the ministers who bowed and shouted "Meet Your Majesty".

"Your Majesty, please excuse me."

Immediately, he strode up the imperial steps, walked around the dragon table, and sat down on the dragon chair. Zheng He, who was on the lower side of the imperial steps, stepped forward with a smile and said, "The court meeting has begun. Ministers, if you have anything important to report, please come forward."

In the main hall, golden dragons circled the pillars, rows of bronze lampposts, and flames burned.

The emperor, who was wearing imperial robes, had a majestic figure, and below the royal steps, he quietly watched and listened to the ministers who were lined up below, presenting memorials one by one, telling about the people's sentiments presented below, as well as the second half of this year, and after next year. People’s livelihood matters that need to be done.

After seeking the emperor's opinion and approval, they returned to the queue. By this time, an hour had passed. Su Chen read the last memorial and after giving his approval, he put down the imperial pen stained with cinnabar.

"The court meeting is over. I have also reproduced the memorials you submitted one by one. Now I have one thing to say. You just need to listen quietly. If you have any objections, come down and discuss it with me."

Seeing the confused or understanding look on Wen Wu's face below, Su Chen paused before continuing.

"...I am not a person who is easy to kill, but I do not rely on kindness to conquer the world. Since I raised my army in Ding'an City, I have been fighting and killing in the past few years, from the north to the Central Plains, and then to the south, and fought out A throne and the unification of six countries... In the past three years, I have temporarily suspended the military and focused on people's livelihood. It is because there were too many wars in the past, which made it impossible for the people to settle down and live in peace. They have been wandering around to avoid the disaster of the war. This is my sin..."

At this point, Chao Zhong Wenwu quickly handed over his hands: "Your Majesty said something serious." "How can the emperor be wrong?" Su Chen raised his hand and did not press them down with a few words of laughter like in the past. Instead, he stood up with a serious expression. Walking to the imperial steps: "...Don't think about flattering, as long as you are a human being, there is nothing wrong. I know very well what I have done, whether it is martial arts or martial arts. The people of the world have been in peace for three years. I have had enough food and clothing for three years. I really want to continue living like this, but some people don’t want to!"

"More than two months ago, as the ancestors of the Xia Kingdom, you, the parents of ordinary people in this world, should know who the 'some people' I am talking about are. The Japanese invaded the coast and robbed foreign merchant ships in Wuzhou, which has seriously endangered our country, Daxia. Coastal people and maritime trade, the people are in panic all day long, and foreign businessmen are too frightened to come to trade. This is shaking the foundation of our Great Xia, and I will never tolerate it!"

Su Chen walked down the imperial steps with his hands behind his back. He looked past the Chinese civil and military officials and paused for a moment on the other ministers in the court. Then he walked among the ministers and said, "I have enjoyed peace among you for three years. There must be some." You are lazy and want to persuade me to temporarily put off the plan to exterminate the Japanese. After all, the Xia Kingdom is already so big that it is enough for the people to move inward. But I want to tell you here that even an inch of land in Daxia will not be used unless we don’t want it. , otherwise we will never give it up to others, especially Japanese pirates.”

"I am not old yet, and I have a lot of time left. I want to build a large territory for my people in my lifetime!

Su Chen raised his hand, tapped his eyes with his fingertips, and said in a sonorous and powerful voice: "My eyes can see very far, and the Emperor's Sword in my hand can cut off all enemies. I want generations and dozens of generations of the Xia Kingdom to be useless. If I worry about foreign enemies again, am I too ambitious?"

"Let me tell you, I have a great heart. I want to personally defeat the enemy chieftains in my lifetime. I am bounded by the sea in the east, the ice fields in the north, the deserts in the west, and the jungles in the south. As long as I am still alive, I can still ride a war horse and have the ability. Soldiers who are accustomed to fighting, I will plant the flag of Great Xia in every piece of soil, allowing the people of China to walk freely between heaven and earth——"

The tall emperor walked down the imperial steps step by step. His voice was full of contagion and made people's blood boil. "Daxia has been unified internally and the people live and work in peace and contentment, but there are still foreign enemies. I, the founding emperor, cannot be idle. There are people on the East China Sea." The Japanese claim to be emperor, and I will lead Daxia’s ships to fight against them in person!”

Su Chen will be twenty-seven years old in two months. In the blink of an eye, he will be on his way to thirty. Compared with the murderous aura that filled his body when he was hysterical from the north to the Central Plains, he now has the majesty of a king in the world.

Looking at the main hall, the golden morning light was shining in from outside and fell in front of my feet.

"You are not allowed to dissuade me. Even if you try to dissuade me, I won't listen." The morning sun gradually enveloped the whole body along the instep. Su Chen closed his eyes and bathed in the warm sunshine.

"Your Majesty..."

Su Chen stood for a while. In the silence, he slowly spoke, and his majestic voice echoed in the golden palace: "...obey the order."

The skylight filled the hall, and in the golden light, all the civil and military officials turned to the emperor who stood in the middle with his hands behind his back, and bowed before him.

"The Taiwei Jia Xu and the Prime Minister Zhuge Liang are accompanying the army. Guo Jia, Wang Lang and Di Renjie are in charge of all affairs in the court. Di Renjie temporarily takes over the position of Prime Minister. I am not in the court, so he will hold court meetings on his behalf. The prince Su Chen is watching the affairs."

Su Chen opened his eyes, turned around, walked past everyone, and stepped onto the imperial steps, "Teleport Li Dian back to Yanjing, Lei Tong to garrison Longyang County, and Qi Youhu to garrison Yantang Pass.

In addition, Prime Minister Zhuge Liang left for Linjun to join Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and other officers and soldiers of the Bingzhou Army, and returned to the command of Qi Jiguang to form the Middle Route Army.

Zhao Kui'an, the Wuzhou naval force, was under the control of Guan Yu and formed the southern route; I led the northern route army myself, with Zhou Yu as the commander, and entered the Japanese island in three routes, escorting the Tang army and Youyan's main force to seize the island! "

In everyone's sight, they saw Zhao Yun, Lu Bu, Xiang Yu, Li Xuanba, Yuwen Chengdu, Qin Qiong, Yuchi Gong... and other generals who had dominated the years. They all raised their hands and bowed to him. He went down and said: "I will follow your Majesty to conquer the Japanese island!"

The wind blew through the palace, the sound of heavy cutting of iron floated in the wind, and the sky clouds rolled.

(End of this chapter)

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