My Chinese ancestors

Chapter 418 The Emperor’s Hypocrisy

Chapter 418 The Emperor’s Hypocrisy

Xiao Mo's death was not so glorious. Dian Wei forcibly tore off his head, handed it to the eunuchs in the palace to pickle it, and finally put it in a wooden box and sent it to the north on a fast horse.

The body was then dragged by the eunuchs to the south of the East Palace, where there was a corner dedicated to a human-refining furnace for burning some of the maids, eunuchs, and guards who died in vain in the palace.

The body of the once dignified leader of a sect was carried around by the servants at will. He took off his rich clothes and robes, and threw them naked into the furnace. Finally, he was calcined and only the white bones were left. He was then crushed and poured into wooden barrels, and then he was taken to the city. Outside the mass grave, a hole was dug and buried.

While this process was going on, Su Chen came out of the front palace, walked straight through the middle palace, and came to the Yingying Hall on the right side of the harem. In the west wing, the maids came in and out, and there were also several old ladies holding medical examination instruments in their hands. utensils.

Seeing the emperor coming, they walked to the side and knelt down to wait respectfully.

"Your Majesty, the servants and others have already checked. Meng Zhaoyi only has some skin injuries and no traces of being violated."

This is a rule in the palace. For any concubine who has been out, even if the emperor does not give an order, an elderly palace maid or a nun will go over to check on her duty.

It will be unacceptable to women in future generations and is undignified. But the world at this moment, especially the emperor's concubine, did not think it was inappropriate. After all, this was an opportunity to show her loyalty and chastity to the emperor.

Su Chen did not blame them, it was their duty, he just waved his hand to let these old maids leave, and went straight to the west wing of Yingzhao Hall.

Xu Chu waved away the eunuchs here, leaving only the palace maid Xiao He behind, and the soldiers he brought quickly guarded the area.


The door opened, and when Su Chen entered the back room, Meng Yuyin changed into a light blue waist-cinching skirt, with water hibiscus embroidered on her top. Her open sleeves were slightly raised, and she sat on the edge of the bed wiping her cheeks. Hanging tears.

"His Majesty!"

Seeing Su Chen come in and close the door, Meng Yuyin quickly stood up and bowed her head.

"Those nuns just checked you, did you feel wronged? If you feel wronged, I will make an exception for you in the future." Su Chen lifted her up. After all, she had just experienced life and death. It is normal for a woman of this age to be afraid. When I come back, I feel like I am on guard against a thief. I will definitely feel uncomfortable when I check myself.

"Your Majesty, although I feel uncomfortable, I can't break the rules."

Meng Yuyin is a princess of the Yue Kingdom. She grew up in the palace, so she naturally understands the rules in the palace and cannot easily make exceptions. Then, she sniffed and forced a smile.

"Your Majesty, please relax, I will not seek death and survival so easily."

"You are comforting me in turn."

Su Chen moved a stool and sat aside, watching the girl sitting next to the bed want to tell him what happened after she was kidnapped, probably to prove her innocence.

"It's better not to talk about what happened that day. Qin Hui and Wang Lang have already reported to me." Su Chen patted the woman's hand. This sentence made Meng Yuyin's eyes turn red again, and she was quite moved. She understood that this was The emperor didn't want her to recall that terrifying scene again.

"Your Majesty, I am my concubine..."

As he was about to kneel down again, Su Chen held his hands and pushed him back to sit on the bed, "Tell me about some things about returning to your parents' home."

Meng Yuyin pursed her red lips and seemed quite hesitant when she mentioned her mother's family's Yue Kingdom. As soon as her brother Meng Zhuowen died, the other brothers started to fight for the legitimate heirs. It felt a bit shameful to talk about such a family scandal in front of her husband.

"... After returning, I paid a visit to my father and mother. Although they were sad, they were still in good health. I also went to pay homage to my brother's tomb, and also visited many relatives."

As she talked, the girl's nature was gradually revealed. When she mentioned the official banquet that night when she first arrived, she couldn't help but admire Situ Wanglang's verbal battle with the Confucian scholars.

"I didn't expect that Wang Situ, who usually seems so complacent, could be so fearless in the face of danger at a critical moment, leaving a group of courtiers speechless."

But at the end of the day, Meng Yuyin's face gradually darkened. Her family was not living up to expectations, especially the behavior of her five brothers, which made people feel chilling. If she was just showing off in front of her father, it would make sense. However, after she left Yue Kingdom, Soon, I heard that the Third Emperor Brother led troops to fight with the Fourth Emperor Brother.

The other three brothers were not idle either. They continued to criticize each other and brought chaos to the country from the court to the local counties.

"Your father, you don't care?"

Su Chen naturally knew everything about the Yue Kingdom, but hearing it from Meng Yuyin's mouth was a different experience.

"I don't know, my concubine's father is capable, but I don't know why he lets his brothers go on like this."

Having said this, Meng Yuyin suddenly raised her face, looked at the husband in front of her, grabbed Su Chen's hand and rubbed it, "Your Majesty, I want to... want to ask you something."

"what's up?"

"Can you please advise my concubine's father and five royal brothers?"

"This... I'm afraid it's not good." Su Chen finally waited for these words. According to Zhuge Liang and Jia Xu's arrangements, he did so many things step by step to bring civil strife in Vietnam so that the army could stabilize the Wu Kingdom. ; Secondly, without fighting, use strategies to encroach on the country of Yue bit by bit.

Now, Meng Yuyin could finally take the initiative to speak.

Although you can have a tough attitude or forge a letter from Meng Yuyin, it is different to let the other party intervene sincerely. "I am the emperor of the Xia Kingdom, and I am related by marriage to the Yue Kingdom. I have rashly intervened in the affairs of the Yue Kingdom, and it is related to the position of the crown prince. It is really too sensitive, and it is easy for people to think that I have ill intentions towards the Yue Kingdom."

Su Chen has been influenced by the emperors behind him over the years, so he has naturally learned all the ways of emperors. He looked at the girl in front of him with sincere eyes, and spoke calmly and filtered his words. Not only did this behavior prevent Meng Yuyin from having any Instead of hesitating, she trusted the man in front of her even more.

She held Su Chen's hand in turn.

"Your Majesty, I know what you are worried about, but I don't want to see my country being torn apart by the imperial brothers. When I go back this time, I see that the people of Yue are living in misery. Compared with the people of the Central Plains, , living like a pig or a dog."

When she said this, her voice was choked and she was sobbing slightly.

This simply represents the girl's love for her country. Su Chen was silent for a moment, then patted the back of her hand gently: "You love the country of Yue, I saw it. You first write a letter home and send it to the country of Yue to persuade your father. As for what happens next, , I will finish my business with Wu State first."

Su Chen put his arms around the girl's shoulders and leaned her against him. His voice was gentle and indifferent: "Don't worry, the Wu Kingdom will be solved soon. By this time, the Bingzhou and Yizhou armies should have crossed the Hunjiang River! "

"Really?" The girl raised her face in her husband's arms in surprise.

"The battle report just received today."

Su Chen smiled, raised his hand, and the strong wind extinguished the candles on the table, "Have a rest, I am here to accompany you."

As soon as the lights in the room were extinguished, the emperor's shadows scattered in all directions outside the bedroom. Cao Cao touched his chin and beard in confusion, and floated away with Li Shimin and Zhao Kuangyin.

"What kind of candles do you want to put out? Immortality is really unheard of."

"Who says otherwise? Changsheng doesn't regard us as his own!" Zhao Kuangyin sighed, "But speaking of it, Lao Zhu doesn't go to the palace with us at night. I always feel that something is missing."

"Now, of course, I am living a fairy life with my old wife in my arms. Who can be like the three of us, wandering around the palace like lonely ghosts?"

No matter how talented Li Shimin was, he felt a little lonely when he looked at the secluded back garden of the palace.

"Oh, by the way, last time I found a well in the southwest corner. In the well lived a concubine from an emperor of unknown Wei Dynasty. She looked pretty!" Zhao Kuangyin ignored Li Shimin's sentimentality.

Over there, Cao Cao straightened his face and frowned: "If you are so beautiful and throw yourself into a well, you must have suffered a great injustice. Today, I, Brother Zhao and Brother Li just happened to work together overnight to avenge your injustice."

Li Shimin, who was kind-hearted, quickly turned serious.

"I also have this intention!"

"Please!" Cao Cao stretched out his hand!

After Li Shimin made an invitation gesture, he immediately raised his hand to Zhao Kuangyin on the right: "Brother Zhao, lead the way!"

The three former emperors suddenly turned into a dark wind and disappeared into the courtyard.


On the Huai River south of Gyeongju.

The sounds of war have begun to shake the long stretch of the river.

One after another, warships were shooting at each other on the river. The warships rowed across the fast river and rammed into the ships of the Wu State on the opposite side. They threw out hooks and ropes and ladders and climbed up with their knives in their hands.

On the river that stretched for more than ten miles, black smoke swept across the sky like a dragon, and warships flying the flag of Xia State began to break through Wu State's blocking defense line.

A large number of Yizhou soldiers skillfully operated ships to conduct the final encirclement on the river. Along the coast, two thousand heavily armored soldiers of the Tiger Budding Battalion and the trapped camp of the Bingzhou Army quickly rushed out of the cabin and fiercely charged into the Wu array on the shore.

On the periphery, countless Wu soldiers on the shore were rushing over to support them.

The offensive and defensive battle on the shore suddenly escalated to a fiery level. Under the sky, soldiers from the trapped camp and tiger-step camp armed with swords, shields and spears, led by generals with leopard heads and ringed eyes, charged into the crowd like tigers, covering a two-mile radius. On the front line, there was hysterical fighting and shouting, and the battle group quickly spread.

At the ferry in Linzhou, eight sea ships finally raised their white sails today. Zhou Yu was dressed in silver armor and white robes, with a sword drawn from his waist. He stood on the ship building, looking at the rising sun rising on the sea level, he slowly Raising the blade of the sword, it reflected the golden morning sun.

"get ready--"

Flags were waved and war drums were beaten.

Zhou Yu stood on the ship's roof. When the order came down, Gan Ning on another ship next to him swung the bell on his waist, pulled the mast, stood at the highest point, and shouted: "The governor has ordered us to pull anchor and set sail, sail south to Wu." country!"

Eight sea ships, carrying eight thousand soldiers, sailed away from the ferry. Amidst the screams of seabirds flying around, on the sparkling sea, they all turned around and headed south along the coastline to Wu Guoshengkang!

(End of this chapter)

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