Let’s talk about Liaozhai at the beginning, I scared all the fans on the Internet to death

Chapter 268: We are both fallen people at the end of the world, so why should we meet before?

"Trick...Teacher Jiang Ning, you agreed not to bring goods, why are you talking about bringing goods?"

Seeing Jiang Ning suddenly talking about bringing goods, a group of fans gave Jiang Ning a thumbs up.

of course.

If it were normal times, that would be fine.

Although they do not fully agree with selling goods, they also know that being a Kuaiduo anchor is one of their professions.

They won't object completely.

But now is the climax.

Jiang Ning actually said to bring the goods.

How can I bear this?

"Teacher Jiang Ning, hurry up and take off your pants. Tell us this."

"Your sister is the one who brings the goods. Tell the story quickly, don't talk about the goods."

"That's right, you just need to tell your story and leave the rest to us."




Seeing everyone in the public channel saying this, Jiang Ning felt relieved.

"The Xunyang River sees off guests on the first night, and the maple leaves and flowers rustle in the autumn. The host dismounts and is on the boat. He raises his wine and wants to drink without the orchestra. He is too drunk to say goodbye happily, and the vast river is soaked in the moon during the farewell."

Facing everyone, Jiang Ning carried the pipa on his back.

This is the beginning of the pipa line.


When Jiang Ning was talking about Pipa, he had already drawn the background.

It can be said.

Among Jiang Ning's paintings, these paintings are already very artistic.


When I heard Jiang Ning's "Xunyang River sees off guests the first night, the maple leaves and flowers rustle in autumn"...

Everyone felt like chicken skin all over their bodies suddenly came out.

For a moment, they seemed to have entered the painting.

They came to the middle Tang Dynasty.

They came to the head of the Xunyang River.

It was getting late at this time, it was autumn, and the weather was already a little cold.

Not to mention, I was bidding farewell to my friends at the moment. Looking at the bright moon reflected in the vast river, I felt even more lonely.

[Suddenly I heard the sound of pipa playing on the water, and the host forgot to return to the guest. Xun Sheng asked secretly who was playing the pipa, but the sound of the pipa stopped and it was too late to speak. Move the boat closer to invite us to meet each other, add wine, turn back the lights, and resume the banquet. After calling for thousands of times, he came out, still holding the pipa and half covering his face. 】

Same as Song of Everlasting Regret.

Pipa Xing is also a very long poem.

Such long poems have the same boldness as long parallel prose.

At the same time, because of the sufficient length and the number of words, it makes people feel refreshed every time they read it.

As it is now.

Even if everyone has not fully understood the meaning of this poem yet.

But listening to the poems Jiang Ning read, everyone only felt the loud sound in their ears, like a yellow bell and a big Lu, which shocked people.

And when I savor this poem carefully, I feel that the realm of this poem is incredible.

"He came out after calling for thousands of times, still holding the pipa and half covering his face...it's absolutely amazing."

"So this is called still holding the pipa and half covering your face."

"Yes, no wonder the pipa girl painted by Teacher Jiang Ning just showed only half of her face. At the time, I felt that even though half of her face was shown, it was indeed quite beautiful, but combined with this line of poetry, I felt amazing."

But that's not the end of it.

Jiang Ning continued to read: "Three or two strokes of strings are plucked by the rotating shaft, and there is emotion before the tune is formed. The strings muffle the sounds and thoughts, as if complaining of failure in life. The letter with low eyebrows continues to play, saying all the infinite things in the heart. Lightly twist and wipe slowly The second piece is "Six Yao" after "Neon Shang". The big strings are noisy like the rain, and the small strings are like whispers. The strings are noisy and mixed, and the big and small beads are falling on the jade plate."

Many people have been comparing themselves in previous lives.

Is the artistic level of Song of Everlasting Regret higher, or is the artistic level of Pipa Xing higher?

Many people have been arguing about it.

It was difficult for Jiang Ning to give an answer.

Both poems are the pinnacle of pinnacles.

But when it comes to his favorite, Jiang Ning would say Pipa Xing.

The reason why it is not a song of everlasting regret.

It's not that Jiang Ning doesn't like Song of Everlasting Sorrow.

The only shortcoming of Song of Everlasting Sorrow compared to Pipa Xing is that Jiang Ning is really unable to fill the role of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty.

At the same time, he was also unable to bring into the love story between Tang Xuanzong and Yang Yuhuan.

Especially after knowing that Yang Yuhuan turned out to be his son's concubine, Jiang Ning became even less interested in the love between the two.

But Pipa Xing is different.

It can be said that Pipa Xing is completely based on Bai Juyi.

It writes about the events that Bai Juyi encountered and his emotional life.

In particular, the relationship between Bai Juyi and Xiang Ling has been passed down through the ages.

At the same time, many people can relate to this feeling.

It is precisely because of missing Xiang Ling that Bai Juyi's inspiration reaches the sky.

As in the previous paragraph.

The revolving shaft plucks the strings three or two times, and there is love before it becomes a tune.

The strings are noisy like the rain, and the small strings are like whispers.

Cut the wrong bullets, and the big beads are falling into the jade plate.

In this paragraph, there are several famous sentences that can be said to have been passed down through the ages.

Even when many people talk about this poem, they will feel it.

This poem is as beautiful as music.

Reading this poem is like hearing the pipa music played by the musician on the spot.

In fact.

Many fans feel the same way.

Jiang Ning didn't even say it.

He just kept reciting this poem.


In the ears of many netizens, they only felt that the sound of Pipa was constantly coming.

This sound is really as written in the poem, noisy and mixed with bullets, big and small beads falling on the jade plate.

"Beautiful, so beautiful."

"It was like I was listening to a perfect concert."

"Yeah, I don't know anything about music. I didn't think there was anything good about classical instruments like these before. But now, I seem to feel the beauty of music."

In the live broadcast room, a series of orders were placed like crazy.

A lot of fans just kept their word.

Jiang Ning just needs to tell his story with peace of mind.

Leave the rest to the fans.

Although many fans are not wealthy.

But with more than 6000 million fans, let alone every person placing an order, every 10 people place an order, which is also a terrifying amount.


"The orioles in Guan Guan say that the bottom of the flower is slippery, and it is difficult to go under the ice in the deep throat spring. The ice spring is cold and astringent, and the strings are condensed, and the condensation will never pass. The sound is paused. Don't have sorrow and hatred. At this time, silence is better than sound. The silver bottle is broken and water slurry bursts out. , the cavalry stands out with the sound of swords and guns. At the end of the song, the plucked strings are carefully drawn, and the sound of the four strings is like cracking silk. The boats in the east and west are silent, only the white autumn moon can be seen in the middle of the river. "

The pipa music continues.

Because Pipa music only has music and no words.

Therefore, most people don't know how to describe this unique song.

But in the hands of Bai Juyi.

In this pipa song without words, he was not only like big beads and small beads falling on a jade plate, he even attracted gold and iron horses, and a fierce battle began in an instant.

[While he was chanting and plucking the strings, he straightened his clothes and tightened his features. She said that she was originally a girl from the capital city, and her family lived under the tomb of shrimp. At the age of 13, he learned the pipa successfully and became the first member of the Jiaofang. Qu Ba once taught good people how to dress well, and Qiu Niang was always jealous of her makeup. The young people in Wuling are struggling with their heads, and there are countless red silk songs. The silver grate on the tin head was smashed into pieces, and the bloody skirt was stained by wine. This year's laughter will bring back the next, and the autumn moon and spring breeze will pass easily. My younger brother left to join the army and my aunt died, so the color came to me in the morning. There are few horses and pommels in front of the door, and the boss is married to a businessman. Businessmen value profit over separation. The month before last, they went to Fuliang to buy tea. We go to and from the mouth of the river to guard empty boats, and when we go around the boats, the moon shines brightly on the river, and the water is cold. Late at night, I suddenly dreamed about my youth. I cried and cried, and my eyes were red with tears. 】

The song ends. Pipa Girl began to introduce her life experience to Bai Juyi.

It turns out that she was originally a girl from the capital, and her hometown lived in Xiabaoling, southeast of Chang'an City. At the age of 13, she learned to play the pipa. Later, during that period of time, he was welcomed by countless high-ranking officials and nobles. It's just that people will grow old eventually. When her beauty faded, she had no choice but to marry a businessman. However, the businessman valued profit over profit and left. The month before last, he went to Fuliang to buy tea and do business.

Fuliang here is in Jingdezhen.

At that time, tea from Fuliang accounted for three-eighths of the tax revenue of the Zhongtang Dynasty.

After the merchant left, she was left alone guarding the mall.

"This seems to be talking about Xiang Ling?"

"It doesn't seem like it, it is."

"Probably not. After all, Xiang Ling is not married. He just used this pipa girl to introduce Xiang Ling."

Jiang Ning doesn't need much explanation.

Bai Juyi's poems are inherently easy to understand.

Not only the song of Everlasting Regret, but also this pipa line.

You just need to read it a few times and you will know what the poem means.


Bai Juyi's poems are not only meaningful.

This poem is also a long narrative poem.

So when you read this poem, you will feel like you are reading a very interesting story.

Bai Juyi burst into tears after hearing the Pipa Girl's confession.

Although Pipa Girl has a different identity from him, the gap between them is also very big.

But at this time, the two people seemed to have the same experience.

and so.

At that time, it was Bai Juyi who was most emotional.

[I sighed when I heard the pipa, and sighed again when I heard the words. We are both fallen people at the end of the world, so why should we have known each other before? I resigned from the imperial capital last year and was relegated to Xunyang City where I was sick. There is no music in Xunyang, a remote place, and the sound of silk and bamboo is not heard all year round. I live near the Huanjiang River, where the land is low and humid, and yellow reeds and bitter bamboos grow around my house. What did you hear during the day and night? The cuckoo cries and the blood ape moans. On a spring river with flowers facing the autumn moonlight, I often drink wine alone while drinking. Are there no folk songs and village flutes? It's hard to listen to the vomiting and muttering. Tonight, hearing your pipa music makes my ears suddenly bright as if listening to fairy music. Mo Cigeng sat down to play a song and translated it for you, "Pipa Xing". I feel that I have been saying this for a long time, but sitting down makes the strings turn sharply. It's so sad that it's not like the forward sound, and everyone in the house weeps when they hear it again. Who among you cried the most? Jiangzhou Sima's green shirt is wet. 】

At the same time, we are reduced to human beings at the end of the world. Why should we meet before?


Aren't Pipa Girl and Bai Juyi the same in some places?

Pipa Girl came here in the capital.

And Bai Juyi was also demoted here from the capital.

At the same time, Pipa Girl and Xiang Ling seem to have some similarities.

Xiang Ling is also a happy girl.

In his heart, Bai Juyi didn't know whether he was worried about whether Xiang Ling would marry a businessman like Xiang Ling in the future?

Or, Xiang Ling continues to stick to his promise.

But no matter which two options are available, Bai Juyi is not willing to see it.

So who among the people cried the most? Jiangzhou Sima's green shirt is wet.

Jiangzhou Sima, naturally refers to Bai Juyi here.


"Is this the true strength of Shixian?"

"It's really terrifying."

Many people had some doubts about Bai Juyi's title of Poetry Immortal.

Some people even think that Bai Juyi is not worthy of Shixian.

Because in the Tang Dynasty at that time, they believed that no one could be called the Immortal of Poetry.

but now.

After they listened to a series of Bai Juyi's poems, they finally knew what the real poetry immortal was.

"Yes, in fact, the ten songs of "Qin Zhongyin" have already proved Bai Juyi's strength. But if it is just this, it is not bad. At most, it proves that Bai Juyi is very awesome. But who would have thought that there would be a charcoal seller later? Weng, there is even the Song of Everlasting Sorrow, and there is also the pipa playing."

"Yes, especially Song of Everlasting Sorrow and Pipa Song, they are simply the highest peaks among Tang poetry."

"If you ask me, I prefer Pipa Xing. The artistic style is too powerful."

"Well said. What I like most is the series of fairy sentences describing the pipa music in this poem."

"These are certainly classics, but I would like to say that I like this sentence: We are all in the same world, so why should we meet before? It's so artistic and emotional. It's a famous sentence through the ages."

"Brother, don't talk about famous sayings throughout the ages. Bai Juyi has created so many famous sayings through the ages."


"What's right? Hurry up and buy rice."

Shi Chang rice, and countless orders came in.


"Teacher Jiang Ning, continue."

Seeing Jiang Ning stop, everyone kept urging him.

Jiang Ning smiled and said, "What are you going to do? Have you memorized it all?"


Everyone couldn't laugh or cry: "Brother, please spare us. We can't recite the Song of Everlasting Regret, and we can't recite the Pipa Line either."

"I can't even memorize this, ugh..."

Jiang Ning pretended to be disappointed and shook his head.

Fortunately, a group of fans were very polite and said: "Teacher Jiang Ning, don't be like this. We will definitely memorize him when we go back."

"Yes, Teacher Jiang Ning, I not only have to memorize the Song of Everlasting Regret, but I also have to memorize the Pipa Song."

"Hahaha, both of them can carry it, plus me."

"Why don't I miss this kind of pleasure?"

Seeing that all the netizens in the live broadcast room suddenly became so proud, Jiang Ning smiled happily.

This makes sense.

Over the millennia, there have been countless long articles.

But because it's classic.

Many people want to memorize him no matter how much time they spend.

Here, especially for some literature lovers and some students.

Although they cannot memorize such a classic poem at once, as long as they are given time, they will definitely memorize it.

"Okay, let's continue."

Jiang Ning continued: "After Bai Juyi separated from Pipa Nu in Jiangtou, Xunyang, at the age of 53, Bai Juyi returned to Fuli again."

"Is Bai Juyi going back to his hometown?"


Jiang Ning nodded: "Bai Juyi returned to his hometown this time not only to visit relatives, but also to find Xiang Ling."

"did you find it?"

Everyone was a little excited.


Jiang Ning shook his head: "Unfortunately, Bai Juyi did not find Xiang Ling after he returned this time. However, he did find out about Xiang Ling. Someone familiar with the matter said that Xiang Ling had never been married, but later became a monk in a temple. . She gave up her earthly love and devoted herself to cultivation in her later years. After hearing about this, Bai Juyi never looked for Xiang Ling again."

This is the story of Bai Juyi and Xiang Ling.

Although Xiang Ling is just an ordinary girl.


This ordinary girl gave Bai Juyi unlimited artistic achievements.

is her.

Let Bai Juyi get married at the age of 37.

is her.

Let Bai Juyi write a soul-stirring song of everlasting regret.

It's her too.

It is the pipa that is extremely impressive every time it is mentioned.

More likely it was her.

This made Bai Juyi feel the hardship of poor people's lives since he was a child.

of course.

In fact, Bai Juyi also wrote many poems about Xiang Ling.

But after Bai Juyi failed to find Xiang Ling at the age of 53, the story of Bai Juyi and Xiang Ling ended completely. (End of chapter)

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