Let’s talk about Liaozhai at the beginning, I scared all the fans on the Internet to death

Chapter 265 Ancient Classic: "Song of Everlasting Sorrow".

"Jianning's sales volume is 730 million."

On this side, Jiang Ning is explaining "Qin Zhongling" written by Bai Juyi to everyone.

the other side.

A group of netizens, friends watching the excitement, and some paying attention to the media began to pay attention to the sales data of this charity live broadcast by major Internet celebrities.


The big Internet celebrity with 1 million fans ranked first with sales of more than 3000.

As for the second one, the difference is relatively large, but it is still 1000 million.

Third, 800 million.

Fourth, 700 million.


Do not see do not know.

At first glance, it really confused many people.

The billionaire Internet celebrity anchor is the number one. Everyone can guess this, which is not surprising.

The second and third, although there are slight differences, are more or less normal.

After all, the difference in the number of fans between the second and third two is very close, and their usual sales are also similar.


Jiang Ning, who placed fourth, was a little confused.

"Is this Jiang Ning so aggressive in bringing goods?"

"I don't know, but he has 6000 million fans. It seems normal to have such a sales figure."

"No, no, it's not normal. I often follow Jiang Ning's live broadcast room. Although Jiang Ning has more than 6000 million fans, he has never brought goods before. Moreover, his live broadcasts tend to focus on Chinese culture. Although this area It does have a certain appeal, but everyone knows that the ability of anchors in the field of Chinese studies and culture to sell goods is the lowest among all fast-talking anchors."

"Also, he has never brought goods before, and this is his first time. Regarding product selection, sales, customer service... his speaking skills may not be as good as those of anchors with only 1000 million fans."

"That makes sense, so what's going on?"

"I don't know, let's have a look."

Many people felt a little strange and entered Jiang Ning's live broadcast room through the delivery ranking list.

But what surprised them even more.

Throughout the live broadcast room, Jiang Ning did not say a word about bringing goods.

Not only did he not bring any goods, he didn't even mention what goods he was selling.


He also saw a series of words in a public channel that stunned them.

"My friends, don't be weird. If you want to buy it, buy it. If you don't want to buy it, don't buy it."

"You can also return it after buying it. Anyway, this is your freedom."

"Okay, let's not discuss the issue of buying rice. Let's listen to Teacher Jiang Ning talk about Bai Juyi."

This was posted by some fans in the public channel area.

Seeing this, many netizens couldn’t understand it.

Although he also saw some anchors telling everyone in down-to-earth terms that some of our products are purchased on demand, so don’t spend impulsively.

But actually.

Many times when these anchors are promoting certain products, they will use various words over and over again to stimulate you to place an order.

I wish you could make impulse purchases.

Jiang Ning's live broadcast room seems to focus on whether to buy or not.

"Are these guys crazy?"

"I don't know, maybe everyone needs something like Shichang Rice."

"I need a dime. Shichang rice is much more expensive than ordinary rice. Do you usually buy Shichang rice?"

"will not."

"That's it."

Everyone still doesn't understand.

They plan to continue to stay in the Jiangning live broadcast room.

They want to get to the bottom of this issue.


"Because Bai Juyi's poetry became more and more famous, the emperor Xianzong of the Tang Dynasty liked Bai Juyi's poems very much. Bai Juyi also took this opportunity to write letters to the emperor. Many of his letters were accepted. However, despite this, in front of When facing Bai Juyi's series of letters, Tang Xianzong also had some headaches. He complained, "I promoted Bai Juyi, but this guy wrote me letters every day, which made my workload really too heavy. And the prime minister at the time, Li Jiang then told Tang Xianzong that Bai Juyi was loyal and advised Tang Xianzong to open up his voice."

After ten poems of "Qin Zhongyin", Jiang Ning continued to explain Bai Juyi.

"It was precisely because of the emperor's tolerance that during this period, Bai Juyi continued to write letters and write poems that reflected the sufferings of the working people. Among them, he had a poem called "The Charcoal Seller."

While talking, Jiang Ning drew the image of the charcoal seller on the drawing board.

The industry of selling charcoal has been around for thousands of years.

Even in modern times, there are still people selling charcoal.

and so.

Everyone is no stranger to this profession.

But what everyone can't imagine is.

This charcoal seller is completely different from the modern charcoal seller.

First of all, Jiang Ning first painted the charcoal seller in order to burn charcoal. He was sweating and cutting wood.

After the firewood is cut, it is burned.

In ancient times, there was no such good equipment as modern charcoal burning, and in many cases, native methods were used.

So while the charcoal seller was cooking, the whole place where the charcoal was being burned was also filled with smoke.

not only.

Because of years of burning charcoal, this charcoal seller not only has white hair on his temples, but also has black fingers.

He couldn't wipe off this kind of blackness just by washing his hands.

Because of decades of continuous burning of charcoal, the blackness on my hands will never fade away.

But even so.

The old charcoal seller didn't think anything of it either.

He just wants to sell the charcoal he burns.

The purpose of selling it is for the clothes you wear and the food you eat.

As it is now.

It was already winter.

But the old man was wearing thin clothes.

He loaded the charcoal and let the bullock cart pull it to the market.

Along the way, the weather was extremely cold.

It snowed heavily last night, and the entire road was covered with more than a foot of snow.

But the old man couldn't care so much. He picked up his clothes and waited for the customers to arrive.

But after waiting for a long time, at noon time, there was still no one buying charcoal.

At this moment, two people from the government appeared in front.

He saw the old man holding the document and said, "Your cart of charcoal has been confiscated by our palace."

Then he led the ox cart to the palace.

This time, Jiang Ning just painted, not said anything.

But this picture is constantly stimulating everyone's nerves.

And when Jiang Ning finished painting the entire story.

Jiang Ning looked at the camera and said:

[The charcoal seller cuts down firewood and burns charcoal in the southern mountains.

His face was dusty and smoky, and his temples were grey and black with ten fingers.

Where can I get the money from selling charcoal?The clothes on the body and the food in the mouth.

Poor shirt is single, worrying about charcoal and wishing it will be cold.

A foot of snow outside the city at night, Xiao drove a charcoal car to the ice.

The days of hunger for cattle and people have been high, and they are resting in the mud outside the south gate of the city.

Who are Pian Pian Liang Qi?The yellow messenger white shirt.

Hold the clerical dictation, and return to the car to lead north.

A car of charcoal, more than a thousand catties, the imperial ambassador will not regret it.

Half a piece of red gauze and one foot of silk are tied to the cow's head and filled with charcoal. 】

The reason why these officials in the government were so bold was to exchange a piece of red gauze and a foot of silk with the old man for the charcoal of more than a thousand troops. It was not their personal intention to oppress the people, but the regulations of the entire court.

at that time.

There is something called Miyachi.

The palace is the royal palace.

Market means buying.

It means buying items in the palace.

of course.

If you want to buy something in the palace, this is normal. After all, the palace also has consumption.

Even more, they buy more.

Normally, the more the palace buys, the better it is for the people.

But the so-called purchase in Miyagi City is to forcefully purchase goods at a low price.

Just like this old man burned more than a thousand pounds of charcoal.

In fact.

This kind of forced purchase at a low price is quite true of these two officials.

Later, some officials did not buy at low prices, but took them away directly without giving a penny.

"I cried. I didn't expect that Tang Dynasty would have such a miserable side."

"Yeah, I thought the Tang Dynasty was romantic, but I didn't expect the people to live so hard."

"This is necessary. Don't say that Bai Juyi's era was the middle Tang Dynasty. Even in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, ordinary people may not live and work in peace and contentment."

"There is one of the most touching sentences here. I'm so sorry that I'm wearing only a thin coat, but I'm worried that the weather will be cold... What kind of situation is this? I'm wearing such thin clothes, but I still hope that the weather will be colder so that the coal can be sold. Good price.”

"I can't help myself with this sentence. Aren't ordinary people like this? No matter how hard and tired they are, it doesn't matter. They just want to sell the things they produce at a good price, that is, just to live."

"However, this extremely simple existence was oppressed by the entire imperial court at that time."

Bai Juyi's poems have always been easy to understand.

There is no need for Jiang Ning to translate at all.

Everyone only needs to read it once to fully understand what this poem means.

And precisely because they understood the meaning of these poems, everyone's eyes turned red.


"User 3213321... placed an order for Shichang Rice."

"User 65498746... placed an order for Shichang Rice."

"User 321321... placed an order for Shichang Rice."

Nothing needs to be said.

Even here, Jiang Ning still doesn't do anything to promote his Shichang Rice.

But at this time.

The order for Shichang rice came flying in once again.

This time.

Shichang rice orders have reached 20 orders.


"alright, I got it."

Watching a series of orders coming out of the live broadcast room.

Those spectators who had never understood before finally understood how these orders came out.

Not only understand.


Influenced by Jiang Ning, they also clicked on the link to the live broadcast room and placed an order for Shi Chang rice.

"Teacher Jiang Ning, continue."

Many fans are still unsatisfied.

Bai Juyi, who was so concerned about the sufferings of the people, actually wrote so many famous works through the ages.

Especially among them, the charcoal seller has not only artistic value, but also has extremely social and practical significance.

Even now, this poem can be called a classic.

"Continue with what?"

"Just keep talking about Bai Juyi."

"But didn't you say Bai Juyi is a scumbag?"

"With Bai Juyi's concern for the sufferings of working people, I like him even if he is a scumbag."

If you say you write a poem that cares about the common people, you may just write it casually and it won't represent anything.

But there are two, three, ten, or even dozens of poems...and all of them reflect the sufferings of the working people. Do you still think that Bai Juyi is the same as Li Shen, who turned evil in his later years?

And now Bai Juyi has written so many poems that care about the working people.

Moreover, these poems are not written superficially, but are deeply explored, studied, and written to the emperor in reality.

This is not the kind of casual emotion that Li Shen expressed.

"Scumbags like it too. You guys, your taste is getting worse and worse."

Jiang Ning teased everyone, but then said: "Next, I will talk about another poem written by Bai Juyi. However, let's have a PK."

"What PK?"

"After I tell you this poem, if you can't recite it, then please take care of the sales of Shichang Rice."

"Teacher Jiang Ning, didn't you tell me whether you want to buy this thing or not?"

"After all, today is a charity event. I don't make any money myself, but I want to subsidize the farmer uncle to some extent."

"This is the best...but, Teacher Jiang Ning, you may be disappointed. I am the little prince of poetry memorization. I have memorized more than 100 poems since I was a child. What kind of poems can I not recite?"

"Tch, more than 100 poems are nothing, I can memorize more than 300 poems."

"More than 300 songs are nothing, I can memorize 500."

"A passerby who can recite 1000 poems."

Many fans are extremely interested in Jiang Ning's PK.

Jiang Ning just smiled and didn't point out anything.

Maybe they can indeed recite hundreds of poems.

But seriously.

Reciting the entire poem about Bai Juyi that Jiang Ning will talk about next is quite challenging.

After sorting out his words, Jiang Ning said: "Bai Juyi's poems not only made people care about thousands of working people, but also raised the angle to the emperors and generals. At that time, Bai Juyi and his friends went to Xianyou Temple to play, and everyone was very excited. Happy. It just so happens that this is the place where Concubine Yang died. At this time, many people talked about the Anshi Rebellion that broke out during the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and also talked about the love story between Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty and Concubine Yang."

"It is said that after the death of Concubine Yang, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty still missed her very much, so he invited Taoist priests to do the ritual, hoping to see Concubine Yang again. A group of friends said, Brother Letian, aren't you good at writing poems? Why don't you imitate you? This time we wrote a poem on the theme of our trip. When Bai Juyi heard it, he was filled with emotion. Because Bai Juyi was 36 years old at that time and was not married yet. So, with a stroke of his pen, he wrote "Song of Everlasting Sorrow"..."


"Brother, come and play for a while while I go to the bathroom."

the other side.

Brother Xiao Hua, a super Internet celebrity who joined Kuai Dou’s official charity live broadcast at the same time as Jiang Ning and has over 1 million fans, called one of his apprentices over to live broadcast for him.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to broadcast it.

Mainly it's just their model.


This public welfare live broadcast event, it is obvious that they have reached 3000 million sales.

It is expected that this time the live broadcast event is completely over, their sales may exceed 5000 million.

Although 5000 million is not the most peak figure, it is already very good.

Wherever every sale is sold out.

So Brother Xiao Hua is going to take a break and let his apprentice come.

of course.

It was said to be a break, but Brother Xiao Hua opened a small account and entered the live broadcast rooms of other anchors participating in the event.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle.

In addition to bringing his own products, Brother Xiaohua will also study the characteristics of other anchors.

"Haha, this guy is obviously not very serious. It would be great if he can reach 2000 million by the end of today's event."

"This is okay, but unfortunately, there is a problem with the product selection, the price is too low, and sales cannot increase."

After entering several live broadcast rooms in a row, Xiao Hua is relatively calm.

But when he entered Jiangning's live broadcast room and saw the sales data of 1600 million, Brother Xiao Hua couldn't believe it. (End of chapter)

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