Three days later.

Kuai Dou’s charity product promotion activity is about to begin.


Not only Jiang Ning participated in this event.

In order to expand the influence of this event, KuaiDou officials also invited 100 major internet celebrities.


The ones with the least number of fans have 200 million.

There are even 10 anchors with more than 5000 million fans.

There is also one of them who has reached a terrifying 1 million.

and so.

This time, the media has paid close attention to this product.

This attention is in addition to guessing how much goods a host of anchors can sell.

At the same time, the entire Pk of carrying goods is also a highlight.

After all, it is an activity to bring goods.

But since there are 100 anchors participating, there will definitely be a ranking.

The ranking is naturally based on the amount of goods carried.

However, Jiang Ning didn't pay much attention to this.

He has never carried goods before, but this time he brought goods for public welfare.


Jiang Ning also declined interviews with many media before the broadcast.

It's just that Jiang Ning declined interviews with many media.

But for Jiang Ning fans and other spectators, Jiang Ning is also a major focus of attention.

after all.

Among these 100 anchors, Jiang Ning is the only one who has never brought goods.

This time was also his first time in the water.


Jiang Ning's number of fans has also reached 6000 million.

Although it cannot be compared with the 1 million anchor, it is still an extremely large base.

Under the dual view, fans really have some expectations on how much Jiangning can bring.


"Teacher Jiang Ning, I will be your assistant, Xiao Ming."

"Hello, Teacher Xiao Ming."

"Teacher Jiang Ning, please don't call me teacher. I'm your fan. For a while, just call me Xiao Ming. I will cooperate with you during the live broadcast. If you need anything, you can ask me. I said."

Since it is a public welfare live broadcast.

So for this live broadcast, Jiang Ning was also invited to KuaiDou headquarters.


In order to bring goods to this public welfare live broadcast, KuaiDou headquarters also set up more than 100 live broadcast rooms for a number of anchors to bring goods.

of course.

After all, we are bringing goods.

Therefore, Jiang Ning cannot be alone. He also needs a series of staff to assist.

For example, selecting products, posting product links, asking questions from customers, handling some chores, etc.

"OK, thanks."

Jiang Ning nodded.

After resting for half an hour, at 7 o'clock in the evening, this time Kuai Dou's charity promotion officially started.

"Dear gentlemen, today we are launching the third issue of "The Elegance of the Tang Dynasty" again."

As before, Jiang Ning continued the live broadcast of the previous show.

But as soon as Jiang Ning spoke, Xiao Ming on the side was confused: "Teacher Jiang Ning, we are not doing a program, we are bringing goods to the live broadcast this time."

This made Jiang Ning feel a little embarrassed.

"Uh... okay, I made a mistake. Let's start over."

Jiang Ning cleared his throat and said, "Everyone, we will start shipping goods today."

As soon as the live broadcast started like this, all the fans laughed.

"Teacher Jiang Ning, don't be nervous, I'm just bringing the goods."

"Yes, Teacher Jiang Ning, you shouldn't call us boss. You should call us family members like other anchors."

"Yes, yes, come on, call us family. Instead of calling us family, you can just call us baby."

Family, baby... these words are naturally words often used by anchors carrying goods.

Just hearing these words, Jiang Ning felt a chill.

What is this?

Return family members?

Often when you call your family, it’s the time to trick fans.

Jiang Ning didn't have this habit, and couldn't call out his family members, so he said: "This, this, forget about the family, forget about the baby. Who knows if there is some foot-picking uncle opposite my camera."

"I said, Teacher Jiang Ning, you dare to say that we are foot-picking uncles. Are you trying to get away with it?"

"Old thief Jiangning, do you still want to bring goods?"

Everyone in the live broadcast room gave Jiang Ning a middle finger.

Jiang Ning smiled and didn't care.

His live broadcast style has always been like this.

Even if he is bringing goods, he cannot just lick his face and say something against his will just to bring goods.

of course.

Jiang Ning is used to joking with fans, so this is nothing.

"This is Shichang rice..."


Assistant Xiao Ming placed a small bag of rice in front of Jiang Ning's table.

This is a well-known rice brand in the world, Shichang Rice.

Jiang Ning doesn’t know why it’s called Shichang Rice.

It is probably similar to Wuchang rice in the previous life.

"If you don't want to starve to death, then take a few bags first."

This rhetoric confused everyone again.

Fans reacted faster than assistant Xiao Ming: "Teacher Jiangning, you, you...what's going on with you?"

"Teacher Jiang Ning, are you delivering goods live?"

Jiang Ning touched his head and said, "That's right."

"Let me go, you are not bringing goods through live broadcast, you are ruining the place, you should be like this."

"Which one?"

"Well... first of all, you have to introduce us to this Shichang Rice."

"Well, I've never eaten this Shichang rice, and I don't know how it is, so I'll just introduce it."

"Teacher Jiang Ning, you can sell it to us even if you haven't eaten it."

"I have so many products to bring today, I can't use them all."

Xiao Ming next to me was almost crying.

I have seen many weird anchors carrying goods, but I have never seen such a weird one.

Talking like this, what kind of goods do you have?

If such goods could be taken out, then there would be something wrong.

What Xiao Ming didn't expect was.

Although Jiang Ning was telling the truth, as soon as he said this, the Shichang Rice Connection that had just been launched immediately sold 1000 orders.

"Is this okay?"

Xiao Ming wiped his eyes, he couldn't believe it.

Does anyone buy this?

Didn't these fans just watch Teacher Jiang Ning's live broadcast and just buy it blindly?

Xiao Ming has trouble turning some corners.

But when I think about Mr. Jiang Ning’s 6000 million fans, I feel like this is quite normal.


Even if there is no introduction to such a product, even if Teacher Jiang Ning has never eaten Shichang rice.

But there are still die-hard fans of Teacher Jiang Ning.

So 1000 orders were sold.

This is not.

Looking at the live broadcast room, many fans said: "Hahaha, I just like the truth you said, Teacher Jiang Ning."

"Yes, actually this is more real. Think about some other anchors, they always think about how good this product is, how good this product is. But to be honest, they only know about a lot of products when they sell them, and they usually don't know much about them at all. They won’t use it. But in order to promote these products, they go crazy and say how good these products are.”

"Yes, Teacher Jiang Ning is more practical. I'll pay for it. After all, Teacher Jiang Ning said that if we don't eat rice, we will starve to death."

"Yes, yes, I will starve to death if I don't eat. I have to buy rice anyway. No matter what kind of rice you buy, it doesn't matter."


The background data shows that Shichang Rice has sold more than 1000 orders.


"That's right. Look, another 1000 orders have been placed."

"Well, that's what the product is anyway. I don't produce the product, and I don't know much about these products. If you think you need it, buy it. If you don't need it, don't buy it. If you don't need it, just return it." goods, but Jiang Ning didn’t have any burden.

At the same time, he never thought about how many goods he would sell.

He always felt.

Things like goods cannot be bought or sold by force. You should buy them according to your needs.


Jiang Ning really doesn't know much about these products.

But even though he said he didn't understand it, when it came to rice, Jiang Ning really had a topic.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ning said: "So, we will continue to talk about the third period of the Tang Dynasty as before. What will we talk about today? We will talk about a poet who was called the Immortal of Poetry in the Tang Dynasty."

"Shixian, Teacher Jiang Ning, are you sure?"


"Teacher Jiang Ning, who is so stupid that you dare to call yourself the Immortal of Poetry?"

For poets, many people have many titles.

For example, what Jiang Ning said before, poetry hero, poetry Buddha...etc.

There are also poets with other titles in this world, such as Shijie, Shiling... and so on.

The titles of these poets are certainly good.

But even if they are good, in front of Shixian, these titles are nothing.


No one could have imagined that someone else could use the title of Shixian.


Everyone knows.

How talented a poet must be to dare to use the title Immortal of Poetry.

"This person's name is Bai Juyi."

That's right.

Jiang Ning said that the poet of the Tang Dynasty was not Li Bai, but Bai Juyi.

Or some may say, isn’t the Immortal of Poetry Li Bai? How could he be Bai Juyi?

Isn’t Bai Juyi a poetry demon?

In fact.

In the Tang Dynasty, although Li Bai's poems were very good.

But the person who really prospered best in the Tang Dynasty and had the most famous poetry was not Li Bai, but Bai Juyi.

At the same time, the earliest title of Poet Immortal also describes Bai Juyi, not Li Bai.

"Bai Juyi?"

The name isn't particularly unfamiliar.


There is also a Bai Juyi in this world.

But in this world, the Bai Juyi in everyone's mind is not the same as the Bai Juyi in Jiang Ning's eyes.

This is not to say that these two people are not the same person.

They are actually the same person.

But historians' views on Bai Juyi are completely different from those in previous lives.

The world's view of Bai Juyi is actually the same as its view of Yuan Zhen.


Even worse than his view of Yuan Zhen.

Because in his later years, Bai Juyi had hundreds of singing girls in his house.

At the same time, Bai Juyi did not make much contribution in his later years.

In addition, many of Bai Juyi's works have not been handed down.

and so.

In the end, this resulted in a relatively low evaluation of Bai Juyi by many historians.


"Teacher Jiang Ning, do you want to tell us about another scumbag?"

Some friends who know Bai Juyi well asked.

Jiang Ning knew what everyone was thinking.

In his later years, the hundreds of singing prostitutes raised in Bai Juwan's house were indeed a black spot for Bai Juyi.

But this black spot.

To be honest, this is viewed from a modern perspective.

at that time.

Raising hundreds of singing girls in this way is neither illegal nor morally wrong. Instead, it is regarded as a romantic thing.

But this is modern times after all.

It is impossible for Jiang Ning to get entangled with everyone on this issue.

Therefore, Jiang Ning changed the topic and said: "Whether Bai Juyi is a scumbag or not, we will analyze it later. Let's first introduce Bai Juyi's life."

"Bai Juyi, courtesy name Letian and Xiangshan Jushi. He was born in a declining official family. Bai Juyi was smart since he was a child and could write poems and lyrics at a very young age. But unlike others, many poets wrote poems , it is more to entertain oneself, or to compose new words to express sorrow. But when Bai Juyi wrote poems, he preferred to write about the working people. And in order to let himself write poems Not being separated from the masses, many times after Bai Juyi finished writing a poem, he would show the poems he wrote to some old ladies on the street and read them to them.

As long as these poems were incomprehensible to the common people, he would discard them. It wasn't until these ordinary people on the street could fully understand the meaning of his poem that Bai Juyi thought that this poem could be left behind. And because Bai Juyi worked too hard on writing poems and reading when he was a boy, Bai Juyi's head was already full of white hair when he was very young. "

of course.

Whether Bai Juyi studied hard or not should not have much to do with whether his hair is gray or not.

Gray hair is mainly hereditary.

However, just think of it as a story and just listen to it.

"This Bai Juyi can do it."

"He doesn't look like a villain."

"We can't make such an early decision. After all, do you remember that Li Shen? There seems to be no difference between Li Shen and Bai Juyi when they were young."

Probably because of Li Shen's lesson, everyone didn't dare to make a decision so early.

Jiang Ning continued: "When he was young, Bai Juyi once brought a newly written poem to pay homage to Gu Kuang, a celebrity at that time. Gu Kuang unfolded this poem written by Bai Juyi without reading the others first. When he saw Bai Juyi Gu Kuang said with a smile. Rice is expensive in Chang'an, and it's not easy to live in Chang'an. Yes, this rice is the rice we want to sell now. When Gu Kuang said this at the time, he was naturally making fun of Bai Juyi's name. However, After Gu Kuang finished teasing, he continued to read. And when he finished reading Bai Juyi's poem, he said, Boy, I just said it wrong. Although rice in Chang'an is expensive, with your literary talent, living in In Chang'an, Yi Ye."

This poem not only integrates Bai Juyi's name into the story.

At the same time, this story is also extremely lively and interesting.

Even now, it has great practical significance.

For example, some big cities now.

Many young people want to go to big cities to find more opportunities.

But in these big cities, the meters may be about the same as those in small cities, but the housing prices are very different.


This story of Bai Juyi applies to everyone, that is, living in Chang'an is not easy.

"It's not easy to live in peace for a long time."

"Wonderful, this story is so wonderful."

"I knew Teacher Jiang Ning would not let us down."

"Yes, I'll place an order for Shichang rice first."

Although many people had no desire to place an order before.

Of course.

Jiang Ning didn’t recommend it to everyone.

According to Jiang Ning, everyone can buy if they want to buy, and if they don’t want to buy, don’t buy.

It looks pretty cool though.

But this may not necessarily lead to people actually placing orders.

On the Kuaishou live broadcast platform, everyone is required to place orders.

In addition to the real purchase demand, there must be some stimulation outside of the demand, that is, promotion.

Therefore, when many anchors sell products, they use various family members, various babies, various introductions to promote products, various routines... various performances.

Why not 998, not 688, not 118?

You buy one bag, and I give you 1 bag, and I give you 1 bag, and then I give you 1 bag?

Is this enough?

Then I will send another bag.

There are 8 bags in total, only 9, available now.

These words are really classic phrases used by many anchors.

But this is left here in Jiangning.

There was no recommendation, no licking, no product introduction, and it didn’t even look like a live broadcast to bring goods.


After Jiang Ning finished talking about Bai Juyi's "Living in Chang'an is not easy."

The first wave of sales boom came like crazy.

"I'll place an order too."

"I like Teacher Jiang Ning's live broadcast."

"Yes, I like it too. Although Teacher Jiang Ning didn't ask us to buy it, I just want to buy it."


Previously, only a few thousand orders of Shichang Rice were sold.

At this moment.

This data of several thousand orders turned into 1 orders. (End of chapter)

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