"Teacher Jiang Ning, this is wrong."


"Catching snakes is so dangerous, why does this guy want to die?"

The bizarre story of "Snake Catcher" immediately made everyone feel extremely strange.

after all.

The snake catcher said before that his father and grandfather both died because of catching snakes, and he almost died too.

Logically speaking, catching snakes like this is dangerous.

If we can avoid catching snakes, everyone will be happy.


Liu Zongyuan, the Sima of Yongzhou, also wanted to help the snake catcher.

But what he didn't expect was that the snake catcher didn't even care about his life, but he still wanted to catch snakes.

"Yes, everyone is right. Liu Zongyuan also feels strange."

Jiang Ning continued: "So Liu Zongyuan asked the snake catcher, why do you take such a big risk to catch snakes? The snake catcher said to Liu Zongyuan, my family has been here for sixty years, and it has been passed down Three generations. But during these 60 years, the lives of our neighbors were very difficult. Even if we could go to farm, the food we got from farming was confiscated by the government. In the end, after a year of farming, it was like not farming at all."

"There used to be only one out of ten households living here with my grandfather. Now there are only two or three out of ten households living here with my father. And those who live here with me, There are four or five households out of ten. Many people have to move because of the difficulty of life here. But why can some of us still survive? We can even live better than our father and grandfather. After all, The reason is because we went to catch snakes."

"Although catching snakes is dangerous, no matter how great the danger is, it can't compare to the government coming to collect our grain taxes. Now every time the government comes to collect our grain taxes, a lot of other people are suppressed by the government. Survive. Although I am also very scared, I only need to carefully raise the little snakes I catch, and then pay tribute to these snakes. Then, these people in the government will not make things difficult for me. Although such capture Snake life is about risking my life. But no matter how big the risk is, it is better than being tortured by the government every day. Therefore, no matter how dangerous it is to catch snakes, I am willing to continue to catch snakes. Sir Sima, you If you tell me not to catch snakes, wouldn’t you be harming me?”

Everyone was stunned by Jiang Ning's explanation.

They never expected it.

The ending will be like this.

Even if you risk your life, it is better than farming.


Think about that time.

At that time, the Tang Dynasty was no longer the prosperous Tang Dynasty, but the Mid-Tang Dynasty.

Although the Middle Tang Dynasty could continue, for ordinary people, their lives were more painful than taking risks to catch snakes.

"But when Liu Zongyuan heard what the snake catcher said, he understood a truth."

"Teacher Jiang Ning, what's the point?"

"A harsh government is fiercer than a tiger."


Tigers are certainly scary and can even cause death.


There is something more ferocious than a tiger.

this thing.

That is tyranny.

Harsh government means severe taxation.

As this snake catcher puts it.

Even if he risks his life, he doesn't want to farm.


That's it.

Although it is dangerous to catch snakes, he only does it once or twice a year.

It's like a tiger eating a man.

If a tiger eats a human, it will only do so once or twice a year.

Sometimes it doesn't even appear for several years.

If you hide away, you will be safe.

And in this, as long as they survive, they can live in peace and contentment.

But serious taxes are not collected once a year, but from time to time every year.

This equals.

Almost every year or every day, we are suffering heavy oppression.

How can ordinary people survive in such a life?

"This Liu Zongyuan is a good official."

"Well, he was able to record the sufferings of the people and discover the source of the problems, which was a huge inspiration to the entire society."

"I like officials like this. It would be great if there were more officials like Liu Zongyuan."

Everyone fell in love with Liu Zongyuan as a character.


"Teacher Jiang Ning, what happened next?"

Although Liu Zongyuan is the same as Liu Yuxi, he exists in history books.

But before that.

People's understanding of Liu Zongyuan and Liu Yuxi is the Two Kings and Eight Sima Incident.

But at this time.

When Jiang Ning talked about Liu Yuxi's life-long ironclad.

When Jiang Ning talked about Liu Zongyuan's snake catcher theory.

The two historical figures in front of me have become extremely distinct.

They feel.

These two men are no longer just characters in history.

But like everyone else, we all live in reality.

"It is precisely because he went deep into the countryside that Liu Zongyuan better understood the living habits of the people. For this reason, although he was demoted to Yongzhou, he still gave full play to his abilities. He founded many local schools and broke the local feudal superstitions. , promote medicine, and encourage production. These measures have had a positive impact on the local area.

"It's just that after all, Liu Zongyuan is an official who was demoted to a local government. Although he has certain powers, he does not have much real power. Therefore, even though Liu Zongyuan is well aware of the suffering of the people, his influence is limited. Therefore, after being demoted, During his more than ten years of career, Liu Zongyuan was extremely depressed.

"During his life of being demoted, Liu Zongyuan turned his depression into the motivation for creation. During his stay in Yongzhou, he wrote more than a hundred essays. Among them, eight of them are the most famous. These eight articles will be remembered by future generations. It was called "Eight Records of Yongzhou". At the same time, because of Liu Zongyuan's strong writing style, he was also selected as one of the Eight Great Masters of Tang and Song Dynasties."

"The Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties, Teacher Jiang Ning, you seem to have said it before. It seems that Su Shi, Su Che and the others are one of the Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties."


"Liu Zongyuan is tied with them?"


"So, Liu Zongyuan's writing skills are very strong?"

"Everyone might as well come and enjoy it."


Jiang Ning read "The Story of Xiaoshitan" from Liu Zongyuan's "Eight Notes of Yongzhou".

Walking a hundred and twenty paces west of Xiaoqiu, across the bamboo poles, he heard the sound of water, like the sound of a jade ring, and felt very happy. After cutting bamboo, we took the road and saw a small pool at the bottom. The water was especially clear. The whole stone is used as the bottom, and when it is near the shore, it is rolled up from the bottom to form a dike, an island, a ridge, and a rock. Green trees and green vines are covered with swaying winds, scattered and scattered. 】

The articles of the Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties are all top among the best.

Just like this story about Xiaoshitan.

Even though this article is just a travelogue written by Liu Zongyuan, it is extremely beautiful and moving.

"At this level, I will definitely get full marks in the college entrance examination essay."

"That's necessary. I have to memorize this article to strengthen my sense of language."

"Hahaha, I have the same idea."

Although no one in the live broadcast room is a literary expert, everyone can still tell whether the article is well written or not.

As soon as this story about Xiao Shitan was published, it instantly won the applause of everyone.

Jiang Ning continued: "Let's enjoy another piece of "Shide Xishan Banquet Travel Notes" written by Liu Zongyuan."

[Since I have killed people, I live in this state, and I am always worried. His Kun also means giving and walking, wandering in a long way. One day, he and his disciples went up high mountains, into deep forests, and back to poor streams, where they could see secluded springs and strange rocks. When he arrives, he will sit on the grass, pour the pot and get drunk. When they are drunk, they lie down next to each other and dream. The meaning is extreme, and the dream is also of the same interest. I woke up and returned home. I thought that any abnormality in the mountains and rivers of the state was due to me, but I didn't realize the strangeness of Xishan. 】

This article is also a travelogue.

The meaning is also very simple. It means that Liu Zongyuan went to various places.

There is no special purpose for going to these places, just like this article. When Liu Zongyuan got there, he sat down on the grass, placed the wine, and got drunk before resting.

It's okay to be drunk, just sleep on the edge.

When I fall asleep, I love to dream, and there is everything in my dreams.

Get up when you wake up from the dream, and go home when you get up.

Doesn't it look boring?

But even though it is so boring, Liu Zongyuan writes it in a very interesting way.

Especially with his extremely powerful writing style, this article "Shide Xishan Banquet Travel Notes" suddenly became fresh and moving.

"Teacher Jiang Ning, these essays seem to be written about Liu Zongyuan's travel notes, but Liu Zongyuan seems to be writing essays to express his depression."

Some netizens in the live broadcast room vaguely understood these articles and said to Jiang Ning.

Jiang Ning nodded: "Yes."

"Liu Zongyuan is different from Liu Yuxi. Liu Yuxi is very cheerful and stubborn. When others scold him, he will scold him back immediately, and even sarcastically complain about others from time to time. Moreover, he never thinks what will happen to him. But Liu Zongyuan is not , Liu Zongyuan is an introverted person. He rarely confides his feelings to others, but people always have a place to vent their depression. These articles are where Liu Zongyuan expresses his inner emotions."

Compared to Liu Yuxi, Jiang Ning is undoubtedly more sympathetic to Liu Zongyuan.

This is not just because Liu Zongyuan was demoted like Liu Yuxi, nor is it just because Liu Zongyuan is an introvert.

What's more, it lies in God's injustice to Liu Zongyuan.

After Jiang Ning shared several Liu Zongyuan's articles with everyone, Jiang Ning continued: "Liu Zongyuan not only encountered a series of political injustices, Liu Zongyuan's family also experienced great changes. Before he was demoted, his father He left. After he was demoted to Yongzhou, his wife, mother, sister, and daughter also died one after another, leaving only Liu Zongyuan alone. Under the double blow of career and family, some For a period of time, Liu Zongyuan became filled with fear and despair. He didn't know what he should do in the future. He just felt like a lone star in the sky, and everyone had abandoned him."

"By the way, didn't everyone ask just now if Liu Zongyuan has any poems?"

At this point, Jiang Ning picked up a pen and wrote two words: "Jiang Xue."

"Liu Zongyuan left not many poems, only a few poems. This one, Jiang Xue, is Liu Zongyuan's masterpiece."

Thousands of mountains and birds flew absolutely,

Wanjing people disappeared.

Lonely boat and coirinella weng,

Fishing alone in the winter snow.

It is different from other Tang poems.

Most Tang poems are written with flowers in bloom, either happy or sad.

But no poet's sadness can reach the level of Liu Zongyuan.

Although Jiang Ning did not explain this poem very much.

But after Jiang Ning wrote this poem, many fans felt that there was heavy snow in front of them, and the world was frozen.

In this heavy snow, thousands of mountains were frozen, birds were extinct, and no one could be found on the road.

But in the distance, a small boat suddenly appeared.

There was an old man sitting on the boat.

What is the old man doing?

He was fishing in the heavy snow.

What kind of scene is this?

This is not a pretty picture.

In this poem, you can clearly feel the coldness and loneliness.

"Teacher Jiang Ning, is this old man Liu Zongyuan?"

"He may be Liu Zongyuan, or he may not be Liu Zongyuan."

"I seem to feel Liu Zongyuan's heart."

"Well, it's snowing heavily and the world is frozen. Liu Zongyuan is the only one left in this world."

Jiang Ning had no explanation.

But everyone kept analyzing this poem.

Combined with Liu Zongyuan's life, when you read this poem, you will completely fall into the world of "Jiang Xue".

"It seems that this also means that Liu Zongyuan is pure and noble, and he is unwilling to join the ranks of evil people."

"Well, that's the feeling too. But I feel like there's more to this poem than that."

"What else?"

"It seems that this poem is an acrostic poem."



Some netizens seemed to understand. He said: "Please take out the first word of this poem alone."

The first word of the first sentence is thousand.

The first character of the second sentence is ten thousand.

The first character of the third sentence is "solute".

The first character of the fourth sentence is Du.

If connected.

That is, never be alone.

"My grass..."


The entire live broadcast room exploded in an instant.

As soon as the words "Desolate" came out, people felt as if they were being pricked with needles.


The old man in front of me is still an old man.


You will find that the old man in front of you seems to be integrated with the frozen sky and earth, and he is absolutely lonely.

"Ahhhh, I am so excited by this poem."

"Me too, I feel a little pain in my heart."

Everyone pressed their chests.

Although Liu Zongyuan's life is not their life.

Although Liu Zongyuan was a historical figure more than a thousand years ago.

But people can still feel the overwhelming loneliness in Liu Zongyuan's heart from his song "Jiang Xue".

"Fortunately, Liu Zongyuan has a good friend, he is Liu Yuxi. When Liu Zongyuan fell into the darkest period of his life, Liu Yuxi kept sending letters to Liu Zongyuan and encouraged him. Liu Zongyuan was also encouraged by this extremely cheerful good friend Liu Yuxi. Then, he slowly walked out of the darkness. He remarried a wife, started a family again, and gave birth to a number of children."

"At the same time, they were officials who had been demoted by the imperial court to various places as Sima. After more than ten years of being demoted, the imperial court finally began to use Liu Yuxi and Liu Zongyuan. But the dramatic thing is that Liu Zongyuan and Liu Yuxi had just returned to Chang'an, and Liu Yuxi So he went to Xuandu Temple very proudly and wrote a poem that satirized those in power. As a result, two months later, because of this poem, the court demoted Liu Yuxi to another place. And because Liu Zongyuan and Liu Zongyuan were Liu Yuxi was a friend in need, and the imperial court demoted Liu Zongyuan to Liuzhou."

"I rely on."

Everyone couldn't help but complain.

It was not easy to develop a great affection for an official.


Liu Zongyuan's life is so full of ups and downs.

"Teacher Jiang Ning, Liu Zongyuan has always been demoted?"


Jiang Ning continued: "Liu Zongyuan was demoted to Liuzhou for three years and was pardoned by the imperial court. At the same time, Pei Du, the prime minister at the time, admired Liu Zongyuan very much. On Pei Du's recommendation, Xianzong called Liu Zongyuan back to Beijing and prepared to reuse him."

"Liu Zongyuan is making a comeback?"

Everyone was shocked.

After being demoted for so many years.

The family suffered another big change.

at last.

Everyone heard good news.

But at this time Jiang Ning sighed.

Everyone was puzzled: "Teacher Jiang Ning, why are you sighing?"

Jiang Ning said helplessly: "Unfortunately, on the way back to Beijing, Liu Zongyuan died of illness. He was 47 years old." (End of Chapter)

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