Let’s talk about Liaozhai at the beginning, I scared all the fans on the Internet to death

Chapter 250 The last song of the year, "Night Mooring at Maple Bridge".

"Teacher Jiang Ning, I am a staff member of Chengdu Cultural Tourism. Can you help us promote Chengdu?"

With the emergence of Guanquelou, Jiujiang and Ganzhou.

All the official responsible persons finally came to an end.

This is not.

Staff from Chengdu's cultural and tourism industry directly connected with Jiang Ning.

of course.

They also know the rules.

As soon as it started, dozens of carnivals were presented one after another.

Although a carnival like this is a bit expensive for ordinary people.

Ordinary people can’t even afford a reward.

After all, a carnival costs 3000 yuan.

A dozen would cost tens of thousands.

How many people are willing to tip tens of thousands to an anchor?


For a region, this little promotion fee is incredibly cheap.


Jiang Ning smiled: "My friend, Chengdu, the Land of Abundance, also wants me to promote it."

"Teacher Jiang Ning was joking. There is heaven above and Hangzhou below is Suzhou and Hangzhou. You have stayed there for so long. We in Chengdu also need publicity."

"This too."

Jiang Ning nodded.

China has a vast territory and abundant resources.

Although some megacities are very popular.

But no matter how popular it is, there is still competition among these big cities.

Who doesn't want to go further, in humanities, in geography than others.

It is normal for Chengdu to want to further promote itself.

Even if it becomes more popular, they want to add another fire to the fire.

"In this case, I will share with you a poem about Chengdu. This poem is also written by an unknown poet, Du Fu."

"Teacher Jiang Ning, who is Du Fu?"

"Du Fu is from the Tang Dynasty. His father once served as a Sima. By the time his generation came to his generation, the family had already declined. But even so, Du Fu was still a person who liked freedom. He liked poetry and chasing stars. What he liked most was Li Bai, at the same time, he was also Li Bai's little fan. He followed Li Bai and traveled to many places in Qiliang. But no matter how much the fan fan was, Li Bai regarded Du Fu as a child and didn't have much respect for him. Keep him in mind. Later, the two separated.

At that time, there was the Anshi Rebellion, so Du Fu wandered around in various places throughout his life and did not have much stable life. Until, when he came to Chengdu. The prosperity and tranquility of Chengdu allowed him to start a family in Chengdu. At the same time, he also fell in love with Chengdu. "

"In the suburbs of Chengdu, Du Fu built himself a thatched cottage called Du Fu Thatched Cottage. When he first came to Chengdu, his life was average and he couldn't let go of his dignity. He felt that he belonged to a family of officials and did not want to associate with farmers. It was not until later that Du Fu gradually became calmer. Like ordinary farmers, he personally cultivated, planted vegetables, and raised flowers, perfectly integrating with nature. It was during this period that he felt the natural beauty of the earth. Once, there happened to be a spring rain in Chengdu. Faced with this spring rain, Du Fu was very happy, and then he wrote a song "Spring Night Happy Rain".

【Good rain knows the season, when spring is here.

Sneaked into the night wind, moisten things silently.

The trails are all dark, and the river boat is bright.

Look at the red and wet place at dawn, the flowers are heavy on the official city. 】

Jinguancheng is Chengdu.

During the Three Kingdoms period, there was an agency here to manage brocade. Because Chengdu was good at brocade weaving, Chengdu was also known as Jinguan City.

Compared with some other poems by Du Fu that are good for the country and the people.

This song is obviously more joyful and joyful.

At the same time, this poem also perfectly expresses the beautiful scenery of Chengdu.

of course.

If you don't think this is written in Chengdu.

It's okay.

Close your eyes and imagine that a spring rain is falling with the wind.

All things on earth began to be reborn after this spring rain.

And it is precisely because of the constant green growth of all things in nature that the whole city glows with a different kind of vitality.

What is beauty?


This is beauty.

"What a song that brings joy to the rain on a spring night."

"Looking at the red and wet place at dawn, the flowers are heavy with brocade. It's so beautiful. Teacher Jiang Ning, I want to go to Chengdu."

"Brothers from Chengdu Fanglv, you are really making a fortune."

The song "Spring Night Happy Rain" made the live broadcast room boil.

At the same time.

As for Chengdu Cultural Tourism, they also said excitedly and loudly: "Quick, quick, promote this song "Spring Night Happy Rain" in all directions."


Such a poem can be said to be the best propaganda for Chengdu.


"Teacher Jiang Ning, can you help us promote Yangzhou?"

Xiamai on the Chengdu side.

At this time.

Soon, there was another friend from Yangzhou, and he also quickly tipped several carnivals.

When Jiang Ning heard about Yangzhou, he also liked this city very much and said, "When it comes to Yangzhou, there are too many."

"Teacher Jiang Ning, that's great. Let's listen."

"Brother Lianmai, you didn't understand what Jiang Ning meant. Teacher Jiang Ning meant that you have to pay more."

A fan in the live broadcast room warned.


This friend from Yangzhou burst into tears and rewarded several more carnivals.

This made Jiang Ning even happier.

After thinking about it, he said: "In the Tang Dynasty, there was a poet named Du Mu. He was very talented, but his talent and learning were not valued by the court. This made Du Mu depressed throughout his life. In the end, Du Mu simply decided to Wandering to the land of fireworks. Yangzhou is Du Mu’s favorite place. Like Hangzhou, Yangzhou also has a West Lake. However, the West Lake in Yangzhou is called Slender West Lake. And there is a Twenty-Four Bridge over Slender West Lake."

"It is said that this Twenty-Four Bridge is very magical. It has twenty-four bridge holes. Every night, the twenty-four moons will be reflected in the twenty-four bridge holes. Therefore, many literary talents at that time liked to visit this bridge. At that time, it was said that there were 24 famous prostitutes in Yangzhou. They were all graceful and graceful, and they played the flute together under the bright moon. At this time, these 24 famous prostitutes met Du Mu. Among them A geisha knew about Du Mu's reputation and asked Du Mu to compose a poem. Du Mu looked at the twenty bridges and then at the twenty-four beauties, so he wrote a poem with a stroke of his pen."

[The green mountains are faintly covered by the water, and the grass in the south of the Yangtze River has not withered after autumn.

Twenty-Four Bridges On a moonlit night, where can a beautiful lady teach me how to play the flute? 】

The last two sentences in this poem, "On a moonlit night under the Twenty-Four Bridges, where can a beautiful lady teach me how to play the flute..." can be regarded as a famous sentence through the ages.

For more than a thousand years.

Because of these two sentences, countless people went to Yangzhou to see the legendary Twenty-Four Bridges.

of course.

As soon as such a poem appeared.

All the netizens in the live broadcast room also felt as if they had arrived in Yangzhou.

Even if some of them have never been to Yangzhou.

But this poem perfectly expresses the elegance of Yangzhou.

In their eyes.

It seemed that twenty-four beautiful women were waiting for him at the Twenty-Four Bridge.

"Pat, pat, pat... classic, so classic."

"Damn it, just now I wanted to go to Chengdu, now I want to go to Yangzhou."

"Hahaha, I want to go too."

Everyone's eyes were shining like stars.

Yangzhou was originally very attractive.

Now that this poem describing Yangzhou appears, it makes them flock to Yangzhou even more.

But Jiang Ning was not over. He continued: "In the Tang Dynasty, there was a poet named Xu Ning. He also liked Yangzhou very much. At the same time, he also wrote a poem about Yangzhou. This poem is called "Remembering Yangzhou" "."

[Ms. Xiao’s face is so thin that she can hardly shed tears.

The peach-leaf eyebrows are prone to worry.    The world is three-quarters of a moonlit night,

The second bad guy is Yangzhou. 】

The meaning of this poem is also very simple.

The bright moon in the world is divided into three parts.

Such beautiful Yangzhou takes up two points.

Although this is a preference.

Yangzhou is not big, it cannot take up two points of the moon in the world.

But it is this kind of preference that makes Yangzhou so charming.

Of course, it's still not over.

Jiang Ning continued: "Our Mr. Su Dongpo also likes Yangzhou very much. He wrote a piece about "Jiangchengzi"."

[The beauty smiles and turns to starry eyes. Moonflower is shy. Holding the golden pot.

The singing fan lingers in the wind, blowing away the sorrow of spring.

I would like to ask all my friends in the south of the Yangtze River, who is as drunk as me in Yangzhou? 】

Dozens of carnivals, crazy coming.


"Teacher Jiangning, you can't forget it in Hangzhou."

"I'll go. I've promoted it to Hangzhou countless times."

"Teacher Jiang Ning, I don't care about this, we in Hangzhou cannot do without it."

"Okay, let me think about it."

After Yangzhou, a group of netizens from Hangzhou said.

Fortunately, Jiang Ning had a lot of money in his belly, so he just thought about it and said: "There is a poet named Liu Yong. Like Du Mu, he is also a person who likes the land of fireworks. He was born in a family of officials, and he was a young man. He was very famous when he was young. However, he failed time and time again. Later, someone in the court appreciated Liu Yong's talent and recommended Liu Yong to the emperor. In fact, the emperor also heard about Liu Yong. However, he did not like people like Liu Yong. Liu Yong, a person like Liu Yong who hangs out in brothels every day, replied and went to write the lyrics. At this point, Liu Yong was ordered to write the lyrics.

Liu Yong likes Jiangnan very much, and he likes Hangzhou even more.

He described Hangzhou and wrote that the southeast is beautiful, the three Wu cities are there, and Qiantang has been prosperous since ancient times. Smoked willow painted bridges, wind curtains and green curtains, there are hundreds of thousands of homes. "

Liu Yong has a huge status in Song poetry.

Many poets have been influenced by Liu Yong.

"I'll go, Teacher Jiang Ning, there really is one in Hangzhou. It seems you really prefer Hangzhou."

"Uh...it doesn't count. The main reason is that Hangzhou was the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty at that time, and there were many literary talents there. Like Su Shi, Yang Wanli, Lu You, Li Qingzhao... these people, they all visited Hangzhou and also contributed to Hangzhou. He left behind many calligraphy treasures.”

"That's right. Then let's have one from Suzhou."

"Suzhou, that's fine too."

After thinking for a while: "Suzhou is a good place. It is said that the Suzhou city wall was built by Wu Zixu during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. It has many nicknames, such as Wujun, Gusu, Wumen, Pingjiang... etc. There is a very famous city wall in Suzhou. Temple, this temple is called Hanshan Temple. It is said that there used to be a monk named Hanshan and a monk named Shide in Hanshan Temple."

Everyone listened to Jiang Ning's introduction.

I admire you very much in my heart.

Not to mention these poems.

Just the understanding of these cities is incomparable to most people.

"Hanshan was a talented genius before he became a monk, but he had a very weird temper. Many times he would go to various monasteries to scold a group of monks. Others did not understand him, but Shi De had a good relationship with him. He went back and forth. , the abbot of the temple let the two live together. From then on, the relationship between the two became even better. Many people found it strange, including Han Shan, who asked Shide, why can you tolerate a person with such a weird temper like me? ? Shide smiled and did not answer. Later, Hanshan found Shide and asked him,

Is there anyone in the world who slanders me, bullies me, insults me, laughs at me, belittles me, despises me, hates me, or deceives me? How should I deal with it? "

As soon as this question came up.

Jiang Ning did not give the answer so quickly, but asked everyone: "If you were Shide and I was Hanshan, how would you answer?"

"This one……"


Everyone scratched their heads, and for a moment, they really didn’t know how to answer.

They began to think.

In fact, this problem is not just a problem thousands of years ago.

This still exists in modern times.

Even more than a thousand years later, there is still a series of deception, bullying, ridicule, contempt...

But many times, many people don’t know what to do?

Some may have retaliated on the spot.

But yes, it doesn’t mean you can take revenge if you want to.

Sometimes, I can only endure it and accept this anger helplessly.

"Teacher Jiangning, how did Monk Shide respond?"

everyone asked.

Jiang Ning smiled and said: "Shi De said, the answer is actually very simple. Just tolerate him, let him, let him, avoid him, be patient with him, respect him, ignore him, wait for a few more years and you can see him... …”

This is the wonderful pairing of two people that Hanshan has found for thousands of years.

As for right and wrong.

It does not matter.

The important thing is.

What did you learn from the conversation between Han Shan and Shi De?

"Be patient with him, let him, let him... In a few years, you can see what he is."

Everyone was recalling Shi Lu’s words.

Some people realize the truth.

Some feelings are not deep, but they are somewhat touching.

There are also some who may object.

But it doesn't matter.

Jiang Ning just told a story.

If someone can gain something from the story, that's enough.

If you get nothing, just treat it as a story.

after all.

Not every story can make people feel deeply.

Not every story can be understood.

not to mention.

Jiang Ning's talk about Hanshan Temple is just an introduction.

Then, Jiang Ning said: "In the Tang Dynasty, there was a poet named Zhang Ji. There is no record in the history books who this Zhang Ji was, nor what deeds he did. However, when he passed by Suzhou, he I left a poem. This poem is called "Night Mooring on Maple Bridge."

[The moon is setting, crows are crying, and the sky is filled with frost. Jiang Feng, fishing fire, faces melancholy.

At Hanshan Temple outside Gusu City, the bell rang for the passenger ship at midnight. 】

This may be the only poem Zhang Ji left in his life.

But even if it’s just one song.

But he asked Zhang Ji to leave his name forever.

During the hundreds of years of the Tang Dynasty, we don’t know how many poets were born, and we don’t know how many millions of poems were produced.

As for Zhang Ji's song "Night Mooring on Maple Bridge", whenever I read it, I can't help but marvel at it.


As soon as this poem came out, countless viewers in the live broadcast room were already immersed in this poem.

The moon sets and the crow crows.

Jiang Feng, fishing fire.

Outside the city, there are temples, boats, and bells.

Such extremely simple words describe an extremely beautiful Gusu for us.

Such a poem is no longer just a poem, but a painting and a song.

Gusu, Hanshan Temple.

It is also because of this song "Night Mooring on Maple Bridge" that it has become famous in China.

Jiang Ning's trip to Xi'an also caused a nationwide sensation because of the live broadcast that day. (End of chapter)

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