Let’s talk about Liaozhai at the beginning, I scared all the fans on the Internet to death

Chapter 248: How much money the Yellow Crane Tower gave you, our Stork Tower will give you 10 times.

Rhymed poetry is different from ordinary ancient poetry and quatrains.

Rhymed poetry is not only poetry, but also has very high requirements for rhythm.

So although many people have written poems, they are not necessarily rhythmic poems.

Also because rhymed poetry has relatively high requirements on rhythm, it also tests the author's skill.

This not only requires the poem to be well written, but also to be metrically consistent.

Therefore, there are not many good verses written in previous lives, or relatively well-known verses.


In previous lives, there has been controversy over the first verse of verse.

In fact, if you really want to elaborate on this aspect, there is not much controversy.

Because many people have confused the best of rhymed poems with the first of rhymed poems before.

Generally considered.

The best of the rhythmic poems is Du Fu's "Deng Gao".

The first of the rhythmic poems is "Yellow Crane Tower" by Cui Hao.

of course.

The first one here does not mean the most powerful.

This is somewhat like the Quanzhen Seven Sons.

The eldest brother among the Quanzhen Seven Sons is not the strongest.

On the contrary, Qiu Chuji, who ranked second, was the most powerful in martial arts.

Cui Hao's "Yellow Crane Tower" was placed at the top of the list of rhymed poems by "Three Hundred Tang Poems".

The first.

In other words, he is the most representative rhythmic poem.

Also because he is representative.

Many famous writers have always admired this poem when they read it.

of course.

Jiang Ning is not here to study the rhythm of verses with everyone.

Jiang Ning continued: "Cui Hao, a poet who was unknown in the Tang Dynasty, when he came to the Yellow Crane Tower, he also learned from the ancients and wrote a poem. So he wrote a poem about the Yellow Crane Tower. The poem of the same name "Yellow Crane Tower".

"Teacher Jiang Ning, it seems that we have never heard of the poem Yellow Crane Tower."

"It's okay, I will share this song "Yellow Crane Tower" with everyone when the time comes."

Jiang Ning did not share this classic song with everyone immediately. He led everyone to continue to look into the distance: "Do you know where we are ahead?"

"It seems to be Yujia Mountain."

A local Wuhan tourist told Jiang Ning.

"Yes, Yujia Mountain is the highest peak in Wuhan. Look over there."

"In front is Meizi Mountain."


Jiang Ning nodded: "And does anyone know what mountain we are on?"

"Snake Mountain."

"Yes, it's Snake Mountain."

Jiang Ning gave a thumbs up to the local: "If we look from a high place, maybe we will see that Yujia Mountain is connected with Snake Mountain and Meizi Mountain, and there are some dragon-like patterns. Yujia Mountain is the head of the dragon. , Meizi Mountain is the dragon’s tail. And Snake Mountain is the dragon’s waist.”


Everyone was stunned.

did not expect.

When Jiang Ning was talking about Yellow Crane Tower, he even brought out Feng Shui knowledge.

Although everyone does not understand this Feng Shui.


Everyone has believed in this Feng Shui since ancient times.

Not to mention Jiang Ning is a Feng Shui master.

Even though Jiang Ning didn't know much about Feng Shui, everyone was excited when he mentioned the word dragon vein.

"No wonder the Yellow Crane Tower was built here. It turns out it is on top of the dragon's waist."

"I didn't expect that there would be dragon veins here in Wuhan."

"It seems that Wuhan is going to be prosperous."

Everyone was a little excited.

This kind of thing, whether it is true or false.

In short, this indicates that this is a blessed place.

Especially the locals in Wuhan were even more elated at this time.

of course.

There are also some who don’t know anything about Feng Shui or dragon veins. They mutter to themselves: “Dragon veins, why can’t I see clearly?”

But the person next to him reminded him: "Take out the map of Degao and take a look."

"What are you doing with the map?"

“You zoom out on the map and then connect the dots, and what do you find?”

"I'm just... a dragon."

This looks even more true if there is a 3D terrain mountain map.

Whether there are dragon veins in this world may not be confirmed by science.


You can indeed see many curved dragon-like patterns on many domestic mountain range maps.

Perhaps, this is a coincidence.


When many people saw these dragon patterns on the terrain map, the onlookers were still shocked and couldn't believe it.


"All right."

Things like dragon veins are too mysterious for him.

Jiang Ning took everyone to Yellow Crane Tower Square.

at this time.

The entire square was already crowded.

"I wonder if you still remember that I talked about a poet named Li Bai before."

"Remember, of course I remember. Teacher Jiang Ning, do you finally want to talk about Li Bai?"

"Well, let me tell you a little bit today."

Jiang Ning nodded: "Li Bai once came to the Yellow Crane Tower and wrote many poems in the Yellow Crane Tower. For example, this one "Yellow Crane Tower Sends Meng Haoran to Guangling"."

[My old friend bid farewell to the Yellow Crane Tower in the west, and fireworks descended from Yangzhou in March.

The shadow of the lone sail in the distance is gone in the blue sky, and only the Yangtze River can be seen flowing in the sky. 】

This Meng Haoran is Li Bai’s idol.


Like Du Fu, Li Bai was a crazy star-chaser.

Du Fu chased Li Bai.

And Li Bai pursues Meng Haoran.

This poem is what Li Bai wrote about his idol Meng Haoran when he was young.

"Li Bai is Li Bai."

"Ahhhh, I finally appreciate another poem by Li Bai."

"The banished immortal is worthy of being banished to the immortal. This poem is exquisite."

For Li Bai.

Because halfway through the previous lecture, everyone was still thinking about Li Bai.

But Jiang Ning never said much about the second half.

And today.

Jiang Ning finally revealed some news.

"Yes, Li Bai is different from other poets. Although this is a farewell poem, for the young Li Bai, we cannot see a sad face in this farewell poem. On the contrary, such a farewell poem is still Revealing a sense of joy. Perhaps, for Li Bai, there are extremely beautiful things waiting for him in the distance and in the future. Therefore, even if this is to bid farewell to Meng Haoran, Li Bai is extremely free and easy."

Applause came in droves.

What is culture?

Didn’t culture just come?

What is the foundation?

The foundation is here, isn’t it?

"However, although Li Bai is talented, he is not as good as one person when it comes to writing about Yellow Crane Tower."


"It's the Cui Hao we talked about before."

Although Yellow Crane Tower and Li Bai are destined.

But when it comes to Yellow Crane Tower, the one who should be talked about most is not Li Bai, but Cui Hao.

"In fact, Li Bai came to the Yellow Crane Tower not only once, but also many times. Another time, when Li Bai came to the Yellow Crane Tower, he saw Cui Hao's poem inscribed on the Yellow Crane Tower. He felt itchy for a moment. He wanted to compare it with the poem written by Cui Hao. However, no matter what Li Bai thought later, he could not come up with a better poem than Cui Hao. In the end, he had no choice but to write a limerick, Use this to vent your anger."

[Punch the Yellow Crane Tower to pieces with one punch, and knock over the Parrot Island with one kick.

There is a view in front of me but I can't find a way to do it, so Cui Hao wrote a poem on it. 】

As soon as such a limerick came out, the whole audience burst into laughter.

"Teacher Jiang Ning, is this really a poem written by Li Bai?"


"This is too..."

Everyone couldn't help but laugh again.

Such limericks simply opened their eyes.

They couldn't think of it.

Li Bai actually had such a surprising side because of a poem written by Cui Hao. but.

This can also be seen in the classics of Cui Hao's poems.

If not.

How could he cause Li Bai to lose his temper like this?

"Of course, this is a limerick, and it is not worthy of Li Bai's level. But Li Bai has never forgotten Cui Hao's poem. Later, he even imitated the format of Cui Hao's test and wrote a poem "Ascending Jinling Phoenix" "Taiwan". The phoenix travels on the phoenix platform, and the phoenix goes to the empty building and the river flows by itself..."

Jiang Ning had talked about this poem before when talking about Li Bai. Therefore, as soon as Jiang Ning read this poem, everyone understood it better.

But what everyone didn’t expect was this.

This poem, which everyone considers to be a classic, is actually imitated by Cui Hao.

"Teacher Jiang Ning, if you say so, we are becoming more and more interested in this Cui Hao."

"Well, it can make Li Bai so angry that he even imitates Cui Hao's poem. I believe Cui Hao's poem is absolutely a classic."

"Teacher Jiang Ning, please stop tempting us and share Cui Hao's poem with us."

Everyone is looking forward to it.


See this.

Jiang Ning said no more.


Then I picked up a pen and paper and wrote down Cui Hao's "Yellow Crane Tower".

[In the past, people had gone by Yellow Crane, and the Yellow Crane Tower was vacant here. 】

This is the first sentence.

The poem is easy to understand.

The ancient people have gone away on the yellow crane. The ancient people here refer to the immortals.

Because Jiang Ning told the story of the immortal and the yellow crane before.

and so.

The first line of this poem is also very easy to understand.

Both the immortal and the yellow crane went to heaven.


A Yellow Crane Tower remains here.

Then comes the second sentence: The yellow crane is gone and will never return, and the white clouds are empty for thousands of years.

Immediately after the first sentence.

The immortal and the yellow crane went to heaven and never came back.


In addition to the Yellow Crane Tower, there are still white clouds left here thousands of years ago.

The meaning is also very simple.

But the meaning is simple, but this poem is anything but simple.

For example, the first two sentences.

Generally speaking.

It is taboo to use heavy words in poetry.

The two characters "Yellow Crane" appear one after another here.

If this is placed above other poems, it will fall into the lower category.


in this poem.

Not only did he not fall into the lower class, but he also had an unparalleled momentum that made people read and clap their hands to cheer him up.

Just like a crowd of listeners.

Even if they don't understand the mystery behind it.


After Jiang Ning wrote the first two sentences, everyone just read it a few times and felt that the poem was extraordinary and there was nothing sloppy about it.

The order of reading is to be bold and generous.

Then, Jiang Ning shared it with everyone again.

[Qingchuan is full of Hanyang trees, fragrant grass and luxuriant parrot island.

Where is the Rimu Township Pass? The smoke on the Yanbo River makes people sad. 】

These are the last two lines of the poem.

Compared with the previous two sentences, it is more enjoyable.

The last two sentences make people feel sad.

But it is this change in happiness and sorrow that further reflects the artistic technique of this poem.

So people have always talked about "Yellow Crane Tower".

The reason why everyone respects it.

It’s not because this poem is about the Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan.

Biggest reason.

That lies in the artistic characteristics of this poem.

Just like the first two sentences of this poem.

The first two sentences seemed to be spoken casually, but they spun around and flowed smoothly without any hindrance. The word "Yellow Crane" appears again and again, but because of its momentum, the reader "waving the five strings and watching the flying dragon", read on in a hurry, and have no time to notice its overlapping appearance. But it was this kind of breaking of convention that suddenly made this poem sing into the clouds and became a masterpiece.

The last two sentences are an unexpected turn, as if they have returned to the vague and invisible state at the beginning. In addition, the words Lili, luxuriant, leisurely... used in the last two sentences make this poem like music, making the poem rhythmic and sonorous.

As it is now.

When Jiang Ning finished sharing the song "Yellow Crane Tower" with everyone.

In the live broadcast room, someone couldn't help but said: "No wonder Li Bai fell in love with this poem. This poem is so powerful."

"What's so great about it?"

"I do not know."

"I didn't know he was awesome."

"I just didn't know he was very powerful, so I thought he was very powerful. If I knew he was very powerful, I wouldn't think he was very powerful."

"Okay, you're right. I think he's very powerful. But I don't know exactly how powerful he is."

"It's okay, it doesn't matter. We are not studying poetry. Just let others study this kind of thing. Anyway, we know that this poem is a classic."

"Hahaha, well said."


"Brothers, does anyone go to Yellow Crane Tower?"

"It's necessary, I'm here now."

"Damn, so fast."

"Of course, we won't run out of tickets so soon. Come quickly, I guess it won't be long before we run out of tickets."

The Yellow Crane Tower written by Cui Hao made the Yellow Crane Tower famous.

Not only that.

The Yellow Crane Tower cigarette brand that Wuhan Province had been building before was also given a huge boost at this time.

This is not.

Originally, Yellow Crane Tower could only be sold in Wuhan Province.

influenced by.

Yellow Crane Tower also began to be sold nationwide.

of course.

This is none of Jiang Ning's business.


What Jiang Ning didn't know was.

As soon as he left the Yellow Crane Tower, the person in charge of another famous building found Jiang Ning.

"Teacher Jiang Ning, can you come to our Stork Tower?"

"Stork Tower?"

"Yes, the Stork Tower is one of the four famous towers. In terms of fame and status, it is only lower than the three famous towers."

"This... this friend, I don't have time to go to Stork Tower for the time being."

"Teacher Jiang Ning, do you look down on our Stork Tower?"


"Still think our Stork Tower is not as rich as the Yellow Crane Tower?"

"What a misunderstanding."

"Teacher Jiang Ning, how much money will the Yellow Crane Tower give you? Our Stork Tower will give you 10 times."


"Pfft...Teacher Jiang Ning, don't tell me that you are going to Guanque Tower and not coming to our Xi'an."

Just when I was interested.

The friends who had been waiting for Jiang Ning to come to Xi'an were not happy now.

"Teacher Jiang Ning, you can't do this."

"Teacher Jiang Ning, I agreed to come to Xi'an."

"Go away from Guanquelou, do you think we have no money in Xi'an?"

"Teacher Jiang Ning, come to Xi'an quickly. As long as you come to Xi'an, we will sell you Qin Shihuang's terracotta warriors and horses."

"Yes, I am Qin Shihuang, making money."


Jiang Ning couldn't laugh or cry.

"Okay, brothers, I have made up my mind to go to Xi'an this time, so please don't drag me to other places."

Rejected the invitation from Stork House.

Jiang Ning went straight to Xi'an this time. (End of chapter)

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