Let’s talk about Liaozhai at the beginning, I scared all the fans on the Internet to death

Chapter 242 "Preface to Prince Teng's Pavilion".

"It's just that although he was expelled from Chang'an by Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty, the Wang family was a famous family, and Wang Bo still had many options. His friend Ling Jiyou was a judicial officer in Guozhou at the time. He said that Guozhou was rich in medicine, and Wang Bo knew medicine and herbs, so he became Wang Bo He got a job in the army in Guozhou. However, while he was serving in the army in Guozhou, an official slave named Cao Da committed a crime. He hid the criminal, and later, fearing that the news would be leaked, he killed Cao Da. As a result, he committed a capital crime. Fortunately, Wang Bo was not executed due to amnesty."

"Wang Bo killed his official slave Cao Da and implicated his father Wang Fuqi. Wang Fuqi joined the army from Yongzhou Sigong and was demoted to Jiaozhi County magistrate and was relegated to the southern wilderness. This incident had a far greater impact on Wang Bo than on His own punishment. Although Wang Bo had a bohemian side, his basic principles of life were based on Confucian etiquette.

After Wang Bo was released from prison, he stayed at home for more than a year. At this time, the court announced that he would be reinstated to his old position. However, he already regarded the officialdom as a daunting prospect and did not accept it. In the autumn of the second year of Shangyuan, Wang Bo set out from Luoyang and went south along the canal. In mid-August, he arrived at Huaiyin, then from Huaiyin to Chuzhou, left Chuzhou, and continued southward along the canal. After entering the Yangtze River, we turned west and arrived at Jiangning.

Around the spring and summer of the third year of Yuan Dynasty, Wang Bo went to Wang Fuji, the magistrate of Jiaozhi County, and met his father who was living in embarrassment. Soon after, Wang Bo set out on his way home. It was summer at that time, and the winds and waves in the South China Sea were strong. Unfortunately, Wang Bo drowned and died of shock. He was 26 years old. "

In one breath, Jiang Ning finished telling Wang Bo's life story.


After hearing the end, everyone was a little stunned.

"That's it?"

"Is this the big formation created by Teacher Jiang Ning? The protagonist in the story you want to tell us?"

"This... this is too boring."

"It's not that there is nothing. You see, it seems like he died at the age of 26. There is still something interesting about it."

"Let me go, you actually started complaining about Teacher Jiang Ning. Fake fans must be fake fans."

"Who told Teacher Jiang Ning to fool me?"

Some people couldn't believe it.

Is this too common?

This man named Wang Bo seems to have nothing special about him.

But that's the truth.

The story has been told, but in everyone's minds, everyone is not very satisfied with the story.

"Okay, I understand. Teacher Jiang Ning was forced to do nothing this time, so he made up a story."

Everyone shook their heads helplessly.


Just when everyone was feeling disappointed, Jiang Ning said: "Everyone, haven't you noticed that I haven't told the story of Wang Bo and Prince Teng's Pavilion yet?"


This is because Jiang Ning deliberately did not tell the story of Wang Bo and Prince Teng's pavilion.

But even if Jiang Ning reminds him.

Many people in the live broadcast room also said: "Forget it, this Wang Bo doesn't have much talent. Not only does he have no talent, but he has done some messy things. Even if his life has some intersection with Tengwang Pavilion, it is probably like this. "

"Yes, when I was young, I wrote a lot of English words. Emperor Gaozong said it right. This was a crooked talent. Later, he killed someone again. If he didn't die, it would be an eye-opener for God."

"The only thing that comforts me is that although this guy has made a lot of mistakes, he is very filial to his father, and he has always felt sorry for his father, so he has regained some dignity."

Everyone said from time to time.

On the other side, Jiang Ning was still smiling.

Been telling stories for so long.

Jiang Ning also knew it.

In fact, when it comes to historical figures, sometimes if you don’t talk about the person in a comprehensive way, he may be misunderstood by everyone.


"Teacher Jiang Ning, why are you still laughing? Tell me, how much promotion fee did you receive from Tengwang Pavilion?"

"I'm going, where do you want to go?"

"There are very few, shouldn't it? You are a big shot. However, you have to be careful in the future. Even if you want to promote, you have to choose a cool place. For example, West Lake, Kaifeng... these are inherently It’s super popular, and once you enter the venue, it’s even better.”

Everyone kept giving Jiang Ning suggestions.

Jiang Ning didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he said, "Okay, I will now officially tell you about Wang Bo."

Say it.

Jiang Ning said: "How should I put it? Actually, I want to tell everyone that Wang Bo is still a poet."

While talking, Jiang Ning began to read: "For example, "Nine Days" he wrote."

[Double Ninth Festival on the 9th, there are chrysanthemums on the door.

I don’t know if this is the Tao family who is here to deliver wine. 】

But after Jiang Ning finished reading, everyone in the live broadcast room said: "This poem is just average."

"What about this one?"

Jiang Ning did not explain, but continued: [The guests' thoughts are endless, and the spring tears are doubled. Today, under the flowering tree, I feel in love with time. 】

"It's also very average."

no way.

There were too many poets in the Tang Dynasty and too many excellent works.

In addition, China has been around for thousands of years.

I don’t know how many famous sayings and sayings everyone has appreciated.

Although the first two songs are okay, compared to those famous lines, they are too average.

Jiang Ning explained: "Actually, you may not have thought about one thing. Wang Bo was actually from the early Tang Dynasty. During the early Tang Dynasty, the development of Tang poetry was not as peak as it was later. These poems were actually pretty good at the time. Even, Wang Bo was also named the first of the Four Heroes of the Early Tang Dynasty."

"He is the first of the Four Heroes of the Early Tang Dynasty, so the quality of the Four Heroes of the Early Tang Dynasty is too low."

Although Jiang Ning explained.

But everyone started to complain again.

They don't care whether Wang Bo was born in the early Tang Dynasty or the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

As long as the poem is average, they will not approve it.

But Jiang Ning then said: "Then let's enjoy Wang Bo's song again."

【Send Du Shaofu to Shuzhou

Chengque is assisted by the Three Qin Dynasty, and the wind and smoke look at Wujin.

Parting with Jun, both are eunuchs.

There is a confidant in the sea, and the world is close to each other.

Inaction is on the wrong road, children share the same towel]

Du Shaofu here, Shaofu is the official name, which means that this friend named Du was sent to Sichuan to become an official.

This is also a farewell poem.

in poetry.

Parting is a big theme.


Over thousands of years, poets have written countless farewell poems.

But even there are countless farewell poems.

Wang Bo's song "Sending Du Shaofu to Shuzhou" is also a classic among classics.


Netizens who previously wrote a disparaging article about Wang Bo felt that this guy was just like that.

When they heard this poem, everyone exclaimed.

"I'll go, this one is fine."     "There are close friends in the sea, and we are like neighbors even as far as the end of the world. It's a classic and a famous saying through the ages."

"Hahaha, those who said that Teacher Jiang Ning told us a story just to cope with it, what about now?"

There are many talented people in history.

Sometimes it may be just because of a poem that it has been circulated for thousands of years.


Because of this poem, people will not care about the poet's life.

Just like Wang Bo now.

Many people have complained about Wang Bo's young age and his constant pursuit of death.


After this song "Sending Du Shaofu to Shuzhou", it is completely different.


"Teacher Jiang Ning, it's okay. It turns out it's hidden here."

"Hahaha, everyone is confused. Teacher Jiang Ning is a scammer. Wang Bo is definitely good at it, but he likes to fool us first."

"Yes, yes. I seem to remember that when Teacher Jiang Ning was talking about Su Shi, he kept saying that Su Shi was a scumbag who cheated his younger brother every day and asked his younger brother to catch him. Later when he talked about Li Qingzhao, he also said that she was a scumbag. Drinking, gambling, divorce...everything. Okay, now let's talk about Wang Bo, it's the same routine."

"Ahem... Everyone, calm down and continue listening. Don't get slapped in the face by Teacher Jiang Ning again."

At this moment.

Officials on the Gan Province Cultural Tourism side, who had been paying attention to Jiangning, also breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

"Teacher Jiang Ning is Teacher Jiang Ning. I was so nervous just now."

"Yeah, just now I almost thought this guy was just trying to deal with us. If that's true, then our Prince Teng Pavilion will be embarrassed this time."

"Yes. This poem by Wang Bozu has been passed down through the ages."

Several officials nodded to each other.

Although there is only one poem.

But that's enough.

Even if there is only one poem, Tengwang Pavilion has more heritage than many other pavilions.


Just when these official staff thought that Tengwang Pavilion was stable, one of them said: "Well, it seems that this poem has nothing to do with Tengwang Pavilion?"

"Uh, it seems so."

"If it doesn't matter, then our Prince Teng Pavilion will have no connection with this poem."

"This, this..."

of course.

They're not the only ones having this question.

Some other friends also discovered this.

"Teacher Jiang Ning, it seems that this poem has nothing to do with Prince Teng's Pavilion. When you come to Prince Teng's Pavilion, why don't you talk about Prince Teng's Pavilion?"

someone asked.

Jiang Ning was naturally prepared.

"Okay, the story of Wang Bo and Prince Teng's Pavilion will begin soon."

The reason why Jiang Ning talks about Wang Bo’s poems.

He just wanted to let everyone know Wang Bo better.

Seeing everyone mentioning Prince Teng's Pavilion, Jiang Ning officially got into the topic: "After Wang Bo was released from prison, he felt very sorry for his father. The next year, he planned to go to Jiaozhi to visit his father. On the way to Jiaozhi, Wang Bo passed by Nanchang. At that time The Tengwang Pavilion has been renovated and given a new look. As the protagonist, Governor Yan invited a group of young talents to Tengwang Pavilion, and Wang Bo was also invited."

Whether Wang Bo was invited by Governor Yan is difficult to find out in the history books.

In terms of official positions, Wang Bo and Governor Yan were far apart, and it was impossible for Governor Yan to personally invite Wang Bo.

As for why Wang Bo went to Tengwang Pavilion.

There must have been a grand event being held there at that time, and people with status could go there to participate.

Although Wang Bo had never been a high official, his family came from a prominent family, so he also went to participate.

"Facing a group of young talents, Governor Yan suddenly made a suggestion. It was said that Prince Teng's Pavilion was rebuilt, and an article should be written to record the matter. This is a very elegant thing. You are all young talents, it is better for everyone to Write an article, and the best one will be engraved in the Tengwang Pavilion. But although Governor Yan said so, some young talents who came to Tengwang Pavilion knew it. In fact, this activity was done by Governor Yan in order to praise his son-in-law. He had already prepared an article for his son-in-law. So all the young talents shook their heads, saying that they were not prepared and did not know what to write. But at this time, Wang Bo shouted and said, "Bring a pen..." …”

As soon as he took the pen out, everyone applauded.

The people applauding are not because Wang Bo is so talented.

It was because of Wang Bo's disobedience to the rules.

In fact, everyone has encountered things like this in daily life.


When faced with these things, most friends will give their master face like the many talented people in the story.

But in fact, they are actually very unhappy, but they dare not say it.

But Wang Bo stood up directly regardless of whose face it was.

Regardless of what Wang Bo wrote.

At least.

Wang Bo took the pen and did what no one dared to do.

"Faced with Wang Bo's sudden disruption, Governor Yan was very angry. He secretly cursed where this stupid young man came from. But no matter what, he still has to give face. After all, what I said just now, you We have to give them a chance. Besides, with so many people here, it’s not good for word to spread. So, Governor Yan agreed. Of course, although he agreed, Governor Yan didn’t take it seriously. "

"You know, Governor Yan just wanted to make his son-in-law famous this time, so he specially invited famous writers to write an article that also went through many layers of research. No matter how powerful Wang Bo is, what he writes now cannot be compared to This is a work that he had carefully prepared for a long time. Therefore, Governor Yan pretended to be fair and let Wang Bo and his son-in-law perform on the spot, while he left the scene and did not put pressure on the two of them."

"It's just that although Governor Yan left, he asked his servants to keep an eye on Wang Bo. He also asked the servant Wang Bo to write a sentence and read it to him. After all, this time Governor Yan also had good intentions for his son-in-law's reputation. Although he He felt that the article Wang Bo wrote could not be better than the one he carefully prepared. But he had heard that Wang Bo was very talented before, so Governor Yan did not want to be careless."

Speaking of it.

At this time, the staff of Tengwang Pavilion prepared the Four Treasures of the Study.

Jiang Ning planned to tell this eternally famous article while writing it.

"The old county of Yuzhang, the new mansion of Hongdu..."

With a stroke of his pen, Jiang Ning wrote.

While writing, Jiang Ning said: "This work by Wang Bo is called "Farewell Preface to Prince Teng's Pavilion in Hongfu in Autumn", which was later called "Preface to Prince Teng's Pavilion". The old county of Yuzhang and the new mansion of Hongdu were written by Wang Bo. One sentence. During the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Nanchang was called Yuzhang County. In the early Tang Dynasty, Hongdu Prefecture was established in Nanchang. Therefore, the old Yuzhang County and the new Hongdu Prefecture refer to Nanchang. At the same time, the servants also I reported the first sentence written by Wang Bo to Governor Yan. When Governor Yan heard it, he laughed and said, these are old clichés and there is nothing new."

Jiang Ning continued to write: "The stars are divided into wings, and the ground is connected to Henglu. The three rivers lead to the five lakes, and the wild thorns are controlled to lead Ouyue."

If the first sentence is just an introduction.


The second sentence burst out with his brilliance instantly.

Even those who have not done much research on ancient prose can't help but shout "good" when they see this sentence.

And the other side.

When he saw Wang Bo write the second sentence, Governor Yan was a little surprised.

But in the end, Governor Yan was still able to keep his composure.

But Wang Bo did not stop, but continued to write: "The natural treasures of things, the dragon's light shining on the ruins of the cattle fight; the outstanding people, Xu Ru's bed on Chen Fan's bed. The mist of Xiongzhou, the handsome stars galloping. The Taiwan God rests on Yixia When we meet each other, the host and guest enjoy the beauty of the southeast."

At this moment, Governor Yan could not sit still. (End of chapter)

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