"When Lu You was born, the Northern Song Dynasty had already perished. His father took his family to the south and finally settled in Shaoxing. Lu You was very smart since he was a child. He wrote many poems when he was 12 years old. Because of his ancestor's merit, Lu You was awarded the official position The position of Lang, this official position has no specific affairs, it is a sinecure, and it is the ninth grade."

"But Lu You obviously won't spend his life holding a ninth-grade idle job. Later, Lu You took the imperial examination. This examination is similar to the imperial examination, but different from the imperial examination, this imperial examination is for Song Dynasty officials, or The Jinshi examination was taken by the children of meritorious officials. At that time, Lu You was very famous because he had written many poetry works. Lu You got the first place in this examination. But unfortunately, Qin Hui's grandson also took the examination at that time. Qin Hui saw Someone was superior to his grandson, so he asked the examiner not to admit Lu You. It was not until Qin Hui died of illness two years later that Lu You became an official in the imperial court."

"Lu You is 15 years older than Xin Qiji. Although he was not born in the north and has never seen the prosperity of the Northern Song Dynasty, he is a staunch warrior. He very much hopes that the imperial court can make up its mind to expedition to the north in order to unify the country. It's just a pity that the peace faction has always had the upper hand in the court, and Lu You's letters to the Northern Expedition were often ignored. He was even demoted."

"In 1171, the imperial court intended to launch a northern expedition and sent Wang Huo to garrison Nanzheng and summoned Lu You to take charge of the affairs. Lu You was extremely happy when he heard the news, and he went to Nanzheng alone. After arriving in Nanzheng, Wang Yan entrusted Lu You to draft an expulsion plan Lu You wrote the "Pingrong Policy" for the Jin people and the strategic plan to regain the Central Plains. He proposed that Chang'an must be taken first to regain the Central Plains, and Longyou must be taken first to take Chang'an; the strategy of accumulating food, training soldiers, attacking if you have strength, and holding on if you don't have strength. In During this period, he also patrolled the Dasanguan area and mingled with the local residents.

"Later, he learned that [Wu Ting] in Shu was proud and indulgent, and killed many people for minor negligence. Wang Yan did not dare to offend him. Lu You suggested that Wu Gong, the son of Wu Jie, should replace Wu Ting to take charge of the military. Wang Yan believed that Wu Gong was timid and If he lacks resourcefulness, he will be defeated when he encounters an enemy, Lu You retorted. How can Wu Ting be guaranteed to be undefeated when he encounters an enemy? If Wu Tingli has military exploits, it will be even harder to control him."

Lu You is recorded in official history.


Although recorded.

But Lu You's official position was not very big, and he had not made any great achievements.

Therefore, there is not much recorded about Lu You in official history.

It is in some major events that Lu You's name occasionally appears.

For example, when Wang Yan garrisoned troops in Nanzheng to prepare for the Northern Expedition, Lu You was mentioned.

But here, Lu You is not the so-called core figure, or even an important figure.

He is only a marginal figure, so there are not many records about him.

It's just that there are very few records about Lu You in official history.

But when Jiang Ning talked about Lu You's life, all the fans in the live broadcast room were immediately attracted by Lu You's life experience.

The reason for attraction is not how exciting Lu You's life is.


According to Jiang Ning's introduction, Lu You's life was tied to the Northern Expedition.

For studying the history of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Or for those who like the history of the Southern Song Dynasty.

How many people don’t like the Southern Song Dynasty to be more tough, and how many don’t want the Southern Song Dynasty to make up its mind to go to the North?

Although many experts believe that even the Northern Expedition of the Song Army may not be successful.

But that's not how war is fought.

Even if it fails to succeed, as long as the idea of ​​​​the Northern Expedition is firm, then the Southern Song Dynasty will not be so miserable.

Furthermore, during the Southern Song Dynasty, the strength of the Jin Kingdom had obviously declined a lot, and the strength of the Southern Song Dynasty may not be completely inferior to that of the Jin Kingdom.

But the court controllers still denied the Northern Expedition time and time again.

Just like this time.

Friends who have studied history will know.

This time the so-called Nanzheng garrison did not even conduct the Northern Expedition. He just made preparations and then withdrew directly.

"Teacher Jiang Ning, it seems that Wu Ting has a son named Wu Xi."

Dong Yu, the host connected with Jiang Ning, said.

Dong Yu is naturally not a professional historical researcher.

But as a host, I know more about history than the general public.


Even if you don’t understand.

But when doing programs, all hosts will do their homework.

For example, the Song Dynasty.

Not long ago, in CCTV's "Fenghua of the Song Dynasty", the host Dong Yu made up for the history of the Song Dynasty.

Although such evil supplements may not necessarily be studied thoroughly.

But at least, I still know a lot about some major events.


Jiang Ning nodded: "Decades later, Han Yuzhou's Northern Expedition failed. One of the most important reasons was that Wu Ting's son Wu Xi rebelled against the enemy."

"I'll go, Lu You is so discerning."

Everyone was a little surprised.

But Jiang Ning shook his head again: "It's useless to have vision. Even if Lu You has vision, he will not be reused. The Nanzheng garrison originally wanted to go to the Northern Expedition, but in the end the Northern Expedition ended. After that, Lu You was demoted successively , or resigning from office and returning home, which is similar to Xin Qiji's life experience. At the same time, Xin Qiji also admired Lu You very much, and often made friends through literature and even played together."

"Wow, Lu You and Xin Qiji also communicated."

It would be better not to mention Xin Qiji.

After talking about Xin Qiji, everyone became more interested in Lu You.

In the eyes of everyone.

The parallel existence of Xin Qiji and Su Shi is even called the dragon in poetry.

His vision is very high.

Being admired by Xin Qiji and even called him big brother, even if Lu You is old and Xin Qiji is just an honorific, this also means that Lu You is great.


"Teacher Jiang Ning, can you tell us more about Xin Qiji and Lu You?"

Many fans asked questions on the public channel.

"Do you like Xin Qiji so much?"

"No, this is a great hero with both literary and military skills. It's a pity that he will not be reused in his life."


Jiang Ning understood everyone's mood and said: "Xin Qiji was from Jinan and later returned to the Southern Song Dynasty. Before that, Lu You and Xin Qiji did not know each other. After Xin Qiji returned to the Southern Song Dynasty, the emperor was overjoyed. Although he did not dare to reuse Xin Qiji, he knew that Xin Qiji He was capable of both literary and military skills, so he sent Xin Qiji to quell the rebellion. As a result, Xin Qiji did not disappoint the emperor. Under the leadership of Xin Qiji, the bandits in Hunan and Jiangxi were quickly pacified."

"At the same time, Xin Qiji also had a prosperous official career because of his contribution to quelling the rebellion. Although many people impeached Xin Qiji for unknown sources of his huge assets, the emperor always turned a blind eye. But in the end, Xin Qiji was a reformer. Despite his status, Xin Qiji was dismissed from many positions. When he was farming at home, one time, Xin Qiji heard about a gossip about Lu You."

"What gossip."

"This gossip, it is said that Lu You divorced his wife."


Some people don't understand.

Jiang Ning continued: "Lu You's wife is called Tang Wan. It is said that she is his aunt's daughter, who is also his cousin. Tang Wan is also a talented woman, and she and Lu You are very affectionate. At the same time, Lu You also likes Tang Wan very much. However, after the two got married, , had not had children for many years. Lu You's mother didn't like Tang Wan, and seeing that Tang Wan was married and had no children, she asked Lu You to divorce his wife."

"Lu You had no choice but to place Tang Wan elsewhere. But the truth could not stop the fire, because Tang Wan could not have children. Lu You finally couldn't resist his mother's order, divorced Tang Wan, and married a Wang. .At the same time, Wang also gave birth to several children for Lu You. But despite this, Lu You still always remembers Tang Wan in his heart."

"Once, Lu You went to Shen Garden in Shaoxing and happened to meet Tang Wan. But at this time, Tang Wan had already married someone else. Seeing Lu You, Tang Wan was generous and offered Lu You a glass of wine. Until the two left, Lu You couldn't let go. , so he wrote a poem on the wall of Shen Garden, which was called "The Hairpin-headed Phoenix". Originally, Xin Qiji just wanted to listen to this gossip. After all, Lu You was also a literati at the time, and Xin Qiji was also very talented. Among literati Although I may not know each other, I know everyone's names. But I didn't expect that when Xin Qiji saw the song "The Hairpin-headed Phoenix" written by Lu You, Xin Qiji was extremely impressed."

"If Xin Qiji can admire him, then this poem must be very good?"

"I'll write it down so everyone can enjoy it."

Say it.

Jiang Ning wrote Lu You's song "The Hairpin-headed Phoenix" on paper.

【Red hands. Huangdi wine. The city is filled with spring scenery and willows on the palace walls. The east wind is evil. The joy is thin. Many years separated, my mind full of sorrow. Wrong wrong wrong.

Spring is as old as ever. People are empty and thin. The tear stains are red and raw. Peach blossoms fall. Xianchi Pavilion. Although the mountain alliance is there, it is difficult to trust the brocade book. Momomo. 】

"I'll go, this poem is okay."       "That's a poem that can be admired by Xin Qiji. It can't be wrong."

"I've seen the two brothers upstairs. Can you explain it to us?"

"That's simple, listen. Hongsu Shou means big pig's trotters, and Huangdijiu is the name of a kind of wine. What this sentence means is that originally I, Lu You, was eating big pig's hooves and drinking wine in Shenyuan. , I didn’t want to but saw my ex-wife, which made me very unhappy..."


Seeing someone explaining this on the public channel, Jiang Ning almost laughed.

This is simply talent.

of course.

Jiang Ning knew that everyone was joking, so he said: "Let me explain, Hongsu hands are not big pig's hooves. Hongsu refers to the red and soft hands, which represents Tang Wan. Huangdi wine is not the name of a kind of wine. In the Song Dynasty, the official wine was sealed with yellow paper, so Huangdi wine means fine wine. The east wind in Dongfeng evil means one's own mother.

The meaning of this poem when connected together is that Lu You is feeling emotional. If I had disobeyed my mother, I would never have been separated from Logan. If I hadn't separated from Tang Wan, I wouldn't have had the sorrow and desolation I have experienced these years. It's a pity that everything can't be repeated. Now that Logan is married, no matter how much I miss her, it is impossible for me and Logan to be together. It's better not to think too much. If you think too much, you will be wrong, just like the previous mistakes. In the end, I can only sigh, forget it, forget it, forget it..."

"Xin Qiji thought this gossip was over. But he didn't expect that a few years later, Tang Wan would come to Shen Garden again. When she saw the poem written by Lu You on the wall of Shen Garden, she also responded with a poem."

【The world is thin and human beings are evil. When the rain comes and evening comes, flowers tend to fall. The morning wind dries, leaving traces of tears. When I want to write down my thoughts, I talk alone in Xilan. Difficult, difficult, difficult.

People are different, today is not yesterday, and the sick soul is always like a rope on a swing. The sound of the horn is cold and the night is dark. Afraid of being asked, I swallow my tears and pretend to be happy. Hide it, hide it, hide it! 】

The two hairpin-headed phoenixes can be said to be eternal masterpieces.

These two lyrics are like couplets.

The first couplet is wrong, wrong, wrong, no, no, no.

The second line is difficult, difficult, concealing, concealing, concealing.

And with Jiang Ning's explanation of the first song "The Hairpin-headed Phoenix", then the second song Tang Wan's "The Hairpin-headed Phoenix" doesn't need Jiang Ning's explanation. Everyone probably knows the meaning of this poem.

But compared to Lu You, this poem written by Tang Wan is even more desolate.

As for the reason.

In fact, you can think of it.

Although Lu You divorced Tang Wan, or rather divorced Tang Wan.

But Lu You was originally an official. He divorced one wife and could marry another.

Moreover, he is very talented. Although his official position is not big, it is still an official.

Therefore, Lu You's crush on Tang Wan has no impact on Lu You's reputation.

But Logan was different.

After Tang Wan is divorced by Lu You, she will be in great trouble.

Although Logan remarried someone else.

But no matter how polite she is, she probably can't be the real wife.

Although Tang's second husband was very kind to him, there was still a problem.

That means Logan can't have children.

Since ancient times, there have been three types of non-filial piety, the greatest of which is to have no descendants.

A woman who cannot have children, even if she is a queen, will encounter a lot of troubles.

Not to mention Logan.

Even so.

Even if Tang Wan still misses Lu You, she can't express her thoughts about Lu You at this moment.

You even have to pretend to be generous and don't let others see that there is any problem.

So the last few words are difficult, difficult, difficult, and conceal, conceal, conceal.

What's difficult is Logan's situation.

What he kept secret was his relationship with Lu You.

"The two songs "The Hairpin-headed Phoenix" made Xin Qiji extremely admired for Lu You. Later, Xin Qiji asked someone to send a letter to Lu You. After going back and forth, Xin Qiji and Lu You got to know each other. However, originally Xin Qiji was purely a lover of Lu You. It was an appreciation among literati, but as the two got to know each other, and even had frank exchanges when they met later, Xin Qiji discovered that Lu You was completely consistent with his thoughts on the Northern Expedition. At this point, the two formed an irreversible relationship."

"I see."

Everyone nodded.

No wonder Xin Qiji and Lu You knew each other.

Both are talented people.

Both of them advocated the Northern Expedition.

When we meet together, we are definitely good friends.

This is just like Xin Qiji and Chen Liang.

Why did Xin Qiji and Chen Liang become good friends? They also had the same ideas and advocated the Northern Expedition.

Under the political system of the Southern Song Dynasty.

The Northern Expedition and the peace talks are two factions.

Between the two, there are almost two camps.

Between the two camps, if they don't seek to kill you, how can they be friends?

Even if they become friends, they are just friends on the surface, secretly thinking about how to mess with you.

This is just like Han Zhouzhou failed in the Northern Expedition and was killed by others.

"However, Lu You's talent is not only appreciated by Xin Qiji. Lu You also had a nickname at the time."

Jiang Ning said again at this time.

"What a nickname."

"Xiao Li Bai."

"Little Li Bai is not a nickname at all, it is not grand at all."

Everyone didn't think there was anything special about this nickname at first.

But it’s over.

Everyone was stunned: "Hey, I feel like I have heard of Li Bai somewhere."

Jiang Ning kept smiling.

"Teacher Jiang Ning, why are you laughing?"

Jiang Ning didn't answer.

After a while.

Countless people in the live broadcast room suddenly exploded: "Teacher Jiang Ning, is this Li Bai you are talking about the one who wrote about the difficulty of the road to Shu and the difficulty of reaching the sky?"


PS: I recommend a novel written by a friend: "I Became a Ghost Story in Tokyo".

There are so many weird stories in Tokyo.

And all of this has nothing to do with me.

It turns out that I am a weirdo! (End of chapter)

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