Chapter 224 Let’s play a Lantern Festival poem by Xin Qiji. (Please subscribe)

"After introducing these stores, let me introduce to you what food is available in various markets in Kaifeng Prefecture."

The content of Tokyo Meng Hua Lu is basically all-encompassing.

It ranges from life in the palace to people in the streets.

At this time.

Jiang Ning started to talk about diet.

In fact.

As a foodie, Jiang Ning is very interested in food.


When it comes to food, many fans are also very interested: "Hahaha, I like food. Teacher Jiang Ning, what did people in the Northern Song Dynasty eat."

Jiang Ning also nodded and said, "You've eaten a lot. You'd better take notes. I'm afraid you won't remember it."

Clearing his throat, Jiang Ning said: "A staple food that people in the Northern Song Dynasty like to eat is called soup. This one is relatively simple, including Baiwei soup, first soup, new method quail soup, three crisp soup, two-color kidney, shrimp mushroom, chicken Mushrooms, muddy cannon and other soups."

"I'll go, there are seven or eight kinds of soup, it's still simple."

Jiang Ning smiled and continued: "Others include Xuansuo powder, Jade chess piece, Qunxian soup, fake river puffer fish, white thrush, cargo mandarin fish, fake yuanyu, cassia pocket, cassia soup dumpling, and meat vinegar tray. Shark with intestines, cooked perilla fish, fake clams, white meat stuffed with noodles and velvet cut meat, Chinese pancakes, soup bones, braised sheep with milk, sheep horns, kidneys, goose and duck steaks, steamed lychee kidneys, Huanyuan kidneys, roasted Pork, duck with thin lotus in the oven, roasted belly with wine, sheep head with silk juice, sheep head in the oven, goose and duck, chicken in the oven, rabbit in the plate, fried rabbit, rabbit splashed with green onion, fake wild fox , golden belly soup, stone belly soup, fake roasted deer, fried quail, raw fried lung, fried clam, fried crab, thrush crab, hand-washed crab."

"My God, these are forty or fifty years old."

"anything else."

Jiang Ning continued: "In addition, there are roasted chicken, roasted duck, lamb's feet, sheep's head, crispy ribs, ginger shrimp, wine crab, deer bark, deer breast, steamed food, seafood and seasonal fruits, and peeled lettuce. Lettuce, Xijing bamboo shoots. In addition, there are dried fruits, fried ginkgo, chestnuts, Hebei pears, pear strips, dried pears, pear meat, jujube, jujube rings, pear rings, peach rings, walnuts, and jujubes. , Haihong Jiaqingzi, Lin'e Xuanwu Plum, Plum Xuancherry, Jianxi Jingyu Pear, Jianli, Gantang Pear, Fengqi Pear, Zhenfu Zhuo Pear, Heyin Pomegranate, Heyang Chazi, Chatiao, Shayuan Quince, Huimabo grape, Xichuan lactose, lion sugar, frost beeer, olive, mandarin orange, kumquat, longan, lychee, white lotus root, sugar cane, pears, dried lindo, dried branches, dried plantains , Renmianzi, balanzi, hazelnuts, torreya seeds, shrimp utensils, etc. Various honey-fried fragrant medicines, fruit jars, prunes, persimmon paste, fragrant medicines, Xiaoyuaner, Xiaoqi tea, Pengshayuan, etc. .”

"Teacher Jiang Ning, are you telling us about cross talk and naming dishes..."

"This is not about naming the dishes, they are real. When I have time, I will make these dishes for everyone to try. By the way, there are also takeaways."

As he spoke, Jiang Ning also drew a picture of a takeaway boy walking forward with two meals in his hands.

This is the delivery boy in the Northern Song Dynasty.

But they didn't wear yellow vests, and they didn't have transportation like electric cars, so they had to walk to deliver the goods.

"What, the Northern Song Dynasty also had takeout?"

People couldn't believe it.


Jiang Ning nodded: "Actually, takeout has been around for a long time in the Northern Song Dynasty. If someone wants to eat something, just tell the hotel, and the hotel will send a waiter to package a variety of dishes and bring them to your house. Such as soft sheep buns, pig and sheep purses, Roasted dried meat, bream on jade plate, bream slices with sauce, etc. Other small hotels also sell wine, such as fried fish, duck, rabbit, fried meat, plum juice, blood soup, powder soup, etc. Some of them are not expensive, only fifteen dollars each.”

heard here.

Everyone's mouths are about to drop.

This is obviously the Song Dynasty on the tip of the tongue.

Someone even shouted: "Anchor, order me a takeaway from the Northern Song Dynasty."

“Order a takeaway from the Northern Song Dynasty +1.”

“Order a takeaway from the Northern Song Dynasty +1.”

“Order a takeaway from the Northern Song Dynasty +10086…”

The prosperity of the Northern Song Dynasty really exceeded everyone's expectations.

First, there were various markets similar to our modern ones.

Then there’s CBD again.

There is also a comprehensive shopping mall.

it's good now.

There are even takeaways.

not only.

Jiang Ning said with a smile: "In addition to these delicacies, Da Song also has barbecue."

"I'll go. Da Song also has a barbecue?"


Jiang Ning nodded: "In the Song Dynasty, barbecue was also a favorite food of the common people. The word "zhi" means grilled. Therefore, the menu here also includes roast mutton, roast rabbit, and roast belly. This one is roast beef louver. , Roasted pork skin, this is to put the pig skin on the charcoal fire and grill it repeatedly, and then eat it with exclusive dipping sauces, grilled chicken, grilled fish, wild duck, crispy crystal wonton, fried sloth...etc."

"Suck it..."

Everyone's saliva has begun to flow downwards.

"Damn it, Teacher Jiang Ning, no poison is allowed."

"Put poison again and I will kill you."

"Ahhh, it's so painful to watch. I want to eat barbecue. I want to eat barbecue."

See here.

Jiang Ning quickly said: "Okay, okay, next time I will do a food live broadcast. Let's talk about the entertainment of the Song Dynasty next."

"In this business, we can no longer talk about food. If we talk about food again, I will drool all over the place. Talk about entertainment, I like it."

"Yes, yes, teacher Jiang Ning, what kind of entertainment does the Song Dynasty have?"

Many people asked again: "For example, visiting a brothel."


Everyone almost sprayed water.

"Nima, Teacher Jiang Ning, please don't do this again."

Jiang Ning spread his hands: "This is what it is."

But after saying that, seeing all the netizens being angry, Jiang Ning said: "You're just kidding. You can't visit a brothel every day, right? Besides, this place has a lot of consumption, and ordinary people don't have so much spare money. And There were so many entertainment methods in the Song Dynasty. Generally speaking, the common people in the Song Dynasty went to Wazi and Goulan."

"What are tiles and hooks?"

"Wazi actually has some complex shopping malls like the one we talked about before, which is a relatively large fixed playground. In this playground, it has a series of entertainment and leisure services. And Goulan is some folk acrobatics. These Some acrobatics are performed in irregular places, and some are fixed places. If the place is fixed, he may perform it in a tile."

"In the Song Dynasty, there were a series of well-known tiles in terms of tiles alone. For example, Xinmen tiles, Sangjia tiles, Zhujia tiles, Zhong tiles, Liva, Zhouxi tiles, Baokang tiles, Zhou Bei Wazi. Each tile has several or even dozens of hook fences, and each hook fence has several viewing booths. The large viewing booths can accommodate thousands of people."

"These hook-and-rail performances include rap, shadow puppetry, monkey drama, singing and dancing, storytelling, fire breathing, various qigong, sword dancing, polo...including sumo wrestling."

While talking, Jiang Ning also drew a picture of a sumo wrestling match in the Song Dynasty. But this made everyone startled: "Teacher Jiang Ning, isn't sumo wrestling a small thing?"

"That's not true."

Jiang Ning said: "Sumo is Chinese, originating from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. During the Qin and Han Dynasties, it was called "Jiaodai", which had the nature of martial arts. From the Northern and Southern Dynasties to the Southern Song Dynasty, it was called "Sumo". Sumo had nothing to do with martial arts at the beginning. Strictly separate, but in the Song Dynasty, sumo differentiated from martial arts. It only threw but not fought, and kicked was not allowed. The rule of the game was to defeat the opponent to win. This is a bit like competition. Modern sumo wrestling The rules are similar to this. In the Tang Dynasty, it was spread to Japan."

"That's it. Thank you, Teacher Jiang Ning. I've gained a lot of knowledge again."

Flowers were sent one after another.

This is not.

Knowledge is here again.

"Although these acrobatics are just for entertainment, there are also a series of acrobatic stars in them."

"Can a star be born from this?"


Jiang Ning nodded: "This is just like our modern stars. Those who sing, act in movies, and dance can all become stars. In the Song Dynasty, there was a star who became a household name."

"Who is that?"

"Master Li."

Jiang Ning drew a beautiful woman on the drawing paper.

"Who is Master Li?"

"This Master Li, there are not many records about him in official history, and there are more unofficial rumors. It is said that the daughter of Wang Yin, who ran a dyeing house in Bianjing City, was named by her father to a Buddhist temple when she was three years old, and the old monk named her She suddenly burst into tears while rubbing her head. The old monk thought she looked very much like a Buddhist disciple. Because everyone called Buddhist disciples "Master", she was called Wang Shishi. When Wang Shishi was four years old, her father died in prison due to a crime. Both parents She died and was exposed on the streets. A singing prostitute surnamed Li saw that she was a beauty, so she adopted her and changed her name to Li Shishi. She taught her music, chess, calligraphy, painting, singing, dancing, and waiting. Among them, Li Shishi's little singing is still famous."

"Hey, it seems that when Teacher Jiang Ning taught about Water Margin, you talked about Master Li."

"Yes, I told you, but this star does exist in history."

"Teacher Jiang Ning, what is small singing?"

"Singing is a type of Qingyue, which is equivalent to the popular music of the Song Dynasty. The way of singing is that the artist holds a clapper and sings various slang music of the Song Dynasty. Because this kind of music is very down-to-earth and full of life, so Very popular with everyone. Not only some rich people like to praise Master Li, but also some celebrities and talented people like to praise Master Li. Celebrities such as Zhang Xian, Yan Jidao, Qin Guan, Zhou Bangyan... all once dated Li Master Yes. Even Song Huizong secretly went to listen to the music because of Master Li..."

"My dear, Song Huizong has really gone."

Everyone was dancing when they heard this.

Starting from talking about the prosperity of Kaifeng, Jiang Ning talked about the history, food, architecture, and economy of the Song Dynasty.

it's good now.

He also talked about the gossip of the Song Dynasty.

This is not.

A Li Shishi, even the emperor was captured.


"Teacher Jiang Ning, is there any more, is there any more?"

Jiang Ning drank water now.

But soon, everyone in the live broadcast room started urging him.

"Let me tell you, brothers, after talking so much in one breath, I need to take a break."

"No, everyone is listening to you."

"Well, why are everyone so interested? This is boring history."

"Hahaha, Teacher Jiang Ning, you've got the flute again, haven't you? Yes, yes, you can play the flute now. Who made you so good at teaching history so vividly and interestingly?"

"Okay, let's talk about how people in the Song Dynasty celebrated the festival."

After drinking some water, Jiang Ning's voice recovered a little. Jiang Ning continued: "People in the Song Dynasty were very enthusiastic about celebrating festivals. At the same time, there were many holidays in the Song Dynasty. According to statistics, there were more than 100 days of holidays in the Song Dynasty. Among them, we now celebrate the Lantern Festival, Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Chinese Valentine's Day, Zhongyuan Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Double Ninth Festival, Winter Solstice, Spring Festival... and there are also various festival activities."

"Here we focus on how people in the Song Dynasty celebrated the Lantern Festival."

Although Jiang Ning was explaining.

But Jiang Ning was also very interested in the Song Dynasty.

The reason for my interest is other than the fact that the people of the Song Dynasty lived well.

At the same time, Jiang Ning can also find connections with our reality from the lives of ordinary people in the Song Dynasty.

This made Jiang Ning feel a sense of cultural confidence.

Just like the people of the Song Dynasty, aren't these our ancestors?

Even though thousands of years have passed, we, the younger generations, in many places have been inheriting and carrying forward the styles of our ancestors.

"The Lantern Festival is a festival that the people of the Song Dynasty attach great importance to, but for them, in their time, celebrating the Lantern Festival was not just one day, but multiple days. On the 13th of the first lunar month, the Lantern Festival began to warm up. People on the streets Various merchants, shopkeepers, artists, and businessmen have begun to be busy. Various performances, dramas, and singing... have also increased several times more than usual."

"Of course there is also the custom of guessing lanterns, which has been maintained to this day. In addition, in the Song Dynasty, there was another very commendable point. That is, women could also go out during the Yuanxiao period. On that day, not only people on the street came When people go there, you can see many young ladies from rich families. Among them is a well-known talented girl Li Qingzhao. She likes to go out during the Yuanxiao Festival. She will wear beautiful clothes and go to various places like men."

"Teacher Jiang Ning, who is Li Qingzhao?"

"This...if we want to talk about him, we will have to talk about it for several days. Let's talk about it later."

It's better not to change the topic. If you change the topic, it will probably take several days to get back here. Jiang Ning continued: "Not only that, during the Lantern Festival, some high-ranking officials in the palace, concubines, and even the emperor will come out to have fun with the people. If you are lucky, maybe you will be in a restaurant somewhere. You can see the emperor, and the emperor will even give you wine."

"During the Xuanhe period, there was a story about a woman who was given wine by Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty. He told the story of a woman and her husband who went to enjoy the lanterns on the street during the Lantern Festival, but there were too many people and they accidentally got separated. It happened that the woman saw the emperor. The emperor was also very friendly to the people and gave the woman a glass of wine. As a result, the woman was a little troubled because she was separated from her husband and was afraid of being scolded by her parents-in-law when she returned home, so I just hope that I can take this golden cup back as evidence."

"In addition to the emperor being close to the people, some ministers will also have fun with the people during the Lantern Festival. Some ministers will even order their subordinates to carry a pile of copper coins to a high building, and then scatter money downstairs... And this kind of activity will continue until the 18th of the first lunar month, and then it will subside slightly."

While Jiang Ning was talking, he painted scenes of ordinary people of all colors on the streets during the Song Dynasty.

In this scene.

There are business people and there are talented and beautiful women.

There are also dignitaries, even emperors.

The liveliness and prosperity here make me yearn for it even now.

"If you feel that you still can't appreciate the feeling of the Lantern Festival during the Song Dynasty. Then, here is a poem that you can read. Although, he is not just talking about the Lantern Festival."


Jiang Ning started to read:

[The east wind blows thousands of trees and flowers into bloom at night. It blows down even more, and the stars are like rain. BMW's carved cars fill the road with fragrance. The phoenix flute sounds, the jade pot turns light, and fish and dragons dance all night long...]

(End of this chapter)

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