Chapter 201 Su Shi and Su Dongpo are not the same person. (Please subscribe)
[Your bank account received a remittance of 100 million yuan. 】

Jiang Ning was stunned when he suddenly received news that a remittance had been received.

100 yuan?

Who called me?


Jiang Ning received a call from West Lake.

"Director Qin, you are too polite."

"Teacher Jiang Ning said that your poem not only increased the flow of people in our West Lake, but also improved the heritage of our West Lake. What's even better is that when everyone thinks of this poem in the future, they will think of West Lake . When I think of West Lake, I think of this poem. It complements each other and is more effective than tens of millions of dollars in advertising."

"Director Qin, let me first state that this poem was not written by me, but by Su Shi."

"Teacher Jiang Ning is humble. Without you, Teacher Jiang Ning, we would not be able to appreciate this classic poem. This is our retouching fee. It is a small thought and not a sign of respect."

"Then I'd like to thank Director Qin."

Xihu said it was a writing fee, so Jiang Ning accepted it with peace of mind.

Although this polishing fee is just a transportation fee for Jiang Ning.

But moving is also a technical job.

In the previous life, there was a company that directly relied on handling technology to make the company's boss the richest man.


Ended the phone call with Qin Yue, director of the West Lake Scenic Area Management Committee.

Jiang Ning brushed his hands and shook his head quickly.

The service efficiency at the West Lake Scenic Area is still acceptable.

Jiang Ning just talked about this poem yesterday, and today this poem appeared on the stone carvings on the shore of the West Lake.

At the same time.

There is also a series of tour guides explaining the poem to visitors.


There are also a series of tourists who check in in front of the stone carving of this poem.

Jiang Ning also nodded to this.

The influence of these poems is so magical.

There are many scenic spots, and sometimes their names are spread all over the world just because of a poem or a sentence.

This thought.

Jiang Ning suddenly felt that it would be good to be a travel anchor in the future.

Look how rich these scenic spots are.

But Jiang Ning just smiled, he had no such idea for the time being.

Afterwards, Jiang Ning started the live broadcast again.

"Teacher Jiang Ning, you are very conscious today. You started the live broadcast so early. Have you received the money?"

"What money?"

"It's just West Lake's promotion fee."

"I did receive it. did you know?"

"Hey... don't even look at who is helping you push for money. Secretly tell us how much promotion fees you have received. No matter what, you have to share it with us."

Many netizens teased Jiang Ning with great interest.

Jiang Ning spread his hands and said, "I don't need money, but I need my life. Take it."

"What the hell, you're so stingy. I'm going to kill you for making knitting, so hurry up and start talking. We still want to hear Su Shi."

"You should have told me earlier, let's continue."

Jiang Ning received a promotion fee of 100 million yuan early in the morning. He was in a good mood and did not refuse and started speaking again.

"Where did you talk about yesterday?"

"Speaking of Su Shi's trip to Hangzhou, he wrote that he wanted to compare the West Lake to the West."

"Oh, let's pick it up from here."

Jiang Ning continued: "Su Shi went to Hangzhou just to avoid the limelight of the court. After serving in Hangzhou for two years, Su Shi was transferred to Mizhou as the magistrate. Su Shi worked in Mizhou for three years, and three years later, he was transferred to Xuzhou Ren Zhizhou. When Su Shi was about to go to Xuzhou, Su Shi wrote a poem to his successor in Mizhou, Kong Zonghan, called "Donglan Pear Blossoms"."

[The pear blossoms are pale white and the willows are deep green, and the city is filled with flowers when catkins fly.

A single snow plant in the melancholy east column makes life so clear. 】

This poem is actually not only written to Kong Zonghan, but also expresses the poet's inner mood.

Su Shi at this time.

In the past few years, I have experienced family changes.

His wife and father died one after another.

The new party took control of the government in the imperial court, and Su Shi and other old party officials were suppressed.

Fortunately, Su Shi was transferred away from the capital, so things were a little better.

But even if the place was slightly better, Su Shi felt that the court was like life, it was difficult to see clearly and understand clearly.

Only then did I feel the last sentence, how clear I saw life.

"Hahaha, I feel it. As soon as Teacher Jiang Ning started class, I felt it very much."

"How does it feel? Did you climax?"

"Go away, can you talk properly?"

"Okay, okay, let's talk carefully. How clear-eyed is life? It seems that Su Shi's mind has always been clear."

"Yes, although Wang Anshi's reforms should be good from the perspective of our modern people. However, some people at that time may not be able to fully see the benefits of Wang Anshi's reforms. Or, even if there are indeed advantages, the disadvantages are also There are many, so we encountered opposition from a group of ministers. This opposition does not necessarily mean that they have any personal opinions about Wang Anshi. In other words, this opposition does not necessarily mean that they are traitorous ministers."

"But sometimes history is like this. No matter how you look at it, once the reform begins, it will roll like a wheel. Those who hinder the reform will be suppressed. Therefore, the old party was suppressed at that time."

Listening to Jiang Ning's introduction, everyone also discussed from time to time on the public channel.

This discussion made them very happy.

Although they have known about Su Shi for a long time and have also introduced it in history.


The Su Shi explained by Jiang Ning was completely different from their impression.

Not only is it completely different.

At this time, Su Shi's words and deeds were all so joyful.

"Yes, everyone is right. Once the reform is promoted, it will be like a rolling wheel that cannot be shaken. Although Su Shi asked himself to leave Beijing for a few years, he has always been the iconic leader of the old party. This leader , not to say how high Su Shi’s official position was at that time. Su Shi’s official position at that time was not high, and he did not have much real power. But because Su Shi had the best scientific examination results in a century, Renzong also spoke highly of Su Shi at that time, and Treat him as a prime minister. So Su Shi's reputation is very big, not only big, but Su Shi often impeaches reforms."

"In 1079, when Su Shi was transferred from Xuzhou to Huzhou, Su Shi wrote a letter of "Huzhou Thank You" to Shenzong when he took office. This was originally a routine matter. Generally, when newly appointed officials took office, they would write a letter of thanks to the emperor. It's just that Su Shi is really too talented, and the tables he writes often reflect his unique feelings, or add some personal touches. This is nothing at first, but for those who are interested, it is troublesome.

For this reason, the New Party started with this thank you note and impeached Su Shi for fooling the court, being arrogant, harboring evil intentions, and satirizing the court... and so on.Subsequently, a series of poems written by Su Shi that they believed were satirical to the imperial court were searched. In the end, Su Shi was arrested by the imperial court three months after taking office, and dozens of people were implicated. This case became the famous Wu Taiwan Poetry Case. "


Speaking of it.

But everyone remembered what Mo Mo said about Su Shi before.

What Mo Mo said about Su Shi at that time was entirely because he was too arrogant and arrogant. He satirized the court and was eventually arrested.

Although Su Shi has also been arrested now.

But the process is completely different.

"I finally understand why Su Shi was arrested. This is completely a dispute between the old and the new parties."

"There is no way, Su Shi is too talented, you can tell from his poems. In order to suppress the old party, the new party must overthrow a leading figure."

"In terms of time, Wang Anshi had been dismissed from the prime minister at that time, and it was not Wang Anshi who presided over the reform, but Shenzong himself. Therefore, Su Shi's opposition to the reform was not only against the New Party, but also against Wang Anshi. For Shenzong, he would feel that Su Shi This is against his divine sect.”

"That's it. Looking at it this way, it's useless no matter how talented Su Shi is."

Everyone couldn't help but sigh.

Under such politics, this is no longer a question of whether Su Shi is crazy or arrogant.But Shenzong wanted to implement reforms, and he wanted to clear away all obstacles.

"Teacher Jiang Ning, what happened next?"

Everyone asked eagerly.

Although some are familiar with history.


In the past two days, many people have made up some historical facts about Su Shi.

However, historical materials introduce too little about Su Shi, and most of them are negative reviews.

As for why?
So many reasons.

It's not that you do evil in life, you will be criticized after death.

It's not just that you are good while you are alive, and you will be praised after death.

As can be seen from the example of Fan Zhongyan interceding with Renzong for Empress Dowager Liu, historians also had to write history books according to the royal wishes.

It is also for this reason.

Everyone does not know much about the Wutai Poetry Case.

even know.

Su Shi was later demoted to Huangzhou, but no one knew the specific process.

"The Wutai Poetry Case had a great impact. At that time, Shenzong wanted to execute Su Shi. At the same time, there were many people who rescued Su Shi. For example, some elders of the old party, such as Sima Guang and others. But Sima Guang was originally the leader of the old party. At that time, Shenzong did not particularly trust Sima Guang and the others. So although these old party elders begged for mercy, it was of little use."

"Then the then prime minister Wu Chong came out to plead for Su Shi. Because Wang Anshi was dismissed as prime minister, Wu Chong was the prime minister at the time. Wu Chong had a good relationship with Wang Anshi, and his son also married Wang Anshi's eldest daughter. Shenzong's response to Wu Chong was also more trusting. He felt that Wu Chong neither favored the new party nor spoke favorably for the old party, but was relatively neutral, so he appointed him as prime minister. Wu Chong said that his majesty has always admired Yao and Shun and disliked Cao Cao. But Cao Cao did not If His Majesty can tolerate many ministers who question him, why can't His Majesty tolerate Su Shi?"

"In addition to Wu Chong, the then Empress Dowager Cao heard about Su Shi's talents and also interceded for Su Shi. She also told Shenzong that back then Renzong said to his concubines, I now have two more people for my descendants, Taiping Prime Minister. These two people , the two brothers Su Shi, is it really okay for you to kill them like this?"

"There is also an official named Zhang Dun. He is actually a representative of the New Party. He just returned to the capital from the local area. When he learned that Su Shi had committed a crime, he immediately begged Shenzong for mercy, hoping that Su Shi would be given a lighter sentence."

"There are also Dali Temple and the Criminal Court that participated in the trial, and they are also inclined to give Su Shi a light sentence."

"Of course, not to mention Su Shi's younger brother Su Che. Su Che wrote a letter directly using his official position to offset his brother Su Shi's fault."

The Wutai Poetry Case is not only a case against Su Shi.


In this case, a series of important figures appeared one after another.

No one thought about it.

The case Su Shi committed actually led to a series of behind-the-scenes bosses interceding for him.

"Good boy, this is such a big situation."

"Well, people from the old party interceded for Su Shi, people from the neutral party interceded for Su Shi, and even people from the new party interceded for Su Shi."

"Not only that, but the Empress Dowager also interceded for Su Shi."

"Hahaha, even the executioner interceded for Su Shi."

"Brother, that's the judge, not the executioner."

"Same meaning."

"But what's even more touching is that his younger brother Su Che used his official position to offset Su Shi's mistakes. No wonder Mo Mo likes Su Che so much. Having a brother like him is worth a lifetime."

The Wutai Poetry Case amazed many fans.

At the same time, they also admired Su Shi even more.

Although Su Shi was indeed a little crazy, a little arrogant, and even used his poems to satirize the court.


If it weren't for such a century-old genius, how could there be so many intercessors.


"Teacher Jiang Ning, was Su Shi killed?"

"I go……"

Jiang Ning burst into tears: "Didn't Mo Mo say that Su Shi was eventually demoted to Huangzhou? It seems that it is also recorded in the history books."

"Yes, yes, our brains are short-circuited. There are indeed records. However, with so many people begging for mercy, is Shenzong soft-hearted?"

"not at all."

Jiang Ning shook his head: "Although so many people begged for mercy, Shenzong was still extremely hesitant."

"But on the other hand, Su Shi, who was in prison, felt that his life was not long. At that time, he made an agreement with his son who came to deliver meals, and he only needed to deliver some vegetables and meat. If something unexpected happened, he would deliver fish. As a result, his son died that day. He asked a relative to bring a meal to Su Shi. The relative didn't know about Su Shi's agreement, so he gave fish in the meal. As soon as Su Shi saw the fish, he knew he was going to die. Before he died, he wrote a letter to his disciple Su Che, And told the funeral affairs. There is a poem in the letter, he wrote like this: "

[The Holy Lord is like the spring of all things in the sky, but the humble ministers perish themselves in foolishness and darkness.

It is even more tiring to pay off the debt before a hundred years are completed, and to have ten people without a home.

It is in a green hill where his bones can be buried, and he is alone in the rain.

We have been brothers for generations to come, and we have an unfinished relationship with you in the next life. 】

This poem is actually very simple.


I only have myself to blame for all this.

But although he is not afraid of life and death, he still has about ten wives and children at home.

At the same time, he and his brother will never be able to see each other again.

But even so.

Su Shi also hopes.

If you die, you can still be brothers with your younger brother for the rest of your life.

This is the last sentence, we will be brothers for generations to come.

As soon as the last sentence came out, all the fans couldn't help but get wet.

"Nima...don't be so touching, please."

"The younger brother used his official position to protect his elder brother, and the elder brother still thought of his younger brother before he died."

"Yes, I have been brothers with Jun for generations, and we have an unsolved cause for the next life...My younger brother is a good younger brother, and my elder brother is also a good older brother."

Everyone couldn't help but wipe their tears.

Jiang Ning was also extremely emotional.

The friendship between these two brothers has lasted for thousands of years.

"Shenzong later learned about the letter written by Su Shi and saw the feelings between the two brothers Su Shi and Su Che. He was a little touched for a while. However, Shenzong's momentum in promoting reforms could not be lost, and Shenzong was still hesitant. But at this moment Wang Anshi, who had been dismissed as Prime Minister before, heard that Su Shi was about to be executed, and wrote a letter to plead for Su Shi. With the joint efforts of everyone, Su Shi was spared from death after being imprisoned for more than 100 days."

History is so amazing.

The two enemies we originally thought didn't seem to want the other to die that much.

Just like Wang Anshi and Su Shi.

Although Su Shi has been satirizing Wang Anshi's reform.

Although Wang Anshi always wanted to demote Su Shi to a local place, away from the center of power.

But there is actually no personal hatred between the two.

This is the end.

With Wang Anshi's intervention, the Wutai Poetry Case ended.

Su Shi was also involved in this case and was demoted to Huangzhou.

And in Huangzhou.

His Dongpo years began.


Su Shi and Su Dongpo are not the same person.

(End of this chapter)

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