Let’s talk about Liaozhai at the beginning, I scared all the fans on the Internet to death

Chapter 188 The first talented man in the Yuan Dynasty, Zhang Yanghao.

Chapter 188 The most talented man in the Yuan Dynasty, Zhang Yanghao. (Please subscribe)
"Teacher Jiang Ning, you are going back now."

"gone back."

"I think the salary offered by Shuangqing University is too low."

"Professor Qian, I have basically finished what I want to talk about in the Ming Dynasty. As for some other well-known figures, I think other professors can talk better than me, so I don't need to do the same thing."

"Teacher Jiang Ning, you are being humble. You don't know that the Ming Dynasty course you are teaching at our Shuangqing University these days has given historians a new research direction. You know, among the previous official histories, But these little people are rarely recorded."

"This is also the significance of what I want to talk about these characters. After all, history is not made up of emperors and generals. It also has many ordinary little people. Or, even if they are not small people, let's look at it from another angle and another direction. , maybe there will be a different evaluation.”

"Hahaha, Teacher Jiang Ning, now that you say it, we don't want to let you leave Shuangqing University."

"Well, Professor Qian, I'm mainly not used to staying in school. I'll come back next time if I have a chance."

"In this case, I won't force Teacher Jiang Ning."

A few days later.

Jiang Ning left Shuangqing University.

It’s just that I no longer attend classes at Shuangqing University.

But while at Shuangqing University, Jiang Ning also realized that countless audiences are interested in history.

Although many people don’t know much about history.

But history is precisely one of the most popular varieties.


This is also the direction Jiang Ning has been studying.


Jiang Ning couldn't help but think of Mr. Ma Qian of Taishi Company in his previous life.

If we talk about Sima Qian, he is not much different from ordinary historians.

Other historians record history.

Sima Qian also recorded history.

So why can Sima Qian be famous forever?

That is, he used his more unique perspective to analyze history in a new way.

Not to mention the emperors and generals written by Sima Qian, just like the four assassins written by Mr. Sima Qian.

If it weren't for Mr. Sima Qian.

I'm afraid no one will remember these four assassins who were nothing at the time.

Although Jiang Ning is not as good as Sima Qian, he is also not as good as those well-known historians.


come to this world.

Jiang Ning also hopes that through his narration, everyone can become more familiar with the 5000 years of China.


"Teacher Jiang Ning, I heard that you have left Shuangqing University."



"Uh...is this good?"

"Of course it's good. You don't know that although you give good lectures at Shuangqing University, you have less interaction with us in class there. We still like your live broadcast on Kuaishou, and you can also chat with us There’s no need to worry too much about the interaction.”

"It is."

Jiang Ning nodded.

Shuangqing University is an institution of higher learning after all.

Although Jiang Ning also started a live broadcast.

But after all, this live broadcast is also a lecture at a university, so Jiang Ning has less interaction with fans in the live broadcast room.


College is a more serious place.

Although Jiang Ning doesn't feel any discomfort, he is not as comfortable as running a live broadcast by himself.

"So, Teacher Jiang Ning, which dynasty are you going to talk about this time?"

"Yuan Dynasty."

"Yuan Dynasty, are you talking about Genghis Khan?"

"Too many people have talked about Genghis Khan. It would be meaningless for me to talk about it again."

"That's right. What about Kublai Khan?"

"Same people talking about it?"

"Yelu Chucai?"

"This character is a bit interesting, but many historians have studied him."

"Who are you talking about?"

"Zhang Yanghao."

"Who is Zhang Yanghao?"

"Check it out."

"Well, Teacher Jiang Ning, I checked and it seems that this is an official from the Yuan Dynasty, but it seems that he doesn't have anything to say."

"Then today I will talk about this official who has nothing to talk about."

Although the Yuan Dynasty only existed for 100 years.


The Yuan Dynasty should have the largest territory in China's 5000-year history.

of course.

What Jiang Ning wants to talk about is not the territory of the Yuan Dynasty.

Jiang Ning has always liked to look at history from a different perspective.

For example, when talking about the Ming Dynasty.

Jiang Ning does not talk about Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Di, Zhang Juzheng, or the chief ministers of the Ming Dynasty.

Jiang Ning likes to talk about little people.

In the Yuan Dynasty at this time, Jiang Ning also wanted to focus on these figures who, relatively speaking, did not have too much influence on the historical process.

This Zhang Yanghao is a figure who does not particularly affect the course of history.

After sorting out his words, Jiang Ning said: "Zhang Yanghao was born in Jinan and is a Han Chinese. At that time, under the rule of the Yuan Dynasty, the status of the Han people was very low. However, Zhang Yanghao was very smart and studious when he was young. Even because he worked very hard, His father also repeatedly advised Zhang Yanghao not to be so diligent. However, Zhang Yanghao was still unwilling to stop studying. In order not to worry his parents, he would memorize books during the day and secretly read at night. Therefore, when he was ten years old, Zhang Yanghao was known as a child prodigy."

"It was precisely because of Zhang Yanghao's hard study that his talent did not go away. Once, Jiao Sui, the inspector of Shandong Province, saw an article "Ode to Baiyun Tower" written by Zhang Yanghao. He was so shocked that he recommended it Zhang Yanghao served as Dongping Xuezheng. Later, he was recommended by Pingzhang Zhengshi "Buhu Mu", who recommended him to be the censor, which is a kind of official position to supervise officials."

"It's just that Zhang Yanghao was so qualified for the position of censor. Even the emperor wrote letters from time to time, citing dozens of mistakes in the governance of the Yuan Dynasty and suggesting the reopening of the imperial examination. However, the Yuan Wuzong at that time had nothing to do with the reopening of the imperial examination. He was very interested and couldn't stand the Han Chinese, so he dismissed him from office. It was not until the Renzong period that he realized that the imperial examination played a considerable role in the governance of the Yuan Dynasty, so he began to reuse Zhang Yanghao."

"In 1315, the Yuan Dynasty ushered in its first imperial examination after the founding of the country. In March of that year, everything sprouted, and 56 lucky scholars passed the imperial examination. 56 people regarded Zhang Yanghao as their mentor and wanted to come to thank him, but Zhang Yanghao Behind closed doors, because he was a pure Confucian scholar who cultivated himself to be a benevolent gentleman and had a heart to recruit talents for the country. Since then, the Yuan Dynasty has opened sixteen imperial examinations, all of which benefited from Zhang Yanghao's pioneering work in the Yuan Dynasty, giving students something to look forward to. , so that all people can have a way to advance."

In fact, this Zhang Yanghao was very famous in his previous life.

But a pity.

Although he is very famous, people don't seem to be particularly familiar with him.

The same is true in this life.

So even though Jiang Ning talked about Zhang Yanghao for a while, everyone still didn't have much impression of him.most.

There are those who have studied the history of the Yuan Dynasty and know that there is a figure like Zhang Yanghao.

But it's not particularly clear what he did.

Of course you can't blame them.

One is that the Yuan Dynasty itself only existed for less than 100 years.

Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing, although there is Yuan.

But everyone really doesn’t have much impression of the Yuan Dynasty.


Not only did the Yuan Dynasty exist for a short period of time, but there were countless emperors changed during these 100 years.

In 38 years, there were 9 emperors.

Calculated this way, the average reign time of each emperor was only about 4 years.

Just imagine.

The emperors were changed so frequently that it would be hard to remember.

Even the history books have some confusing records.

want to come.

This was also one of the important reasons for the demise of the Yuan Dynasty.


Jiang Ning continued: "It's a pity that although Renzong reused Zhang Yanghao, a few years later, Renzong passed away and Yingzong took office. Unlike Renzong, Yingzong's ideas were complex and changeable. Zhang Yanghao knew that in such an environment, even if he If he continues to serve as an official in the government, one will not be of any importance, and the other may be in danger of his life. In June of the same year, he resigned from his official position and returned to his hometown."

"After experiencing the dangers of officialdom and being used to the vicissitudes of time, the past in Beijing seems like a dream. Returning this time, Zhang Yanghao is like a swan that has escaped from the cage. The poetic talent he showed in his youth is completely It broke out. Once, he climbed to the Huibo Tower and wrote the song "Deng Huibo Tower"."

【Surrounded by mountains, the Huibo Tower is leaning against the railings, and the Daming Lake is paved with green and gold.Among the magpies, the heart of the love river is cold in June.The lotus blooms and the fragrant wind disperses for ten miles.The crow of the sand-headed bird wakes up this humble official in the dream. 】

Jiang Ning wrote this Yuan song while talking.

"Another time, he went to Daming Lake and wrote "Daming Lake Boating"."

[The painting boat is sailing, outside the world of mortals, people are carrying spring from the sky.Between the smoke and water, the universe is vast, surrounded by clouds and mountains.

The shadows shake the towers of the city walls, the cups are poured with golden waves, the blue sky is filled with poetry, and the white birds are astonishing. 】

"Another time, he wrote "Yan'er Luo Dai Victory Order·Retreat"."

[The mountain is even better when the cloud comes, and the mountain is picturesque when the cloud comes. The mountain is dim and bright because of the clouds, and the clouds are high and low.Leaning on the stick and standing on the cloud sand, I look back to see the mountain family.Wild deer sleep in the mountain grass, and mountain apes play with wild flowers.Yunxia, ​​I love mountains pricelessly.Watching and walking, Yunshan also loves us. 】

Through Tang poetry and Song lyrics.

The literary characteristic of the Yuan Dynasty is Yuan opera.

The so-called music is something worthy of being tuned up.

Although Jiang Ning only read Zhang Yanghao's lyrics, there was no music.

But even if they just read the words, everyone is still intoxicated by it.

But Jiang Ning did not stop. He continued: "It's just that although Zhang Yanghao chose to retire and return to his hometown, the court has always been thinking about this amazing talent. In 8 years, the court summoned Zhang Yanghao seven times to return to the court, but Zhang Yanghao refused. Seven times. Until the eighth time, when the imperial court called Zhang Yanghao to go to Shaanxi Province for disaster relief, Zhang Yanghao did not refuse. In fact, as soon as he received the call this time, Zhang Yanghao did not hesitate and went to Shaanxi Province as soon as possible. "

"While traveling westward, the disaster in Shaanxi Province exceeded Zhang Yanghao's imagination. On the way, he saw groups of victims running away from home. Some victims even exchanged their children and ate food in order to survive. Witnessed by At this point, Zhang Yanghao felt extremely painful in his heart. He wished he could turn the weeds everywhere into lush crops, and turn the sand and gravel on the river bottom into yellow gold beads. Overnight, Zhang Yanghao would grow old. One night, Zhang Yanghao recalled these things I wrote a poem "Sheep on the hillside, Tong cares about the past" after seeing all kinds of things in time."

[The peaks and mountains are like clusters, the waves are like angry waves, and the mountains and rivers are like Tongguan Road inside and outside.Looking at the Western Capital, I hesitated.

It is sad that wherever the Qin and Han Dynasties traveled, thousands of palaces and palaces were turned into dirt.When it prospers, the people suffer; when it dies, the people suffer. 】

while writing.

Jiang Ning read as he read.

All the fans in the live broadcast room were completely infected by this lyric.

Especially the last sentence.

Xing, the people suffer.

die, the people suffer.


for thousands of years.

Dynasties changed one after another.

The emperor also took turns one after another.

But whether it is prosperous or dead.

It is only the common people who suffer.

"In the face of a natural disaster, as soon as Zhang Yanghao arrived at the disaster area, he immediately rectified the economy, checked inventory, stamped seals, adjusted food, punished evildoers, and tried his best to make this land more alive. At the same time, he wrote a letter asking for food. The decree to replace the official requested that the official position should be sold in exchange for food to alleviate the disaster. After hard work, the land finally became less wailing and more lively. However, while Zhang Yanghao was providing disaster relief to the people, Zhang Yanghao suddenly died of illness... …”

Following the death of Zhang Yanghao, the live broadcast room suddenly became extremely quiet.

They didn't expect that Zhang Yanghao would die after everything was fine?
It’s just that Zhang Yanghao passed away.

But the song "Tong Guan Gu Gu" he left before his death stimulated everyone time and time again.

"Teacher Jiang Ning, is Mr. Zhang Yanghao leaving like this?"

Everyone's mood was a little heavy.

They didn't expect it.

There was such a historical figure in the Yuan Dynasty.


Jiang Ning nodded.

"Then did he leave any last words?"

"This song "Tong Cares About the Ancients" can be regarded as his last words."

After saying that, Jiang Ning said again: "Perhaps, we can add another song."

"Which one?"

""Beimang Mountain Nostalgia"."

Pick up a pen.

Jiang Ning wrote:

The sorrowful wind blows, the desolate smoke buries the hatred, and the inscription is so incomplete that it is difficult to read it.Did you know that he was a king of the Han Dynasty and a courtier of the Jin Dynasty?
All the wind and cloud celebrations will be spent in the dust of Beimang Mountain.Even if you are a king, you should not be called upon; even if you are a minister, you should not be called upon!

Beimang Mountain is not a famous mountain, and there is nothing unusual about it.


It is such a strange mountain, but it has experienced 6 dynasties and 24 emperors are buried here.

Liu Xiu, the Emperor Guangwu of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Chen Shubao, the later leader of the Chen Dynasty, Li Yu, the later leader of the Southern Tang Dynasty, Liu Chan, the leader of Shu, the Sima family of the Western Jin Dynasty, and even the king of Baekje all regarded this place as the last resting place of their souls.

These monarchs and ministers who were buried on Beimang Mountain enjoyed the glory, wealth and celebrations during their lifetime. However, after their death, they were nothing more than a handful of soil at the foot of Beimang Mountain.Such a person is bound to die, and once he dies, everything ends.So, what does it mean to be noble or not during life, or to decline in prosperity after death?

This can't help but remind Jiang Ning of the dialogue between Guo Jing and Genghis Han in the finale of The Legend of the Condor Heroes.

Genghis Khan reined in his horse and looked around, and suddenly said: Jing'er, the great country I have built is unparalleled in the past.From the center of the country to the extreme ends of the land, it is a one-year journey from the southeast to the northwest.You say heroes of ancient and modern times, who can compare to me?

Guo Jing pondered for a moment and said that the great Khan's martial arts was unparalleled in ancient times.It’s just that the Great Khan is so majestic, but the world doesn’t know how many bones have accumulated and how many tears of orphans and widows have been shed?Genghis Khan raised his eyebrows, raised his riding whip and was about to strike it down on Guo Jing's head, but when he saw him looking at him fearlessly, his riding whip was raised in the air without falling, he shouted: "What did you say?"
Guo Jing thought that from now on, he might not see the Great Khan again. Even if he made him angry, he had to make his words clear in his heart.At that moment, he said proudly: Great Khan, you raised me and taught me, and forced my mother to death. There is no need to talk about these personal grudges at this moment.I just want to ask you: After a person dies, how much land does he occupy when he is buried underground?Genghis Khan was startled, whipped his horse in a circle, and said: That's only the size.Guo Jing said: Yes, then if you kill so many people, shed so much blood, and occupy so much land, what is the use in the end?

Genghis Khan remained silent.Guo Jing added: A hero who is admired by the current generation and admired by future generations must be someone who benefits the people and cares for them.In my opinion, someone who kills many people may not be considered a hero.Genghis Khan asked: Have I never done anything good in my life?Guo Jing said: "Of course there are good things, and they are also very big. It's just that you marched south and west and accumulated mountains of corpses. It's hard to tell the right and wrong of your merits and crimes."


Jiang Ning was off the air.

(End of this chapter)

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