Let’s talk about Liaozhai at the beginning, I scared all the fans on the Internet to death

The manuscript of Chapter 176 3 was finally circulated in the world.

Chapter 176 was revised three times and the manuscript was finally circulated in the world. (Please subscribe)
"No way."

“Such a masterpiece cannot be published?”

"It's so damn..."

People thought.

After "Xu Xiake's Travels", this will be the birth of another masterpiece.


A masterpiece was indeed born.

But the birth was useless, he could not publish it.

Many works have been produced.

But what has been handed down is rare.

As for why.

Everybody knows.

Ancient printing technology is obviously not as good as modern printing technology.

Let alone a work of hundreds of thousands or millions of words, even a work of 10 words is a super long novel.

Therefore, it is best for works that can be handed down to be as short as possible.

The longer it is, the less conducive it is to spreading.

In addition to publishing technology, papermaking technology is also a major restriction on the dissemination of works.

"I can't help it. Ancient times are not like modern times. Even if modern times don't publish them, I can post them online and they won't disappear."

"Yes, if it is not published, such a masterpiece will disappear in the long river of history."

"I suddenly understood why Yongle Dadian lost so many masterpieces. You can only save such a long piece by yourself, and no bookseller can take such a big risk to publish it for you. But you really have to save it. It would also be very difficult. If there is any chaos, even a classic masterpiece may disappear."

Everyone in the live broadcast room was already aching.

For this.

Jiang Ning continued: "Actually, the "Travel Notes of Xu Xiake" we talked about in the last class would be impossible to come out. And the reason why Travel Notes of Xu Xiake came out, there is another story worth telling."

"At that time, Xu Xiake traveled all his life and gave the manuscript travel notes he compiled to his friend Ji Huiming. Ji Huiming lived up to Xu Xiake's last wish. He spent several years organizing Xu Xiake's manuscripts into "Xu Xiake's Travel Notes." But what is heartbreaking is that , it was already the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Qing troops entered the pass, and the war soon spread to the south of the Yangtze River. In this catastrophe, the people of Jiangyin were ravaged and massacred. The Xu family not only failed to escape this disaster, but also suffered a slave rebellion. More than 20 descendants of the Xu family, including Xu Xiake's eldest son Xu Qi and nephew Xu Yuqing, were killed, and the Xu family's house was burned down. In this disaster, most of the original manuscript of "Xu Xiake's Travels" was burned, " Ji Huiming's manuscript "was also destroyed and lost."

This said.

Everyone's hearts trembled.

Really afraid of what to come.

Although everyone knows.

Xu Xiake's travel notes have been published through Jiangning.

Theoretically speaking, he has been passed down.

But facing the story Jiang Ning told, everyone still couldn't help but feel extremely worried.

"Teacher Jiang Ning, after Ji Huiming's manuscript was lost, how did he pass it down?"

Some students immediately asked Jiang Ning questions.

Jiang Ning said: "Thanks to Xu Xiake for giving birth to an illegitimate child."

"Although in this catastrophe, Xu Xiake's family all suffered. However, Xu Xiake gave birth to an illegitimate son, his name was Li Ji. Li Ji's mother was Xu Xiake's maid, and the two gradually developed feelings as they got along. She fell in love with Xu Xiake and later gave birth to a son for Xu Xiake. However, the Xu family was a famous family in Jiangnan and did not accept the maid at all. Forced to have no choice, the maid finally married her recently born son to a family named Dingshan in Jiangyin. Li's family. She named her son Li Ji, which means he was fostered in the Li family. Li Ji was deprived of his father's love as soon as he was born, which made him live a frugal and hard life since he was supposed to be rich and well-fed. When he was a teenager, he tried to return to the Xu family, but was ruthlessly rejected. Since then, he no longer has extravagant hopes."

But this puzzled everyone even more.

The student asked again: "Teacher Jiang Ning, isn't that right?"

"What's wrong?"

"Li Ji is Xu Xiake's illegitimate son, and he is not accepted by the Xu family. Doesn't this illegitimate son hate the Xu family? Will he help Xu Xiake in turn?"

"Perhaps Li Ji did hate the Xu family and Xu Xiake at the beginning. However, when Li Ji grew older, he admired his father Xu Xiake very much. Not only that, he also inherited the inheritance of his grandfather Xu Youmian and his father Xu Xiake. He hated the imperial examination and official career, and was obsessed with traveling to famous mountains and rivers. However, influenced by the filial piety of "when parents are around, don't travel far", he has never been able to make the trip.

Li Ji is talented and knowledgeable, and he is also a strong-willed man.At that time, the Qing soldiers entered the pass. As a young man, he climbed up Yuri Mountain and cried bitterly.And when the Qing army broke into Jiangyin City shouting "Keep your head but not your hair, keep your hair but not your head", he actively participated in the anti-Qing movement.Later, the movement failed and the Qing army massacred the city. Li Ji was so sad and angry that he went on a hunger strike on the top of Huashan Mountain. Fortunately, he was discovered by the villagers and saved from death.Later, his mother passed away, and Li Ji, who was unencumbered, resolutely embarked on the road to pursue his dream. Like his father, he wanted to travel far and wide in Qin and hunt for Helan and Taibai.From 1650 to 1659 AD, Li Ji traveled six times, traveling to Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Anhui, Henan, Shaanxi and other places. "

Jiang Ning smiled.

When the students heard this, they also smiled slightly.

Listening to Jiang Ning's explanation of Li Ji, everyone seemed to see another Xu Xiake.


Xu Xiake's spirit is so contagious.

Likewise, he also infected his son Li Ji.

Even if Li Ji knew that he was an illegitimate child.

"Years of traveling have given Li Ji a deep respect for his father. He was heartbroken when he remembered that his father's masterpiece, which he spent most of his life writing, was destroyed in the war. So he determined to write it before he died. My father's travel notes were re-searched and compiled into a book so that they could be passed down to future generations to comfort my father's spirit in heaven.

The "Travel Notes of Xu Xiake" at that time had been damaged many times and was beyond recognition.Without the master copy, revision work cannot be carried out at all, so the top priority is to find a more complete copy.So Li Ji ran around to find out the whereabouts of each manuscript.When he learned that his father's manuscripts were lost to a man named Cao Junfu in Yixing due to the war, Li Ji, 65, excitedly went to get them with his staff.When Cao Junfu told him that the manuscript had been transferred to Shi Xialong in Yixing 18 years ago, he went to visit the 73-year-old Shi Xialong without stopping.

The emperor paid off, and at Shi Xialong's house, Li Ji finally saw the coveted manuscript.As if he had found a treasure, he bought it and carried it back to Youli Mountain in Jiangyin overnight, where he carefully organized and compiled it.However, this process was equally arduous and tortuous... During the process of sorting it out, Li Ji discovered that there were many human-made tamperings in Shi Xialong's manuscripts, and they were seriously smeared and the handwriting was difficult to read.So he checked them one by one and corrected the tampering one by one.Really unable to see clearly, he held the manuscript up to the sun in order to see clearly the writing that had been obliterated by ink, and then restore it.And his many years of travel experience also came in handy at this time.

In the quiet Xiufeng Pavilion of Shanjuan, Li Ji compared the manuscripts obtained in Yixing with several manuscripts he had on hand, and collated and supplemented them based on the information he collected and what he saw and heard.Finally, after five years of hard work, Li Ji compiled a relatively complete "Xu Xiake's Travels", which people call "Li Jieli's manuscript", and Jieli is Li Ji's name.This version is the mother version of all later versions of "Xu Xiake's Travels", so it is also called the "ancestor of all books".It is precisely because of this version that our "Xu Xiake's Travels" has been handed down. "

One breath.Jiang Ning finished talking about the history of the spread of "Xu Xiake's Travels".

It's just that everyone is happy that "Xu Xiake's Travels" can be passed down.

But today's course is about Li Shizhen.


For everyone.

Li Shizhen does not seem to be as lucky as "Xu Xiake's Travels".

"Compendium of Materia Medica" will disappear in the long river of history.

"If Xu Xiake hadn't had this illegitimate son, I'm afraid we wouldn't have seen Xu Xiake's travel notes."

"Yes, there is some irony in that Li Ji clearly wanted to return to the Xu family, but was rejected."

"How should I put this? After all, he is an illegitimate child, and the Xu family was also a wealthy businessman at the time. The main wife would generally not allow such an illegitimate child to come back."

Many people muttered to themselves.


The more you say so.

Everyone regrets the loss of "Compendium of Materia Medica".

"Teacher Jiang Ning, has the Compendium of Materia Medica been lost?"

A group of students still asked unwillingly.

"I didn't say it."


Everyone was stunned for a moment before they realized: "Teacher Jiang Ning, it turns out that you have been deceiving us all this time."

This said.

Everyone suddenly realized.

If it is true, it will be lost.

So what’s the point of talking about Li Shizhen?
Without such a great book, I am afraid Li Shizhen would have remained unknown.

"Teacher Jiang Ning, you don't teach like this."

"Yes, Teacher Jiang Ning, what you said just now made us all cry."

"Teacher Jiang Ning, you are lecturing at a university now, so you need to be more serious."

The crowd could not laugh or cry.

Jiang Ning spread his hands and said: "Actually, I didn't deceive you. What I said before, I just want to tell you classmates. How difficult it is for a book to be passed down. Xu Xiake's travel notes can be passed down. They all experienced such complex experiences. Not to mention, it is an even more difficult task for him to pass down works that are more complex than Xu Xiake's travel notes. Therefore, for a group of classics that can be passed down through hundreds of thousands of years , we must treat them kindly.”

This is also the reason why Jiang Ning talks about "Li Ji".

This is also one of the reasons why Jiang Ning taught the third episode of class.


"We continue to go back to Li Shizhen and the Compendium of Materia Medica. The Compendium of Materia Medica has a total of 190 million words and thousands of pictures of Materia Medica. He posed a huge challenge to printing and publishing. At that time, the largest local bookseller considered the economic value and refused The publication of Compendium of Materia Medica was completed. However, Li Shizhen was not discouraged and kept thinking of ways."

"At this time, Li Shizhen's son reminded, father, the reason why these booksellers are unwilling to publish is because they feel that publishing such a masterpiece costs a lot of money and cannot recover the cost. If this is the case, it is better to hire a A celebrity has written a preface to this work, and with his blessing as a celebrity, I believe that the Compendium of Materia Medica will be published."

"Li Shizhen felt that his son's idea was good, so he thought of Wang Shizhen. Wang Shizhen was not only a famous calligrapher at that time, but also a leading figure in Wenzong in the world. If he had recommended or written a preface, the Compendium of Materia Medica would definitely be published. But even though he thought of Wang Shizhen, But Li Shizhen and Wang Shizhen have never met. What's even more difficult is that Wang Shizhen is an official of the imperial court, and Li Shizhen is just a commoner. Will Wang Shizhen take it seriously when an ordinary citizen seeks help from a famous person?"

Everyone's hearts were suddenly gripped again.

"Teacher Jiang Ning, did Wang Shizhen ignore Li Shizhen?"

A student in the audience couldn't help but blurted out another question.

Jiang Ning waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, I'll tell everyone slowly. Although Li Shizhen thought of this problem, Li Shizhen couldn't care so much at the time. He carried his handwritten version on his back and left For nine days and nine nights, we arrived at Wang Shizhen's residence. Fortunately, this literary figure did not underestimate Li Shizhen. When he learned that Li Shizhen was coming, Wang Shizhen happily received Li Shizhen and had a long talk with him."

"The two met late. Li Shizhen handed bags of manuscripts to Wang Shizhen, told Wang Shizhen his intention and experience in writing the book, as well as the difficulties of not being able to publish the book after it was completed, and begged Wang Shizhen to write a preface to the "Compendium of Materia Medica". After looking at a whole bag of manuscripts and listening to Li Shizhen's tearful narration, Wang Shizhen was deeply moved. He left the manuscript and agreed to read it carefully."

"But, he added. The Compendium of Materia Medica is different from other literary works. It is a medical book. Why did Li Shizhen revise the medical book? It was because there were many errors in the previous medical books, and he wanted to revise and add to them. So, as a new Are there errors in the revised "Compendium of Materia Medica"? After hearing this, Li Shizhen said that the content of the "Compendium of Materia Medica" was huge and there might be errors, so he carried the manuscript of the "Compendium of Materia Medica" back home to revise it."

"Unexpectedly, Li Shizhen revised the manuscript three times for this revision, and it took another 10 years to revise it. If we add the 27 years before this work was compiled, the entire "Compendium of Materia Medica" took 37 years to compile, nearly 40 years time."

The whole class.

There was silence at this time.

Everyone can imagine how difficult it is to write a book in 40 years.

"When Li Shizhen met Wang Shizhen again 10 years later, Wang Shizhen was deeply moved, and he wrote a preface to "Compendium of Materia Medica". Wang Shizhen wrote in the preface, from the tomb code to the legend. Wherever relevant, Miu Not ready to collect. Extensive but not complex, detailed and important. Comprehensive analysis, looking straight into the abyss. Isn't it just based on medical books? The subtleties of practical principles, the "Tongdian" of investigating things, the emperor's secrets, the subjects It is also an important treasure. Later, Wang Shizhen invited the largest bookseller in Jinling to publish the "Compendium of Materia Medica". This edition was known as the Jinling edition in history. So far, the "Compendium of Materia Medica" has been passed down. In the same year, Wang Shizhen died .”

Speaking of here.

The third episode of the lesson was finished.

The eyes of all the students were already wet.

Applause from all over the sky came like a tide.

(End of this chapter)

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