Let’s talk about Liaozhai at the beginning, I scared all the fans on the Internet to death

Chapter 169 Breaking news, the ruins of sunken silver at the mouth of the Zhang Xianzhong River.

"Let's take a look at the historical data first. We can find out from the Qing history manuscripts. It is clearly recorded in the Qing history that Zhang Xianzhong massacred [-] million people in Sichuan, and [-] million is [-] million. Of course, [-] million is an approximate number, maybe There is not [-] million, it may be [-] million or [-] million, but it doesn’t matter. Anyway, it is around [-] million, but in fact, there were no [-] million people in Sichuan at that time. Let alone Sichuan, the entire Ming Dynasty combined The population does not even have [-] million people.”

The maximum population of the Ming Dynasty was around 6500 million. Even if there were some uncounted figures, the maximum population would be around 1 million if added together.

Even in the Qing Dynasty, there were only about 1 million at the peak.

Of the 6 million people killed here, where can they find 6 million people for Zhang Xianzhong to kill?

"Of course, it's not just Qing history that records Zhang Xianzhong's massacre of Chuan. Ming history also records Zhang Xianzhong's massacre of Chuan. There are even a lot of historical materials. From this point of view, it cannot be completely denied that Zhang Xianzhong did not massacre Chuan."

After all, we are in a university.

Therefore, when Jiang Ning talked about Zhang Xianzhong, he cited a series of historical evidence.

"The above is recorded in the history of the Ming Dynasty, and we can also see it from the history of the Qing Dynasty. Zhang Xianzhong still killed many Sichuan people, but it is questionable whether all of them were done by Zhang Xianzhong. It is also doubtful that the Qing Dynasty did it. In addition, the history of the Ming Dynasty was compiled by the Qing Dynasty. And Zhang Xianzhong was not only the opponent of the Ming Dynasty emperor, but also the opponent of the Qing Dynasty. Regarding Zhang Xianzhong, how much water is involved is also questionable. "


Regarding the question of whether Zhang Xianzhong massacred Sichuan.

There are experts in the field of history who have conducted research.

Many people are also skeptical about Zhang Xianzhong Tuchuan.

But even after researching it.

Not many people dare to publicly express questions about Zhang Xianzhong.

The reason.

That is, Zhang Xianzhong himself has a bad reputation, and his reputation is much worse than that of Chuang Wang.

Reversing the verdict of a historical figure with a low reputation is of no benefit to historians.

For Zhang Xianzhong.

Jiang Ning's intention is not to overturn the verdict.

He just wants to restore a more realistic character to the public.


Jiang Ning continued: "We can see from the territory controlled by Zhang Xianzhong. The Daxi regime established by Zhang Xianzhong controlled a relatively large area at the beginning, but this was only the early stage. In the later period, the territory controlled by Zhang Xianzhong was only around Chengdu. In other words, the territory controlled by Zhang Xianzhong was only in the vicinity of Chengdu. , the entire Sichuan has always been divided by various warlords, and Zhang Xianzhong was unable to control Sichuan for a long time. Under such circumstances, Zhang Xianzhong could not and did not have the ability to kill so many people."

"In addition, we can find from historical data that even after Zhang Xianzhong's death, it took the Qing people 13 years to capture Chongqing. In other words, after Zhang Xianzhong's death, there were still a group of people and forces in Shu who fought against the Qing people. From this point of view, it took the Qing people 13 years to capture Chongqing, which obviously proves that after Zhang Xianzhong's death, there was still a large population in the local area. As for why it disappeared later, then this has nothing to do with Zhang Xianzhong, it has to do with the Qing people Whether it is related or not is not the topic of today’s study.”

While talking, Jiang Ning took out a map.

Zhang Xianzhong's battles at the end of the Ming Dynasty were actually a bit complicated.

Originally, Zhang Xianzhong, Li Chuang and others attacked the Ming Dynasty together.

But later the Ming Dynasty fell, and Zhang Xianzhong also had conflicts.

This is a cheap way to clear troops.

"The other one, Zhang Xianzhong, established the Daxi regime. The meaning of establishing the regime is that he wants to be the emperor. He is going to be the emperor. Then, will the emperor kill all the civilians on the territory he controls? This is natural It's impossible, there are no civilians, no common people, then who will support Zhang Xianzhong and Zhang Xianzhong's troops? It is impossible for these troops to farm and fight at the same time. Of course, there have been troops who farmed and fought at the same time in history, but very few Few. But basically, whether it is the army or the government, it depends on the people. Without the people, the so-called political power is just a castle in the air. Without the people, who would want to be the emperor?"

"There's one more thing we should think about."

Jiang Ning put a picture on the projection.

The picture looks like a temple.

Inside the universe is a sculpture of a general, and this general is none other than Zhang Xianzhong.

In other words.

This is a temple of Zhang Xianzhong.

"Everyone, please see, this is the big temple in Qiqu Mountain, Zitong. Inside the temple, Zhang Xianzhong is actually enshrined. Every year in February and August, nearby villagers come to pay homage. It's hard to believe that if Zhang Xianzhong really killed someone like this There are many people, and the people will build a temple to him. Even Zhang Xianzhong's statue was destroyed several times by the Qing Dynasty. But every time it was destroyed, it didn't take long before someone rebuilt it. What is inside? reason?"

For the common people.

The most noble way for them to thank others is undoubtedly to build temples for them.

If this man killed so many Sichuan people, would the people still build a temple for him?
"So, based on the above, we can actually speculate. We have a clearer picture of Zhang Xianzhong's massacre of Sichuan. I think that in the face of so many historical materials, Zhang Xianzhong still killed some people in Sichuan, and the specific number cannot be calculated for the time being. But, is it right? A group of Shu people who were killed were Zhang Xianzhong, obviously not. In this, the Qing soldiers are very suspicious. After all, the current historical materials, including the history of the Ming Dynasty, were revised by the Qing people. In other words, we can see More than 90% of the historical materials we obtained were also provided by the Qing Dynasty people."


Speaking of it.

Everyone nodded.

At the same time.

Netizens in the live broadcast room also have a better understanding of Zhang Xianzhong.

But at this time, a student raised his hand and asked: "Teacher Jiang Ning, I also agree with Tu Chuan not only Zhang Xianzhong, but also some other forces. But why does Zhang Xianzhong come to mind when talking about Tu Chuan? In fact, everyone I think it was Zhang Xianzhong who massacred Chuan."

"That's a good question."

Jiang Ning nodded: "This is also a question I want to discuss with you. In fact, as I said just now, our current Ming and Qing history were all compiled by Qing people. As for what you want to ask, wasn't Qing history compiled by modern people? But In fact, due to a series of reasons, Qing history has not yet been completed. Therefore, most of the Qing history materials still come from Qing people."

"In addition, why is it Zhang Xianzhong when talking about Tu Chuan? There are two reasons. One is that Zhang Xianzhong himself killed many people. Whether he was involved in Tu Chuan or not, there is currently a question. Since he is, he cannot be denied. There is no Tu Chuan. Second, Zhang Xianzhong's reputation is too bad. One is that Zhang Xianzhong has killed many people, and the way of killing is also very bloody, so no matter who it is, the bad reputation of Tu Chuan will be imprinted on Zhang Xianzhong's name. . Another thing is that both the Ming Dynasty people and the Qing Dynasty people hate Zhang Xianzhong, so Zhang Xianzhong must also bear the blame."

"Among them, Zhang Xianzhong not only killed people, but he also killed many dignitaries, scholars, and vassal kings of the Ming Dynasty. Especially the scholars, who offended all the scholars, and no one would beautify Zhang Xianzhong."

Jiang Ning took out a few more historical materials.

For example, in a Qing historical material "Sui Kou Ji Lue" that details Zhang Xianzhong's murder, the author is named Wu Weiye.

As for Wu Weiye, he has a family member named Wu Jishan.

Who is Wu Jishan?

He had surrendered to Zhang Xianzhong before, but was later killed by Zhang Xianzhong.

"Some people also ask, why are these scholars killed? In fact, this is the same question as where did the money for Zhang Xianzhong's war come from? On the one hand, it was plundered from the common people. But how much money can the common people have, even if it is plundered? , and not much can be found. More money comes from dignitaries, scholars, and even vassal kings. Historical records record that Zhang Xianzhong found 8000 million taels of silver from a group of officials in the Ming Dynasty, and of course there were a series of Gold and silver treasures. Even after his death, these gold and silver treasures were not used up."

This is the key point Jiang Ning wants to talk about.

"Although Zhang Xianzhong made great progress in military and territorial expansion in the early stage. However, in the later stage, Zhang Xianzhong encountered big problems in his military operations. In fact, as mentioned just now, Zhang Xianzhong not only The enemy of the DPRK was also the opponent of the Qing people. On the one hand, Zhang Xianzhong had to deal with the Nanming regime, and on the other hand, he also had to deal with the Qing people. At the same time, Zhang Xianzhong also had to deal with the local landlord resistance forces in Sichuan. He even had to beware of King Chuang. troops."

"It can be said that Zhang Xianzhong made enemies on all sides. In the later period, Zhang Xianzhong also knew that his Daxi regime was unsustainable, so he left himself a way out. He used several large ships to transport away the treasures he had previously collected. However, when he was transporting gold and silver, he met Yang Zhan, a general of the Ming Dynasty. The two sides fought at the mouth of the river in Pengshan. Zhang Xianzhong was defeated and retreated to Chengdu. However, although Zhang Xianzhong escaped, he did not transport the gold and silver. Several ships of gold and silver were all sunk at the mouth of the river."

side said.

Jiang Ning took out the current map of Sichuan.

He pointed to the Jiangkou in Pengshan District and said: "If my prediction is correct, the Jiangkou at that time was around here."

This was certainly not what Jiang Ning had guessed.


In Zhang Xianzhong's previous life, Chen Yin at Jiangkou was here.

Although this world is very different from the previous life, most of it was still the same before the Qing Dynasty.

It is just because of the lack of various historical materials that everyone has different views on history.

Just like a series of historical figures mentioned by Jiang Ning before.

In fact, the characters are still the same characters.The story is still the same story.

But if Jiang Ning explains it, the feeling will be completely different.

In fact.

It’s not just Eguchi Chen Yin.


Eguchi Chenyin is just part of it.

And most of them are in another place.

This place is said to be in Jinjiang.

In order to prevent his gold and silver from being discovered, Zhang Xianzhong ordered his troops to cut off the Jinjiang River, dig a huge pit in it, and then bury the looted treasure in it.In the previous life in 1943, there was a general from Central Sichuan who led hundreds of people to participate in the Jinjiang treasure digging operation.They dug a 50-meter-long river channel. After more than a month of digging for the treasure, a heavy rain suddenly occurred midway, causing the water in the Jinjiang River to surge for several days. The treasure digging project was also forced to be suspended.Although the treasure digging project was forced to end due to force majeure, it was not without success. For more than a month, human bones, blood sand, stone cattle and copper coins from Dashun Tongbao were unearthed.

Unfortunately, due to the passage of time and the change of several dynasties, the current Jinjiang river channel is too deep in silt. At the same time, due to technical conditions, it is no longer easy to excavate this side of the Jinjiang River.

and so.

Jiang Ning did not mention the treasure hidden in Jinjiang.

The easiest thing to excavate, and one that has been successfully discovered in previous lives, is the Jiangkou in Pengshan.

"Teacher Zhang Ning, which historical material records the sinking silver at the mouth of Pengshan River that you mentioned?"

At this time.

One lecturer asked Jiang Ning a question.

Different from other students.

This lecturer knew Zhang Xianzhong very well.

It can be said.

He has studied most of the series of living materials about Zhang Xianzhong.


He was also skeptical about Zhang Xianzhong's massacre of Shu.

But he just had suspicions and didn't want to make it public.

After all, he had no such idea of ​​overturning the verdict of Zhang Xianzhong, a man with a bad reputation.

What Jiang Ning said today coincided with his views.


Although what Jiang Ning said was consistent with his point of view, he felt that some of what Jiang Ning said about Jiangkou Chen Yin was an obvious fabrication.

Because it doesn't look real.

"There is currently no historical record."

After thinking for a while, Jiang Ning answered truthfully.

There is indeed no record of this in the official history.

"Since there are no historical records, Teacher Jiang Ning, how did you come to such an inference?"

The lecturer smiled.

At the same time, there was already some disapproval of Jiang Ning in his heart.

Although he thinks.

What Jiang Ning just said about Zhang Xianzhong's massacre of Chuan was indeed considered professional.

But after all, he didn’t come from a major.

such as.

He likes to add a lot of wild materials or made-up content to these histories.

And why?
He also understands.

For those novelists and those researchers of folk history, they just want to make Zhang Xianzhong’s story more vivid.


Although this does make Zhang Xianzhong's story more vivid and more familiar to the public.

However, such wild materials have always been a great obstacle to restoring history and allowing the public to understand the true history.

"This is not what I infer. In fact, among Sichuan folk, he has a ballad about Zhang Xianzhong hiding silver."

"What song?"

"The stone ox versus the stone drum costs tens of thousands of gold and silver. Whoever can tell the difference will buy up all the money in Chengdu."

Jiang Ning also wrote this song.

"Can you believe folk songs?"

"Some of them are really unbelievable, but some of them are indeed believable."

Ballads scattered among the people are generally regarded as unofficial history by professional history researchers.

But it doesn’t necessarily mean that unofficial history is false.

For example, there are rumors about how Emperor Guangxu died in his previous life.

The official history is about death from illness.

But at that time, everyone among the people was spreading rumors that Emperor Guangxu was poisoned.

This has also led to debate among experts for more than 100 years.

Many experts believe that we should still believe in official history.

But it was later confirmed through modern science and technology that Emperor Guangxu's hair, clothes, and even his stomach contained a large amount of arsenic.

A compound of arsenic, also known as arsenic.

"If you don't believe it, you can go for a walk to the mouth of the river. Maybe, you might gain something."

Jiang Ning didn't argue.

In the end there is not.

Speak with facts.


This is the end of the class. (End of chapter)

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