Let’s talk about Liaozhai at the beginning, I scared all the fans on the Internet to death

Chapter 136 The most beautiful goddess in heaven, Chang'e.

Chapter 136 The most beautiful goddess in heaven, Chang'e. (Please subscribe)
"Brothers, let me introduce you to a new map."

"Are there new maps?"


"You are really a game company. Will you be releasing new maps after a while?"

"The superiors said that we are a five-A tourist attraction, and the number of tourists every year must meet the standard. Otherwise, our qualifications will be lowered."

"Oh my god, if you don't meet the standards, then there won't be many [-]A-level scenic spots that can. But by the way, what new attractions have you guys created?"


The emergence of the Jade Emperor Palace can be described as extremely popular.

Regardless of whether you have been there or not, everyone is no stranger to the Jade Emperor Palace.


Some people went to the Jade Emperor Palace several times.


At this time, some people will say that they have some aesthetic fatigue.

But no matter how tired you are, you can't stop Jade Emperor Palace from constantly launching new maps, new gods, and new stories.

This is not.

Everyone has not fully digested the 36 Tiangang Stars and 72 Earthly Evil Stars.

The new map of Jade Emperor Palace is here again.

"This new map is called Yaochi."



"Where is Yaochi?"

"It's a long story."

Jiang Ning said: "Every god has a place where every god lives. For example, Emperor Ziwei lives in Ziwei Palace, the Jade Emperor lives in Taiwei Palace, and Emperor Zhenwu's dojo is in Wudang Mountain. Legend has it that the Queen Mother of the West lives in It is in the Yaochi of Kunlun Mountain. According to rumors, there is a pointed giant breast standing over the Yaochi, called [Lingyun Stalactite], with magnificent colors, and the water below is as calm as a mirror. Lingyun stalactite absorbs the essence of heaven and earth, and it takes hundreds of years to condense a drop of holy water. The holy water passes by Filtered for hundreds of years, it is pure and flawless. The water of Yaochi is first refined with holy water, purified into clouds, and spread widely between heaven and earth..."


Listen to the introduction.

Even without an introduction.

Everyone has already fantasized about Yaochi.

"By the way, Teacher Jiang Ning, I seem to have heard of Queen Mother of the West before?"


Jiang Ning said: "I have talked about the Queen Mother of the West before. The Queen Mother of the West is a deity on Kunlun Mountain and later became the Queen Mother. According to rumors, the Queen Mother of the West is very good at refining the elixir of immortality."

"Yes, yes, the elixir of death... I think I mentioned it when I was talking about the Classic of Mountains and Seas."

Everyone remembered.

"Not only that, the Yaochi where Queen Mother of the West is located also grows a variety called flat peach."

"What kind of peach is a flat peach?"

"Pan peaches are also called fairy peaches, longevity peaches, and can also be said to be immortal peaches. This kind of peach is not only delicious and delicious, but even more miraculous is that just one smell can increase your life span by hundreds of years. If you eat one bite, Then you have to live forever and fly to immortality in the daytime.”

"I'll go, so awesome?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

They had never heard of such a magical peach.

What's even more unheard of is that Jiang Ning can brag like this.

"Teacher Jiang Ning, don't tell me, can you find a peach like this?"

Many people feel that Jiang Ning is telling stories again.

How can things in legends like this appear in reality.

Just like those elixirs of life.

Only the characters in the story can eat this.

But Jiang Ning shook his head and said: "That's not true. Since we have Yaochi, how can we not have flat peaches? Come on, everyone, the garden has not opened yet, I will take you to see our flat peaches first."


The camera follows Jiang Ning and arrives at Yaochi.

It’s the same as what Jiang Ning introduced.

Entering Yaochi is like entering the fairyland.

The layer here is stain-free and crystal clear.

There is also holy water falling from the sky.

And far away.

It is a peach forest.

Jiang Ning stepped forward: "Everyone, this is Pantao."


Looking at the tens of thousands of flat peaches in front of them, everyone was extremely surprised.

"Is this the flat peach that is said to make you immortal if you eat it?"


"How much does it cost per pound? How many pounds will we buy back?"

"Hahaha, well... only those who are destined to eat it can eat it."

"Get lost. What kind of destined person tricked us into visiting the Jade Emperor Palace again?"

Everyone raised their middle finger towards Jiang Ning.

But have to say.

The temptation is very great.

For example, the newly opened attraction Yaochi.

Shangyaochi itself is a stunning attraction.

Later it was said that there are flat peaches that you can eat to live forever.


Not to mention eating it, even if you just smell it, you can live hundreds of years.

Such a peach.

Even though they knew it was fake, they were still full of great interest.

"Don't worry, everyone, the park will open in a week. By then, everyone can come to our Yaochi."

Jiang Ning smiled slightly: "Now I will continue to tell you about our flat peach."

"Isn't it finished? Are you still talking?"

"Of course you have to make it clear."

Jiang Ning said: "I just gave a brief introduction. Now that I have the actual object, I will introduce it to you again."

"Everyone can take a look. Our peach forest is actually divided into three parts. Let's talk about the first part first. The first piece of flat peaches only matures once every 3000 years. People who eat it can become light and healthy, and become immortals."

"After talking about the first piece, Jiang Ning walked to the second peach grove. The second piece of flat peaches matures once every 6000 years, and people who eat it will rise to immortality. The third piece is amazing. Look, this peach is still blooming. With purple lines, this kind of flat peach takes 9000 years to mature."

"9000 years, damn..."

Everyone was in awe of Jiang Ning's ability to tell stories.

"It matures in 3000 years, matures in 6000 years, and matures in 9000 years."

"Oh my god, this bragging ability is simply unparalleled in the universe."

"Yeah, yeah, but so what, are you interested?"

"Interested, so damn interested."

Everyone complained.

What 3000 years, 6000 years, 9000 years.

It is clear that the peaches here are big and small.

The small one takes 3000 years to mature.

The older one matures in 6000 years.

The largest is 9000 years old.

But even so, everyone was becoming more and more interested in Jiang Ning's talk about flat peaches.

No matter what happens to this flat peach.

Just listen to 3000 years, 6000 years, and 9000 years to mature, which are extremely attractive.


They had made up their minds.

As soon as Yaochi opened, they were the first to go in.

No matter what, I will buy a few kilograms of flat peaches and go home.

of course.

Buying flat peaches does not mean you want to live forever.

They also know it's fake.

But Pantao has a huge topic.

Just as Jiang Ning said.

As long as he brings the flat peach back, it will be a blessing to his family and friends.


They are still thinking.

There seem to be tens of thousands of flat peaches here in Yaochi.

But with so many tourists, it’s not necessarily enough.

If they arrive late.

It’s hard to say that even the 3000-year-old flat peach is gone.

as now.

When Jiang Ning talked about the third flat peach that matures in 9000 years, everyone asked anxiously: "Teacher Jiang Ning, Teacher Jiang Ning, what is the use of eating this 9000-year-old flat peach?"

"This one."


Jiang Ning picked one and took a bite.

"good to eat."

A variety of expressions appeared on his face.

Everyone drooled at the sight.

Then Jiang Ning said: "If a person eats these flat peaches that ripen in 9000 years, he will live as long as the heaven and the earth, and the sun and the moon will have the same age."

"My grass..."

This is a miracle that you can brag about.

But that's it.

The crowd is salivating more and more.

"Ah ah ah, Teacher Jiang Ning, Teacher Jiang Ning, hurry up and mail me a few kilograms."

"Yes, damn, I want it to be 9000 years old."

"I also want one that matures every 9000 years."

"Hurry up and tell me how much it costs per catty. As long as it doesn't exceed 100 yuan per catty, I will buy it."

"What a fool, you ate immortal peaches, and you paid 100 yuan a pound? Who are you looking down on? I'll buy one for 1000 yuan."

Although it seems.

They felt that the peach was worth a few dollars per catty at most.


Everyone despises the relatively small peaches, which cost only a few yuan a pound.

But no matter how disgusted it is, it still depends on the occasion.This would be different in Yaochi.

Jiang Ning continued: "It is not easy to mail the fairy peaches. If the fairy energy is gone, it will be bad, so we can only pick them on the spot. If you want it, come to our Jade Emperor Palace when the time comes. I will let the Seven Fairies give it to you in person Pick these peaches."


In Journey to the West in the past life.

The seven fairies were responsible for picking the peaches.

At this time, Jiang Ning also respected tradition.

At that time, the Seven Fairies will continue the tradition of picking peaches.

"Seven fairies?"

Everyone was stunned.

Jiang Ning pointed: "Look, isn't that the Seven Fairies?"

Take a closer look.


In front, seven fairies came floating in the air.

They held the bamboo in their hands, walking or laughing, but they picked the peaches one after another.

"Ah ah ah..."

"Teacher Jiang Ning, you are tempting us to death without repaying our lives."

"Teacher Jiang Ning, let go of the Seven Fairies and let me..."


The myth of the Seven Fairies has been told before.


Jiang Ning also had the Seven Fairies appear in the Jade Emperor Palace before.

Now the actor who plays the Seven Fairies has appeared.

That really stunned everyone.

Not to mention eating peaches.

Even if you just come to see the Seven Fairies picking peaches, it is totally worth it.


"Everyone, calm down, calm down."

Looking at the camera, Jiang Ning asked everyone not to be so excited: "Actually, I haven't finished speaking yet."

"Ah, Teacher Jiang Ning, is there anything else?"

"Of course there is."

Jiang Ning nodded: "There are more than just flat peaches in Yaochi Wonderland. These flat peaches are actually to provide food for the gods. Every 9000 years, the Queen Mother of the West will hold a peach event in Yaochi Wonderland and invite a group of high-ranking people. The gods come to taste the peaches."

"Teacher Jiang Ning, who are the gods invited?"

"This, that's a lot."

Jiang Ning said: "Generally speaking, the Peach Festival invites some well-known gods. They are Buddha and Bodhisattva in the West, Guanyin in the South and Antarctica, Holy Emperor Chong'en in the East, Immortal of Ten Continents and Three Islands, Xuanling in the North and North, and Huang in the Central The Great Immortal of Jihuangjiao, the Five Dou Xing Lords, the Sanqing, the Four Emperors, the Taiyi Celestial Immortal in the upper eight caves, the Jade Emperor, the Nine Bases, and the Haiyue Immortals in the middle eight caves, and the Nether Cult leader in the lower eight caves, each palace has its own size. Dear God, let’s all go to the Peach Festival together.”

Hear the name.

Everyone was stunned.

These are all the top bosses in Heaven.


Not just in heaven.

There were also some gods with extremely high status who were not in the Heavenly Court and were also invited.

Such as Sanqing.

The status of Sanqing is much greater than that of the Jade Emperor.

In addition to them, there are also a group of powerful gods.

What’s even more awesome is.

This peach festival not only invited the gods from Taoism, but also the gods from Buddhism.

"Teacher Jiang Ning, are even the Buddhist Bodhisattva coming?"


Jiang Ning nodded: "Although Taoism and Buddhism are different, they are both located in our Chinese continent. Heaven is the master of all immortals, so Bodhisattva naturally has to give some face."

was talking.

A group of statues of gods suddenly appeared in front of them.


"Amazing, it's really amazing."

"This time, all Taoist and Buddhist sects will be wiped out in one fell swoop."

"Hahaha, what a peach event, I participated in this event."

Listen to Jiang Ning's introduction.

Everyone was filled with admiration in their hearts.


This peach extravaganza is inherently attractive.

For example, his Xiantao is an attractive point.

There are also seven fairies picking peaches, which is even more tempting.

But the Peach Extravaganza is more than just a draw.

If you look at the gods he invited, it shows Jiang Ning's emotional intelligence.

after all.

Generally speaking.

Taoism and Buddhism are two sects, and they will not mix.

Although many times you see Bodhisattvas in Buddhism in Taoism.

There are also Buddhists who see the gods in Taoism.


This is all somewhat irregular.


When Jiang Ning brings out his Peach Festival, it will be different.

My event.

That is the arrival of a group of gods and bodhisattvas.

They are just here as guests, this is neither their dojo nor their temple.

But such a grand event.

But it was to catch all the gods and Buddhas in the world in one fell swoop.

This not only prevents people from feeling inconsistent, but also makes everyone feel that this is okay.

after all.

The gods and bodhisattvas also have to visit and walk around.


If you want to worship some god in the future.

What kind of Bodhisattva do you want to worship?

Don't go all over the world to find the dojos of various gods and bodhisattvas. Come directly to the Jade Emperor Hall, where you can worship all the gods at once.


But this.

Still not over.

Jiang Ning continued.

"In addition to these immortals, there is also a very special immortal in heaven. This immortal is called Chang'e."

"Who is Chang'e?"

"Chang'e was originally a mortal, she was Hou Yi's wife."

"Who is Hou Yi?"

"Descendant, he is a sun-shooting hero."

side said.

Jiang Ning took out the drawing board: "Legend has it that there were ten suns in ancient times, and they were also ten Golden Crows. Usually, the ten Golden Crows go from east to west, and only one Golden Crow comes out every day. But there are ten Golden Crows. Once, just for fun, ten suns appeared in the sky. But at this time, it was a disaster for the people. Suddenly, ten suns appeared above their heads. The ten suns roasted the earth until not a single blade of grass could grow, and countless people Death. At this time, a young man named Hou Yi stood up."

Jiang Ning’s story has always attracted people.

At this time Jiang Ning talked about ten golden crows.

A moment.

Everyone thought of the Classic of Mountains and Seas that Jiang Ning had taught before.

"It's connected, it's connected."

"Aren't ten golden crows the same as ten suns?"


Just when everyone was screaming.

Jiang Ning said: "When Hou Yi saw the people dying one by one, he took a sun-shooting bow and shot an arrow at the sun in the sky. In one breath, Hou Yi shot nine suns in a row. In the end, only the sun was left. A sun is in the sky. At this point, peace has returned to the world, and life has returned to the earth."


at this time.

On Jiang Ning's drawing board, there was a scene of Hou Yi shooting at the sun.

"Damn it, I didn't expect you, Teacher Jiang Ning, to be waiting for me here."

"Nine out of ten Golden Crows were shot to death, leaving only one."

"Hou Yi shot the sun, Hou Yi shot the sun..."

In fact.

Everyone had already admired Jiang Ning's story about ten golden crows before.


The story of the Ten Golden Crows has a sequel.

And what no one expected was this.

This follow-up.

But it ended with Hou Yi shooting at the sun.

This seems a bit tragic.


Just close your eyes.

A myth like Hou Yi shooting the sun is like a brand, deeply imprinted in everyone's heart.

But it's not over yet.

Jiang Ning continued: "Chang'e is Hou Yi's wife. After Hou Yi shot the sun, the people said that Hou Yi saved their homeland, so they made Hou Yi their king. Hou Yi also took the people with him and lived a prosperous life. Life. But in ancient times, there were many tribes there. Although Hou Yi led the people to live a good life, he had a competitor, Pang Meng."

"Pang Meng heard that Hou Yi had an elixir of longevity that he got from the Queen Mother of the West, so he took his men to Hou Yi's house while Hou Yi was not at home, trying to snatch the elixir away. At this time, it happened to be Was discovered by Hou Yi's wife Chang'e. In order to protect the elixir of life, Chang'e took the elixir of life into her stomach in a moment of desperation. As a result, as soon as Chang'e took the elixir of life, her body became It was extremely light, and then it floated into the air. As Chang'e's body became lighter and lighter, Chang'e became farther and farther away from the earth. Finally, Chang'e flew to the moon. This story is also called Chang'e flying to the moon... …”


On Jiang Ning's drawing board, there is a picture of Chang'e who is in a state of ecstasy.

Behind her, there was a bright moon hanging high.

Let’s look at the day.

In a few days, it seems that the Mid-Autumn Festival will be here.

(End of this chapter)

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