Mrs. Song said distressedly: "Qingfeng must have bought this wine bug just to discuss official business."

Li Xinglian raised his eyes and looked at Song Yizhi.

Song Yizhi said that Wei Qingfeng's drinking capacity was average before.

After having the wine bug, it is indeed easier to discuss business at the wine table.

"If you want the wine bug back, you can." Li Xinglian secretly tapped the bottle twice with his fingers and gave the bottle to Song Yizhi.

Song Yizhi had just transferred the consultation fee to her.

Mrs. Song quickly urged Song Yizhi, "Hurry up and bring the wine bug!"

"This..." Song Yizhi held the bottle and felt like he was holding a hot yam in his hand.

"Bring it here quickly!" Mrs. Song scolded: "Do you want to watch your brother die in pain? You heartless white-eyed wolf!"

Wei Qingfeng was still tied and lying on the ground, which was very funny.

Li Xinglian stood aside and watched the show with his arms folded.

He beat and scolded his own biological son, but instead loved the child he sponsored for adoption.

How would Song Yizhi react?

He clenched the bottle in his hand, his eyes filled with confusion.

Mrs. Song saw him stunned and stood up to grab it.

Song Yizhi was still hesitant at first, but now he no longer hesitated and threw the wine bug to Li Xinglian and said: "Miss Li, please help me kill the wine bug!"

Li Xinglian secretly thought it was a pity, but he still helped him.

The Heavenly Fire Technique fell on the Liquor Insect and burned it to ashes.

"Ah! Ah!!" When Wei Qingfeng saw this scene, his eyes were split open, and he looked at Li Xinglian with murderous intent in his eyes, "I'm going to kill you!"

"Just you?" Li Xinglian chuckled, "Let's stand up first and then talk."

You can't even break the rope, but you still want to kill her?

Mrs. Song pointed at Li Xinglian, her fingers trembling, "You, you, said we still want bugs, why did you burn them?"

"Mom, I asked Miss Li to burn the wine bug to death." Song Yizhi stopped in front of Li Xinglian and said in a deep voice: "If you want to blame, blame me."

"Of course you are to blame!" Mrs. Song said angrily: "You are just jealous of your brother's good business. After negotiating a few big orders, you led others to destroy your brother! I really shouldn't have given birth to you in the first place! What if? If I had thrown you to death earlier, you wouldn’t have made me so angry!”

After a while, Song Yizhi's figure became unstable.

He obviously had good intentions, and it was obviously Mrs. Song who was worried about Wei Qingfeng's health first, so he paid Li Xing to train with her.

But now, Mrs. Song actually said that to him.

Just when Mrs. Song continued to beat Song Yizhi.

Li Xing said, "Your family affairs will be in the future. I'll leave first."

If she stayed any longer, she would probably be accidentally injured.

"I'll take you out." Song Yizhi still wanted to maintain his last dignity.

But just as he was walking out, a wine bottle hit him on the back of the head.

Li Xing, with his sharp eyes and quick hands, quickly pulled Song Yizhi away.

Song Yizhi turned around in disbelief.

Mrs. Song pointed at him and cursed: "Get out of here! Get out of this house! I never want to see you again!"

Song Yizhi stood there, his face pale.

It was Li Xinglian who pulled him, and he staggered away.

Coming out of Song's house, the afternoon sun was dazzling.

But Song Yizhi only felt that his whole body was cold, and even his heart seemed to stop beating.

Song Yizhi sat blankly on the bench outside.

Li Xinglian went to buy two bottles of ice drinks, handed him one, and said, "Don't be sad."

Song Yizhi raised his eyes to look at her, took the ice drink, "Thank you."

Li Xinglian really wanted to say that he wanted to leave.

But it’s so difficult to get a taxi here. I’ve been using the taxi app for more than ten minutes, but no one has taken the order yet. (End of chapter)

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