This Pokémon Trainer is too strong

Chapter 652: After the war, there must be a knee pillow

Chapter 652: After the war, there must be a knee pillow (4K)

The incident of "The Great God of Glory" has come to an end for now.

Affected by Necrozma's chaotic light particles, the ultimate beasts that appeared all over Alola were also defeated and sent back by the kings of the islands, working with the overlord Pokémon or the team leader's trainer.

After receiving the news, Barnett, director of the "Space Research Institute", immediately made an official announcement.

The oppressive gloom that has shrouded the hearts of the residents of Alola has finally cleared up.

Out-of-control legends and ultimate alien beasts are nothing more than "natural disasters" in the eyes of ordinary people.


"In the face of natural disasters, we are not helpless!"

Chairman Lusamine’s speech was very inspiring.

The residents of Alola, hugging their families and children, accompanied by their Pokémon, walked out of their houses, looked up at the moon in the sky, then slowly closed their eyes and offered their prayers and gratitude.

Not only was this gratitude in their hearts to the "Sun and Moon Gods" and the "Island Guardian God", but also to the people who stood up for them tonight to fight against the "Glory God" and the "Ultimate Alien Beast" trainers.

It is precisely because of their dedication that Alola's light is protected.

They are the only light in the darkness where natural light is completely annihilated unless it is charity from others!

Opening his eyes, he saw an imaginary young man in front of him, holding a holy sword of light, firing a light cannon, and repelling the "Great God of Glory". The scene was shocking.

"With a human body, I can stand up to the gods!"

Riding in a light boat, a poet chuckled and lowered his head, looked at the sea level reflecting the moonlight, and chanted: "If in the next hundreds of thousands of years, people come to walk the earth and walk among the stars, they will praise his name——"

The moonlight is beautiful and the clouds are opening.

The big bird with a blunderbuss hovers over the canoe and drifts with the current.

With a pot of sake in his throat, the poet rested his arms and closed his eyes slightly.

"When drunk, I don't know that the sky is in the water, and the boat is full of clear dreams, pressing down on the galaxy."

The Sun Altar was shrouded in the cold moonlight.

Lunala and Solgaleo are the gods of "moon" and "sun". They cannot have "one-click repair" like Dialga and Palkia of "time" and "space". "Ability.

Kapu Fin Fin looked around at the dilapidated Sun Wheel Altar with mixed emotions.

Suddenly I remembered that half of the damage on the altar was caused by Kapu Mingming.

Kapu·Fin, who had always been peaceful, felt anger welling up in his heart, and grabbed Kapu·Mingming who wanted to run away.

Kapu Fin Fin: "If you don't repair the altar, you won't be able to return to Melemele Island!"

Kapu Mingming scratched his head innocently: "How can this be blamed on me?"

Kapu Diedie, who has a pure heart and is the most innocent among the Kapu, covered her mouth and smiled, her pink tentacles swaying, appearing to be trying to stop the fight, but in fact it was causing anger.

Well, that would be interesting!

Kapu Moo is the most down-to-earth person and is willing to work together to repair the Sun Altar.

Su Yuan is in a coma.

Xue Zijin withdrew his gaze, rubbed the surface of the box containing the "Gardevoir Evolutionary Stone", chuckled and pondered.

I'd better look for an opportunity next time to hand over the matching "Mega Evolution Items" to the router teacher. It's not suitable now.

Lillie knelt on the ground, and Su Yuan leaned into the girl's shoulder. The ends of her off-white hair fell down, covering the boy's handsome cheeks.

The steel champion made a random excuse.

"Wait a moment, I need to write a report and submit it to the alliance." Xue Zijin said, his voice like the spring breeze blowing through the willows in the pond, rippling: "Please forgive me for being with you."

Meng Yiran raised his eyebrows and immediately understood: "I also need to write a report to the alliance immediately."

The bronze bell that Kankan arrived at had King Wu Song on his back with a startled expression.

Fighting against the legendary "God of Glory" consumes a lot of energy and physical strength.

Even after just fighting with him head-on for a while, Wu Song already felt an indescribable fatigue, eroding his mind and eager to rest.

(PS: The three people on this side are facing each other head-on. Mitsuki and Gladion were just delaying before, Su Yuan aside)

On the other hand, the first thing the champion of Donghuang did after finishing the battle with the King of Heaven was not to take a break, but to write a battle report and submit it to the alliance.

This conscientious attitude is worthy of the titles of "Champion" and "King"!

"I'm really ashamed!" A hint of shame flashed across Wu Song's expression, trying to hold on to his exhausted spirit.

Considering that his own Sinnoh Alliance, he, who is mainly responsible for handling the incident, is now in Alola.

The so-called report writing, after it is submitted, [-]% of it will be reviewed by yourself, so there is no need to write it in such a hurry.

Wu Song put one hand on the bronze bell and moved calmly and gracefully. His eyes paused on Su Yuan for a moment, lowered his voice, and said to Xue Zijin and Meng Yiran: "Then, let me be responsible for the patrol missions in the future."

Defeating Necrozma temporarily eliminates the crisis, but it cannot guarantee future safety.

Follow-up patrol missions are also very necessary.

"I can't lose my reputation as the 'King of Sinnoh' here!"


The bronze bell has a thick and heavy body, and the air spurts out from the mouth of the bell, carrying King Wusong and disappearing into the sky, leaving a wake in the field of vision.

The smoke that hit the ground dispersed.

Xue Zijin and Meng Yiran were both stunned, seeing something strange in each other's eyes.

"This King of the Sinnoh Alliance is really full of energy."

Xue Zijin took the folding fan he took out from nowhere, shook it gently, and unconsciously compared it with Long Ziying.

With a light tsk, Xue Zijin folded the fan, slapped it in the palm of his hand, and shook his head secretly.

They are both the strongest kings in the alliance.

Long Ziying cannot be compared with this King Wusong at all.

"It still needs a lot of hard work!" Xue Zijin couldn't help but sigh.

Suddenly he noticed that beside him, Meng Yiran's eyes fell on the fire-breathing dragon.

Xue Zijin asked strangely: "What?"

Meng Yiran: "When did you secretly cultivate a fire-breathing dragon?"

In the last "Championship Championship", the two lineups used by Xue Zijin did not include Charizard.

In addition, the momentum of this fire-breathing dragon is far inferior to that of the martial arts bear master and Xue Zijin's other main Pokémon. It is obviously newly bred.

Hear someone talking about themselves.

The fire-breathing dragon spits out two streams of white gas from its nozzle, with its head held high and its tail blazing with flames.

Xue Zijin probably guessed Meng Yiran's doubts and did not hide it. He said calmly: "I just want to reintroduce new tactics in my current lineup."

As we all know, the current champion of Donghuang is good at fast breaks. He has a tailwind system and a rainy day system. He can also merge into a rainy day tailwind system when necessary.

Meng Yiran was slightly startled.

Based on the "rainy day and tailwind" system, introduce a fire-breathing dragon to build a new tactical system?

No matter how you think about it, it's quite inconsistent, right?
Meng Yiran raised his eyebrows and said in surprise: "Squirting on a sunny day?"

Xue Zijin nodded: "It's a sunny day."

As the saying goes, fire and water are the most ruthless.

Compared with the snow/hail system, which is weak on the defensive end, and the sandstorm, which focuses on joint defense, there is no doubt that the two types of weather, sunny and rainy, are more suitable for one's command.

The two kinds of weather, sunny and rainy, are not only in conflict with each other. If the command is appropriate, they can completely complement each other.

But in any case, trying to integrate sunny days into rainy days is undoubtedly a bold move.

Meng Yiran remained expressionless: "Who taught you how to build a lineup like this?" Xue Zijin smiled and said nothing, gently shook the folding fan and looked at the unconscious boy.

After a long while, Xue Zijin finally said: "I am also his old friend!"

Meng Yiran's mouth twitched.

Something seemed to be broken about the champion.

"The password doesn't match?"

Xue Zijin was slightly stunned, then frowned slightly.

"Shouldn't it be?"

"Cursed Body Surf Double Blockade" may not match the code.

Only with the secret code of "Fan Yu", he has always tried his best!
However, Xue Zijin immediately thought that the "Pokémon Battle" between Meng Yiran and Teacher Lu had only taken place a few months ago, and he felt a little relieved.

Well, if you are a newbie who has just entered the pit, it would be excusable!
The fire-breathing dragon and the Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird respectively marked two paths of clouds in the starry sky.

Lunala, the "Goddess of the Moon," stretched her wings and looked softly at Solgaleo and Su Yuan, guarding them quietly.

Su Yuan's breathing was gentle,

Solgaleo on one side has a Zygarde core cell body with rubies inlaid on his head.

After Ruby's confirmation, Su Yuan fell into a coma only because of excessive physical exertion. As long as he had a good rest, he would recover quickly.

The tense mood suddenly relaxed.

Lillie felt the heat on her neck that came from time to time, and a beautiful cherry red rose on her snow-white skin.

What a shameful gesture...

Lillie hugged Su Yuan, and her hands on her waist suddenly had no place to rest. She let out a sad cry in her heart, but she couldn't help lowering her eyes. Her off-white forehead hair fell down to hide it, and a few thin hairs crossed Su Yuan's face. He looked at Su Yuan's slightly pale profile.

The beating sound of the heart gradually became louder and louder.

Lillie's nervous expression suddenly softened. She brushed away the hair that fell on Su Yuan's face. The cherry red rose from her neck, making the small white jade earlobes even more adorable. She replaced Su Yuan's hair very carefully. a gesture.

The girl looked at the boy's face quietly, her mood gradually calmed down.

Little Z, who had regained his core form on top of the silver companion beast, expressed his dissatisfaction to Gladion.

You were also taking care of a weak and comatose "patient", so you just threw Mitsuki onto the back of the Ginban Battlemon and let it go? ?

Gladion's eyes twitched, and he turned to look at Lillie, who was pillowing Su Yuan on his lap. He said with complicated emotions: "Do you also want me to take care of Meiyue like this?"

Little Z's voice paused.

I imagined the scene in my mind for a while and shook my head suddenly.

Lunala suddenly looked at him and nodded in greeting.

"Thank you for your intervention, Zygarde."

Little Z "hummed" twice, exchanged glances with Lunayara, and raised his head proudly.

Look at the pair of conspicuous and abrupt nostrils.

Lunala was speechless, and her impression of Zygarde changed slightly.

Ruby raised her eyebrows, jumped on top of Little Nebula's head, and then on Lunala's head, and said unconvinced: "Why do you want to thank it!?"

Obviously I am the one who contributes the most!
Ruby curled her lips, sulking secretly.

It can't tell the truth and directly confront this core body named "Ruby". Compared with it, does the other core body seem more reliable?

That would be a little too hurtful.

Lunala's eyes were full of softness and lifeless, and she allowed this core body named "Ruby" to "play nonsense" on her head.

After all, he is his child's friend, so it is okay to be more willful.

"System prompt: Invite the moon beast Lunayala to greatly improve her motherhood!"

Finally, it was Little Nebula who noticed Gladion and gently tugged on Lillie's cuffs.

Look in the direction of the small nebula.

Lillie first exclaimed "Hey", her voice stuttering: "Brother, brother, brother, brother!?"


Like a sharp arrow piercing the heart.

Gladion covered his chest.

So Lillie, you never noticed me before?
Although the situation at that time was indeed excusable, Gladion could not help but feel depressed.

Just when he was about to say something casually to Lillie.

But he saw Lillie, who was clearly in a state of "chaos", her face flushed, a cloud of white air puffing up from her head, her hands making random strokes in the air, and she almost lifted up her skirt, trying to hide Su Yuan under her skirt. Down.

Luckily for Lillie, the chaos hasn't reached that level yet.

Otherwise this book would not have been written.

Gladion knew that his sister had always been shy, but she wasn't so shy, right?


Gladion turned around and smiled in relief: "Isn't it enough to confirm that Lillie is not injured?"

The sound of footsteps "ta-da" sounded.

Suddenly, Lillie's call came from behind.

"Brother!" Lillie put her left hand on her chest. Little Nebula was very considerate in isolating Su Yuan's voice. Lillie continued to shout: "Today I recalled the past and recalled my father's teachings!"

Gladion stopped and recalled what Su Yuan had asked Mitsuki to tell him.

Lillie was still young when her father disappeared, and due to her mother's orders, it stands to reason that she could not remember her father's affairs clearly.

"Is it the dream-inducing tapir from Zaobo?"

The "hypnotism" of the tapir in the dream can indeed make people recall things they have forgotten.

Gladion captured Lillie's words in subtle ways.

"Have you recalled your father's previous teachings?" Gladion put one hand in his pocket, raised the corners of his mouth, and looked up at the sky, with a glimmer of light flashing through his eyes.

Since Lillie herself has already recalled her father's teachings, there is no need for me to preach them again.

"Brother, this time, I will not give up and continue to look for my father!"

Lillie's voice continued to come from behind.

Gladion looked at the sky, and the moon reflected his father's face in his memory. Gladion looked pleased and said in a slightly hoarse voice: "Father, Lillie has grown up now."

She is no longer the crying little girl in your memory.

So it's about time you go home and take a look.

After regaining control of my emotions.

Gladion turned his back to Lillie and waved his hand gracefully. A hint of coldness flashed in his eyes on his stern face.

Team Skeleton, and the "Aether Foundation"!
Today's mother has embarked on a path that goes against the will of her father and her former self.

Collude with the Skeleton Team to snatch Pokémon from others and conduct in-vivo research experiments.
Gladion looked at the picture on the phone screen. The Ether Foundation's official announcement had shifted all responsibility to Zaobao.

As for the whereabouts of Zaobo himself, the Ether Foundation announced that his life and death are unknown. He was last seen at the Sun Altar and is most likely dead.

"Tonight's incident may indeed be caused by Zaobo on the surface, but behind the scenes, is it really without mother's help?" Gladion murmured, and the Silver Companion Beast disappeared from the end of the field of vision. .

"Mother, Lillie said, she will be responsible for finding father."

"Then it's up to me to pull you back on the right track when you're on the wrong path!!"

(End of this chapter)

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